Field evaluation of phalaris, tall fescue and cocksfoot cultivars and accessions in western Victoria, Australia

2008 ◽  
Vol 59 (10) ◽  
pp. 971 ◽  
K. F. M. Reed ◽  
Z. N. Nie ◽  
B. Clark

To assess their potential usefulness in the central and south-western Victorian environment, cultivars/experimental varieties and accessions of each of three perennial grasses, phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. = syn. Lolium arundinaceum. (Schreb.) Darbysh.), and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), were established as swards by spring-sowing and then evaluated under rotational grazing by sheep. Pasture establishment, production, and survival following severe drought were measured at two locations. Persistent novel material of phalaris and tall fescue was identified that could increase the cool-season and year-round production relative to that obtained from current commercial cultivars. Phalaris and tall fescue varieties were compared at Hamilton. Results indicated that, in contrast to tall fescue, the seedling vigour of winter-active phalaris types was similar in spring relative to that of summer-active types. Most phalaris cultivars were more productive than tall fescue in autumn and winter (P < 0.05). For the experimental phalaris variety Perla × Sirocco, dry matter (DM) production during these seasons was 19% greater than for the most productive tall fescue, cv. Fraydo (P < 0.05). In a short growing season site at Warrak, winter-active cultivars of tall fescue produced up to 17% more DM in winter (P < 0.05) than the highest yielding, summer-active cv. Quantum MaxP, but for cumulative production over 3 years, Quantum MaxP was significantly more productive (P < 0.05) than 18 other entries. However, the persistence of Quantum and Quantum MaxP declined considerably post-drought; a more persistent accession from Sardinia, FA 005, was as productive as Quantum MaxP. Of the 13 cultivars compared in the longer growing season of Hamilton, Fraydo and Resolute MaxP were the most productive in winter (P < 0.05). For cumulative herbage yield over 4 years, Fraydo, Quantum MaxP, Quantum, Resolute MaxP, and Tanit were the most productive cultivars (P < 0.05). Infection with the MaxP endophyte did not affect persistence of Quantum at either site but improved the persistence of Resolute at Hamilton (P < 0.05). At Warrak, MaxP endophyte-infected Quantum was 35% more productive in summer–autumn than the endophyte-free cv. Quantum (P < 0.05). Compared with the most productive commercial cv. Holdfast, experimental varieties from breeding populations of winter-active phalaris selected for grazing tolerance and which incorporated Perla, were superior for seedling vigour (rating 5 v. 3), winter growth (by ≥15%), and cumulative production over 4 years (≥12%) (P < 0.05).

2003 ◽  
Vol 54 (9) ◽  
pp. 903 ◽  
S. P. Boschma ◽  
M. J. Hill ◽  
J. M. Scott ◽  
G. G. Rapp

A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of defoliation and moisture stresses on perennial pasture grasses and to identify traits associated with their resilience. The experiment, conducted near Armidale on the Northern Tablelands of NSW, studied 4 introduced perennial grass species (Phalaris aquatica, Festuca arundinacea, Dactylis glomerata, and Lolium perenne) and 2 native grass species (Microlaena stipoides and Austrodanthonia richardsonii) subjected to 3 moisture regimes (non-stress moisture, moderate drought, and severe drought) and 2 defoliation intensities (severe and moderate). Basal area, herbage mass, phenological growth stage, nitrogen concentration, root mass, and rooting depth were compared over 2 independent 6-month periods: spring–summer (1 September 1994–28 February 1995) and summer–autumn (1 December 1994–31 May 1995). Multiple regression was used to determine which traits were important for determining plant resilience.The differences between species and their respective responses were evident in the traits measured. In general, basal area tended to increase over summer and show little change during autumn. Severe defoliation stimulated plant growth, resulting in higher harvested herbage mass than from those moderately defoliated. Reproductive development was suppressed by severe drought and reduced by moderate drought. Severe defoliation suppressed flowering of Dactylis and Lolium at both drought intensities, compared with moderate defoliation. Phalaris, Festuca, and Austrodanthonia were the deepest rooting species during spring–summer, and Dactylis the shallowest. All species had similar rooting depths during summer–autumn, with those under severe and moderate drought having the deepest and shallowest rooting, respectively.Carbohydrate reserves and basal area were important traits for determining plant resilience during spring–summer. During summer–autumn, maintaining basal area and plant biomass through moderate grazing was important for resilience.

