Comparison of the Targeting Accuracy of Two Methods for Stereotactic Guidance to Target Points in the Brain

A. I. Kholyavin ◽  
V. A. Peskov
2016 ◽  
Vol 861 ◽  
pp. 293-298 ◽  
Zhe Li ◽  
Khoon Siong Ng ◽  
Tie Cheng Wu ◽  
Xiao Ping Li

Measuring deep brain neural activities with a microelectrode is of greatest importance in uncovering the mechanism of various brain disorders. In this operation, a microelectrode needs to be accurately inserted into deep the brain. However, a microelectrode of high flexibility would bend at encountering a layer of tough tissue during insertion, which would lead to deflection and impaired targeting accuracy. To deal with this problem, a rotational insertion method has been developed in this paper for deflection-free insertion. Rotation helps generate a dynamic anti-bending force to prevent buckling, and this force becomes larger with the increase of rotational speed. Thus, by controlling the rotational speed at which insertion is carried out, deflection-free insertion of a microelectrode deep into brain can be realized. The effectiveness of this method has been experimentally confirmed.

2021 ◽  
Moritz Dannhauer ◽  
Ziping Huang ◽  
Lysianne Beynel ◽  
Eleanor Wood ◽  
Noreen Bukhari-Parlakturk ◽  

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) offers possibilities to modulate function in regions of interest (ROI) in the brain via an induced electric field (E-field). The ROI E-field can be maximized using individualized computational head modeling to find an optimal scalp coil placement. We present a TMS targeting and analysis pipeline (TAP) software that uses an MRI/fMRI-derived brain target to optimize a coil placement considering experimental requirements such as subjects hair thickness and coil placement restriction. The coil placement optimization is implemented in SimNIBS 3.2 for which an additional graphical user interface (TargetingNavigator) is provided to visualize and adjust procedural parameters. The optimized coil placement information is prepared for neuronavigation software (Brainsight) which supports the targeting during the TMS experiment. The neuronavigation system can record the coil placement during the experiment and these data can be processed in TAP to evaluate retrospectively and visualize the TMS targeting accuracy.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 186
Mahmood Barani ◽  
Mahwash Mukhtar ◽  
Abbas Rahdar ◽  
Ghasem Sargazi ◽  
Anna Thysiadou ◽  

The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is the protective sheath around the brain that protects the sensitive microenvironments of the brain. However, certain pathogens, viruses, and bacteria disrupt the endothelial barrier and cause infection and hence inflammation in meninges. Macromolecular therapeutics are unable to cross the tight junctions, thereby limiting their bioavailability in the brain. Recently, nanotechnology has brought a revolution in the field of drug delivery in brain infections. The nanostructures have high targeting accuracy and specificity to the receptors in the case of active targeting, which have made them the ideal cargoes to permeate across the BBB. In addition, nanomaterials with biomimetic functions have been introduced to efficiently cross the BBB to be engulfed by the pathogens. This review focuses on the nanotechnology-based drug delivery approaches for exploration in brain infections, including meningitis. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, or, rarely, protozoa or parasites may be the cause of brain infections. Moreover, inflammation of the meninges, called meningitis, is presently diagnosed using laboratory and imaging tests. Despite attempts to improve diagnostic instruments for brain infections and meningitis, due to its complicated and multidimensional nature and lack of successful diagnosis, meningitis appears almost untreatable. Potential for overcoming the difficulties and limitations related to conventional diagnostics has been shown by nanoparticles (NPs). Nanomedicine now offers new methods and perspectives to improve our knowledge of meningitis and can potentially give meningitis patients new hope. Here, we review traditional diagnosis tools and key nanoparticles (Au-NPs, graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), QDs, etc.) for early diagnosis of brain infections and meningitis.

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