Capital Account, Foreign Trade and Development Assistance: US Foreign Economic Policy in the 1960s

2017 ◽  
pp. 19-89
Simone Selva
Л.И. Хомякова

Институты содействия международному развитию являются важным ресурсом для подготовки, реализации и финансирования проектов, а также выработки мер поддержки внешнеэкономической политики (в том числе в рамках государственно-частного партнерства). Пандемия Covid-19 выявила необходимость перераспределения потоков официальной помощи развитию и финансовых потоков, нацеленных на поддержку внешнеэкономической деятельности, с целью минимизации последствий пандемии. Существенную роль выполняют программы финансирования, реализуемые международными и региональными институтами содействия международному развитию. International Development Assistance Institutions are an important resource for the preparation, implementation and financing of projects, as well as for the development of measures to support foreign economic policy (including within the framework of public-private partnerships). The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the need to redistribute the flows of official development assistance and financial flows aimed at supporting foreign economic activity in order to minimize the consequences of the pandemic. Funding programs implemented by international and regional institutions for international development assistance play a significant role.

2020 ◽  
pp. 67-72
Ye Bilousov

Problem setting. The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the legal regulation of foreign trade interms of doctrinal and legislative approaches. The author analyzes the basic concepts of foreign trade policy, identifies itsmain components, as well as describes the tools for regulating foreign trade, including customs tariffs. Analysis of recent research and publications. Both domestic and foreign representatives of legal and economicsciences, such as Bachylo I., Zadykhailo D., Kleshchova S., Karvatska N., Sarkisyan L., Stavytsky L. and others, devotedtheir works to the study of the legal regulation of foreign trade. Article’s main body. Presenting main material. CTD is carried out, as a rule, at the level of enterprises (sometimesthey are natural persons-entrepreneurs). The initial principle of the CTD is a commercial calculation based on economicand financial independence and self-payment. CTD – the sphere of entrepreneurship in the system of international exchangeof goods, services, works, information and results of intellectual activity, related to the preparation and implementationof foreign trade operations and agreements. Cross-border trade and free economic zones are considered as special regimesof the CTD. Each country of the world in the framework of participation in foreign economic relations (both directly and throughnational entities of the CTD) pursues foreign economic policy, including in the field of foreign trade. The foreign economicpolicy of the state is the activity of the state aimed at the development and regulation of economic relations with othercountries. The implementation of foreign economic policy involves defining the strategic goals of the state in foreigneconomic relations in general and with individual countries and groups of countries, as well as developing methods andtools to achieve the goals and preserve the results achieved later. Foreign economic policy is aimed at the whole set offoreign economic activity, the hallmark of which is the international purchase and sale of goods and services, as well asthe international movement of material, monetary, labor and intellectual resources. Foreign economic policy is inextricablylinked with the domestic economic policy of the state. Therefore, its content is due to the tasks of expanded reproduction,which the country solves within its national economy. It can be argued that the main task of the foreign economic policyof the state is to create favorable external economic conditions for expanded reproduction within the country. Within theframework of the general foreign economic policy the state carries out: a) foreign trade policy – is the state regulation of export and import operations; b) export promotion policy – a policy aimed at selling in foreign markets goods for which the country has economicadvantages, stimulating the competitiveness of domestic enterprises with foreign ones, increasing the serial productionof competitive products in order to expand its exports (to foreign markets); c) the policy of regulating the import and export of capital. A characteristic feature of capital movements at the presentstage is the inclusion of an increasing number of countries in the process of export and import of capital. At the same time,most countries of the world market economy simultaneously act as exporters and importers of investments. The influenceof developed countries on the movement of capital is carried out, for example, by stimulating the export-import of capitalat the national and interstate levels; d) monetary policy – aims to maintain economic stability and create a solid foundation for the development ofinternational economic relations by influencing the exchange rate and currency exchange operations; e) customs policy is a set of measures taken to ensure the most effective use of instruments of customs control andregulation of trade in the customs territory, participation in trade and policy tasks to protect the domestic market, stimulatethe national economy; f) free trade policy – a policy of minimal government intervention in foreign trade, which develops on the basis offree market forces of supply and demand. Conclusions and prospects for the development. The formation and implementation of state policy in the studyarea involves the possibility and necessity (not absolute) of state intervention in economic processes in order to create aneffective and efficient system of foreign trade. Fulfillment of this task is possible only under the condition of strategicplanning and conceptualization of the principles of state-administrative influence, which, in fact, is the content and essenceof state economic policy in general and state policy in the field of foreign economic activity in particular. Understanding this issue and further resolving these pressing issues at the doctrinal (hereinafter – legislative) levelswill allow the state to be an active participant in foreign trade relations, and thus – to provide national participants in theserelations with potential markets for goods, works and services, to compete effectively in these foreign markets.

2012 ◽  
pp. 96-114
L. Tsedilin

The article analyzes the pre-revolutionary and the Soviet experience of the protectionist policies. Special attention is paid to the external economic policy during the times of NEP (New Economic Policy), socialist industrialization and the years of 1970-1980s. The results of the state monopoly on foreign trade and currency transactions in the Soviet Union are summarized; the economic integration in the frames of Comecon is assessed.

2020 ◽  
pp. 63-73
Konstyantyn Yu. Zavrazhnyi

The paper provides a definition of the economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises in the context of globalization as a set of a system of relations, authorities, forms and methods of organization and operation, which are regulated by legal and other norms of activity and provide effective interaction in internal and external environments. This allows to deepen the understanding of the essence in the context of globalization under the orientation towards communication (we mean interaction first of all). The composition of the comprehensive economic mechanism for managing the communication business processes of industrial enterprises is studied. This mechanism includes organizational, economic, legal, political, technical and technological, market, production, social, motivational, adaptive and communication submechanisms. This allows further formalization of the process of elemental improvement of the communication business processes of industrial enterprises. The components of mechanism are detailed. In particular, the economic submechanisms include the mechanisms of profits distribution, economic stimulus, financial, equity, investment and reinvestment in development and other mechanisms. The legal submechanisms include the mechanisms, which govern communication and professional legal relations. Organizational submechanisms include structural mechanisms, administrative and information mechanisms that ensure the development and modernization of communication activities at the enterprise, its information security. Political submechanisms include mechanisms of information policy, social and economic policy and foreign economic policy. Market submechanisms include the ones of market competition, demand and supply, etc. Social submechanisms include the ones of transparency of doing business, social responsibility, social and psychological impact, etc. Production submechanisms include the following ones: resource, implementation of new types of software and hardware and other. Technical and technological submechanisms include the ones of scientific and technological progress, technological updates. Motivational submechanisms include the mechanisms of material and non-material incentives of personnel. Adaptive submechanisms are the submechanisms of innovative development (including implementation of innovations in information field), managing the personnel potential, etc. Communication submechanisms include the ones of information-and-analytical activities (including research conducting); external communications (including the system of integrated communications tools, modern telecommunications and communications facilities); internal communications (including creating corporate culture). Key words: economic mechanism, submechanisms, management, communications, business processes, industrial enterprise.

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