1982 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 200
Carl H. Savit

Present research in reflection seismic prospecting is proceeding with three major goals.Intensive work is being done on the problem of obtaining useful reflections beneath complex near-surface materials. Such near-surface materials distort both the down-going and reflected wavefronts to an extent that deep reflections either cannot be distinguished or are so distorted as to conceal their true shapes. Current research seeks methods for obtaining enough information about near-surface irregularities to construct a model upon which to base a wavefront correction.The second major goal is to improve the resolution of the seismic reflection process. Resolution is lost because high frequencies are often weak in seismic sources and are severely attenuated by the earth, by receiver arrays, and by most processing steps. Seismic bandwidth can be increased by improving the high frequency output of the seismic source to compensate for attentuation in the earth, by reducing the size of receiver arrays, and by drastically reducing the inaccuracies of conventional processing algorithms.The third line of investigation seeks to increase the amount of information extracted from the seismic signal. The first step in this direction was the bright-spot technique, in which qualitative information on seismic reflection amplitudes was used to identify hydrocarbon deposits. Interval velocity estimation was a natural result of moving from a qualitative to a quantitative analysis of amplitudes. In theory, with a combination of P and S wave reflection data, virtually all elastic properties of subsurface rocks could be extracted from the data.In the more distant future, computers could handle complex interpretation tasks and make drilling decisions.The principal barrier to rapid implementation of virtually all of the new techniques is inadequate computer power. Despite the explosive growth of the power of computers, mainframe manufacturers have been unable to satisfy the even more rapidly increasing demands of geophysicists. Innovative processing techniques and specialized computer equipment will be essential to continuing rapid progress in geophysical exploration.

Geophysics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
pp. A19-A24 ◽  
Aleksander S. Serdyukov ◽  
Aleksander V. Yablokov ◽  
Anton A. Duchkov ◽  
Anton A. Azarov ◽  
Valery D. Baranov

We have addressed the problem of estimating surface-wave phase velocities through the spectral processing of seismic data. This is the key step of the well-known near-surface seismic exploration method, called multichannel analysis of surface waves. To increase the accuracy and ensure the unambiguity of the selection of dispersion curves, we have developed a new version of the frequency-wavenumber ([Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text]) transform based on the S-transform. We obtain the frequency-time representation of seismic data. We analyze the obtained S-transform frequency-time representation in a slant-stacking manner but use a spatial Fourier transform instead of amplitude stacking. Finally, we build the [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] image by analyzing the spatial spectra for different steering values of the surface-wave group velocities. The time localization of the surface-wave packet at each frequency increases the signal-to-noise ratio because of an exclusion of noise in other time steps (which does not fall in the effective width of the corresponding wavelet). The new [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] transform, i.e., the slant [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] (SFK) transform, renders a better spectral analysis than the conventional [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] transform and yields more accurate phase-velocity estimation, which is critical for the surface-wave analysis. The advantages of the SFK transform have been confirmed by synthetic- and field-data processing.

Geophysics ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 75 (6) ◽  
pp. R121-R128 ◽  
Milton J. Porsani ◽  
Paul L. Stoffa ◽  
Mrinal K. Sen ◽  
Roustam K. Seif

Least-squares (LS) problems are encountered in many geophysical estimation and data analysis problems where a large number of observations (data) are combined to determine a model (some aspect of the earth structure). Examples of least squares in seismic exploration include several data processing algorithms, theoretically accurate LS migration, inversion for reservoir parameters, and background velocity estimation. A frequently encountered problem is that the volume of data in 3D is so large that the matrices required for the LS solution cannot be stored within the memory of a single computer. A new technique is described for parallel computation of the LS operator that is based on a partitioned-matrix algorithm. The classical LS method for solution of block-Toeplitz systems of normal equation (NE) to the general case of block-Hermitian and non-Toeplitz systems of NE. is generalized. Specifically, a solution of a block-Hermitian system of NE is shown that may be obtained recursively by linearly combining the solutions of lesser order that are related to the forward and backward subsystems of equations. This results in an efficient parallel algorithm in which each partitioned system can be evaluated independently. The application of the algorithm to the problem of 3D plane wave transformation is demonstrated.

