We applied the normalized input–output minimization method (a method developed for the analysis of propagation times in vertical array records) to long-term earthquake observation records from Aratozawa Dam (in Kurihara, Miyagi prefecture, Japan), spanning the period from July 1992 to December 2019 to determine the propagation velocity of seismic waves in the embankment, and investigated changes in soil properties. As a result, we showed that (1) the velocities of S and P waves in the upper section were 449 and 993 m/s, respectively, prior to the strong earthquake motions derived from earthquake records from January 1997 through October 2001, whereas 608 and 1538, respectively, in the lower section, (2) in the Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, the S-wave velocity in the upper section decreased to 158 m/s in the principal shock, and (3) in subsequent minor earthquakes the propagation velocity increased more or less in proportion with the logarithm of the number of elapsed days, requiring three years or longer to return to the initial value, (4) although similar changes were observed in the Great East Japan earthquake of 2011, the reduction in propagation velocity that remained after the principal shock was smaller than in the case of the Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, and it was judged that there were no large effects on the dam body such as those that occurred in the Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, and furthermore (5) in the principal shock of the Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, the shear modulus in the upper part of the dam body decreased from 400 to 50 MPa (with a maximum shear strain of 10−3), resulting in more pronounced changes than in the lower section, whereas the damping ratio increased by at least 10% in the lower section during the principal shock of the Iwate–Miyagi Nairiku earthquake, resulting in much greater changes than in the upper section.