The effect of fluoride toxicity on plasma enzymes of Oreochromis niloticus

2017 ◽  
Vol 280 ◽  
pp. S315
Hikmet Yeter Çoğun ◽  
Tuzun Aytekin ◽  
Özge Temiz ◽  
Hazal Sağ Varkal ◽  
Gülbin Gök Firidin ◽  
T. Guha ◽  
A. Q. Siddiqui ◽  
P. F. Prentis

Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, is an economically important fish in Saudi Arabia. Elucidation of reproductive biology of this species is necessary for successful breeding program. In this paper we describe fine structure of testicular sperm cells in O, niloticus.Testes from young adult fish were fixed in gluteraldehyde (2%) and osmium tetroxide (1%), both in cacodyl ate buffer. Specimens were processed in the conventional way for electron microscopy and thin sections of tissues (obtained by cutting the blocks with a diamond knife) were stained by ura- nyl acetate and lead citrate. These were examined in a Carl Zeiss electron microscope operated at 40 kV to 60 kV. Sperm cells were obtained from testes by squeezing them in cacodyl ate buffer. They were fixed in gluteraldehyde (2%) in the same buffer, air dried, gold coated and then examined in a Philips scanning electron microscope (SEM) operated at 25kV.The spermatozoon of O. niloticus is consisting of head, midpiece and tail (Fig. 1).

T. Guha ◽  
A. Q. Siddiqui ◽  
P. F. Prentis

The Primary Spermatocytes represent a stage in spermatogenesis when the first meiotic cell division occurs. They are derived from Spermatogonium or Stem cell through mitotic division. At the zygotene phase of meiotic prophase the Synaptonemal complex appears in these cells in the space between the paired homologous chromosomes. Spermatogenesis and sperm structure in fish have been studied at the electron microscope level in a few species? However, no work has yet been reported on ultrastructure of tilapia, O. niloticus, spermatozoa and spermatogenetic process. In this short communication we are reporting the Ultrastructure of Primary Spermatocytes in tilapia, O. niloticus, and the fine structure of synaptonemal complexes seen in the spermatocyte nuclei.

1979 ◽  
I. Fabian ◽  
M. Aronson

Heparin rebound is occasionally encountered following protamin sulfate administration for the neutralization of excess of heparin. in these situations the anticoagulatory properties of heparin are initially abolished, but within several hours the blood display again an increased clotting time. The purpose of this work was to try to reproduce the phenomenon under in vitro conditions, and to provide a working hypothesis for its explanation. Under the condition used the following parameters were obtained (according to the APTT method): clotting time of untreated plasma 50-55 seconds; with the addition of 4 units heparin/ml plasma>3 minutes; and with the addition of 50-100 μg of protamin to the heparinized plasma the clotting time reverts to 50-55 seconds. It was, however, found that incubation of heparin-protamin complex with the plasma at 37° for several hours, reduced the effectivity of the protamin, in other words, a longer coagulation time was observed. Subsequently, we found by electrophoretical methods that (heparin bound) protamin is proteolitically degraded upon incubation in plasma, the anticoagulatory properties of the heparin remaining intact. in summary, our results are compatible with the hypothesis that heparin rebound can be explained by the degradation of protamin by plasma enzymes and the release of this newly available heparin Into the circulation. The importance of this phenomenon in conjunction with other observations previously described by us are discussed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Rosmawati Rosmawati ◽  
Reza Samsudin

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis asam formiat dan propionat yang tepat pada pembuatan silase darah yang dapat meningkatkan kecernaannya pada ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Rancangan percobaan pada penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah perlakuan kontrol (Darah tanpa disilase), silase dengan dosis asam foemiat dan propionat (3:0%; 2,25:0,75%; 1,5:1,5%; 0,75:2,25%; 0:3%). Ikan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ikan nila dengan bobot rata-rata 7,0 gram/ekor dengan padat tebar 20 ekor/akuarium. Parameter yang diamati yaitu nilai kecernaan protein, kecernaan lemak, kecernaan energi, dan kecernaan total. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pemberian dosis asam yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata (P<0,05) terhadap nilai kecernaan protein, kecernaan lemak, kecernaan energi, dan kecernaan total pada ikan nila. Perlakuan pemberian silase dengan dosis asam formiat dan propionat 1,5:1,5% dapat meningkatkan nilai kecernaannya pada ikan nila, dengan nilai kecernaan protein 94,66%, kecernaan lemak 88,71%, kecernaan energi 92,58%, dan kecernaan total 90,27%.Kata kunci : Silase darah, Asam formiat dan propionat, Kecernaan, Ikan Nila

PubVet ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Luis Arthur Rodrigues de Andrade ◽  
Tatiana Maslowa Pegado de Azevedo

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