‘He seemed a little lost soul’: Family Insights into the Reality of Realizing Inclusive Education for a Child with a Disability

Chris Forlin ◽  
Kate Scorgie ◽  
Heidi Strikwerda ◽  
Jane Walker ◽  
Michelle Donnelly ◽  

Jolanta Lipińska-Lokś, Rodzice wobec wyboru formy kształcenia dziecka z niepełnosprawnością [Parents against choosing a form of education for a child with a disability]. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, nr 22, Poznań 2018. Pp. 305-321. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2018.22.17 The law in the situation of a child with disability acquires particular importance, especially in the matter of choosing the form of its education. Whether they will choose a special school or an integration class for their child, or maybe they will think about inclusive education – it is conditioned by many factors, and each of them can be the most important for a particular parent. The subject of the presented research message was made the opinions and experiences of parents in the area of choosing form of education for a child with disability. The settles of their earlier decisions and the level of accuracy of choice were determined thanks to the assessment of a given form of education by the parents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-8
Itala Ballaschk ◽  
Yvonne Anders

Zusammenfassung. Bildungsteilhabe und Partizipation gelten mittlerweile als Kernbegriffe der aktuellen bildungspolitischen Diskussion um Inklusion. Dabei meint Partizipation explizit die Möglichkeit für Kinder, aktiv an der Gestaltung ihrer Lebens- und Lernerfahrungen teilzuhaben ( Prengel, 2016 ). Der vorliegende Beitrag knüpft an dieses Konzept an und stellt Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie vor, die sich insbesondere mit der Sicht der Kinder zum Thema Partizipation und Wohlbefinden in der Kindertageseinrichtung beschäftigt. Im Rahmen des von der Europäischen Union geförderten Projektes „ISOTIS – Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequality in Society“ wurden zehn Kinder im Alter von vier bis sechs Jahren aus einer Berliner Kindertageseinrichtung mit einem hohen Anteil an Familien mit Migrationshintergrund über Fokusgruppen und malbegleitete Gespräche dazu befragt, wie sie mit Verschiedenheit umgehen und welche Ansprüche sie selbst an eine gute Kindertagesbetreuung haben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welch eine bedeutende Rolle Partizipation für das Wohlbefinden der Kinder zu haben scheint. Frei zugängliche Spielmöglichkeiten und Materialien für die kreative Gestaltung, Mitbestimmung in der Gestaltung und Nutzung von Räumen sowie ein Tagesablauf, der weitestgehend individuelle Gestaltung zulässt, sind Aspekte, welche die Kinder als für sie bedeutsam beschreiben.

2020 ◽  
pp. 46-51
M. V. Kolmakova

The article considers an innovative form of interaction between an educational organization and parents of students with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive education environment. A site developed by the author is presented, on the basis of which it is planned to implement pedagogical support for parents of students with autism spectrum disorder. The structure and approximate content of such a site are described. Each section of the site corresponds to certain areas of activity within the framework of pedagogical support of parents.

2020 ◽  
pp. 123-136
Antonello Mura ◽  
Antioco Luigi Zurru ◽  
Ilaria Tatulli

The educative experience of people with disability leads the inter­na­tio­nal debate towards the value of inclusive learning contexts. Nonetheless, the theoretical and methodological principles of an inclusive education approach have to be outlined. Data collected using explorative questionnaires during a five-years survey in an Italian region's schools show a slow evolution of the scholastic context. From the perspective of Special Pedagogy, the qualitative investigation on three macro-dimensions (the diversity perception, the didactic and methodological means, the wellbeing of pupils) reveals an emerging development of solid awareness among teachers. Findings confirm that the inclusion processes at school are attainable only throughout a series of clear methodological elements: 1) a valorising attitude towards diversity; 2) an orienting learning process; 3) a plural and flexible use of both methodologies and strategies; 4) a collaborative work environment; 5) a continuous training process; 6) a deontological approach. These are the principles that allow teachers to support each student in the manifold itineraries of identity fulfilment, encouraging pupils to express their needs and to develop their abilities in a welcoming and participative context.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 439-447
Martini Jamaris ◽  
Indina Tarjiah, Wuryani ◽  
Trisna Mulyeni

İlknur Çifci Tekinarslan ◽  
Tuğba Sivrikaya ◽  
Nesime Kübra Keskin ◽  
Özge Özlü ◽  
Meryem Uçar Rasmussen

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