2009 ◽  
Vol 60 (8) ◽  
pp. 753 ◽  
S. P. Boschma ◽  
G. M. Lodge ◽  
S. Harden

Two adjacent sites, one previously cropped and the other a native pasture, were sown with perennial temperate and tropical grasses and herbs (Expt 1), Phalaris aquatica (phalaris) and Festuca arundinacea (tall fescue) cultivars or lines (Expt 2), and perennial tropical grasses (Expt 3) near Manilla, NSW. Establishment, herbage mass and plant frequency were assessed in 2003–06 to (i) identify cultivars/lines with superior persistence, (ii) detect possible mechanisms required for successful production and persistence in a summer-dominant rainfall environment, and (iii) examine the comparative performance of the species groups when sown into previously cropped and native pasture areas. Plots were fertilised annually and grazed or mown at least seasonally. Most cultivars/lines persisted at the previously cropped site, while those on the native pasture site had to be resown and generally failed to persist beyond the first year. At the previously cropped site, summer-dormant tall fescue cv. Resolute MaxP® was the most persistent of the grasses evaluated in Expt 1. Grasses such as Lolium perenne cv. Avalon and Bromus stamineus cv. Gala did not perenneate, but regenerated annually from seed. Native grasses generally had poor establishment; however, Austrodanthonia richardsonii and A. fulva tended to increase in plant frequency over time. Chloris gayana (Rhodes grass) cv. Katambora and Panicum maximum (panic) cv. Gatton were the only tropical grasses that established in Expt 1, and both had plant frequencies similar (P > 0.05) to the temperate grasses at the final assessment. In Expt 2, Resolute MaxP again was the most persistent cultivar/line. Several experimental lines of phalaris (e.g. T39 and M225) had high herbage mass and good persistence compared with commercial cultivars. In Expt 3, Katambora Rhodes grass and Digitaria eriantha ssp. eriantha (digit grass) cv. Premier were the most persistent cultivars and had the highest herbage mass. These data highlighted summer dormancy in temperate grasses and frost tolerance in tropical grasses as two possible mechanisms important for persistence of grasses on the North-West Slopes of NSW and the risks associated with sowing perennial grasses into established native pastures.

2000 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 299 ◽  
J. M. Virgona ◽  
A. Bowcher

The response to variation in grazing interval over the spring–autumn period in southern New South Wales was examined on 4 perennial grass species over 2 years. Plots of phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L. cv. Sirolan), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L. cv. Porto), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Shreb cv. Demeter) and a native danthonia (Danthonia richardsonii cv. Taranna), were grazed by sheep every 2, 5 or 8 weeks, either rainfed or given supplementary irrigation. Basal cover was monitored over this period and is combined with measurements of phenological development and herbage mass to explain differences in persistence. The seasons differed with respect to rainfall, 1994–95 being dry compared to 1995–96. Over the 1994–95 season, the relative change in basal cover [RCBC, the ratio of final (May 1995) to initial (September 1994) basal cover] of the 3 introduced perennial grasses was significantly less than 1, which indicated a decline in basal cover over the measurement period. In contrast, RCBC was 1.55 for danthonia. Grazing interval treatments significantly affected RCBC in 1994–95, RCBC increasing with grazing interval. In the 8-week grazing interval, RCBC did not significantly differ from 1. Changes in density were also measured in 1994–95 and followed a similar pattern to RCBC for species effects although there was no significant effect of grazing interval. In 1995–96, there were interactions between watering and both species and grazing interval. The RCBC (September 1995–May 1996) was significantly greater than 1 for cocksfoot and tall fescue under irrigated conditions but not under rainfed conditions. The response to grazing interval depended on water supply. The 5-week grazing interval led to the highest RCBC under both rainfed and irrigated conditions. However, when rainfed, the 5- and 8-week treatments were not significantly different, whereas under irrigation, the 2- and 5-week treatments did not significantly differ. For the 1995–96 season, a movement index (MI, ratio of newly colonised area to that occupied throughout the season) was measured. There was a strong interaction between species and watering but phalaris was the most mobile (highest MI) of the 4 species under both rainfed and irrigated conditions. The absence of any interaction between species and grazing interval in either 1994–95 or 1995–96 suggests that response to grazing of these species may be similar despite differences in survival mechanisms.

2008 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 409 ◽  
K. F. M. Reed ◽  
Z. N. Nie ◽  
S. Miller ◽  
B. F. Hackney ◽  
S. P. Boschma ◽  

To review pasture species for regions with 465–680 mm average annual rainfall, 22 perennial grasses and herbs were evaluated for pasture establishment and productivity in four states at seven locations where the arrest of groundwater recharge is considered necessary to ameliorate dryland salinity. Species represented introduced and native, temperate and subtropical grasses, chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.). This report describes establishment and yield; the following paper describes persistence and root characteristics. Yields were measured over 2–3 years except at one site, which suffered severe drought. Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L., cv. Avalon) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. = syn. Lolium arundinaceum. (Schreb.) Darbysh., cvv. AU Triumph and Resolute MaxP), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L., cv. Porto) and phalaris (Phalaris aquatica L., cv. Holdfast and Australian) were the most productive species, with dry matter (DM) yields of 13.6–15.1 t/ha. For summer growth, Porto and Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana Kunth, cv. Katambora) were the most productive species; relative to Australian in summer, Porto and Katambora produced 41% and 26% more DM, respectively (95% confidence). Perennial ryegrass (cv. Avalon), tall fescue (cv. Resolute MaxP) and chicory (cv. Grouse) were particularly valuable for autumn growth; Avalon was 30% more productive than Australian. Tall fescue (cv. Resolute MaxP) was 32% more productive than Australian in winter. Avalon and AU Triumph were the most productive grasses and herbs in spring. Based on natural rainfall over the 2–3 years of measurement, the mean water use productivity, ignoring any runoff, was 10.5 kg DM/ for the three most productive species. Apart from kangaroo grass (Themeda triandra Forssk), native grasses gradually established, but over a prolonged period weeping grass (Microlaena stipoides (Labill.) R.Br., cv. Wakefield) was the most rapid. Perennial ryegrass, tall fescue, cocksfoot and phalaris maintained productive yields across a diverse range of soils and climates. Exploration of the diversity within these species in a nationally coordinated program of genetic improvement appears warranted for improving reliability and expanding the zone of adaptation.

