Increasing Tolerance Agrostis Stolonifera, Festuca Rubra, Brachycome Iberidifolia, Chrysanthemum Carinatum to Copper

Evgen Aleksandrovich Gladkov ◽  
Ilina Igorevna Tashlieva ◽  
Yuliya Ivanovna Dolgikh ◽  
Olga Victorovna Gladkova
1988 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 233-238 ◽  
Jean M. Dixon ◽  
David J. Hambler

Plant communities produced experimentally in twometres' square plots on the rubble-covered floor of a limestone quarry showed changes in the cover values that were attributable to the sown grass and to immigrant mosses over a period of three years. Cover values for the mosses were lower in summer than in the following autumn over two cycles, whilst the cover that was attributable to the sown grass, a non-rhizomatous cultivar of Festuca rubra, did not follow a clear pattern. No evidence of directional change was found; this suggests a stable coexistence of the grass with mosses. It is suggested that one property of such a community will be a differentiation of regeneration niches which are favourable to an increase of diversity through immigration.Episodic persistent flooding and consequent deposition of colloidal limestone on well-established and diversifying vegetation, followed by a single catastrophic incident of compression by the tyres of heavy vehicles, resulted in the loss of F. rubra and mosses, and the ascendency of a perennial survivor (Agrostis stolonifera).

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 295-314 ◽  
Imre Kádár

Egy műtrágyázási tartamkísérlet 32. évében, 2005-ben vizsgáltuk az eltérő N-, P- és K-ellátottsági szintek és kombinációik hatását a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis) vezérnövényű, nyolckomponensű, pillangós nélküli gyepkeverék termésére, fejlődésére és elemtartalmára. A termőhely mészlepedékes csernozjom talaja a szántott rétegben mintegy 3% humuszt, 3–5% CaCO3-ot és 20–22% agyagot tartalmazott, N és K elemekben közepesen, P és Zn elemekben gyengén ellátottnak minősült. A kísérlet 4N×4P×4K = 64 kezelést×2 ismétlést = 128 parcellát foglalt magában. A talajvíz 13–15 m mélyen helyezkedik el, a terület aszályérzékeny. A vizsgált 2005. évben azonban kielégítő mennyiségű (649 mm) csapadék hullott és annak eloszlása is kedvező volt. A gyep telepítése spenót elővetemény után 2000. szeptember 20-án történt gabona sortávra 60 kg·ha–1 vetőmaggal, amelynek 25%-át (15 kg) a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis); 21–21%-át (12,6 kg) a nádképű csenkesz (Festuca arundinacea) és az angol perje (Lolium perenne); 9%-át (5,4 kg) a taréjos búzafű (Agropyron cristatum), valamint 6–6%-át (3,6 kg) a vörös csenkesz (Festuca rubra), a réti komócsin (Phleum pratense), a zöld pántlikafű (Phalaris arundinacea) és a csomós ebír (Dactylis glomerata) tette ki. Főbb eredményeink: – A meghatározó N-trágyázás nyomán a szénatermés 5-szörösére emelkedett a két kaszálással a N-kontrollhoz viszonyítva. A maximális 10 t·ha–1 körüli légszáraz szénahozamokat a 300 kg N·ha–1·év–1 N-adag, valamint a 150 mg·kg–1 körüli AL-P2O5-, illetve 150 mg·kg–1 feletti AL-K2O-tartalom biztosította. Növénydiagnosztikai szempontból a nagy terméshez kötődő optimális elemtartalom 2% körüli N- és K-, illetve 0,2–0,3% P-koncentráció volt a szénában. – A két kaszálással felvett minimum (a 2 t·ha–1 körüli szénatermést adó N-kontroll) és maximum (a 10 t·ha–1 körüli szénahozamú, nitrogénnel és PK-vel jól ellátott talajok) elemmennyiségek a következőképpen alakultak: N 21–196 kg, K 39–188 kg, Ca 9–48 kg, Mg 4–22 kg, P 6–21 kg. – Az N×P és N×K kölcsönhatások kifejezettebbé váltak a 2. kaszálás idején. A P 0,18–0,55%, a NO3-N 86–1582 mg·kg–1, a Cu 4,7–7,4 mg·kg–1, a Mo 0,7–4,1 mg·kg–1 extrém értékeket jelzett az N×P kezelések függvényében. Az N×K kezelésekben a K 1,44–2,73%, a Mg 0,26–0,39%, a Na 71–2178 mg·kg–1, a Ba 4,1–9,6 mg·kg–1, a Cd 15–44 µg·kg–1 szélsőértékekkel volt jellemezhető. A Sr a 10–26 mg·kg–1 koncentrációtartományban módosult a P×K-ellátottság nyomán. Élettani, takarmányozástani szempontból az indukált kölcsönhatások nyomon követése elengedhetetlen, amennyiben olyan mérvű tápelemhiányok, illetve aránytalanságok jöhetnek létre, melyek anyagcserezavarokat okozhatnak a növényt fogyasztó állatban.

