official development assistance
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2022 ◽  
Le Thanh Tung

Poverty reduction is an important one of the long-term global goals. This paper analyses the impact of international capital inflows on poverty with a sample covering 26 developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region. A panel dataset is collected over the period of 1980-2015. The results conclude some new findings, which show international capital inflows have two kinds of effects on the poverty rate. The result shows that remittances and trade openness has positive effects on the poverty rate of the economies. On the other hand, external debt and official development assistance have negative effects on poverty in the region. Our findings lead to some valuable implications, in which, the policymakers need more careful when using the external debt as well as official development assistance to support economic growth because these tools can make the more serious on the poverty in countries. However, the policymakers can use the remittances as an important international capital to solve the lack of internal financial resource. Besides, the result points out that trade openness is a good tool for decreasing the poverty rate by trading with the outside.

2021 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. 47-74
Mateusz Smolaga

The European Green Deal is an ambitious strategy for economic transformation of the European Union (EU) that most likely will affect other policies. The aim of this article is to consider how Official Development Assistance (ODA) offered by the EU and its members may change as a result of the European Green Deal’s implementation. This is done by assessing the existing trends in EU ODA spending focused on addressing climate/environmental issues. This analysis uses for calculations data provided by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. One of the main findings is that climate/environmental issues play a significant and growing role in the allocation of EU ODA funds, though aid provided by some EU members, including Poland, do not share this pattern. It is expected that the implementation of the European Green Deal will lead to furthering the diversified (multi-sector) nature of EU influence over economic transformation of partner countries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-21

This research paper aims to find out the relationship between Official Development Assistance and sustainable development in Pakistan. Time series data was taken for the period of 42 years (1976 -2017). Sustainable Development is a dependent variable for which proxy variable of Adjusted Net Savings has been deployed. ODA (% of GNI), Inflation, Per Capita GDP and Trade (GDP %) have been used as explanatory variables. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test has been applied to examine the nature of the data as time series data may contain unit root problems. ADF test confirms mixed order of integration for the selected variables, hence Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Approach was applied to find out the long-run relationship among the considered variables. Estimation of Error Correction Regression resulted in a significant long-run relationship between ODA and Sustainable Development. ECM Regression also signifies the negative and significant value of the speed of adjustment term confirming that the model is stable and convergent towards the equilibrium. Overall results of this study confirm a positive and highly significant relationship between ODA and the measure of sustainable development in Pakistan. Therefore it is recommended that attention should be given to drawing on foreign assistance and it should be subject to the transparent and efficient practices applied in the Aid Allocation. It significantly improves the overall welfare of Pakistan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Xiaoxiao Jiang Kwete ◽  
Yemane Berhane ◽  
Mary Mwanyika-Sando ◽  
Ayo Oduola ◽  
Yuning Liu ◽  

Abstract Background Decision making process for Official Development Assistance (ODA) for healthcare sector in low-income and middle-income countries involves multiple agencies, each with their unique power, priorities and funding mechanisms. This process at country level has not been well studied. Methods This paper developed and applied a new framework to analyze decision-making process for priority setting in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania, and collected primary data to validate and refine the model. The framework was developed following a scoping review of published literature. Interviews were then conducted using a pre-determined interview guide developed by the research team. Transcripts were reviewed and coded based on the framework to identify what principles, players, processes, and products were considered during priority setting. Those elements were further used to identify where the potential capacity of local decision-makers could be harnessed. Results A framework was developed based on 40 articles selected from 6860 distinct search records. Twenty-one interviews were conducted in three case countries from 12 institutions. Transcripts or meeting notes were analyzed to identify common practices and specific challenges faced by each country. We found that multiple stakeholders working around one national plan was the preferred approach used for priority setting in the countries studied. Conclusions Priority setting process can be further strengthened through better use of analytical tools, such as the one described in our study, to enhance local ownership of priority setting for ODA and improve aid effectiveness.

2021 ◽  
Philippa Bennett

<p>Gender mainstreaming is one of the most widespread methods employed by donor countries and their partners to address gender equality and women’s empowerment in development. New Zealand has had a varied history of engagement on gender issues within its aid programme. As reportedly one of the first countries within the OECD to have a specific gender policy, New Zealand’s commitment to women has waxed and waned. Case and point, in 2011, when asked where women came into New Zealand’s growing Pacific focus for aid, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade stated that he was not interested in prescribing a gender within the aid programme. This research evaluated how gender mainstreaming has been implemented into the policies of New Zealand’s Official Development Assistance (NZODA) since 2000.   Research methods used included reviewing past and present NZODA policies, carried out alongside interviews with development specialists who had worked in the New Zealand aid and gender environment. Using a feminist lens, the research revealed that New Zealand’s ODA has had limited investment in gender equality and women’s empowerment, despite gender being mainstreamed or mandated as a cross-cutting issue since 2002. The previous structure which administered NZODA, NZAID, released an in-depth gender policy late in its existence and struggled to retain staff in the gender advisor role. The refocus of NZODA, with the subsequent reintegration of aid into foreign affairs in 2009 meant the expiration of this policy. Two years later, the new body established to administer NZODA, the NZ Aid Programme, released its only policy, where gender equality and women’s empowerment featured little and appeared tokenistic. As well as this lack of investment in women, this research revealed that gender mainstreaming appears to be misunderstood, which can only contribute to its widely perceived ineffectiveness. Recommendations argue for a committed focus on gender best practice within NZODA, alongside greater investment in programmes and activities that specifically focus on women and gender issues.</p>

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