scholarly journals The phosphorylation of coated membrane proteins in intact neurons.

1986 ◽  
Vol 102 (4) ◽  
pp. 1325-1333 ◽  
J H Keen ◽  
M M Black

To complement studies that have demonstrated the prominent phosphorylation of a 50-kD coated vesicle polypeptide in vitro, we have evaluated the phosphorylation of coated membrane proteins in intact cells. A co-assembly assay has been devised in which extracts of cultured rat sympathetic neurons labeled with [32P]-Pi were combined with unlabeled carrier bovine brain coat proteins and reassembled coat structures were isolated by gradient centrifugation. Two groups of phosphorylated polypeptides, of 100-110 kD (pp100-110) and 155 kD (pp155) apparent molecular mass, were incorporated into reassembled coats. The neuronal pp100-110 are structurally and functionally related to the 100-110-kD component of the bovine brain assembly protein (AP), a protein complex that also contains 50-kD and 16.5-kD components and is characterized by its ability to promote the reassembly of clathrin coat structures under physiological conditions of pH and ionic strength (Zaremba, S. and J. H. Keen, 1983, J. Cell Biol., 97:1337-1348). The neuronal pp155 detected in reassembled coat structures was readily observable in total extracts of [32P]-Pi-labeled neurons dissolved in SDS-containing buffer. A bovine brain counterpart to the neuronal pp155 was also observed when brain coated vesicles were subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Phosphoserine was the predominant phosphoaminoacid found in both the pp100 and pp155. A structural and functional counterpart to the 50-kD brain assembly polypeptide (AP50) was also identified in these neurons. Although the brain AP50 is prominently phosphorylated by an endogenous protein kinase in isolated coated vesicle preparations, the neuronal AP50 was not detectably phosphorylated in intact cells as assessed by two-dimensional non-equilibrium pH gradient gel electrophoresis of labeled cells dissolved directly in SDS-containing buffers. These results demonstrate that the bovine brain assembly polypeptides of 50 kD and 100-110 kD that we have previously described, as well as a novel 155-kD polypeptide reported here, have structural and functional counterparts in cultured neurons. They also indicate that phosphorylation of the 100-110-kD AP may be involved in the regulation of coated membrane structure and function. The extent of phosphorylation of the AP50 in intact cells and in isolated coated vesicles is strikingly different: it has been suggested that the latter process reflects an autophosphorylation reaction (Campbell C., J. Squicciarini, M. Shia, P. F. Pilch, and R. E. Fine, 1984, Biochemistry, 23:4420-4426).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1987 ◽  
Vol 104 (4) ◽  
pp. 887-895 ◽  
MS Robinson

Proteins with molecular weights of around 100,000 (designated 100K) are found in all coated vesicles. Five monoclonal antibodies have been raised against the major 100K proteins of bovine brain coated vesicles, which migrate on SDS gels as three closely spaced bands. One antibody stains the middle band (band B), two stain both upper and lower bands (bands A and C), and two stain the lower band (band C) only. Thus, the polypeptides in bands A and C are related (but not identical), a result confirmed by NH2-terminal sequencing. Other tissues were found to express proteins corresponding to, and co-migrating with, bands B and C but not band A. Only the two antibodies that recognize both A and C stained fixed and permeabilized tissue culture cells; they both showed a punctate pattern in the plane of the plasma membrane. Double labeling with anti-clathrin antibodies confirmed that the dots correspond to coated pits and vesicles. However, perinuclear staining seen with anti-clathrin, corresponding to Golgi-derived coated vesicles, was conspicuously absent with the two monoclonal antibodies. Affinity-purified polyclonal antisera against the 100K proteins, reported earlier, gave perinuclear as well as punctate staining; these included one antiserum which gave mainly perinuclear staining (Robinson, M. S., and B. M. F. Pearse, 1986, J. Cell Biol., 102:48-54). Thus, different 100K proteins appear to be found in different membrane compartments. Since the 100K proteins are thought to lie between clathrin and the membrane proteins of the vesicle, these results may help to explain how different membrane proteins can be sorted into coated vesicles in different parts of the cell.

1981 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 385-391 ◽  
S R Pfeffer ◽  
R B Kelly

Coated vesicles are thought to be vehicles for the intracellular transport of membranes. Clathrin is the major protein component of coated vesicles. Minor components of these organelles can be identified in highly purified preparations if they can be shown to copurify with clathrin. To show copurification we have made use of the relatively uniform diameter of coated vesicles (50-150 nm) to fractionate conventionally purified coated vesicles according to size in glass bead columns of 200-nm pore size. We have found that bovine brain coated vesicles prepared by the standard procedure of Pearse can be contaminated with large membrane fragments that are removed by permeation chromatography on such glass bead columns. Gel electrophoretic analysis of column fractions shows that only three major polypeptide chains, and a family of polypeptides with molecular weights close to 100,000 are always in constant ratio to clathrin, and are unique to fractions containing coated vesicles. Two other major polypeptides that appear to be components of coated vesicles are also present in other membrane fractions. We have also used permeation chromatography to monitor artifactual membrane trapping during vesicle isolation. Pure radiolabeled synaptic vesicle membranes were added to bovine brain tissue before homogenization. Considerable amounts of the added radioactivity could be recovered in the fractions conventionally pooled in the preparation of coated vesicles. After permeation chromatography, the radioactivity in the coated vesicle peak was reduced essentially to background.

