scholarly journals Cloud Resource Optimization for Processing Multiple Streams of Visual Data

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 31-41
Zohar Kapach ◽  
Andrew Ulmer ◽  
Daniel Merrick ◽  
Arshad Alikhan ◽  
Yung-Hsiang Lu ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 935-948 ◽  
Ahmed S. Kaseb ◽  
Anup Mohan ◽  
Youngsol Koh ◽  
Yung-Hsiang Lu

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34 ◽  
Christophe Gravier ◽  
Julien Subercaze ◽  
Amro Najjar ◽  
Frederique Laforest ◽  
Xavier Serpaggi ◽  

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-137 ◽  
Yu Sun ◽  
Jules White ◽  
Bo Li ◽  
Michael Walker ◽  
Hamilton Turner

Arwanto Arwanto ◽  
Wike Anggraini

ABSTRACT Understanding policy process involves many distinctive approaches. The most common are institutional, groups or networks, exogenous factors, rational actors, and idea-based approach. This paper discussed the idea-based approach to explain policy process, in this case policy change. It aims to analyse how ideas could assist people to understand policy change. What role do they play and why are they considered as fundamental element? It considers that ideas are belong to every policy actor, whether it is individual or institution. In order to answer these questions, this paper adopts Kingdon’s multi streams approach to analyse academic literatures. Through this approach, the relationship between ideas and policy change can be seen clearer. Ideas only can affect in policy change if it is agreed and accepted by policy makers. Therefore the receptivity of ideas plays significant role and it emerges policy entrepreneurs. They promote ideas (through problem framing, timing, and narrative construction) and manipulate in order to ensure the receptivity of ideas. Although policy entrepreneurs play significant role, political aspects remains the most important element in the policy process. Keywords: policy change, ideas, idea-based approach, Kingdon’s multiple streams, policy entrepreneurs.

OCEANS 2009 ◽  
2009 ◽  
A. A. Kushnerik ◽  
A. V. Vorontsov ◽  
A. Ph. Scherbatyuk

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Mayang Nurmala Indah

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tubuh dan seksualitas perempuan dalam iklan ResikV dan Sumber Ayu. Iklan yang diteliti adalah Resik V Khasiat Manjakani versi InnekeKhoeserawati dan Sumber Ayu Sabun Daun Sirih versi Dian Nitami. Penelitian inimenggunakan pendekatan semiotika, dengan mengkaji tanda-tanda pada iklan di dalamdata tekstual maupun visual baik secara denotatif dan konotatif. Tujuan penelitian iniadalah untuk memperoleh gambaran mengenai tubuh dan seksualitas perempuan didalam iklan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa genitalia perempuan ditempatkan sebagairepresentasi keseluruhan diri perempuan. Penggambaran seksualitas perempuan didalam iklan menunjukkan beberapa kecenderungan yaitu perempuan sebagai penjagakeharmonisan rumah tangga, sebagai penjamin terpenuhinya hasrat seksual laki-laki,serta adanya tuntutan bagi perempuan untuk mempertahankan kemudaan tubuh danseksualitasnya. Kedua iklan juga mengerucutkan perempuan pada fungsinya sebagaiistri yang mengurusi suami serta pada fungsi domestik sebagai pengurus rumah tangga.Kata Kunci: iklan, perempuan, seksualitas, semiotika, tubuhABSTRACTThis research discusses body and sexuality of woman in Resik V and Sumber Ayuadvertising. Spesifically, the ads discussed here are Resik V Khasiat Manjakani in InnekeKoesherawati’s version and Sumber Ayu Sabun Daun Sirih in Dian Nitami’s version. This researchapplies semiotic approach in which the signs in textual and visual data are examined in thedennotatif and connotatif order. The aim of this research is that to find out how women’s bodyand sexuality are represented in Resik V and Sumber Ayu. This research shows that woman’sgenital organ is positioned as the representation of the whole woman’s Self. The description ofwomen’s sexuality in both advertisings points out several tendencies which are as follows. Firstly,woman is positioned as a person who is responsible to keep the marriage in harmony. Secondly,woman is pictured as person who guarrantees the fulfilment of man’s sexual desire. Thirdly, theads indicate a demand on woman to keep their body and sexuality young and fresh. It can also besaid that both Resik V and Sumber Ayu narrow the function of woman as wife who is in chargein serving their husband well and focus to highlight the domestic function of woman.Keywords: advertising, body, semiotics, sexuality, woman

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