growth rates
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Luana L. de S. A. Veloso ◽  
André A. R. da Silva ◽  
Geovani S. de Lima ◽  
Carlos A. V. de Azevedo ◽  
Hans R. Gheyi ◽  

ABSTRACT The cultivation of irrigated soursop in semiarid Northeastern Brazil highlights the need for information regarding its responses to the salinity of irrigation water and the use of techniques that allow its exploration, such as the use of hydrogen peroxide. Thus, the study aimed to evaluate the effect of soaking of seeds and foliar application of hydrogen peroxide on soursop plant growth and physiology under conditions of salt stress. The study was conducted in lysimeters in a greenhouse, and the treatments were distributed in a randomized block design and 4 × 4 factorial scheme, with four values of electrical conductivity of the irrigation water - ECw (0.7, 1.7, 2.7, and 3.7 dS m-1) and four concentrations of H2O2 (0, 25, 50, and 75 μM), with three replicates and one plant per plot. H2O2 concentrations were applied via seed imbibition and foliar spray. Irrigation with water from 0.7 dS m-1 impairs gas exchange and absolute growth rates of plant height and stem diameter and relative growth rate in height of soursop plants. Concentrations of 35, 33 and 23 µM of hydrogen peroxide favored the relative and absolute growth rates of plant height and transpiration, respectively. Compared to the aerial part, the root of soursop plants is more affected when irrigated with water from 1.6 dS m-1.

2022 ◽  
Zhen Wu ◽  
Dikla Aharonovich ◽  
Dalit Roth-Rosenberg ◽  
Osnat Weissberg ◽  
Tal Luzzatto-Knaan ◽  

Marine phytoplankton are responsible for about half of the photosynthesis on Earth. Many are mixotrophs, combining photosynthesis with heterotrophic assimilation of organic carbon but the relative contribution of these two carbon sources is not well quantified. Here, single-cell measurements reveal that Prochlorococcus at the base of the photic zone in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea are obtaining only ~20% of carbon required for growth by photosynthesis. Consistently, laboratory-calibrated evaluations of Prochlorococcus photosynthesis indicate that carbon fixation is systematically too low to support published in situ growth rates in the deep photic layer of the Pacific Ocean. Furthermore, agent-based model simulations show that mixotrophic cells maintain realistic growth rates and populations 10s of meters deeper than obligate photo-autotrophs, deepening the nutricline and Deep Chlorophyll Maximum by ~20 m. Time-series of Prochlorococcus ecotype-abundance from the subtropical North Atlantic and North Pacific suggest that up to 30% of the Prochlorococcus cells live where light intensity is not enough to sustain obligate photo-autotrophic populations during warm, stratified periods. Together, these data and models suggest that mixotrophy underpins the ecological success of a large fraction of the global Prochlorococcus population and its collective genetic diversity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Omer Trivizki ◽  
Eric M. Moult ◽  
Liang Wang ◽  
Prashanth Iyer ◽  
Yingying Shi ◽  

Fishes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Logan W. Sikora ◽  
Joseph T. Mrnak ◽  
Rebecca Henningsen ◽  
Justin A. VanDeHey ◽  
Greg G. Sass

Black bullheads Ameiurus melas are an environmentally tolerant omnivorous fish species that are found throughout much of North America and parts of Europe. Despite their prevalence, black bullheads are an infrequently studied species making their biology, ecology, and life history poorly understood. Although limited information has been published on black bullheads, evidence suggests that bullheads can dominate the fish biomass and have profound influences on the fish community in some north temperate USA lakes. The goal of our study was to provide additional information on black bullhead population demographics, growth rates, life history characteristics, and seasonal diet preferences in a northern Wisconsin lake. Using common fish collection gears (fyke netting, electrofishing), fish aging protocols, fecundity assessments, and diet indices, our results suggested that black bullheads exhibited relatively fast growth rates, early ages at maturity, moderate fecundity, and a diverse omnivorous diet. Due to these demographic and life history characteristics, black bullheads have the potential to dominate fish community biomass in their native and introduced range. Results from our study may inform the management of black bullhead as native and invasive species.

