scholarly journals The Position of the Central Stars of PN on the HR Diagram

1989 ◽  
Vol 131 ◽  
pp. 481-492
S. R. Pottasch

Central stars can be placed on the HR diagram if their effective temperature (Teff) and radii are known. Knowledge of the radius can sometimes be replaced by another indication of the luminosity. The distance, which always plays an important, really critical role, is not well known. This is the essential reason that there is so much uncertainty about the position on the HR diagram.

1978 ◽  
Vol 80 ◽  
pp. 125-128
Paul R. Wesselius

The group of subdwarf O stars consisting of field stars and some central stars of old planetary nebulae does occupy an intresting place in the HR diagram. Greenstein and Sargent (1974) have tried to establish this place, and conclude that especially the hottest ones need ultraviolet data to improve the values of effective temperature and absolute luminosity.

1983 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 534-535
L. Kohoutek ◽  
W. Martin

Recently Pottasch (1981, Astron. Astrophys. 94, L13) published extremely high effective temperatures of some central stars of planetary nebulae (> 200 000 K). Our study of planetary nebulae based on photoelectric photometry does not confirm his results. A histogram of Tz(HI) and Tz(HeII) shows smooth distribution of Tz with the maximum of about 48 000°K (HI) and 90 000°K (HeII), respectively; the effective temperature of none of the 62 planetary nuclei exceeds 120 000°K.

2000 ◽  
Vol 176 ◽  
pp. 46-49
M. Jerzykiewicz

AbstractTwo aspects of using Hipparcos data for studying multiperiodic stellar pulsations involve (1) deriving frequencies of multiperiodic pulsators from Hipparcos Epoch Photometry, and (2) using Hipparcos parallaxes together with other data, such as the frequencies, frequency ratios and multicolor photometry, to identify pulsation modes. Details are examined by looking at the δ Scuti star DK Virginis. From Hipparcos Epoch Photometry, two frequencies are derived. These frequencies are then verified by showing that they also fit all available ground-based observations of the star. In addition, Hipparcos parallax and a photometric effective temperature are used to compare the position of DK Vir in the HR diagram with evolutionary tracks. The star turns out to be at the end of core-hydrogen-burning stage of its evolution or slightly beyond, with a mass of 2.2 M⊙, or somewhat smaller. The observed frequencies indicate that the two detected modes are p3 and p2, while the relatively large photometric amplitudes imply ℓ ≲ 2.

1993 ◽  
Vol 137 ◽  
pp. 693-707 ◽  
M. Grenon

AbstractThe capability of ground-based photometry to detect and monitor low-level stellar variations is discussed in the particular case of amplitudes in the range of few magnitudes to few percent. The technical and atmospherical constraints are briefly recalled. The variability level of the so-called constant stars is discussed as function of the spectral type, the luminosity class and the effective temperature. The photometric aspects of the Hipparcos mission are presented here since this satellite allows a systematic detection of microvariables and the obtention of light curves across the whole HR-diagram with an unprecedented efficiency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 630 ◽  
pp. A150 ◽  
I. González-Santamaría ◽  
M. Manteiga ◽  
A. Manchado ◽  
A. Ulla ◽  
C. Dafonte

Context. We have compiled a catalogue of central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPN) with reliable distances and positions obtained from Gaia Data Release 2 (DR2) astrometry. Distances derived from parallaxes allow us to analyse the galactic distribution and estimate other parameters such as sizes, kinematical ages, bolometric magnitudes, and luminosities. Aims. Our objective is to analyse the information regarding distances together with other available literature data about photometric properties, nebular kinematics, and stellar effective temperatures to throw new light on this rapid and rather unknown evolutionary phase. We seek to understand how Gaia distances compare with other indirect methods commonly used and, in particular, with those derived from non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) models; how many planetary nebulae (PNe) populate the Galaxy; and how are they spatially distributed. We also aim to comprehend their intrinsic luminosities, range of physical sizes of the nebulae; how to derive the values for their kinematical ages; and whether those ages are compatible with those derived from evolutionary models. Methods. We considered all PNe listed in catalogues from different authors and in Hong Kong/AAO/Strasbourg/Hα (HASH) database. By X-matching their positions with Gaia DR2 astrometry we were able to identify 1571 objects in Gaia second archive, for which we assumed distances calculated upon a Bayesian statistical approach. From those objects, we selected a sample of PNe with good quality parallax measurements and distance derivations, we which refer to as our Golden Astrometry PNe sample (GAPN), and obtained literature values of their apparent sizes, radial and expansion velocities, visual magnitudes, interstellar reddening, and effective temperatures. Results. We found that the distances derived from DR2 parallaxes compare well with previous astrometric derivations of the United States Naval Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope, but that distances inferred from non-LTE model fitting are overestimated and need to be carefully reviewed. From literature apparent sizes, we calculated the physical radii for a subsample of nebulae that we used to derive the so-called kinematical ages, taking into account literature expansion velocities. Luminosities calculated with DR2 distances were combined with literature central stars Teff values in a Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram to infer information on the evolutionary status of the nebulae. We compared their positions with updated evolutionary tracks finding a rather consistent picture. Stars with the smallest associated nebular radii are located in the flat luminosity region of the HR diagram, while those with the largest radii correspond to objects in a later stage, getting dimmer on their way to become a white dwarf. Finally, we commented on the completeness of our catalogue and calculated an approximate value for the total number of PNe in the Galaxy.

