Timing differences between the light responses of X cells recorded simultaneously in cat lateral geniculate nucleus

1989 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-389 ◽  
D. B. Bowling

AbstractUsing two microelectrodes, recordings were made from pairs of like-signed cells at different depths in single layers (A or Al) of the cat's lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). The cells were chosen to have near or overlapping receptive fields so that they could be stimulated simultaneously with a single spot or bar of light. Under these controlled conditions, paired X cells (n = 32 pairs) showed differences in latency from less than 10 to about 80 ms, but no latency differences were observed between paired Y cells (n = 3 pairs). Within XY pairs (n = 11) the Y cells responded faster than the X cells. A separate analysis of previously reported, singly recorded X cells (n= 131) also showed wide differences in X cell latencies.The results confirm that temporal differences in signalling occur within the X pathway in the cat LGN (Mastronarde, 1981, 1987a; Humphrey & Weller, 1988a) and they show explicitly that the differences occur simultaneously, in single layers and at single retinotopic loci. No consistent relationship was found between timing and depth, but the possibility of weak, depth-dependent trends is considered in the Discussion.

2003 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 1852-1864 ◽  
Chun-I Yeh ◽  
Carl R. Stoelzel ◽  
Jose-Manuel Alonso

The Y pathway in the cat visual system is traditionally viewed as a single channel that originates in the retina. However, most Y cells from the contralateral retina diverge to innervate two different layers of the lateral geniculate nucleus, suggesting a possible channel split: YC (Y geniculate cell in layer C) and YA (Y geniculate cell in layer A). We tested the functional significance of this anatomical divergence by comparing the response properties of simultaneously recorded YC and YA geniculate cells with overlapping receptive fields. Our results demonstrate that YC and YA cells significantly differ in a large number of temporal and spatial parameters including response latency, response transiency, receptive-field size, and linearity of spatial summation. Furthermore, for some of these parameters, the differences between YC and YA cells are as pronounced as the differences between Y and X cells in layer A. These results along with results from previous studies strongly suggest that Y retinal afferents diverge into two separate channels at the level of the thalamus.

1984 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 538-552 ◽  
K. R. Jones ◽  
R. E. Kalil ◽  
P. D. Spear

Rearing cats with esotropia is known to cause a number of deficits in visual behavior tested through the deviated eye. These include a loss of orienting response to stimuli presented in the nasal visual field of the deviated eye, a reduction in visual acuity, and a general reduction in contrast sensitivity at all spatial frequencies. To assess the involvement of the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) in these deficits, we measured the following: 1) the visual responsiveness of lamina A1 cells with peripheral (more than 10 degrees from area centralis) receptive fields in three esotropic and three normal cats and 2) the spatial resolution and contrast sensitivity of lamina A X-cells with central (within 5 degrees of the area centralis) receptive fields in six esotropic and six normal cats. For comparison, we also measured LGN X-cell spatial resolutions in four exotropic cats and in two cats raised with an esotropia in one eye and the lids of the other eye sutured shut (MD-estropes). Recordings from the lateral portion of lamina A1 in esotropic cats yielded similar numbers of visually responsive cells with far nasal receptive fields as were seen in normal animals. Peak and mean response rates to a flashing spot also were normal. In addition, no differences were found between esotropes and normals in the percentages of X- and Y-cells encountered. These results suggest that the loss of orienting response to stimuli presented in the nasal field (12, 20) is not due to a loss of neural responses in the LGN of esotropic cats. In addition, they suggest that decreases in cell size in lamina A1 of esotropic cats (13, 36; R. E. Kalil, unpublished observations) are not accompanied by marked functional abnormalities of the cells and that cortical abnormalities ipsilateral to the deviated eye (22) are likely to have their origin within striate cortex itself. Recordings from lamina A cells with receptive fields near area centralis revealed that the average X-cell spatial resolution in esotropes (2.1 cycles/deg) was significantly lower than that in normal cats (3.1 cycles/deg). This reduction was seen in all esotropic cats tested and was due both to an increase in the proportion of X-cells with very low spatial resolution and to a loss of X-cells responding to high spatial frequencies (greater than 3.25 cycles/deg). The average spatial resolution of X-cells driven by the deviated eye in MD-esotropes fell midway between those of esotropes and normals. In exotropes, mean X-cell spatial resolution was normal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1998 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 922-936 ◽  
Daeyeol Lee ◽  
Joseph G. Malpeli

