charge movement
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Biomolecules ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Jiali Wang ◽  
Yang Dong ◽  
Christof Grewer

Neutral amino acid transporters ASCT1 and ASCT2 are two SLC1 (solute carrier 1) family subtypes, which are specific for neutral amino acids. The other members of the SLC1 family are acidic amino acid transporters (EAATs 1–5). While the functional similarities and differences between the EAATs have been well studied, less is known about how the subtypes ASCT1 and 2 differ in kinetics and function. Here, by performing comprehensive electrophysiological analysis, we identified similarities and differences between these subtypes, as well as novel functional properties, such as apparent substrate affinities of the inward-facing conformation (in the range of 70 μM for L-serine as the substrate). Key findings were: ASCT1 has a higher apparent affinity for Na+, as well as a larger [Na+] dependence of substrate affinity compared to ASCT2. However, the general sequential Na+/substrate binding mechanism with at least one Na+ binding first, followed by amino acid substrate, followed by at least one more Na+ ion, appears to be conserved between the two subtypes. In addition, the first Na+ binding step, presumably to the Na3 site, occurs with high apparent affinity (<1 mM) in both transporters. In addition, ASCT1 and 2 show different substrate selectivities, where ASCT1 does not respond to extracellular glutamine. Finally, in both transporters, we measured rapid, capacitive charge movements upon application and removal of amino acid, due to rearrangement of the translocation equilibrium. This charge movement decays rapidly, with a time constant of 4–5 ms and recovers with a time constant in the 15 ms range after substrate removal. This places a lower limit on the turnover rate of amino acid exchange by these two transporters of 60–80 s−1.

eLife ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Xueyong Wang ◽  
Murad Nawaz ◽  
Chris DuPont ◽  
Jessica H Myers ◽  
Steve RA Burke ◽  

Excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) is the process by which electrical excitation of muscle is converted into force generation. Depolarization of skeletal muscle resting potential contributes to failure of ECC in diseases such as periodic paralysis, intensive care unit acquired weakness and possibly fatigue of muscle during vigorous exercise. When extracellular K+ is raised to depolarize the resting potential, failure of ECC occurs suddenly, over a narrow range of resting potentials. Simultaneous imaging of Ca2+ transients and recording of action potentials (APs) demonstrated failure to generate Ca2+ transients when APs peaked at potentials more negative than –30mV. An AP property that closely correlated with failure of the Ca2+ transient was the integral of AP voltage with respect to time. Simultaneous recording of Ca2+ transients and APs with electrodes separated by 1.6mm revealed AP conduction fails when APs peak below –21mV. We hypothesize propagation of APs and generation of Ca2+ transients are governed by distinct AP properties: AP conduction is governed by AP peak, whereas Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum is governed by AP integral. The reason distinct AP properties may govern distinct steps of ECC is the kinetics of the ion channels involved. Na channels, which govern propagation, have rapid kinetics and are insensitive to AP width (and thus AP integral) whereas Ca2+ release is governed by gating charge movement of Cav1.1 channels, which have slower kinetics such that Ca2+ release is sensitive to AP integral. The quantitative relationships established between resting potential, AP properties, AP conduction and Ca2+ transients provide the foundation for future studies of failure of ECC induced by depolarization of the resting potential.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Leos Cmarko ◽  
Robin N. Stringer ◽  
Bohumila Jurkovicova-Tarabova ◽  
Tomas Vacik ◽  
Lubica Lacinova ◽  

AbstractLow-voltage-activated T-type Ca2+ channels are key regulators of neuronal excitability both in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Therefore, their recruitment at the plasma membrane is critical in determining firing activity patterns of nerve cells. In this study, we report the importance of secretory carrier-associated membrane proteins (SCAMPs) in the trafficking regulation of T-type channels. We identified SCAMP2 as a novel Cav3.2-interacting protein. In addition, we show that co-expression of SCAMP2 in mammalian cells expressing recombinant Cav3.2 channels caused an almost complete drop of the whole cell T-type current, an effect partly reversed by single amino acid mutations within the conserved cytoplasmic E peptide of SCAMP2. SCAMP2-induced downregulation of T-type currents was also observed in cells expressing Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 channel isoforms. Finally, we show that SCAMP2-mediated knockdown of the T-type conductance is caused by the lack of Cav3.2 expression at the cell surface as evidenced by the concomitant loss of intramembrane charge movement without decrease of total Cav3.2 protein level. Taken together, our results indicate that SCAMP2 plays an important role in the trafficking of Cav3.2 channels at the plasma membrane.

