Contrasting impacts of invasive engineers on freshwater ecosystems: an experiment and meta-analysis

Oecologia ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 158 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-686 ◽  
Shin-ichiro S. Matsuzaki ◽  
Nisikawa Usio ◽  
Noriko Takamura ◽  
Izumi Washitani
2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-17 ◽  
M Jobard ◽  
I Wawrzyniak ◽  
G Bronner ◽  
D Marie ◽  
A Vellet ◽  

Abstract Studies on freshwater Perkinsea are scarce compared to their marine counterparts; they are therefore not well ecologically characterized. In this study, we investigated the diversity, distribution and ecological role of Perkinsea in freshwater ecosystems. Our approach included (1) the phylogenetic analyses of near full-length SSU and LSU sequences of freshwater Perkinsea, (2) a meta-analysis of public Perkinsea 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequences available from the freshwater environments (25 lakes, 4 rivers), (3) microscopic observations of Perkinsea associated with planktonic communities and (4) single amplified genome analysis. Whereas Perkinsea appear to be rare in river ecosystems (85 reads), they are found in almost all of the lakes studied. However, their diversity does vary considerably between lakes (from 0 to 2 463 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs)). Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Parvilucifera/Dinovorax/Snorkelia and Perkinsus/Xcellia/Gadixcellia clades resulted from an initial speciation event. This second clade is further split into well-supported, monophyletic groups, including a clade dominated by freshwater representatives, which is further structured into three distinct subclades: freshwater clade 1, freshwater clade 2 and a freshwater and brackish clade. The Perkinsea Single Amplified Genome (SAG) as well as most of the abundant Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) fall into freshwater clade 2. The tyramide signal amplification-fluorescent in situ hybridization method showed an internal association between Perkinsea and the colonial phytoplankton Sphaerocystis. The Single Amplified Genome (SAG) annotation contained 698 genes and gene ontology terms could be assigned to 486 protein-coding genes. Although the number of genes appears to be low (10.6% of the entire gene set assessed by BUSCO), the analysis of the proteome revealed some putative secreted virulence factors. This study showed a large distribution of Perkinsea across lake ecosystems and potential parasitic association with phytoplankton. However, further investigations are needed for a better knowledge on the role of these microorganisms in freshwater ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Amy Gault

<p><b>In New Zealand, recent policy changes require freshwater managers to take more comprehensive and integrated approaches to monitoring and maintaining ecosystem health. To attempt to prevent and reverse the adverse effects of land use change on freshwater ecosystems, management decisions need to be based upon a suite of indicators each with a strong foundation of knowledge regarding the nature of responses at a national scale. Monitoring ecosystem function in addition to structural indicators has long been suggested to provide a more accurate and holistic narrative of ecosystem health, however, it has yet to be adopted in routine bioassessment. The cotton strip assay has shown promise as a consistent, relatively cheap, and repeatable method for monitoring freshwater ecosystem function, indicating the ecological processing rates of riverine microbial communities and the organic matter processing potential of riverine environments. Numerous regional-scale studies have applied the cotton strip assay in New Zealand, but these data have yet to be explored in unison. For managers to successfully monitor, manage, and restore ecological processes in river environments, a comprehensive understanding of the proximate drivers of cotton breakdown is needed. The aim of this study is to conduct a meta-analysis of cotton strip assay data to explore the relationship between river function and other measures of ecosystem health and land-use stressors at a national scale.</b></p> <p>I collated published and unpublished cotton strip data to create a meta-dataset, with measures harmonised by deployment time and temperature for more meaningful comparisons at a national scale. I sourced additional data from national databases describing water quality and physical river classification information for more comprehensive, higher resolution analyses. I then used the meta-dataset was to investigate the nature of cotton decomposition responses along varying levels of impairment across different seasonal conditions and spatial catchment attributes. </p> <p>I used linear mixed-effects models to determine the relationships between cotton decomposition and physicochemical predictor variables, along with any additional influence attributed to underlying spatial variation across sites. Results suggest that bioavailable nutrients and water clarity are the largest drivers in cotton breakdown rates at a national scale. Water temperature and seasonal conditions emerged as likely limiting factors on microbial activity and cotton breakdown, indicating that consistent intra-seasonal monitoring is advisable. Climate and underlying geology can also be important when looking to discriminate underlying catchment variation and should be incorporated when making larger scale comparisons. Relationships with land use were found to be non-linear and likely to have too many co-varying factors enacting influence on cotton breakdown rates to be successful predictive gradients. Breakdown responses were, however, most consistent under high levels of vegetation cover, and high variability in responses in more urban and pastoral developed catchments. The assays’ sensitivity to nutrient enrichment at a national scale could aid in informing management policies with respect to nutrient limits, and the setting of natural ecosystem processing benchmarks.</p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (NA) ◽  
pp. 15-41 ◽  
K.E. Smokorowski ◽  
T.C. Pratt