Lee, Daeyeol and Joseph G. Malpeli. Effects of saccades on the activity of neurons in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus. J. Neurophysiol. 79: 922–936, 1998. Effects of saccades on individual neurons in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were examined under two conditions: during spontaneous saccades in the dark and during stimulation by large, uniform flashes delivered at various times during and after rewarded saccades made to small visual targets. In the dark condition, a suppression of activity began 200–300 ms before saccade start, peaked ∼100 ms before saccade start, and smoothly reversed to a facilitation of activity by saccade end. The facilitation peaked 70–130 ms after saccade end and decayed during the next several hundred milliseconds. The latency of the facilitation was related inversely to saccade velocity, reaching a minimum for saccades with peak velocity >70–80°/s. Effects of saccades on visually evoked activity were remarkably similar: a facilitation began at saccade end and peaked 50–100 ms later. When matched for saccade velocity, the time courses and magnitudes of postsaccadic facilitation for activity in the dark and during visual stimulation were identical. The presaccadic suppression observed in the dark condition was similar for X and Y cells, whereas the postsaccadic facilitation was substantially stronger for X cells, both in the dark and for visually evoked responses. This saccade-related regulation of geniculate transmission appears to be independent of the conditions under which the saccade is evoked or the state of retinal input to the LGN. The change in activity from presaccadic suppression to postsaccadic facilitation amounted to an increase in gain of geniculate transmission of ∼30%. This may promote rapid central registration of visual inputs by increasing the temporal contrast between activity evoked by an image near the end of a fixation and that evoked by the image immediately after a saccade.

2000 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 871-885 ◽  

Spatial receptive fields of relay cells in dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) have commonly been modeled as a difference of two Gaussian functions. We present alternative models for dLGN cells which take known physiological couplings between retina and dLGN and within dLGN into account. The models include excitatory input from a single retinal ganglion cell and feedforward inhibition via intrageniculate interneurons. Mathematical formulas describing the receptive field and response to circular spot stimuli are found both for models with a finite and an infinite number of ganglion-cell inputs to dLGN neurons. The advantage of these models compared to the common difference-of-Gaussians model is that they, in addition to providing mathematical descriptions of the receptive fields of dLGN neurons, also make explicit contributions from the geniculate circuit. Moreover, the model parameters have direct physiological relevance and can be manipulated and measured experimentally. The discrete model is applied to recently published data (Ruksenas et al., 2000) on response versus spot-diameter curves for dLGN cells and for the retinal input to the cell (S-potentials). The models are found to account well for the results for the X-cells in these experiments. Moreover, predictions from the discrete model regarding receptive-field sizes of interneurons, the amount of center-surround antagonism for interneurons compared to relay cells, and distance between neighboring retinal ganglion cells providing input to interneurons, are all compatible with data available in the literature.

1983 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 240-264 ◽  
S. C. Mangel ◽  
J. R. Wilson ◽  
S. M. Sherman