HortScience ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 46 (10) ◽  
pp. 1404-1410 ◽  
Rebecca Nelson Brown ◽  
Josef H. Gorres

Highway rights-of-way are routinely planted with turfgrasses to prevent erosion, filter runoff, and improve aesthetics. However, the roadside is a harsh environment, and perennial grasses often die within the first year, leading to bare ground and annual weeds, which do not prevent erosion during the winter. To improve the survival of perennial vegetation on the roadside, it is necessary to identify the factors limiting vegetation growth and then to either identify plants that can tolerate those factors or identify ways to ameliorate the stresses while still maintaining safety. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of improved cultivars, salt tolerance, and organic matter amendments on perennial grass survival along two highways in Rhode Island. The amendments tested were processed biosolids and composted yard waste, each applied in a 50:50 mixture by volume with existing roadside soil; plain soil was included as a control. We tested 20 improved turfgrass cultivars and one seed mixture with common creeping red fescue (Festuca rubra L.) as the standard. Turfgrass species tested were perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), red fescue, alkali grass [Puccinellia distans (Jacq.) Parl.], idaho bentgrass (Agrostis idahoensis Nash), tufted hairgrass [Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.], and kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.). We found that soil amendment was more effective than either improved genetics or salt tolerance. Establishment, vertical growth, and persistence of vegetation cover were significantly improved by amendment with organic matter, particularly biosolids. In Summer 2009 (the second growing season), turf cover exceeded 50% in the biosolids plots but was below 20% in the plain soil plots with complete loss of cover in the plain soil plots at one location. Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, red fescue, and idaho bentgrass showed the best persistence at the species level, and there were no consistent differences among cultivars.

1997 ◽  
Vol 122 (1) ◽  
pp. 129-133 ◽  
Yaling Qian ◽  
Jack D. Fry

Greenhouse studies were conducted on three warm-season turfgrasses, `Midlawn' bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. × C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy], `Prairie' buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.], and `Meyer' zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.), and a cool-season turfgrass, `Mustang' tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) to determine 1) water relations and drought tolerance characteristics by subjecting container-grown grasses to drought and 2) potential relationships between osmotic adjustment (OA) and turf recovery after severe drought. Tall fescue was clipped at 6.3 cm once weekly, whereas warm-season grasses were clipped at 4.5 cm twice weekly. The threshold volumetric soil water content (SWC) at which a sharp decline in leaf water potential (ψL) occurred was higher for tall fescue than for warm-season grasses. Buffalograss exhibited the lowest and tall fescue exhibited the highest reduction in leaf pressure potential (ψP) per unit decline in ψL during dry down. Ranking of grasses for magnitude of OA was buffalograss (0.84 MPa) = zoysiagrass (0.77 MPa) > bermudagrass (0.60 MPa) > tall fescue (0.34 MPa). Grass coverage 2 weeks after irrigation was resumed was correlated positively with magnitude of OA (r = 0.66, P < 0.05).

1985 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 213 ◽  
MJ Hill ◽  
CJ Pearson ◽  
LC Campbell

Seeds of prairie grass (Bromus catharticus Vahl) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) were planted in established small swards of kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst ex Chiov.). Growth of the temperate seedlings and the subtropical grass sward was measured over a period of 59 days under four temperature regimes from 14/6 to 23/20�C (12/12 h). The capacity of the seedlings of the oversown temperate perennial grasses to establish in the sward of the subtropical kikuyu depended on temperature. At low temperature (mean daily temperature < 1l�C) the seedlings grew faster than the kikuyu and became successfully established. At moderate temperatures (11-19�C) the relative growth rates of seedlings were comparable with the relative growth rates of kikuyu tillers, but the latter dominated due to a greater absolute growth rate. Stature was an important component in the inter-species competition, and the taller prairie grass grew much better in competition with kikuyu than did fescue. Temperatures above 20�C exceeded the optimum of the seedlings of the temperate species but not that of kikuyu, so that the sown species were at a disadvantage and kikuyu dominated the mixture. It is concluded that prairie grass and tall fescue can be established successfully only in swards of kikuyu when day temperatures are below 21 and 15�C respectively, unless kikuyu is suppressed for a long period. A herbicide may be an economical means of doing this.

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