The Cretaceous megabreccias of the Gargano Promontory (Apulia, southern Italy): their stratigraphic and genetic meaning in the evolutionary framework of the Apulia Carbonate Platform

Terra Nova ◽  
2001 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-116 ◽  
Roberto Graziano
2019 ◽  
Katherine Jones ◽  
Daniel J. Lehrmann ◽  
Michele Morsilli ◽  
Khalid Al-Ramadan ◽  

2021 ◽  
Alessandra Lanzoni ◽  
Anna Del Ben ◽  
Edy Forlin ◽  
Federica Donda ◽  
Massimo Zecchin

<p>The Adriatic basin represents one of several restricted basins located in the Mediterranean Area. It consists of the foreland of three different orogenic belts: the Dinarides to the East, active during the Eocene, the Southern Alps to the North, active since the Cretaceous time, and the Apennines to the West, active since the Paleogene. The Apennines had a primary role during the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC), conditioning the connection between the Adriatic basin, the Ionian basin, and the proto-Tyrrhenian basin. During the Messinian, the present Adriatic Sea was characterized by shallow water domains, where gypsum evaporites initially deposited and often successively incised or outcropped. </p><p>In the past 50 years, a massive dataset, composed of 2D multichannel seismic data and boreholes, was collected, covering almost the whole Adriatic basin in the Italian offshore. In this work, we interpreted the Plio-Quaternary base (PQb), based on available public datasets and on seismic profiles present in literature, which provided regional information from the northernmost Trieste Gulf (Northern Adriatic Sea) to the Otranto Channel (Southern Adriatic Sea). Here, we propose the PQb time-structural map, obtained by analyzing more than 600 seismic profiles. The PQb represents both the Messinian erosion and/or the top of the Messinian evaporites. It is characterized by a high-amplitude reflector, commonly called “horizon M” in the old literature. Principal findings concerning the Messinian event are summarized as below: </p><p>-The Northern Adriatic (Gulf of Trieste, Gulf of Venice, Po delta, Kvarner Area) reveals widespread channelized systems produced by the initial decrease of the sea level, followed by subaerial erosion, related to further sea level decrease. High-grade erosion involved the nearby Adriatic carbonate platform in the Croatian offshore, where deep valleys, filled with Last Messinian or post- Messinian sediments, cut through the limestones.</p><p>-The Central Adriatic (from the Po delta to the Gargano Promontory) displays a higher evaporites accumulation than the northern sector. Meanwhile, the Mid-Adriatic Ridge was already developing, along with the Apennine Chain, which was in a westernmost position. Erosional features in the deeper area are related to channelized systems, which followed the evaporites deposition. Meanwhile, also the Mid-Adriatic Ridge was affected by erosion.</p><p>-The Southern Adriatic (from the Gargano Promontory to the Otranto Channel) is characterized by the Mesozoic Apulia carbonate platform, covered by a thin Cenozoic sequence affected by subaerial erosion or non-deposition. The platform margin and the slope leading to the deepest South Adriatic basin, where a Messinian gypsum layer, also recorded in the Albanian and Croatian offshore, shows a lower level of upper erosion.</p><p>In general, we notice strongly variable thicknesses of the horizon M, which is related to submarine erosion (channels), subaerial erosion (discontinuous surfaces), non-deposition (possible unconformity), and tilting toward the surrounding chains (deepening horizons). In this work, we evaluate these different components from a regional point of view.  </p>

Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 416
Enrico Paolucci ◽  
Giuseppe Cavuoto ◽  
Giuseppe Cosentino ◽  
Monia Coltella ◽  
Maurizio Simionato ◽  

A first-order seismic characterization of Northern Apulia (Southern Italy) has been provided by considering geological information and outcomes of a low-cost geophysical survey. In particular, 403 single-station ambient vibration measurements (HVSR techniques) distributed within the main settlements of the area have been considered to extract representative patterns deduced by Principal Component Analysis. The joint interpretation of these pieces of information allows the identification of three main domains (Gargano Promontory, Bradanic Through and Southern Apennines Fold and Thrust Belt), each characterized by specific seismic resonance phenomena. In particular, the Bradanic Through is homogeneously characterized by low frequency (<1 Hz) resonance effects associated with relatively deep (>100 m) seismic impedance, which is contrasting corresponding to the buried Apulian carbonate platform and/or sandy horizons located within the Plio-Pleistocene deposits. In the remaining ones, relatively high frequency (>1 Hz) resonance phenomena are ubiquitous due to the presence of shallower impedance contrasts (<100 m), which do not always correspond to the top of the geological bedrock. These general indications may be useful for a preliminary regional characterization of seismic response in the study area, which can be helpful for an effective planning of more detailed studies targeted to engineering purposes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 467-480 ◽  
Maria Elena Martinotti ◽  
Luca Pisano ◽  
Ivan Marchesini ◽  
Mauro Rossi ◽  
Silvia Peruccacci ◽  

Abstract. In karst environments, heavy rainfall is known to cause multiple geohydrological hazards, including inundations, flash floods, landslides and sinkholes. We studied a period of intense rainfall from 1 to 6 September 2014 in the Gargano Promontory, a karst area in Puglia, southern Italy. In the period, a sequence of torrential rainfall events caused severe damage and claimed two fatalities. The amount and accuracy of the geographical and temporal information varied for the different hazards. The temporal information was most accurate for the inundation caused by a major river, less accurate for flash floods caused by minor torrents and even less accurate for landslides. For sinkholes, only generic information on the period of occurrence of the failures was available. Our analysis revealed that in the promontory, rainfall-driven hazards occurred in response to extreme meteorological conditions and that the karst landscape responded to the torrential rainfall with a threshold behaviour. We exploited the rainfall and the landslide information to design the new ensemble–non-exceedance probability (E-NEP) algorithm for the quantitative evaluation of the possible occurrence of rainfall-induced landslides and of related geohydrological hazards. The ensemble of the metrics produced by the E-NEP algorithm provided better diagnostics than the single metrics often used for landslide forecasting, including rainfall duration, cumulated rainfall and rainfall intensity. We expect that the E-NEP algorithm will be useful for landslide early warning in karst areas and in other similar environments. We acknowledge that further tests are needed to evaluate the algorithm in different meteorological, geological and physiographical settings.

Minerals ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 567 ◽  
Rosa Sinisi

In this study, the mineralogical and chemical compositions of bauxite from San Giovanni Rotondo (SGR) on the Gargano Promontory (northern Apulia, Italy) are presented and discussed with the aim of assessing the nature of its source material. Bauxite from the SGR, which is known as the “Montecatini mine”, was exploited intensively until the 1970s to recover alumina. As with most of the autochthonous peri-Mediterranean bauxites, the studied deposit is a karst bauxite with a massive, matrix-supported texture and an oolitic structure. Boehmite and hematite are the main mineral phases, and anatase, rutile, and kaolinite are present in lesser amounts along with detrital zircons and monazite grains. Calcite is abundant only in the deposit’s lower portion, triggering a significant dilution effect on trace element concentrations. However, with respect to the average crust and chondrite compositions, strong enrichments of trace metals (up to 10X Upper Continental Crust’s (UCC)) and rare earth elements (REEs, up to 800X chondrite) exist throughout the studied deposit. The distribution of REEs, the (La/Yb)N and Eu/Eu* ratios, and an Eu/Eu* versus Sm/Nd diagram have been used for determining the bauxite’s provenance. These geochemical proxies point to a parental material consisting of a mixture of distant magmatic and siliciclastic components.

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