scholarly journals Effect of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium depletion on intramembranous charge movement in frog cut muscle fibers.

1995 ◽  
Vol 106 (4) ◽  
pp. 659-704 ◽  
D S Jong ◽  
P C Pape ◽  
W K Chandler

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria (sarcomere length, 3.3-3.5 microns; temperature, 13-16 degrees C) were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber and equilibrated for at least an hour with an internal solution that contained 20 mM EGTA and phenol red and an external solution that contained predominantly TEA-gluconate; both solutions were nominally Ca-free. The increase in total myoplasmic concentration of Ca (delta[CaT]) produced by sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release was estimated from the change in pH produced when the released Ca was complexed by EGTA (Pape, P.C., D.-S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. Journal of General Physiology. 106:259-336). The resting value of SR Ca content, [CaSR]R (expressed as myoplasmic concentration), was taken to be equal to the value of delta[CaT] obtained during a step depolarization (usually to -50 to -40 mV) that was sufficiently long (200-750 ms) to release all of the readily releasable Ca from the SR. In ten fibers, the first depolarization gave [CaSR]R = 839-1,698 microM. Progressively smaller values were obtained with subsequent depolarizations until, after 30-40 depolarizations, the value of [CaSR]R had usually been reduced to < 10 microM. Measurements of intramembranous charge movement, Icm, showed that, as the value of [CaSR]R decreased, ON-OFF charge equality held and the amount of charge moved remained constant. ON Icm showed brief initial I beta components and prominent I gamma "humps", even after the value of [CaSR]R was < 10 microM. Although the amplitude of the hump component decreased during depletion, its duration increased in a manner that preserved the constancy of ON charge. In the depleted state, charge movement was steeply voltage dependent, with a mean value of 7.2 mV for the Boltzmann factor k. These and other results are not consistent with the idea that there is one type of charge, Q beta, and that I gamma is a movement of Q beta caused by SR Ca release, as proposed by Pizarro, Csernoch, Uribe, Rodríguez, and Ríos (1991. Journal of General Physiology. 97:913-947). Rather, our results imply that Q beta and Q gamma represent either two distinct species of charge or two transitions with different properties of a single species of charge, and that SR Ca content or release or some related event alters the kinetics, but not the amount of Q gamma. Many of the properties of Q gamma, as well as the voltage dependence of the rate of SR Ca release for small depolarizations, are consistent with predictions from a simple model in which the voltage sensor for SR Ca release consists of four interacting charge movement particles.

1998 ◽  
Vol 112 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-179 ◽  
Paul C. Pape ◽  
Nicole Carrier

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria (sarcomere length, 3.5–3.9 μm; 14–16°C) were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber and equilibrated with an external solution that contained tetraethyl ammonium– gluconate and an internal solution that contained Cs as the principal cation, 20 mM EGTA, and 0 Ca. Fibers were stimulated with a voltage-clamp pulse protocol that consisted of pulses to −70, −65, −60, −45, and −20 mV, each separated by 400-ms periods at −90 mV. The change in total Ca that entered into the myoplasm (Δ[CaT]) and the Ca content of the SR ([CaSR]) were estimated with the EGTA/phenol red method (Pape, P.C., D.-S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. J. Gen. Physiol. 106:259–336). Fibers were stimulated with the pulse protocol, usually every 5 min, so that the resting value of [CaSR] decreased from its initial value of 1,700–2,300 μM to values near or below 100 μM after 18–30 stimulations. Three main findings for the voltage pulses to −70, −65, and −60 mV are: (a) the depletion-corrected rate of Ca release (release permeability) showed little change when [CaSR] decreased from its highest level (>1,700 μM) to ∼1,000 μM; (b) as [CaSR] decreased below 1,000 μM, the release permeability increased to a maximum level when [CaSR] was near 300 μM that was on average about sevenfold larger than the values observed for [CaSR] > 1,000 μM; and (c) as [CaSR] decreased from ∼300 μM to <100 μM, the release permeability decreased, reaching half its maximum value when [CaSR] was ∼110 μM on average. It was concluded that finding b was likely due to a decrease in Ca inactivation, while finding c was likely due to a decrease in Ca-induced Ca release.