2022 ◽  
Joseph Santos-Sacchi

Outer hair cell (OHC) nonlinear membrane capacitance (NLC) represents voltage-dependent sensor charge movements within prestin (SLC26a5) that drive OHC electromotility. Dielectric loss, a shift in charge movement phase from purely capacitive to resistive, is likely indicative of prestin interaction with the viscous lipid bilayer and has been suggested to correspond to prestin power output. The frequency response of NLC in OHC membrane patches has been measured with phase tracking and complex capacitance methodologies. While the latter approach can directly determine the presence of dielectric loss by assessing charge movement both in and out of phase with driving voltage, the former has been suggested to fail in this regard. Here we show that standard phase tracking in the presence of dielectric loss does indeed register this loss. Such estimates of NLC correspond to the absolute magnitude of complex NLC, indicating that total charge movement regardless of phase is assessed, thereby validating past and present measures of NLC frequency response that limits its effectiveness at high frequencies. This observation has important implications for understanding the role of prestin in cochlear amplification.

2022 ◽  
Vol 624 ◽  
pp. 413438
M.L. Chithambo ◽  
A.J. Lontsi Sob ◽  
J.M. Kalita

2022 ◽  
Vol 2155 (1) ◽  
pp. 012031
A.N. Korshunova ◽  
V.D. Lakhno

Abstract In this work, we consider the motion of a polaron in a polynucleotide Holstein molecular chain in a constant electric field. It is shown that the character of the polaron motion in the chain depends not only on the chosen parameters of the chain, but also on the initial distribution of the charge along the chain. It is shown that for a small set value of the electric field intensity and for fixed values of the chain parameters, changing only the initial distribution of the charge in the chain, it is possible to observe either a uniform movement of the charge along the chain, or an oscillatory mode of charge movement.

Kateryna Deineka ◽  
Yurii Naumenko ◽  
Tamara Myronenko

The influence of the filling degree of the drum chamber on the bifurcation value of the Froude number in the case of self-excitation of self-oscillations of a two-fraction granular charge with a minimum swing is considered. Such a pulsating mode of the charge movement is used in the self-oscillating grinding process in a tumbling mill. The coarse fraction that simulated the milling bodies consisted of spherical particles of an incoherent granular material with a relative size in the chamber ψb=0.00733. The fine fraction, simulating the material to be ground, was cement with a relative particle size ψm≈0.092∙10-3. The value of the adopted analogue of the kinematic viscosity of the two-fraction granular loading approached the value of 10-3 m2/s. The main variable factor in experimental studies was the filling degree of the drum chamber with loading at rest κb=0.25, 0.35, and 0.45. An additional factor was the degree of filling the gaps between the spherical particles of the coarse fraction with particles of the fine fraction κb=0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1. The method of visual analysis through the transparent end wall of the chamber of transient processes of the loading behavior with a smooth change and fixation of the velocity was applied. The bifurcation minimum value of the rotation speed was recorded, at which the steady-state circulation mode of the load movement turns into a transient pulsation one with a minimum swing. A decrease in the bifurcation values of the Froude number Frb on the cylindrical surface of the chamber with an increase in κb has been established. An increase in the intensity of the decrease in Frb with an increase in κm was revealed. The recorded effect is due to an increase in the connected properties of a two-fraction loading during self-excitation of self-excited oscillations with an increase in κb and κm. The numerical values of the boundaries of the range of bifurcation values of the Froude number for a tumbling mill Frb=0.0484–1.17 have been determined. The obtained Frb range corresponds to the Reynolds value in the range Re=40–197. The maximum Frb value is obtained with coarse grinding. An increase in the likelihood of self-excitation of self-oscillations of the intra-chamber loading with a decrease in the fineness of grinding was revealed

2021 ◽  
Vol 154 (9) ◽  
Luisina Chavarría ◽  
Axel Santander ◽  
Romina Cardozo ◽  
Florencia Savio ◽  
Nicolas Mujica ◽  