We measured response properties of X- and Y-cells from laminae A and A1 of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of monocularly lid-sutured cats at 8, 12, 16, 24, and 52-60 wk of age. Visual stimuli consisted of small spots of light and vertically oriented sine-wave gratings counterphased at a rate of 2 cycles/s. In cats as young as 8 wk of age, nondeprived and deprived neurons could be clearly identified as X-cells or Y-cells with criteria previously established for adult animals. Nonlinear responses of Y-cells from 8- and 12-wk-old cats were often temporally labile; that is, the amplitude of the nonlinear response of nondeprived and deprived cells increased or decreased suddenly. A similar lability was not noted for the linear response component. This phenomenon rarely occurred in older cats. At 8 wk of age, Y-cell proportions (number of Y-cells/total number of cells) in nondeprived and deprived A-laminae were approximately equal. By 12 wk of age and thereafter, the proportion of Y-cells in deprived laminae was significantly lower than that in nondeprived laminae. At no age was there a systematic difference in response properties (spatial resolution, latency to optic chiasm stimulation, etc.) for Y-cells between deprived and nondeprived laminae. Spatial resolution, defined as the highest spatial frequency to which a cell would respond at a contrast of 0.6, was similar for nondeprived and deprived X-cells until 24 wk of age. In these and older cats, the mean spatial resolution of deprived X-cells was lower than that of nondeprived X-cells. This difference was noted first for lamina A1 at 24 wk of age and later for lamina A at 52-60 wk of age. The average latency of X-cells to optic chiasm stimulation was slightly greater in deprived laminae than in nondeprived laminae. No such difference was seen for Y-cells. Cells with poor and inconsistent responses were encountered infrequently but were observed far more often in deprived laminae than in nondeprived laminae. Lid suture appears to affect the development of geniculate X- and Y-cells in very different ways. Not only is the final pattern of abnormalities quite different between these cell groups, but the developmental dynamics of these abnormalities also differ.

1992 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 673-691 ◽  
A. L. Humphrey ◽  
A. B. Saul

1. The A-laminae of the cat lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) contain two distinct groups of relay neurons: lagged and nonlagged cells. The groups differ in the pattern, timing, and amplitude of response to flashing spots. At spot onset, nonlagged cells discharge at short latency with an excitatory transient; in lagged cells this transient is supplanted by an inhibitory dip and a delayed latency to discharge. At spot offset, lagged cell discharge decays more slowly than in nonlagged cells. Here we have investigated the facilitatory influence of the brain stem reticular formation on the response properties of lagged X-cells (XL) and nonlagged X- and Y-cells (XN and YN). We were particularly interested in whether the inhibitory dip and sluggish response of lagged cells could be reversed during brain stem activation and the cells induced to respond like nonlagged cells. The peribrachial region (PB) of the pontine reticular formation was stimulated electrically with the use of 1,100-ms-long pulse trains that were paired with flashing spot stimuli. 2. Stimulation of PB led to an increase in the amplitude of visually evoked discharge in lagged and nonlagged cells. Compared with their response to spot stimulation alone, the average PB-evoked increase in mean discharge rate was greater than 50% in both groups. The mean discharge rate during PB plus spot stimulation was somewhat higher for XN-cells than for YN- and XL-cells, reflecting the relatively higher discharge rate among XN-cells during spot stimulation alone. 3. Two measures of response timing characterize lagged and nonlagged cells: latency to half-maximal discharge at spot onset (half rise) and latency to half-minimal discharge at spot offset (half fall). Among XN- and YN-cells, PB stimulation had no significant effect on these two latencies; among XL-cells, both latencies were reduced by 43 and 35%, respectively, on average. 4. During spot stimulation alone, all lagged cells were distinguishable from all nonlagged cells in having half-rise and half-fall latencies greater than 60 ms. Despite the reduction among XL-cells in these 2 latencies during PB stimulation, all but 2 of the 40 XL-cells maintained laggedlike latencies. The majority (95%) of XL-cells remained unambiguously lagged on these measures during brain stem stimulation. 5. During spot stimulation alone, 30 of 40 XL-cells tested displayed a prominent and often long-lasting inhibitory dip in discharge starting approximately 45 ms after spot onset. During PB stimulation only three cells lost the dip.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1992 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 515-525 ◽  
E. Hartveit ◽  
P. Heggelund