1996 ◽  
Vol 107 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-101 ◽  
P C Pape ◽  
D S Jong ◽  
W K Chandler

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber and equilibrated with an end-pool solution that contained 20 mM EGTA and 1.76 mM Ca (sarcomere length, 3.3-3.8 microns; temperature, 14-16 degrees C). Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release, delta[CaT], was estimated from changes in myoplasmic pH (Pape, P.C., D.-S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. J. Gen. Physiol. 106:259-336). The maximal value of delta[CaT] obtained during a depleting depolarization was assumed to equal the SR Ca content before stimulation, [CaSR]R (expressed as myoplasmic concentration). After a depolarization to -55 to -40 mV in fibers with [CaSR]R = 1,000-3,000 microM, currents from intramembranous charge movement, Icm, showed an early I beta component. This was followed by an I gamma hump, which decayed within 50 ms to a small current that was maintained for as long as 500 ms. This slow current was probably a component of Icm because the amount of OFF charge, measured after depolarizations of different durations, increased according to the amount of ON charge. Icm was also measured after the SR had been depleted of most of its Ca, either by a depleting conditioning depolarization or by Ca removal from the end pools followed by a series of depleting depolarizations. The early I beta component was essentially unchanged by Ca depletion, the I gamma hump was increased (for [CaSR]R > 200 microM), the slow component was eliminated, and the total amount of OFF charge was essentially unchanged. These results suggest that the slow component of ON Icm is not movement of a new species of charge but is probably movement of Q gamma that is slowed by SR Ca release or some associated event such as the accompanying increase in myoplasmic free [Ca] that is expected to occur near the Ca release sites. The peak value of the apparent rate constant associated with this current, 2-4%/ms at pulse potentials between -48 and -40 mV, is decreased by half when [CaSR]R approximately equal to 500-1,000 microM, which gives a peak rate of SR Ca release of approximately 5-10 microM/ms.

1989 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-64 ◽  
C Caputo ◽  
P Bolaños

Intramembrane charge movement has been measured in frog cut skeletal muscle fibers using the triple vaseline gap voltage-clamp technique. Ionic currents were reduced using an external solution prepared with tetraethylammonium to block potassium currents, and O sodium + tetrodotoxin to abolish sodium currents. The internal solution contained 10 mM EGTA to prevent contractions. Both the internal and external solutions were prepared with impermeant anions. Linear capacitive currents were subtracted using the P-P/4 procedure, with the control pulses being subtracted either at very negative potentials, for the case of polarized fibers, or at positive potentials, for the case of depolarized fibers. In 63 polarized fibers dissected from Rana pipiens or Leptodactylus insularis frogs the following values were obtained for charge movement parameters: Qmax = 39 nC/microF, V = 36 mV, k = 18.5 mV. After depolarization we found that the total amount of movable charge was not appreciably reduced, while the voltage sensitivity was much changed. For 10 fibers, in which charge movement was measured at -100 and at 0 mV, Qmax changed from 46 to 41 nC/microF, while V changed from -41 to -103 mV and k changed from 20.5 to 30 mV. Thus membrane depolarization to 0 mV produces a shift of greater than 50 mV in the Q-V relationship and a decrease of the slope. Membrane depolarization to -20 and -30 mV, caused a smaller shift of the Q-V relationship. In normally polarized fibers addition of D-600 at concentrations of 50-100 microM, does not cause important changes in charge movement parameters. However, the drug appears to have a use-dependent effect after depolarization. Thus in depolarized fibers, total charge is reduced by approximately 20%. D-600 causes no further changes in the voltage sensitivity of charge movement in fibers depolarized to 0 mV, while in fibers depolarized to -20 and -30 mV it causes the same effects as that obtained with depolarization to 0 mV. These results are compatible with the idea that after depolarization charge 1 is transformed into charge 2. D-600 appears to favor the conversion of charge 1 into charge 2. Since D-600 also favors contractile inactivation, charge 2 could represent the state of the voltage sensor for excitation-contraction coupling in the inactivated state.