А.А. Левицкий ◽  
А.В. Рудаков ◽  
М.С. Левицкая

Основная цель работы – описание новых технических и методологических средств, используемых АО «Южморгеология» при проведении полевых сейсморазведочных работ МОГТ 3D в лиманно-плавневых зонах Славянского района Краснодарского края в 2014-2015 гг. Представлены основные результаты опытных работ, обоснован выбор параметров съемки и их влияние на качество сейсмической записи: заглубление пневмоисточников BOLT 2200LL-BHS, количество накоплений возбуждения и необходимая глубина погружения датчиков регистраторов. В качестве датчиков регистраторов использовались маршфоны «СВГ-6», которые задавливались с помощью металлического шеста с креплением на конце на глубину 1,0–2,5 м до достижения уверенного контакта с твердой поверхностью (плотный грунт, глинистая подошва), снижая негативное влияние шумов (микросейсм) от корневой системы камышей (рис. 2А, В). Группирование «СВГ-6» шестью последовательно соединенными геофонами (GS-20DX) увеличило чувствительность датчика к слабым сигналам, возбуждаемым, в слабо консолидированной толще, а его прочная конструкция и металлическая проушина, позволила извлекать маршфон из скважины, полностью заполненной водой и шламом.  Приведены основные свойства верхней части разреза (ВЧР) исследуемой площади по данным бурения с кратким описанием литологической характеристика разреза до глубины 10 м. Показаны сейсмограммы, полученные на одном участке в разных сейсмогеологических условиях. Выявлена зависимость распределения значений среднеквадратичных амплитуд и доминантных частот по площади от поверхностных условий возбуждения и приема колебаний. Данная зависимость также прослеживается на предварительных временных разрезах. Были проанализированы основные факторы, влияющие на качество получаемого сейсмического материала. На основе проведенного исследования авторами обосновывается необходимость использования комплексного подхода к анализу качества сейсмических данных при работах в сложных сейсмогеологических условиях. В качестве вывода приведены основные рекомендации к проведению сейсморазведочных работ в лиманно-плавневых зонах. The main objective of the work is the description of new technical and methodological tools used by Yuzhmorgeologiya JSC when conducting CDP 3D field seismic surveys in the estuaries of the Slavyansk district of the Krasnodar Region in 2014-2015. The main results of the experimental work are presented; the choice of survey parameters and their impact on the quality of the seismic recording is validated: digging-in of the seismic source points BOLT 2200LL-BHS, the number of excitation accumulations and the required depth of recorder sensors. Geophones “SVG-6” were used as sensors of the recorders, which were crushed with a metal pole with a fastening at the end to a depth of 1.0–2.5 m until steady contact with a solid surface (dense soil, clay base) was achieved, reducing the negative impact noise (microseism) from the root system of reeds (Fig. 2A, B). Grouping the SVG-6 with six consecutive geophones (GS-20DX) increased the sensitivity of the equipment to weak signals being excited in a weakly consolidated layer, and its robust design and metal eye, made it possible to extract the geophone from a well completely filled with water and sludge. The basic properties of the upper part of the section (near-surface section) of the studied area are given according to the drilling data with a brief description of the lithological characteristics of the section to a depth of 10 m. Seismograms obtained at one site in different seismic and geological conditions are shown. The dependence of the distribution of values of root-mean-square amplitudes and dominant frequencies over the area on the surface conditions of excitation and reception of vibrations is revealed. This dependence is also observed in the preliminary time sections. The main factors affecting the quality of the obtained seismic material were analyzed. Based on the present study, the authors validate the need for the use of an integrated approach to analyzing the quality of seismic data when working under complex seismic and geological conditions. As a conclusion, the main recommendations for seismic exploration in the estuaries are presented.

Geophysics ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 653-655
D. F. Winterstein

What I would like to discuss has little to do with the content of Heloise Lynn’s paper, which beautifully illustrates S‐wave birefringence in near‐surface materials. My concern is with the terminology. Inappropriate use of the term azimuthal anisotropy has become so prevalent in both oral and written presentations that someone needs to point out clearly and in detail why such usage is ill‐advised. My comments, thus, while triggered by the usage of this paper, are for an audience that includes many besides the paper’s author.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (8) ◽  
pp. 567-575
Myrto Papadopoulou ◽  
Farbod Khosro Anjom ◽  
Mohammad Karim Karimpour ◽  
Valentina Laura Socco

Surface-wave (SW) tomography is a technique that has been widely used in the field of seismology. It can provide higher resolution relative to the classical multichannel SW processing and inversion schemes that are usually adopted for near-surface applications. Nevertheless, the method is rarely used in this context, mainly due to the long processing times needed to pick the dispersion curves as well as the inability of the two-station processing to discriminate between higher SW modes. To make it efficient and to retrieve pseudo-2D/3D S-wave velocity (VS) and P-wave velocity (VP) models in a fast and convenient way, we develop a fully data-driven two-station dispersion curve estimation, which achieves dense spatial coverage without the involvement of an operator. To handle higher SW modes, we apply a dedicated time-windowing algorithm to isolate and pick the different modes. A multimodal tomographic inversion is applied to estimate a VS model. The VS model is then converted to a VP model with the Poisson's ratio estimated through the wavelength-depth method. We apply the method to a 2D seismic exploration data set acquired at a mining site, where strong lateral heterogeneity is expected, and to a 3D pilot data set, recorded with state-of-the-art acquisition technology. We compare the results with the ones retrieved from classical multichannel analysis.

First Break ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 31 (1963) ◽  
A. J.-M. Pugin ◽  
K. Brewer ◽  
T. Cartwright ◽  
S.E. Pullan ◽  
D. Perret ◽  

Geophysics ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 82 (6) ◽  
pp. EN99-EN108 ◽  
Zongbo Xu ◽  
T. Dylan Mikesell ◽  
Jianghai Xia ◽  
Feng Cheng

Passive-source seismic-noise-based surface-wave methods are now routinely used to investigate the near-surface geology in urban environments. These methods estimate the S-wave velocity of the near surface, and two methods that use linear recording arrays are seismic interferometry (SI) and refraction microtremor (ReMi). These two methods process noise data differently and thus can yield different estimates of the surface-wave dispersion, the data used to estimate the S-wave velocity. We have systematically compared these two methods using synthetic data with different noise source distributions. We arrange sensors in a linear survey grid, which is conveniently used in urban investigations (e.g., along roads). We find that both methods fail to correctly determine the low-frequency dispersion characteristics when outline noise sources become stronger than inline noise sources. We also identify an artifact in the ReMi method and theoretically explain the origin of this artifact. We determine that SI combined with array-based analysis of surface waves is the more accurate method to estimate surface-wave phase velocities because SI separates surface waves propagating in different directions. Finally, we find a solution to eliminate the ReMi artifact that involves the combination of SI and the [Formula: see text]-[Formula: see text] transform, the array processing method that underlies the ReMi method.

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