Investigation of the effect of loading path and variation in material properties on robustness of the tube hydroforming process

2003 ◽  
Vol 133 (3) ◽  
pp. 276-281 ◽  
Muammer Koç
2008 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1110-1116 ◽  
Shu-hui Li ◽  
Bing Yang ◽  
Wei-gang Zhang ◽  
Zhong-qin Lin

Metals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1518
Yeong-Maw Hwang ◽  
Yau-Jiun Tsai

Manufacturing of irregular bellows with small corner radii and sharp angles is a challenge in tube hydroforming processes. Design of movable dies with an appropriate loading path is an alternative solution to obtain products with required geometrical and dimensional specifications. In this paper, a tube hydroforming process using a novel movable die design is developed to decrease the internal pressure and the maximal thinning ratio in the formed product. Two kinds of feeding types are proposed to make the maximal thinning ratio in the formed bellows as small as possible. A finite element simulation software “DEFORM 3D” is used to analyze the plastic deformation of the tube within the die cavity using the proposed movable die design. Forming windows for sound products using different feeding types are also investigated. Finally, tube hydroforming experiments of irregular bellows are conducted and experimental thickness distributions of the products are compared with the simulation results to validate the analytical modeling with the proposed movable die concept.

Reza Pourhamid ◽  
Ali Shirazi

In the present study, the Johnson-Cook damage model is proposed as a comprehensive damage criterion to predict all types of probable failures in tube hydroforming process. Also, the Johnson-Cook material model is used to predict the profile of hydroformed tubes and their dimensions. The validity of numerical results was verified using experimental results obtained in this study. Moreover, because of the importance of friction force in this process, existing between the tube and die, the friction coefficient is determined using the ring compression test, separately. The comparison of experimental and numerical results shows that Johnson-Cook damage model can predict all of the possible failures in tube hydroforming process correctly, both in terms of location and loading conditions. And this model does not predict any failure if, the tube is hydroformed perfectly. Additionally, it was cleared that the Johnson-Cook material model is a proper model to predict the profile of hydroformed tubes with remarkable accuracy. Also, it was found that the loading path and creation of a proper wrinkling have a determinative and vital role in the prosperity of the process.

2000 ◽  
G. T. Kridli ◽  
L. Bao ◽  
P. K. Mallick

Abstract The tube hydroforming process has been used in industry for several years to produce components such as exhaust manifolds. Recent advances in forming machines and machine control systems have allowed for the introduction and the implementation of the process to produce several automotive components, which were originally produced by the stamping process. Components such as side rails, engine cradles, space frames, and several others can be economically produced by tube hydroforming. The process involves forming a straight or a pre-bent tube into a die cavity using internal hydraulic pressure, which may be coupled with controlled axial feeding of the tube. One of the remaining challenges facing product and process engineers in designing hydroformed parts is the lack of an extensive knowledge base of the process. This includes a full understanding of the process mechanics and the effects of the material properties on the quality of the hydroformed product. This paper reports on the results of two dimensional plane strain finite element models of the tube hydroforming process, which were conducted using the commercial finite element code ABAQUS/Standard. The objective of the study is to examine the effects of material properties, die geometry, and frictional characteristics on the selection of the hydroforming process parameters. The paper discusses the effects of the strain-hardening exponent, friction coefficient at the die-workpiece interface, initial tube wall thickness, and die corner radii on the thickness distribution of the hydroformed tube.

2010 ◽  
Vol 102-104 ◽  
pp. 210-213
Lin Zhou ◽  
Xiao Min Cheng

To achieve smaller weight, stronger strength and higher stiffness, tube hydroforming is widely used in the industry. The front beam is analysed the front beam part is redesigned based on the technics, and automotive structural lightweight and integration are achieved under the precondition of ensuring vehicle performance and security. Then, the hydroforming process of front beam is analyzed by numerical simulation based upon the elastic-plastic finite element method, Belytschko-Tsay shell element theory and dynamic explicit solution, the internal pressure loading path as the main hydroforming process parameters is discussed in detail. The present analysis provide basis for its applications.

2005 ◽  
Vol 45 (12-13) ◽  
pp. 1504-1514 ◽  
M. Imaninejad ◽  
G. Subhash ◽  
A. Loukus

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