1983 ◽  
Vol 103 ◽  
pp. 391-409 ◽  
S.R. Pottasch

Determination of the distances to individual planetary nebulae are discussed. Especially those methods which are independent of assumed nebular properties (mass, absolute flux, etc.) are assembled and discussed. In this way, reasonable approximations to the distance can be obtained for about 50 planetary nebulae. The accuracy of the distances is tested by comparing nebular properties derived from these distances with the properties of nebulae at the galactic center or in the Magellanic clouds. A comparison is also made with the statistical distance determinations; the conclusion is that the assumption of constant mass often leads to an overestimate of the distance, while the assumption of constant Hβ flux leads to distances having individual uncertainties of up to a factor of 3.The central star temperature determination is summarized. Individual central stars are placed on the HR diagram and compared with theoretical predictions. Deductions concerning the evolution which can be made from the observations are discussed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (S283) ◽  
pp. 196-203 ◽  
Klaus Werner

AbstractThis paper is focused on the transition phase between central stars and white dwarfs, i.e. objects in the effective temperature range 100 000 – 200 000 K. We confine our review to hydrogen-deficient stars because the common H-rich objects are subject of the paper by Ziegler et al. in these proceedings. We address the claimed iron-deficiency in PG1159 stars and [WC] central stars. The discovery of new Ne vii and Ne viii lines in PG1159 stars suggests that the identification of O vii and O viii lines that are used for spectral classification of [WCE] stars is wrong. We then present evidence for two distinct post-AGB evolutionary sequences for H-deficient stars based on abundance analyses of the He-dominated O(He) stars and the hot DO white dwarf KPD 0005+5106. Finally, we report on evidence for an H-deficient post-super AGB evolution sequence represented by the hottest known, carbon/oxygen-atmosphere white dwarf H 1504+65 and the recently discovered carbon-atmosphere “hot DQ” white dwarfs.

2010 ◽  
Vol 6 (S272) ◽  
pp. 274-275
Nazhatulshima Ahmad ◽  
Mohd. Zambri Zainuddin ◽  
Mohd. Sahar Yahya ◽  
Peter P. Eggleton ◽  
Hakim L. Malasan

AbstractWe present an evolutionary study of 28 Tau, a Be star, in connection with its rapid rotation. The photometric data during the absence of its envelope in 1921 have been used to determine the effective temperature and luminosity of the star at the main sequence of the HR diagram. From an evolutionary model, we found that the mass and radius of the star are about 3.2 M⊙ and 3.2 R⊙ respectively. The equatorial rotation velocity of the star, νe found to be close to its critical velocity, νcr where νe/νcr ≃ 0.87.

1993 ◽  
Vol 155 ◽  
pp. 174-174
M. Samland ◽  
J. Köppen ◽  
A. Acker ◽  
B. Stenholm

Determination of the positions of central stars of planetary nebulae in the HR-diagram requires the knowledge of nebular distances. For almost all nebulae, these can only be given in terms of statistical scales. These scales have in common that they assume all nebulae to have the same structure (e.g. constant density) and that a unique ionized mass-radius relation exists. If the mass-radius relation is given by Mion = M0 · (R/R0)η, the distance d(pc) of planetary nebulae can be expressed as a function the de-reddened Hβ-flux (erg cm−2s−1) and the angular radius θ(arcsec): M0 and R0 are in solar masses and pc (Te = 10000 K, He/H = 0.1). The parameter η characterizes the distance scale: e.g. Shklovsky (1956) η = 0, Maciel L. Pottasch (1980) η = 1, Pottasch (1984) η = 3/2, Daub (1982) η = 5/3, and Kwok (1985) η = 9/4.

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