Some electrophysiological characteristics of insular cortex efferents to the amygdaloid central nucleus in awake rabbits

1987 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-294 ◽  
Jeffrey P. Pascoe ◽  
Bruce S. Kapp
2019 ◽  
Calvin Zhang-Molina ◽  
Matthew B Schmit ◽  
Haijiang Cai

SummaryCentral nucleus of amygdala (CeA) contains distinct populations of neurons that play opposing roles in feeding. The circuit mechanism of how CeA neurons process information sent from their upstream inputs to regulate feeding is still unclear. Here we show that activation of the neural pathway projecting from insular cortex neurons to CeA suppresses food intake. Surprisingly, we find that the inputs from insular cortex form excitatory connections with similar strength to all types of CeA neurons. To reconcile this puzzling result, and previous findings, we developed a conductance-based dynamical systems model for the CeA neuronal network. Computer simulations showed that both the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of individual CeA neurons and the overall synaptic organization of the CeA circuit play a functionally significant role in shaping the CeA neural dynamics. We successfully identified a specific CeA circuit structure that reproduces the desired circuit output consistent with existing experimentally observed feeding behaviors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 117 (27) ◽  
pp. 15967-15976 ◽  
Marie Barbier ◽  
Sandrine Chometton ◽  
Arnaud Pautrat ◽  
Carole Miguet-Alfonsi ◽  
Frédérique Datiche ◽  

The insular cortex (INS) is extensively connected to the central nucleus of the amygdala (CEA), and both regions send convergent projections into the caudal lateral hypothalamus (LHA) encompassing the parasubthalamic nucleus (PSTN). However, the organization of the network between these structures has not been clearly delineated in the literature, although there has been an upsurge in functional studies related to these structures, especially with regard to the cognitive and psychopathological control of feeding. We conducted tract-tracing experiments from the INS and observed a pathway to the PSTN region that runs parallel to the canonical hyperdirect pathway from the isocortex to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) adjacent to the PSTN. In addition, an indirect pathway with a relay in the central amygdala was also observed that is similar in its structure to the classic indirect pathway of the basal ganglia that also targets the STN. C-Fos experiments showed that the PSTN complex reacts to neophobia and sickness induced by lipopolysaccharide or cisplatin. Chemogenetic (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs [DREADD]) inhibition of tachykininergic neurons (Tac1) in the PSTN revealed that this nucleus gates a stop “no-eat” signal to refrain from feeding when the animal is subjected to sickness or exposed to a previously unknown source of food. Therefore, our anatomical findings in rats and mice indicate that the INS-PSTN network is organized in a similar manner as the hyperdirect and indirect basal ganglia circuitry. Functionally, the PSTN is involved in gating feeding behavior, which is conceptually homologous to the motor no-go response of the adjacent STN.

2017 ◽  
Jiahao Ye ◽  
Pierre Veinante

AbstractThe central extended amygdala (EAc) is a forebrain macrosystem which has been widely implicated in fear, anxiety and pain. Its two key structures, the lateral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (STL) and the central nucleus of amygdala (CeA), share similar mesoscale connectivity. However, it is not known whether they also share similar cell-specific neuronal circuits. We addressed this question using tract-tracing and immunofluorescence to reveal the connectivity of two neuronal populations expressing either protein kinase C delta (PKCδ) or somatostatin (SOM). PKCδ and SOM are expressed predominantly in the dorsal part of STL (STLD) and in the lateral/capsular parts of CeA (CeL/C). We found that, in both STLD and CeL/C, PKCδ+ cells are the main recipient of extra-EAc inputs from the external lateral part of the parabrachial nucleus (LPBE), while SOM+ cells are the sources of long-range projections to extra-EAc targets, including LPBE and periaqueductal gray. PKCδ+ cells can also integrate inputs from posterior basolateral nucleus of amygdala or insular cortex. Within EAc, PKCδ+, but not SOM+ neurons, serve as the major source of projections to the ventral part of STL and to the medial part of CeA. However, both cell types mediate interconnections between STLD and CeL/C. These results unveil the pivotal positions of PKCδ and SOM neurons in organizing parallel cell-specific neuronal circuits of CeA and STL, which further support the idea of EAc as a structural and functional macrostructure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 64 (Suppl.1) ◽  
pp. 81-82

Susan P. Travers ◽  
Alan C. Spector

Gustatory signals from the mouth travel to the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract (rNST) over the VIIth (anterior tongue and palate) and IXth (posterior tongue) cranial nerves and synapse in the central subdivision in an overlapping orotopic pattern. Oral somatosensory information likewise reaches rNST, preferentially terminating in the lateral subdivision. Two additional rNST subdivisions, the medial and ventral, receive only sparse primary afferent inputs. Ascending pathways arise primarily from the central subdivision; local reflex and intranuclear pathways originate from the other subdivisions. Thus, parallel processing is already evident at the first central nervous system (CNS) relay. Ascending rNST taste fibers connect to the pontine parabrachial nucleus (PBN), strongly terminating in the ventral lateral (VL) and medial subnuclei (M) of the waist region but also in the external lateral (EL) and medial (EM) subnuclei. PBN projections travel along two main routes. A “lemniscal” processing stream connects to the thalamic taste relay, the parvicellular division of the ventroposteromedial nucleus (VPMpc), which in turn projects to insular cortex. A second, “limbic” pathway synapses in the lateral hypothalamus (LH), central nucleus of the amygdala (CeA), bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), and substantia innominata (SI). The ventral tegmental area (VTA), a critical nucleus in the so-called reward circuit, also receives input from the gustatory PBN. Forebrain gustatory structures are interconnected and give rise to copious feedback pathways. Single-neuron recording and calcium imaging demonstrates that taste response profiles in both the peripheral nerves and CNS lemniscal structures are highly orderly. Arguably, a limited number of neuron “types” are defined by the qualitative class of compounds (sugars, sweeteners, amino acids, sodium salts, acids and non-sodium salts, “bitter”) that elicit the largest response in a cell. In the periphery and NST, some findings suggest these classes correspond to distinct molecular phenotypes and functions, but evidence for a cortical chemotopic organization is highly controversial. CNS neuron types are complicated by convergence and lability as a function of homeostatic, cognitive, and experiential variables. Moreover, gustatory responses are dynamic, providing additional coding potential in the temporal domain. Interestingly, taste responses in the limbic pathway are particularly plastic and code for hedonics more obviously than quality. Studies in decerebrate rats reveal that the brainstem is sufficient to maintain appropriate oromotor and somatic responses, referred to as taste reactivity, to nutritive (sugars) and harmful (quinine) stimuli. However, forebrain processing is necessary for taste reactivity to be modulated by learning, at least with respect to taste aversion conditioning. Functional studies of the rodent cortex tell a complex story. Lesion studies in rats emphasize a considerable degree of residual function in animals lacking large regions of insular cortex despite demonstrating shifts in detection thresholds for certain, but not all, stimuli representing different taste qualities. They also have an impact on conditioned taste aversion. Investigations in mice employing optogenetic and chemogenetic manipulations suggest that different regions of insular cortex are critical for discriminating certain qualities and that their connections to the amygdala underlie their hedonic impact. The continued use of sophisticated behavioral experiments coordinated with molecular methods for monitoring and manipulating activity in defined neural circuits should ultimately yield satisfying answers to long-standing debates about the fundamental operation of the gustatory system.

2014 ◽  
Bradley Wetzell ◽  
Mirabella M. Muller ◽  
Jennifer L. Cobuzzi ◽  
Zachary E. Hurwitz ◽  
Kathleen Decicco-Skinner ◽  

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