1985 ◽  
Vol 225 (3) ◽  
pp. 713-721 ◽  
D Gravotta ◽  
H J F Maccioni

The content of gangliosides and sialosylglycoproteins was investigated in a coated-vesicle-enriched fraction prepared from bovine brain by the method of Pearse [(1975) J. Mol. Biol. 97, 93-98] and further purified by g.p.c. (glass-permeation chromatography) [Pfeffer & Kelly (1981) J. Cell Biol. 91, 385-391]. From morphological criteria and from the analysis of the polypeptide pattern on sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis the coated-vesicle fraction (CV-fraction) appeared more than 95% pure. The ganglioside-NeuAc (N-acetylneuraminate), glycoprotein-NeuAc, phospholipid and cholesterol contents of CV-fraction were compared with those of bovine brain synaptic plasma membranes (SPM). The cholesterol to phospholipid molar ratio was 0.47 +/- 0.07 in CV-fraction and 1.06 +/- 0.08 in SPM. The ganglioside-NeuAc and glycoprotein-NeuAc to phospholipid molar ratios were 0.047 and 0.020 respectively in CV-fraction and 0.039 and 0.016 respectively in SPM. The (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase activity sensitive to ouabain (in mumol of Pi/h per nmol of phospholipid) was 1.04 in CV-fraction and 0.63 in SPM; the ratio between this activity and the activity resistant to ouabain was 2 in CV-fraction and 1.4 in SPM. A t.l.c. analysis of the ganglioside fractions showed that most of the ganglioside species present in SPM were present in CV-fraction. In a rat brain coated-vesicle preparation not subjected to g.p.c., the activities [as sugar-radioactivity (c.p.m.) transferred/h per mumol of phospholipid] of the enzymes CMP-NeuAc:sialosyl-lactosylceramide (GM3) sialosyl-, UDP-Gal:N-acetylgalactosaminyl(sialosyl)lactosylceramide (GM2) galactosyl- and UDP-GalNAc:sialosyl-lactosylceramide (GM3) N-acetylgalactosaminyl-transferases, which were considered Golgi-apparatus markers, were about 19, 16 and 10% respectively of those determined in rat brain neuronal perikaryon-enriched fractions. Taken together, the results indicate that most of the major gangliosides are constituents of coated vesicles.

1986 ◽  
Vol 102 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-54 ◽  
M S Robinson ◽  
B M Pearse

A family of coated vesicle proteins, with molecular weights of approximately 100,000 and designated 100K, has been implicated in both coat assembly and the attachment of clathrin to the vesicle membrane. These proteins were purified from extracts of bovine brain coated vesicles by gel filtration, hydroxylapatite chromatography, and preparative SDS PAGE. Peptide mapping by limited proteolysis indicated that the polypeptides making up the three major 100K bands have distinct amino acid sequences. When four rats were immunized with total 100K protein, each rat responded differently to the different bands, although all four antisera cross-reacted with the 100K proteins of human placental coated vesicles. After affinity purification, two of the antisera were able to detect a 100K band on blots of whole 3T3 cell protein and were used for immunofluorescence, double labeling the cells with either rabbit anti-clathrin or with wheat germ lectin as a Golgi apparatus marker. Both antisera gave staining that was coincident with anti-clathrin, with punctate labeling of the plasma membrane and perinuclear Golgi apparatus labeling. Thus, the 100K proteins are present on endocytic as well as Golgi-derived coated pits and vesicles. The punctate patterns were nearly identical with anti-100K and anti-clathrin, indicating that when vesicles become uncoated, the 100K proteins are removed as well as clathrin. One of the two antisera gave stronger plasma membrane labeling than Golgi apparatus labeling when compared with the anti-clathrin antiserum. The other antiserum gave stronger Golgi apparatus labeling. Although we have as yet no evidence that these two antisera label different proteins on blots of 3T3 cells, they do show differences on blots of bovine brain 100K proteins. This result, although preliminary, raises the possibility that different 100K proteins may be associated with different pathways of membrane traffic.

1999 ◽  
Vol 112 (22) ◽  
pp. 4089-4100 ◽  
A. Pauloin ◽  
S.A. Tooze ◽  
I. Michelutti ◽  
S. Delpal ◽  
M. Ollivier-Bousquet

Clathrin coated vesicles were isolated from lactating rabbit mammary gland by differential centrifugation, centrifugation on (2)H2O-sucrose cushions and Sephacryl S-1000 chromatography. Mammary epithelial cells contain an unexpectedly high quantity of clathrin coated vesicles which appear heterogeneous in size, with a mean diameter of 95.9+/-10.5 nm and a density of 1.23 g × ml(−1). Analysis of clathrin coated vesicle adaptor composition by SDS-PAGE and western blot showed that only approximately 5–10% of total APs consist of AP-2 in isolated mammary gland clathrin coated vesicles whereas it represents approximately 70% of the total APs from bovine brain clathrin coated vesicles. Cargo molecules known to be transcytosed such as IgG, IgA, and the pIgR were detected in the clathrin coated vesicles, indicating that part of this vesicle population is involved in transcytotic pathways. However, as the vast majority of the clathrin coated vesicles contained AP-1, it was likely that these clathrin coated vesicles were involved in the secretory pathway. Relatively high quantities of furin and cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor were detected in mammary clathrin coated vesicles. By immuno electron microscopy, AP-1 and the cation-independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor were localized in Golgi-associated vesicles and on the membrane of secretory vesicles. The presence of AP-1 in the coat patches on the membrane of secretory vesicles containing casein micelles, and the presence of alpha(s1)-casein in mammary gland clathrin coated vesicles, support a role for AP-1 in the maturation of secretory vesicles. Our data pinpoint the importance of clathrin coated vesicles in lactating mammary epithelial cells, and suggest these vesicles are involved in the transcytotic pathway, in sorting at the trans-Golgi network and in the biogenesis of casein-containing secretory vesicles.

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