Lead is a heavy metal pollutant that constitutes frequent exposomes. It is nonbiodegradable and has a nonsafe limit of exposure. It has multisystemic effects, and most of the cardiac effects have been discovered to be indirect. There are strong similarities between Ca2+ and Pb2+ in their chemistry. Because cardiac function is dramatically dependent in extracellular Ca2+, as well as in precise control of intracellular Ca2+, we tested if Pb2+ could antagonize Ca2+-dependent effects in a short amount of time. Acute exposure of isolated hearts showed a negative inotropic effect. In guinea pig isolated cardiomyocytes loaded with a Pb2+-specific dye (Leadmium green), our results showed that there was an associated increment in fluorescence related to extracellular stimulation blocked by 1–5 µM DHP. Calcium currents were partially blocked by extracellular Pb2+, though currents seemed to last longer after a fast inactivation. Charge movement from gating currents was slightly hastened over time, giving an appearance of a slight reduction in the Cav1.2 gating currents. Action potentials were prolonged in Pb2+ compared with Ca2+. In isolated cardiomyocytes loaded with Ca2+-sensitive dyes, Ca2+ variations promoted by extracellular stimuli were affected in space/time. As Pb2+ could interfere with Ca2+-sensitive dyes, we measured contraction of isolated cardiomyocytes under extracellular stimuli in Pb2+. In both Ca2+ dye fluorescence and contractions, Pb2+ disorganizes the pattern of contraction and intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis. Our results suggest that (1) Pb2+ enters to cardiomyocytes through Cav1.2 channels, and (2) once it enters the cell, Pb2+ may substitute Ca2+ in Ca2+-binding proteins. In addition to these direct mechanisms related to Pb2+ competition with Ca2+-binding sites, we cannot discard a direct contribution of Pb2+ redox properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 154 (9) ◽  
Quinton Banks ◽  
Hugo Bibollet ◽  
Minerva Contreras ◽  
Daniel F. Bennett ◽  
Roger A. Bannister ◽  

In excitation–contraction coupling (ECC), when the skeletal muscle action potential (AP) propagates into the transverse tubules, it modifies the conformational state of the voltage-gated calcium channels (CaV1.1). CaV1.1 serves as the voltage sensor for activation of calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR); however, many questions about this function persist. CaV1.1 α1 subunits contain four distinct homologous domains (I–IV). Each repeat includes six transmembranal helical segments; the voltage-sensing domain (VSD) is formed by S1–S4 segments, and the pore domain is formed by helices S5–S6. Because, in other voltage-gated channels, individual VSDs appear to be differentially involved in specific aspects of channel gating, here we thus hypothesized that not all the VSDs in CaV1.1 contribute equally to calcium-release activation. Yet, the voltage-sensor movements during an AP (the physiological stimulus for the muscle fiber) have not been previously measured in muscle. Reorientation of VSDs I–IV in CaV1.1 during an AP should generate a small but measurable electrical current. Still, neither the voltage-sensor charge movement during the AP nor the contribution of the individual VSDs to voltage-gated calcium release have been previously monitored. Here, we electrically monitor VSD movements using an AP voltage-clamp technique applied to muscle fibers. We introduce AP-fluorometry, a variant of the functional site-directed fluorescence, to track the movement of each VSD via a cysteine substitution on the extracellular region of S4 of each VSD and its labeling with a cysteine-reacting fluorescent probe, which served as an optical reporter of local rearrangements. Independent optical recordings of AP and calcium transients were performed to establish the temporal correlation between AP, AP-elicited charge movement, VSDs conformational changes, and calcium release flux. Our results support the hypothesis that not all VSDs in CaV1.1 contribute to ECC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Monica A. Gordillo ◽  
Paola A. Benavides ◽  
Kaybriana Spalding ◽  
Sourav Saha

A new electrically conducting 3D metal-organic framework (MOF) with a unique architecture was synthesized using 1,2,4,5-tetrakis-(4-carboxyphenyl)benzene (TCPB) a redox-active cis-dipyridyl-tetrathiafulvalene (Z-DPTTF) ligand. While TCPB formed Zn2(COO)4 secondary building units (SBUs), instead of connecting the Zn2-paddlewheel SBUs located in different planes and forming a traditional pillared paddlewheel MOF, the U-shaped Z-DPTTF ligands bridged the neighboring SBUs formed by the same TCPB ligand like a sine-curve along the b axis that created a new sine-MOF architecture. The pristine sine-MOF displayed an intrinsic electrical conductivity of 1 × 10−8 S/m, which surged to 5 × 10−7 S/m after I2 doping due to partial oxidation of electron rich Z-DPTTF ligands that raised the charge-carrier concentration inside the framework. However, the conductivities of the pristine and I2-treated sine-MOFs were modest possibly because of large spatial distances between the ligands that prevented π-donor/acceptor charge-transfer interactions needed for effective through-space charge movement in 3D MOFs that lack through coordination-bond charge transport pathways.

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