Wechsler Memory Scale (All Versions)

Hillary Hurst
2015 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-16 ◽  
Anja C. Lepach ◽  
Wiebke Reimers ◽  
Franz Pauls ◽  
Franz Petermann ◽  
Monika Daseking

Diese Studie untersucht die Zusammenhänge von Intelligenz- und Gedächtnisleistungen in der Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV und der Wechsler Memory Scale-IV unter Berücksichtigung des Geschlechts (N = 137 Gesunde, 63 w/74 m). Ein Vorteil der weiblichen Testpersonen im verbalen episodischen Gedächtnis sowie in einzelnen Aufgaben zur Verarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit konnte beobachtet werden. Die männlichen Testpersonen schnitten in den Untertests Allgemeines Wissen und Visuelle Puzzles besser ab. Wie gut Gedächtnisleistungen Intelligenzleistungen erklären beziehungsweise vorhersagen, ist aufgrund unserer Ergebnisse nicht nur abhängig von den Aufgaben, sondern auch vom Geschlecht.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 89-97 ◽  
Sebastian Bodenburg

Negative Antwortverzerrungen werden quantitativ mit expliziten Beschwerdenvalidierungstests oder mit eingebetteten Parametern untersucht. Es wird die Kriteriumsvalidität der Standardabweichung von Reaktionszeiten als eingebetteter Parameter zur Untersuchung negativer Antwortverzerrungen überprüft. In die Studie wurden 26 Frauen und 65 Männer mit Schädelhirnverletzungen einbezogen. Abhängige Variable war die Standardabweichung der Reaktionszeiten (Untertest Alertness, Testbatterie zur Aufmerksamkeitsprüfung). Prädiktorvariablen in der multivariaten Kovarianzanalyse waren das Alter der Probanden und folgende Testrohwerte: Trail Making Test (Formen A und B), Parameter GSI der Symptomcheckliste, Untertest Zahlennachsprechen vorwärts aus der Wechsler Memory Scale, Strukturierter Fragebogen Simulierter Symptome, der mittlere Wert der in Prozentzahlen ausgedrückten richtigen Antworten der Parameter IR, DR und CNS des Word Memory Tests (WMT), das Geschlecht der Probanden sowie die dichotomisierte Gruppierung von Patienten mit oder ohne klinisch fassbaren Auffälligkeiten der Aufmerksamkeit. Von den Prädiktorvariablen stellte sich allein der mittlere Wert der in Prozent ausgedrückten richtigen Antworten des WMT als signifikant heraus. Probanden mit einer geringen Anzahl richtiger Antworten im WMT zeigten größere Standardabweichungen. Alle weiteren einbezogenen Prädiktoren – insbesondere beide Aufmerksamkeitsparameter – hatten in Bezug auf die Standardabweichungen keinen signifikanten Einfluss.

2002 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-77 ◽  
Anastasia Efklides ◽  
Efterpi Yiultsi ◽  
Theopisti Kangellidou ◽  
Fotini Kounti ◽  
Fotini Dina ◽  

Summary: The Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS) is a laboratory-based memory test that has been criticized for its lack of ecological validity and for not testing long-term memory. A more recent memory test, which aims at testing everyday memory, is the Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test (RBMT); it tests prospective memory and other forms of memory not tapped by WMS. However, even this test does not capture all aspects of everyday memory problems often reported by adults. These problems are the object of the Everyday Memory Questionnaire (EMQ). This study aimed at identifying the relationships between these three memory tests. The differential effect of Alzheimer's disease (AD) on the above relationships was also studied. The sample consisted of 233 healthy adults (20 to 75+ years of age) and 39 AD patients (50 to 75 years of age). Confirmatory factor analysis revealed the following latent factors: Verbal Memory, Visual Reconstruction, Orientation, Message (action embedded in spatial context), Visual Recognition, Spatial Memory, New Learning/Association Forming, Prospective/Episodic Memory, and Metamemory. These first-order factors were further explained by two second-order factors: Semantic Memory and Coordination of Semantic and Visuo-Spatial Memory. This basic structure was preserved in the sample of AD patients, although AD patients performed less well on the WMS and the RBMT. Some interesting findings regarding semantic memory, face recognition, and metamemory in AD patients are also reported. Age, education, but no gender effects on memory performance were also detected.