2022 ◽  
Vol 53 (3) ◽  
pp. 349-358

The 12-monthly running means of CFC-11 and CFC-12 were examined for 1977-1992. As observed by earlier workers, during 1977-1988, there was a rapid, almost linear increase of these compounds, ~70% in the northern and ~77% in the southern hemisphere. From 1988 up to 1992, growth rates were slower, more so for CFC-11 in the northern hemisphere. Superposed on this pattern were QBO, QTO (Quasi-Biennial and Quasi-Triennial Oscillations). A spectral analysis of the various series indicated the following. The 50 hPa low latitude zonal wind had one prominent QBO peak at 2.58 years and much smaller peaks at 2.00 (QBO) and 5.1 years. The Southern oscillation index represented by (T-D), Tahiti minus Darwin atmospheric pressure, had a prominent peak at 4.1 years and a smaller peak at 2.31 years. CFC-11 had only one significant peak at 3.7 years in the southern hemisphere, roughly similar to the 4.1 year (T-D) peak. CFC-12 had prominent QBO (2.16-2.33 years) in both the hemispheres and a QTO (3.6 years) in the southern hemisphere. For individual locations, CFC-11 showed barely significant QBO in the range (1.95-3.07 years), while CFC 12 showed strong QBO in the range (1.86-2.38 years). The difference in the spectral characteristics of CFC-11 and CFC 12 time series is attributed to differences in their lifetimes (44 and 180 years), source emission rates and transport processes.

2022 ◽  
Josepha Godivier ◽  
Elizabeth Anna Lawrence ◽  
Mengdi Wang ◽  
Chrissy L Hammond ◽  
Niamh C Nowlan

In early limb embryogenesis, synovial joints acquire specific shapes which determine joint motion and function. The process by which the opposing cartilaginous joint surfaces are moulded into reciprocal and interlocking shapes, called joint morphogenesis, is one of the least understood aspect of joint formation and the cell-level dynamics underlying it are yet to be unravelled. In this research, we quantified key cellular dynamics involved in growth and morphogenesis of the zebrafish jaw joint and synthesised them in a predictive computational simulation of joint development. Cells in larval zebrafish jaw joints labelled with cartilage markers were tracked over a forty-eight hour time window using confocal imaging. Changes in distance and angle between adjacent cell centroids resulting from cell rearrangement, volume expansion and extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition were measured and used to calculate the rate and direction of local tissue deformations. We observed spatially and temporally heterogeneous growth patterns with marked anisotropy over the developmental period assessed. There was notably elevated growth at the level of the retroarticular process of the Meckel's cartilage, a feature known to undergo pronounced shape changes during zebrafish development. Analysis of cell dynamics indicated a dominant role for cell volume expansion in growth, with minor influences from ECM volume increases and cell intercalation. Cell proliferation in the joint was minimal over the timeframe of interest. Synthesising the dynamic cell data into a finite element model of jaw joint development resulted in accurate shape predictions. Our biofidelic computational simulation demonstrated that zebrafish jaw joint growth can be reasonably approximated based on cell positional information over time, where cell positional information derives mainly from cell orientation and cell volume expansion. By modifying the input parameters of the simulation, we were able to assess the relative contributions of heterogeneous growth rates and of growth orientation. The use of uniform rather than heterogeneous growth rates only minorly impacted the shape predictions whereas isotropic growth fields resulted in altered shape predictions. The simulation results suggest that growth anisotropy is the dominant influence on joint growth and morphogenesis. This study addresses the gap of the cellular processes underlying joint morphogenesis, with implications for understanding the aetiology of developmental joint disorders such as developmental dysplasia of the hip and arthrogryposis.

2022 ◽  
Hanny Rivera ◽  
Anne Cohen ◽  
Janelle Thompson ◽  
Iliana Baums ◽  
Michael Fox ◽  

Abstract Ocean warming is killing corals, but heat-tolerant populations exist; if protected, they could replenish affected reefs naturally or through restoration. Palau’s Rock Islands experience chronically higher temperatures and extreme heatwaves, yet their diverse coral communities bleach less than those on Palau’s cooler outer reefs. Here, we combined genetic analyses, bleaching histories and growth rates of Porites cf. lobata colonies to identify thermally tolerant genotypes, map their distribution, and investigate potential growth trade-offs. We identified four P cf. lobata genetic lineages. On Palau’s outer reefs, a thermally sensitive lineage dominates. The Rock Islands harbor two lineages with enhanced thermal tolerance and no consistent growth trade-off. One of these lineages also occurs on several outer reefs. This suggests that the Rock Islands provide naturally tolerant larvae to neighboring areas. Finding and protecting such sources of thermally-tolerant corals is key to reef survival under 21st century climate change.

