Paleobiology: Homage to Rudyard Kipling

1991 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 244-245
T. Rome
1997 ◽  
Vol 52 (5) ◽  
pp. 1153-1180 ◽  
Kapil Raj

The manners and sentiments of the easternnations will be perfectly known ; and the limitsof our knowledge no less extended than thebounds of our empire.Sir William Jones, A Grammar of the Persian LanguageYes, and thou must learn how to make picturesof roads and mountains and rivers — tocarry these pictures in thine eye till a suitabletime cornes to set them upon paper. Perhapssome day, when thou art a chain-man, I maysay to thee when we are working together ; Goacross those hills and see what lies beyond.But as it was occasionally inexpedient tocarry about measuring-chains a boy would dowell to know the precise length of his own footpace,so that when he was deprived of « adventitiousaids » he might still tread his distances.Rudyard Kipling, KimEn mai 1863, sur les hauteurs himalayennes qui surplombent Srinagar (la capitale du Cachemire), deux hommes, l'un autochtone, l'autre européen, parcourent interminablement les mêmes sentiers sinueux. Bâton de pèlerin en main, l'un marche, l'autre le suit en comptant meticuleusement les pas du premier : oui, ses deux mille pas font exactement un mile. Soudain, ils s'arrêtent, allument un petit réchaud à huile et posent dessus un petit récipient en cuivre — afin de faire du thé, penserait-on. Mais dès que l'eau se met à bouillir, l'autochtone sort des profondeurs de sa longue robe un petit thermomètre et le plonge dans la casserole. Il le regarde pendant un long moment et dit quelques mots à son compagnon. Celui-ci prend l'instrument, le regarde de près d'un air satisfait. Ils se remettent à marcher. Quelques instants plus tard, ils s'arrêtent de nouveau. Cette fois-ci, le premier pose son bâton et sort de ses habits un verre fumé et fait apparaître. tel un magicien, un tout petit sextant qu'il tient au-dessus du verre pour viser le soleil. Après un bref instant, il dit un chiffre à son camarade qui. malgré son air rébarbatif, laisse apparaître le soupçon d'un sourire derrière sa grande barbe. Puis, l'Indien consulte une boussole qui s'est matérialisée subitement dans ses mains. Ensuite, se mettant à l'abri du soleil et du vent, il sort un thermomètre qu'il expose quelques instants avant de le scruter et de marmonner encore quelque chose à son compagnon. Le soleil couché, ils rentrent tous deux au camp mais, dès la nuit tombée, ils ressortent de leur tente et recommencent à viser le ciel avec le sextant. Jour après jour, nuit après nuit, on les voit répéter les mêmes gestes. Le 12 juin, l'Européen repart pour Srinagar, tandis que son compagnon rejoint une troupe vêtue d'uniformes bleu marine qui fait route, avec des chevaux bien chargés, en direction de Leh.

1908 ◽  
Vol s10-X (253) ◽  
pp. 348-348
Robert Pierpoint

2011 ◽  
Vol N° 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-12
Jean-Paul Lévy

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 677-696 ◽  
Jelena Bobkina ◽  
Svetlana Stefanova

Drawing on the numerous benefits of integrating literature in the EFL classroom, the present paper argues that the analysis of a fictional work in the process of foreign language acquisition offers a unique opportunity for students to explore, interpret, and understand the world around them. The paper presents strong evidence in favour of reader-centered critical reading as a means of encouraging observation and active evaluation not only of linguistic items, but also of a variety of meanings and viewpoints. The authors propose a model of teaching critical thinking skills focused on the reader’s response to a literary work. The practical application of the method, which adopts the critical literacy approach as a tool, is illustrated through a series of activities based on the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling.

Hartini Selian ◽  
Jumino Suhadi ◽  
M. Manugeren

Abstract This study is about heroism in the novel The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling. There are three points of discussion under this title: giving protection, defending rights and gratitude. Defending rights is associated with heroic deeds. A hero is a random citizen that rises to an occasion and performs an action of superhero proportions. Gratitude implies thankfulness or an appreciation of benefits conferred together with a desire, when practicable, to return those benefits. Defending rights is tied to human rights which are universally applicable to one and all. These are the significant components of heroism. One of the relevant and outstanding modern theories of heroism applied here is proposed by Gibbon (2009) stating that hero is just an average man who fights to solve a common problem in today’s society. The study is conducted with Descriptive Qualitative Method proposed by Haughman (2009) in which he states that Qualitative research is a form of social inquiry that focuses on the way people interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world in which they live. Kipling leads children down the jungle path into adventures beyond their day to day imagining and along the way he shows the value of ‘doing for yourself', of 'learning who to trust'. The result shows that heroism is highlighted through the major characters and the conclusive points are some of the significant characters such as Mowgli, Father Wolf, Mother Wolf, Hathi, and Bagheera have done heroic deeds. Their heroism is presented in the forms of giving protection, defending rights and gratitude. Keywords: heroism, human rights, gratitude