1998 ◽  
Vol 112 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-295 ◽  
Paul C. Pape ◽  
De-Shien Jong ◽  
W. Knox Chandler

Resting sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca content ([CaSR]R) was varied in cut fibers equilibrated with an internal solution that contained 20 mM EGTA and 0–1.76 mM Ca. SR Ca release and [CaSR]R were measured with the EGTA–phenol red method (Pape et al. 1995. J. Gen. Physiol. 106:259–336). After an action potential, the fractional amount of Ca released from the SR increased from 0.17 to 0.50 when [CaSR]R was reduced from 1,200 to 140 μM. This increase was associated with a prolongation of release (final time constant, from 1–2 to 10–15 ms) and of the action potential (by 1–2 ms). Similar changes in release were observed with brief stimulations to −20 mV in voltage-clamped fibers, in which charge movement (Qcm) could be measured. The peak values of Qcm and the fractional rate of SR Ca release, as well as their ON time courses, were little affected by reducing [CaSR]R from 1,200 to 140 μM. After repolarization, however, the OFF time courses of Qcm and the rate of SR Ca release were slowed by factors of 1.5–1.7 and 6.5, respectively. These and other results suggest that, after action potential stimulation of fibers in normal physiological condition, the increase in myoplasmic free [Ca] that accompanies SR Ca release exerts three negative feedback effects that tend to reduce additional release: (a) the action potential is shortened by current through Ca-activated potassium channels in the surface and/or tubular membranes; (b) the OFF kinetics of Qcm is accelerated; and (c) Ca inactivation of Ca release is increased. Some of these effects of Ca on an SR Ca channel or its voltage sensor appear to be regulated by the value of [Ca] within 22 nm of the mouth of the channel.

1995 ◽  
Vol 106 (2) ◽  
pp. 337-388 ◽  
D S Jong ◽  
P C Pape ◽  
S M Baylor ◽  
W K Chandler

Cut muscle fibers from Rana temporaria (sarcomere length, 3.4-4.2 microns) were mounted in a double Vaseline-gap chamber (14-15 degrees C) and equilibrated with end-pool solutions that contained 20 mM EGTA and 1.76 mM Ca. Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca release was estimated from changes in pH (Pape, P. C., D.-S. Jong, and W.K. Chandler. 1995. Journal of General Physiology. 106:000-000). Although the amplitude and duration of the [Ca] transient, as well as its spatial spread from the release sites, are reduced by EGTA, SR Ca release elicited by either depolarizing voltage-clamp pulses or action potentials behaved in a manner consistent with Ca inactivation of Ca release. After a step depolarization to -20 or 10 mV, the rate of SR Ca release, corrected for SR Ca depletion, reached a peak value within 5-15 ms and then rapidly decreased to a quasi-steady level that was about half the peak value; the time constant of the last half of the decrease was usually 2-4 ms. Immediately after an action potential or a 10-15 ms prepulse to -20 mV, the peak rate of SR Ca release elicited by a second stimulation, as well as the fractional amount of release, were substantially decreased. The rising phase of the rate of release was also reduced, suggesting that at least 0.9 of the ability of the SR to release Ca had been inactivated by the first stimulation. There was little change in intramembranous charge movement, suggesting that the changes in SR Ca release were not caused by changes in its voltage activation. These effects of a first stimulation on the rate of SR Ca release elicited by a second stimulation recovered during repolarization to -90 mV; the time constant of recovery was approximately 25 ms in the action-potential experiments and approximately 50 ms in the voltage-clamp experiments. Fura-2, which is able to bind Ca more rapidly than EGTA and hence reduce the amplitude of the [Ca] transient and its spatial spread from release sites by a greater amount, did not prevent Ca inactivation of Ca release, even at concentrations as large as 6-8 mM. These effects of Ca inactivation of Ca release can be simulated by the three-state, two-step model proposed by Schneider, M. F., and B. J. Simon (1988, Journal of Physiology. 405:727-745), in which SR Ca channels function as a single uniform population of channels. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1982 ◽  
Vol 60 (8) ◽  
pp. 1955-1967 ◽  
R. Dana Ono ◽  
Stuart G. Poss