Aquatic resource managers are continually faced with construction or site development proposals which, if allowed to proceed, would ultimately alter the physical structure and cover of fish habitat. In the absence of clear quantitative guidelines linking the change in habitat to fish, resource managers often use the change in habitat area as a basis for decisions. To assess the weight of scientific evidence in support of management decisions, we summarized both the observational and experimental freshwater fish-habitat literature. We then extracted data from experimental studies (where possible) for inclusion in a meta-analysis, to provide a more rigorous assessment of the published results of experimental habitat manipulations. We found relatively strong and consistent correlational evidence linking fish and physical habitat features, yet inconsistent evidence when narratively reviewing the experimental literature. On the whole, decreases in structural habitat complexity are detrimental to fish diversity and can change species composition. Increases in structural complexity showed increases, decreases, or no measurable changes in species and (or) communities. The majority of our meta-analyses resulted in supporting a direct link between habitat and fish abundance or biomass, with fish biomass responding most strongly to habitat change. Habitat alterations are most likely to affect individual species or community structure, and thus evaluating the extent of the effect on a biological basis depends on management objectives.

2021 ◽  
Amy Gault

<p><b>In New Zealand, recent policy changes require freshwater managers to take more comprehensive and integrated approaches to monitoring and maintaining ecosystem health. To attempt to prevent and reverse the adverse effects of land use change on freshwater ecosystems, management decisions need to be based upon a suite of indicators each with a strong foundation of knowledge regarding the nature of responses at a national scale. Monitoring ecosystem function in addition to structural indicators has long been suggested to provide a more accurate and holistic narrative of ecosystem health, however, it has yet to be adopted in routine bioassessment. The cotton strip assay has shown promise as a consistent, relatively cheap, and repeatable method for monitoring freshwater ecosystem function, indicating the ecological processing rates of riverine microbial communities and the organic matter processing potential of riverine environments. Numerous regional-scale studies have applied the cotton strip assay in New Zealand, but these data have yet to be explored in unison. For managers to successfully monitor, manage, and restore ecological processes in river environments, a comprehensive understanding of the proximate drivers of cotton breakdown is needed. The aim of this study is to conduct a meta-analysis of cotton strip assay data to explore the relationship between river function and other measures of ecosystem health and land-use stressors at a national scale.</b></p> <p>I collated published and unpublished cotton strip data to create a meta-dataset, with measures harmonised by deployment time and temperature for more meaningful comparisons at a national scale. I sourced additional data from national databases describing water quality and physical river classification information for more comprehensive, higher resolution analyses. I then used the meta-dataset was to investigate the nature of cotton decomposition responses along varying levels of impairment across different seasonal conditions and spatial catchment attributes. </p> <p>I used linear mixed-effects models to determine the relationships between cotton decomposition and physicochemical predictor variables, along with any additional influence attributed to underlying spatial variation across sites. Results suggest that bioavailable nutrients and water clarity are the largest drivers in cotton breakdown rates at a national scale. Water temperature and seasonal conditions emerged as likely limiting factors on microbial activity and cotton breakdown, indicating that consistent intra-seasonal monitoring is advisable. Climate and underlying geology can also be important when looking to discriminate underlying catchment variation and should be incorporated when making larger scale comparisons. Relationships with land use were found to be non-linear and likely to have too many co-varying factors enacting influence on cotton breakdown rates to be successful predictive gradients. Breakdown responses were, however, most consistent under high levels of vegetation cover, and high variability in responses in more urban and pastoral developed catchments. The assays’ sensitivity to nutrient enrichment at a national scale could aid in informing management policies with respect to nutrient limits, and the setting of natural ecosystem processing benchmarks.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 288 (1959) ◽  
pp. 20211623
Malwina Schafft ◽  
Benjamin Wegner ◽  
Nora Meyer ◽  
Christian Wolter ◽  
Robert Arlinghaus

Human presence at water bodies can have a range of ecological impacts, creating trade-offs between recreation as an ecosystem service and conservation. Conservation policies could be improved by relying on robust knowledge about the relative ecological impacts of water-based recreation. We present the first global synthesis on recreation ecology in aquatic ecosystems, differentiating the ecological impacts of shore use, (shoreline) angling, swimming and boating. Impacts were assessed at three levels of biological organization (individuals, populations and communities) for several taxa. We screened over 13 000 articles and identified 94 suitable studies that met the inclusion criteria, providing 701 effect sizes. Impacts of boating and shore use resulted in consistently negative, significant ecological impacts across all levels of biological organization. The results were less consistent for angling and swimming. The strongest negative effects were observed in invertebrates and plants. Recreational impacts on birds were most pronounced at the individual level, but not significant at the community level. Due to publication bias and knowledge gaps, generalizations of the ecological impacts of aquatic recreation are challenging. Impacts depend less on the form of recreation. Thus, selectively constraining specific types of recreation may have little conservation value, as long as other forms of water-based recreation continue.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 180-189 ◽  
Michelle C. Jackson ◽  
Charlie J. G. Loewen ◽  
Rolf D. Vinebrooke ◽  
Christian T. Chimimba

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