2008 ◽  
pp. 39-61 ◽  
E. E. Kuljugina

The paper deals with the syntaxonomy of vegetation on the sandy outcrops in the Pechora (Malozemelskaya and Bolshezemelskaya) tundra. The vegetation was classified using the Brown-Blanke approach. Communities were referred to 3 associations: Arctostaphylo alpini—Empetretum hermaphroditi (Zinserling 1935) Koroleva 1994, Elymo—Festucetum arenariae (Regel 1923) Nordhagen 1955 and Rumici graminifoliae—Festucetum sabulosae ass. nov. Five new variants were suggested within the first association and 2 subassociations and 4 variants within the last one. Syntaxon description and phytocoenological tables are presented. The vegetation on each sandy outcrops represents a complex of communities fragmentary located on the scars area. Subass. inops of ass. Rumici graminifoliae—Festucetum sabulosae is more common in the Ortina river basin and occurs at the bottom of blowing hollows. Syntaxa of ass. Elymo—Festucetum arenariae and var. Festuca rubra of ass. Rumici graminifoliae—Festucetum sabulosae are situated at the mobile sands in the central part, while var. Arctous alpina of ass. Rumici graminifoliae—Festucetum sabulosae occurs on a periphery of out­crops where substratum is stable. The variants inops and typicum of ass. Arctostaphylo alpini—Empetretum hermaphroditi occuring in the Sedujyakha river basin occur mostly in the centre of sandy outcrops, and the other ones can be met on their periphery. Ecological conditions determine poor diversity of syntaxa of the association level. Geographical position (the Sedujyakha river basin belongs to the northern hypoarctic tundras, the Ortina river basin — to the southern hypoarctic ones), geomorphology (in the first site — tops of hills and ridges, in the second one — watershed areas) and area of sandy outcrops (200—3000 m2 for the first and 61000—418000 m2 for the second site respectively) are the reasons for the less diverse communities found in each study site. A great number of variants is conditioned by succession stages of vegetation and instability of the substrates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 140
Ruying Wang ◽  
Simin Luo ◽  
Bruce B. Clarke ◽  
Faith C. Belanger

Strong creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra subsp. rubra) is a commercially important low-maintenance turfgrass and is often naturally infected with the fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae. Epichloë spp. are endophytes of several cool-season grass species, often conferring insect resistance to the grass hosts due to the production of toxic alkaloids. In addition to insect resistance, a unique feature of the strong creeping red fescue/E. festucae symbiosis is the endophyte-mediated disease resistance to the fungal pathogen Clarireedia jacksonii, the causal agent of dollar spot disease. Such disease resistance is not a general feature of other grass/ Epichloë interactions. E. festucae isolates infecting red fescue have an antifungal protein gene Efe-afpA, whereas most other Epichloë spp. do not have a similar gene. The uniqueness of this gene suggests it may, therefore, be a component of the unique disease resistance seen in endophyte-infected red fescue. Here, we report the generation of CRISPR-Cas9 Efe-afpA gene knockouts with the goal of determining if absence of the protein in endophyte-infected Festuca rubra leads to disease susceptibility. However, it was not possible to infect plants with the knockout isolates, although infection was possible with the wild type E. festucae and with complemented isolates. This raises the interesting possibility that, in addition to having antifungal activity, the protein is required for the symbiotic interaction. The antifungal protein is a small secreted protein with high expression in planta relative to its expression in culture, all characteristics consistent with effector proteins. If Efe-AfpA is an effector protein it must be specific to certain interactions, since most Epichloë spp. do not have such a gene in their genomes.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. 2559
Maja Radziemska ◽  
Zygmunt M. Gusiatin ◽  
Jiri Holatko ◽  
Tereza Hammerschmiedt ◽  
Andrzej Głuchowski ◽  

In recent years, a lot of attention has been given to searching for new additives which will effectively facilitate the process of immobilizing contaminants in the soil. This work considers the role of the enhanced nano zero valent iron (nZVI) strategy in the phytostabilization of soil contaminated with potentially toxic elements (PTEs). The experiment was carried out on soil that was highly contaminated with PTEs derived from areas in which metal waste had been stored for many years. The plants used comprised a mixture of grasses—Lolium perenne L. and Festuca rubra L. To determine the effect of the nZVI on the content of PTEs in soil and plants, the samples were analyzed using flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). The addition of nZVI significantly increased average plant biomass (38%), the contents of Cu (above 2-fold), Ni (44%), Cd (29%), Pb (68%), Zn (44%), and Cr (above 2-fold) in the roots as well as the soil pH. The addition of nZVI, on the other hand, was most effective in reducing the Zn content of soil when compared to the control series. Based on the investigations conducted, the application of nZVI to soil highly contaminated with PTEs is potentially beneficial for the restoration of polluted lands.

2003 ◽  
Vol 256 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-137 ◽  
Jian Feng Ma ◽  
Hirohito Ueno ◽  
Daise Ueno ◽  
Adamo Domenico Rombolà ◽  
Takashi Iwashita

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