2020 ◽  
pp. 36-40
M. V. Ternova

The article analyzed concept of the study of art by Robin George Collingwood (1889-1943), a well-known English neo-hegelian philosopher. His significant part of the theoretical heritage is connected with the explanation of the nature of art and with the consideration of its condition during the period of the changing Oscar Wilde era to the era of Rudyard Kipling. The circle of problem such as content and form, character, image, mimesis, reflection, emotion, art and "street man" identified. All of them in Collingwood's presentation and interpretation significantly expanded the space of research not only English, but also European art criticism. The concept of study of art is "built" on the basis of an active understanding of historical and cultural traditions accented. The concept of art criticism of R.G. Collingwood – a famous English philosopher of the XIX-XX centuries, on the one hand, has self-importance, and on the other, although based on the traditions of contemporary humanities, still expands art history analysis of aesthetics through aesthetics and psychology. Recognizing the exhaustion of the English model of romanticism, R.G. Collingwood tries to outline the prospects for the development of art in the logic of the movement "romanticism – realism – avant-garde", which leads to the actualization of the problem of "mimesis – reflection". At the same time, the theorist's attention is consciously concentrated around the concept of "subject", the understanding of which is radically changing at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Theoretical material in the presentation of R.G. Collingwood is based on the work of Shakespeare, Reynolds, Turner, Cezanne, whose experience allows us to focus on the problem of "artist and audience". It is emphasized that Collingwood's position is ahead of its time, stimulating scientific research in the European humanities. The existence of indicative tendencies, which are distinguished in the logic of European cultural creation of the historical period, is emphasized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-316
Iqbal Maulana ◽  
Riski Lestiono ◽  
Triastama Wiraatmaja ◽  
Rosalin Ismayoeng Gusdian

Bahasa di dunia sangat beragam, tetapi dimungkinkan adanya persamaan. Sebagai pelajar, sangat penting untuk mempelajari fonologi dan fonetik dari berbagai  bahasa untuk membandingkan dan menyamakan satu dengan yang lainnya. Bahasa Inggris dan Arab sama-sama memiliki struktur linguistik terbesar dari semua bahasa di dunia. Kedua bahasa tersebut memiliki kesamaan ciri, seperti konsonannya. Dari persamaan tersebut, Lestiono dan Gusdian (2017) melakukan penelitian terhadap konsonan bahasa Arab dalam membantu pengucapan bahasa Inggris, yang dikenal sebagai tabel kosonan bahasa Inggris-Hijaiyah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengucapan dari delapan anggota paduan suara universitas dalam menyanyikan lagu-lagu bahasa Inggris sebelum dan sesudah pengenalan konsonan Hijaiyah sebagai mediasi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan studi kasus, yang termasuk dalam desain kualitatif yang digunakan dalam mencapai pengucapan yang dibangun oleh subjek penelitian melalui observasi, analisis, dan deskripsi. Objek penelitian ini adalah bunyi konsonan yang dihasilkan oleh peserta penelitian saat menyanyikan lagu “When I Sing” oleh Russel Robinson dan Charolette Lee dan “The Seal Lullaby” oleh Eric Whitacre dan Rudyard Kipling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah dokumen analisis. Dalam analisis ditemukan adanya partisipan yang salah dalam mengucapkan kosa kata yang ditargetkan sebelum diperkenalkan dengan konsonan Hijaiyah. Setelah pengenalan konsonan Hijaiyah sebagian besar peserta terdengar akurat. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsonan Hijaiyah dapat memfasilitasi anggota paduan suara mahasiswa untuk belajar dan menghasilkan kata-kata bahasa Inggris yang akurat saat bernyanyi.    Language in the universe is various; however, it does not close the possibility that each languages have an equation. As a learner, it is crucial to learn the phonology and phonetics of some languages to compare and equalize one another. English and Arabic both have the biggest linguistic construction. Both languages have the sameness of characteristics such as some of their consonants. From those similarities, Lestiono and Gusdian (2017) conducted a study on Arabic Consonant sounds to arrive at English Pronunciation, known as English-Hijaiyah consonant corresponding chart. The objective of the current research is to discover the pronunciation of eight university choir members in singing English songs before and after the introduction of Hijaiyah consonants as the mediation. In this present study acquire a case study, which is included to qualitative design that was used in arriving at the pronunciation constructed by the research subjects through observation, analyzation, and description.. The research objects were the consonant sounds produced by research participants while singing “When I sing” by Russel Robinson and Charolette Lee and 'The Seal Lullaby” by Eric Whitacre and Rudyard Kipling. The instrument was document analysis. In the findings, participants mispronounced  many of the targetted words before they were introduced to Hijaiyah consonants as the mediation . Whereas, the pronunciation after the introduction showed that most of the participants sounded correct. This can be concluded that Hijaiyah consonants can facilitate the university student choir members to learn and produce accurate English words while singing. 

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