The striated swim bladder muscles of the weakfish Cynoscion regalis are deep red in color but cannot be classified histologically as having typical red fibers. The muscle fibers are homogeneous and average 29.6 ± 5.3 μm in diameter, one-fifth the diameter of the adjacent hypaxialis fibers. Each muscle fiber contains thin, ribbonlike myofibrils which are radially arranged around a central core of mitochondria, glycogen, and sarcoplasmic reticulum. Myofibrils are extremely regular in pattern. Triads occur at the Z line. Numerous mitochondria and muscle nuclei are located at the periphery of each muscle fiber. The muscle fibers are multiply innervated with motor endplates distributed along their entire lengths. Well-developed folding of the postsynaptic membrane, not previously reported in fishes, is present at the motor endplate.

2021 ◽  
pp. 423-432
C.L. Lausen ◽  
Michael F. Proctor ◽  
David Paetkau ◽  
David W. Nagorsen ◽  
Purnima Govindarajulu ◽  

A.E. Morales et al. (2021. Can. J. Zool. 99(5): 415–422) provided no new evidence to alter the conclusions of C.L. Lausen et al. (2019. Can. J. Zool. 97(3): 267–279). We present background information, relevant comparisons, and clarification of analyses to further strengthen our conclusions. The genesis of the original “evotis–keenii” study in British Columbia (Canada) was to differentiate Myotis keenii (Merriam, 1895) (Keen’s myotis), with one of the smallest North American bat distributions, from sympatric Myotis evotis (H. Allen, 1864) (long-eared myotis), using something other than the suggested post-mortem skull size comparison, but no differentiating trait could be found, leading to the molecular genetics examination of C.L. Lausen et al. (2019). We present cumulative data that rejects the 1979 hypothesis of M. keenii as a distinct species. A.E. Morales et al. (2021) inaccurately portray C.L. Lausen et al.’s (2019) question and results; present inaccurate morphological and outdated distribution data; overstate the impact of homoplasy without supporting evidence; and misinterpret evidence of population structure.

1996 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 1296-1303 ◽  
R. J. Talmadge ◽  
R. R. Roy ◽  
G. R. Chalmers ◽  
V. R. Edgerton

To determine whether the adaptations in myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression after functional overload (FO) are accompanied by commensurate adaptations in protein isoforms responsible for relaxation [sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+)-adenosinetriphosphatase (SERCA) and phospholamban (PHL)] in single muscle fibers, the isoforms of MHC and SERCA and the presence or absence of PHL were determined for cat plantaris fibers 3 mo after FO. In control plantaris the relative MHC isoform composition was 23% type I, 21% type IIa, and 56% type IIb. FO resulted in a shift toward slower isoforms (33% type I, 44% type IIa, and 23% type IIb). In the deep region of the plantaris the proportions of type I MHC and hybrid MHC fibers (containing type I and II MHCs) were 40 and 200% greater in FO cats, respectively. FO resulted in a 47% increase in the proportion of fibers containing only the slow SERCA isoform (SERCA2) and a 41% increase in the proportion of fibers containing PHL. The proportions of fibers containing type I MHC, SERCA2, and PHL in control and FO plantaris were linearly correlated. These data show that adaptations in MHC isoform expression are accompanied by commensurate adaptations in sarcoplasmic reticulum protein isoforms in single muscle fibers after FO.

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