AbstractThe response vs. contrast characteristics of different cell classes in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) were compared. The luminance of a stationary flashing light spot was varied stepwise while the background luminance was constant. Lagged X cells had lower slope of the response vs. contrast curve (contrast gain), and they reached the midpoint of the response range over which the cells' response varied (dynamic response range) at higher contrasts than nonlagged X cells. These results indicated that nonlagged cells are well suited for detection of small contrasts, whereas lagged cells may discriminate between contrasts over a larger range. The contrast gain and the contrast corresponding to the midpoint of the dynamic response range were similar for X and Y cells. The latency to onset and to half-rise of the visual response decreased with increasing contrast, most pronounced for lagged cells. Even at the highest contrasts, the latency of lagged cells remained longer than for nonlagged cells. For many lagged cells, the latency to half-fall decreased with increasing contrast. It is shown that the differences in the response vs. contrast characteristics between lagged and nonlagged X cells in the cat are similar to the differences between the parvocellular and magnocellular neurones in the monkey.

2014 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 253-261 ◽  

AbstractThe parallel processing of visual features by distinct neuron populations is a central characteristic of the mammalian visual system. In the A laminae of the cat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN), parallel processing streams originate from two principal neuron types, called X and Y cells. Disruption of visual experience early in life by monocular deprivation has been shown to alter the structure and function of Y cells, but the extent to which deprivation influences X cells remains less clear. A transcription factor, FoxP2, has recently been shown to selectively label X cells in the ferret dLGN and thus provides an opportunity to examine whether monocular deprivation alters the soma size of X cells. In this study, FoxP2 labeling was examined in the dLGN of normal and monocularly deprived cats. The characteristics of neurons labeled for FoxP2 were consistent with FoxP2 being a marker for X cells in the cat dLGN. Monocular deprivation for either a short (7 days) or long (7 weeks) duration did not alter the density of FoxP2-positive neurons between nondeprived and deprived dLGN layers. However, for each deprived animal examined, measurement of the cross-sectional area of FoxP2-positive neurons (X cells) revealed that within deprived layers, X cells were smaller by approximately 20% after 7 days of deprivation, and by approximately 28% after 7 weeks of deprivation. The observed alteration to the cross-sectional area of X cells indicates that perturbation of this major pathway contributes to the functional impairments that develop from monocular deprivation.

1992 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 407-441 ◽  
David N. Mastronarde