Jeri Morris ◽  
Laura Glass Umfleet ◽  
Joseph J. Ryan ◽  
Sheena Czipri ◽  
Stephanie Herst ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 154596832110010
Margaret A. French ◽  
Matthew L. Cohen ◽  
Ryan T. Pohlig ◽  
Darcy S. Reisman

Background There is significant variability in poststroke locomotor learning that is poorly understood and affects individual responses to rehabilitation interventions. Cognitive abilities relate to upper extremity motor learning in neurologically intact adults, but have not been studied in poststroke locomotor learning. Objective To understand the relationship between locomotor learning and retention and cognition after stroke. Methods Participants with chronic (>6 months) stroke participated in 3 testing sessions. During the first session, participants walked on a treadmill and learned a new walking pattern through visual feedback about their step length. During the second session, participants walked on a treadmill and 24-hour retention was assessed. Physical and cognitive tests, including the Fugl-Meyer-Lower Extremity (FM-LE), Fluid Cognition Composite Score (FCCS) from the NIH Toolbox -Cognition Battery, and Spatial Addition from the Wechsler Memory Scale-IV, were completed in the third session. Two sequential regression models were completed: one with learning and one with retention as the dependent variables. Age, physical impairment (ie, FM-LE), and cognitive measures (ie, FCCS and Spatial Addition) were the independent variables. Results Forty-nine and 34 participants were included in the learning and retention models, respectively. After accounting for age and FM-LE, cognitive measures explained a significant portion of variability in learning ( R2 = 0.17, P = .008; overall model R2 = 0.31, P = .002) and retention (Δ R2 = 0.17, P = .023; overall model R2 = 0.44, P = .002). Conclusions Cognitive abilities appear to be an important factor for understanding locomotor learning and retention after stroke. This has significant implications for incorporating locomotor learning principles into the development of personalized rehabilitation interventions after stroke.

2016 ◽  
Vol 49 (6) ◽  
pp. 533
Nísea De A. Corrêa ◽  
Maria P. Foss ◽  
Paula R. B. Diniz

Objetivo: Verificar as alterações estruturais e funcionais, evidenciadas através da imagem por ressonância magnética, relacionadas aos déficits de memória identificados em idosos normais, quando comparados a adultos jovens. Metodologia: Procedeu-se à revisão sistemática, cujo protocolo obedeceu ao fluxograma do Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA). Foram investigadas as bases de dados PubMed, Scopus, EBSCO, utilizando o gerenciador de referências JabRef, na versão 2.10, e o Web of Science, pelo website. Foram incluídos artigos de estudos quase experimentais, transversais, em coorte ou tipo caso-controle, publicados entre 2005 e 2014, em periódicos indexados nacionais e internacionais, cuja amostra incluísse idosos a partir de 60 anos, não dementes, submetidos à investigação de alterações estruturais e funcionais do sistema nervoso central, por ressonância magnética e sua associação com déficits de memória avaliados por testes neuropsicológicos. Resultados: Quanto à técnica de imagem empregada, identificaram-se dois estudos com imagem por ressonância magnética estrutural, seis estudos com utilização de imagem por ressonância magnética funcional, e quatro estudos que empregaram ambas as técnicas. Nos 12 estudos foi identificado o emprego de 38 testes neuropsicológicos distintos, com uma média de cinco testes por estudo, com variação de um a 12 testes. Dentre os testes mais usados, estiveram o WAIS Digit Span Backwards (em sete estudos), o Trail Making Test A and B (em quatro estudos) e o Wechsler Memory Scale (em quatro estudos). Conclusão: Os estudos demonstraram que no envelhecimento normal, ocorre redução do volume de substância branca para-hipocampal, do volume do hipocampo e do córtex entorrinal com redução de memória verbal, possivelmente por desmielinização das fibras; redução das vias que ligam o lobo temporal e frontal, contribuindo para a redução da memória episódica, da memória de trabalho e da fluência verbal; redução da supressão de informações irrelevantes, o que contribui para menor registro de informação; alterações das áreas frontal e parietal que comprometem a memória de reconhecimento; modificações na atividade e na conectividade do default mode network; reorganização das funções cognitivas, bem como alentecimento de resposta por provável redução de ativação do córtex pré- frontal

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (6) ◽  
pp. 334-341 ◽  
Tina Gooren ◽  
Peter Schlattmann ◽  
Peter Neu

ObjectiveEven though cognitive deficits are well recognised in schizophrenia and depression, direct comparisons between the disorders are scarce in literature. This study aims to assess specificity and degree of cognitive deficits in inpatients with acute schizophrenia and unipolar major depression.MethodsA neuropsychological test battery was administered to 76 schizophrenic patients, 102 patients with unipolar major depression and 85 healthy controls (HCs), assessing verbal learning [Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT)], processing speed (Trail Making Test), verbal fluency and visual memory (Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised test).ResultsBoth patient groups were significantly impaired compared with HCs with regard to all test outcomes. The schizophrenia group (SG) performed significantly worse in the Wechsler Memory Scale and verbal fluency than the depression group (DG). The DG reached significantly lower scores than the SG in the RAVLT delayed recall subtest. No significant group difference between SG and DG was found for the Trail Making Test and the RAVLT direct recall trails.ConclusionOur results indicate that cognitive impairment is present in both disorders. Schizophrenic patients performed worse than patients with unipolar depression in only two of the administered tests. Differences in cognitive performance between the groups are not as general as often assumed. Therefore, during the acute phase of illness, a diagnostic classification on the grounds of the patients’ neurocognitive performance has to be done with caution.

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