2022 ◽  
Hyun Gyu Lim ◽  
Kevin Rychel ◽  
Anand V. Sastry ◽  
Joshua Mueller ◽  
Wei Niu ◽  

Bacterial gene expression is orchestrated by numerous transcription factors (TFs). Elucidating how gene expression is regulated is fundamental to understanding bacterial physiology and engineering it for practical use. In this study, a machine-learning approach was applied to uncover the genome-scale transcriptional regulatory network (TRN) in Pseudomonas putida, an important organism for bioproduction. We performed independent component analysis of a compendium of 321 high-quality gene expression profiles, which were previously published or newly generated in this study. We identified 84 groups of independently modulated genes (iModulons) that explain 75.7% of the total variance in the compendium. With these iModulons, we (i) expand our understanding of the regulatory functions of 39 iModulon associated TFs (e.g., HexR, Zur) by systematic comparison with 1,993 previously reported TF-gene interactions; (ii) outline transcriptional changes after the transition from the exponential growth to stationary phases; (iii) capture group of genes required for utilizing diverse carbon sources and increased stationary response with slower growth rates; (iv) unveil multiple evolutionary strategies of transcriptome reallocation to achieve fast growth rates; and (v) define an osmotic stimulon, which includes the Type VI secretion system, as coordination of multiple iModulon activity changes. Taken together, this study provides the first quantitative genome-scale TRN for P. putida and a basis for a comprehensive understanding of its complex transcriptome changes in a variety of physiological states.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Jonathan Sherman ◽  
Ajit Subramaniam ◽  
Maxim Y. Gorbunov ◽  
Ana Fernández-Carrera ◽  
Rainer Kiko ◽  

In the Equatorial Atlantic nitrogen availability is assumed to control phytoplankton dynamics. However, in situ measurements of phytoplankton physiology and productivity are surprisingly sparse in comparison with the North Atlantic. In addition to the formation of the Equatorial cold tongue in the boreal summer, tropical instability waves (TIWs) and related short-term processes may locally cause episodic events of enhanced nutrient supply to the euphotic layer. Here, we assess changes in phytoplankton photophysiology in response to such episodic events as well as short-term nutrient addition experiments using a pair of custom-built fluorometers that measure chlorophyll a (Chl a) variable fluorescence and fluorescence lifetimes. The fluorometers were deployed during a transatlantic cruise along the Equator in the fall of 2019. We hypothesized that the Equatorial Atlantic is nitrogen-limited, with an increasing degree of limitation to the west where the cold tongue is not prominent, and that infrequent nitrate injection by TIW related processes are the primary source alleviating this limitation. We further hypothesized phytoplankton are well acclimated to the low levels of nitrogen, and once nitrogen is supplied, they can rapidly utilize it to stimulate growth and productivity. Across three TIW events encountered, we observed increased productivity and chlorophyll a concentration concurrent with a decreased photochemical conversion efficiency and overall photophysiological competency. Moreover, the observed decrease in photosynthetic turnover rates toward the western section suggested a 70% decrease in growth rates compared to their maximum values under nutrient-replete conditions. This decrease aligned with the increased growth rates observed following 24 h incubation with added nitrate in the western section. These results support our hypotheses that nitrogen is the limiting factor in the region and that phytoplankton are in a state of balanced growth, waiting to “body surf” waves of nutrients which fuel growth and productivity.

Jeongan Choi ◽  
Rajavasanth Rajasegar ◽  
Qili Liu ◽  
Tonghun Lee ◽  
Jihyung Yoo

Abstract In this work, the growth regime of combustion instability was studied by analyzing 10 kHz OH planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) images through a combination of dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) and spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (SPOD) methods. Combustion instabilities were induced in a mesoscale burner array through an external speaker at an imposed perturbation frequency of 210 Hz. During the transient onset of combustion instabilities, 10 kHz OH PLIF imaging was employed to capture spatially and temporally resolved flame images. Increased acoustic perturbations prevented flame reignition in the central recirculation zone and eventually led to the flame being extinguished inwards from the outer burner array elements. Coherent modes and their growth rates were obtained from DMD spectral analyses of high-speed OH PLIF images. Positive growth rates were observed at the forcing frequency during the growth regime. Coherent structures, closely associated with thermoacoustic instability, were extracted using an appropriate SPOD filter operation to identify mode structures that correlate to physical phenomena such as shear layer instability and flame response to longitudinal acoustic forcing. Overall, a combination of DMD and SPOD was shown to be effective at analyzing the onset and propagation of combustion instabilities, particularly under transient burner operations.

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