AbstractSimultaneous recording in the cat's retina and lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) was used to find excitatory inputs to LGN cells. These recordings, correlated with measurements of LGN cell receptive-field properties, suggested new functional subdivisions of LGN cells. Distinctions between lagged and nonlagged cells were described before (Mastronarde, 1987a,b; Mastronarde et al., 1991), classification of nonlagged cells is examined here.The Xs-type relay cells described before (Mastronarde, 1987a,b) each had detectable excitatory input from only one retinal X cell. Cells that received significant input from more than one retinal X cell were of three kinds: relay cells with pure X input (XM); relay cells with mixed X and Y input (X/Y); and cells that could not be antidromically activated from visual cortex (XI). In the series of relay cells, XS-XM-X/Y-Y, cells had progressively larger receptive-field centers, lower spatial resolution, and faster and more Y-like responses to various stimuli. XI cells resembled XM and X/Y cells in some respects but tended to have higher maintained firing rates, more sustained responses, and weaker surround suppression of the center response.The distinctness of XS, XM, X/Y, XI, and Y from each other was examined with a modification of discriminant analysis that allowed cells to lack measurements for some parameters. Any given pair of categories could be distinguished reliably with only three parameters, although less so for X/Y-Y. In particular, XI cells were distinguishable from relay cells by properties other than the results of cortical stimulation, thus supporting the identity of XI cells as a separate class of X interneurons.Two discontinuities in the behavior of retinal input suggest that XM cells are a separate class from XS and X/Y cells: (1) LGN X cells received either no detectable input from any of the retinal X cells adjacent to their main input, or an easily detectable amount from several such cells; and (2) cells received either no Y input or a certain minimum amount. No such discontinuity in input underlies the distinction between X/Y and Y cells.LGN Y cells were also heterogeneous. Those with substantial input from more than one retinal Y cell had larger receptive fields and a greater preference for fast-moving stimuli than did Y cells dominated by a single input. Three Y cells could not be antidromically activated. They tended to differ from Y relay cells and resemble X interneurons in several ways. These shared properties, and the general reliability of cortical stimulation for nonlagged cells, indicate that the cells were Y interneurons.The strength of excitatory input extrapolated to zero at a separation between LGN and ganglion cell receptive fields equivalent to the radius of a retinal X axonal arbor for X input to XM, XI, and X/Y cells, or to the radius of a Y arbor for Y input to X/Y and Y cells. Thus, a retinal axon appears to be selective in providing input primarily to cells with somata within its arbor, rather than to all cells with overlapping dendrites.Coverage, the number of receptive-field centers overlapping a single point, was estimated for each kind of LGN cell described here. Each had a coverage of at least 6, comparable to that of retinal Y cells; most kinds had coverages of 15–35. These estimates support the idea that these subdivisions of LGN cells are functionally significant.XM and X/Y cells fill in the functional gap that is present between retinal X and Y cells and make the distribution of spatial properties more continuous, while multiple-input Y cells broaden the range of spatial properties. One role of LGN circuitry might thus be to provide a substrate for the correspondingly broad and continuous range of spatial-frequency tuning in the visual cortex.

Four physiologically identified neurons in the A laminae of the cat’s dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus were filled with horseradish peroxidase and studied using the electron microscope. Two were X-cells and two were Y-cells. Each had electrophysiological properties appropriate for its X- or Y-cell class, and each also had an axon that projected into the optic radiation, indicative of a geniculocortical relay cell. Representative samples from about 10% of each neuron’s entire dendritic arbor (proximal and distal) were taken to obtain an estimate of the types and distributions of synapses contacting these arbors. One X-cell had a cytoplasmic laminar body, but there were no other significant cytological differences seen among the neurons. Common to each of the neurons were the following synaptic features: (i) retinal terminals (r. l. p.) were mostly or entirely restricted to proximal dendrites or dendritic appendages (< 100 μm from the soma). These terminals constituted about 15-25% of the synapses on the proximal dendrites, (ii) Terminals with flattened or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles (f. terminals) were predominant on the proximal dendrites (30-55% of the total synapses for that region) and were mainly located near the retinal terminals. A smaller percentage (10-20%) were also distributed onto the distal dendrites, (iii) Small terminals with round synaptic vesicles (r. s. d.), many presumably having a cortical origin, predominated (60-80%) on distal dendrites (> 100 μm), but also formed a large proportion (40-70%) of the synapses on the intermediate (50-150 μm) dendrites. Total synaptic contacts for one X-cell and one Y-cell were estimated at about 4000 and 5000, respectively. The major fine structural differences observed between X- and Y-cells were almost entirely related to the retinal afferents. First, the retinal synapses for X-cells were mostly made on to dendritic appendages (spines, etc.), whereas Y-cells had most of their retinal synapses onto the shafts of primary and proximal secondary dendrites (that is, near branch points). Second, the retinal terminals that contacted X-cell dendrites nearly always formed triadic arrangements that included nearby f. terminals, but those on Y-cells rarely did so. Finally, the main type of f. terminals associated with X-cells were morphologically different from most of those associated with the Y-cells, and this also related directly to the triadic arrangements; that is, f. terminals in the triadic arrangements were morphologically distinguishable from f. terminals that did not participate in triadic arrangements. Even though the present sample is quite small, these morphological differences between X- and Y-cells indicate that they might be the synaptic basis for some of the differential processing of information occurring for the two cell types in the lateral geniculate nucleus.

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