semiotic approach
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2022 ◽  

Literary work, such as a novel, is an imitation of the facts that it can be analyzedin symbol that can show how the facts enter in it. Semiotic is one approach thatcan be used to analyze how the symbol works in a literary work. This study is toexplain on how Orwell portrays Napoleon in his Animal farm, to explain on howStalin is, and to explain the aspects that Napoleon symbolizes Stalin in Orwell’sAnimal Farm. The data, which is analyzed in terms of semiotic analysis, isselected into the symbol of Napoleon because this central character has a bigpart of the story. The researcher thinks that Orwell reflects this character toanimal which has a hidden purpose and considers that animal relates to personswhich the story is made. There are three problems to discuss, namely (1) whatare Napoleon’s traits? (2) What are Stalin’s traits? (3) What aspects doesNapoleon symbolize Stalin? The results show that the symbol of pig (Napoleon)has many special traits such as leaderships, intelligence, and unique characterand so Joseph Stalin (the actor of Russian revolution), which people describedhim having his own traits. Both of them have correlation in political, economic, and social and cultural aspect


El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer un Modelo holístico multimodal para una lectura crítica del racismo en la prensa escrita. Para ello, desde el Análisis Crítico del Discurso Multimodal (ACDM), usaremos como estrategia teórico-metodológica integradora las aportaciones de Teresa Velázquez (2011) y su modelo semiótico-discursivo; el modelo sociocognitivo de van Dijk (1990, 1997, 2003a, 2003b); el modelo de la semiótica visual de Kress y van Leeuwen (1996) y el modelo intersemiótico de Nikolajeva y Scott (2001). Se validarán las matrices de análisis aplicándolas al llamado conflicto mapuche en Chile para extraer resultados y conclusiones valederas en torno a la representación periodística de las minorías étnicas. Abstract: This work aims to propose a holistic multimodal approach for making critical reading about racism in the written press. In order to achieve this, and taking account the Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis, we use as theoretical and methodological integrative strategies the contributions of Teresa Velázquez and her discursive-semiotic approach (2011), van Dijk’s sociocognitive approach (1990, 1997a, 2003a, 2003b), Kress and van Leeuwen’s visual semiotics approach (1996), and Nikolakeva and Scott’s intersemiotic approach (2001). The analysis matrices are validated using the so-called mapuche conflict in Chile in order to be able to draw conclusive results and conclusions about media representations of ethnic minorities.

2022 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-247
Yolli Andriani

This study aims to describe (1) heuristic reading (2) hermeneutic reading (3) matrix, model, and (4) hypogram in the poem “Hakikat Cinta” by Rabi'ah Al-Adawiyah. This research is a library research because the primary data and secondary data are in the form of books or related documents. This study uses a qualitative descriptive technique through the semiotic approach of Michael Riffaterre. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The heuristic recitation of each sentence shows that this poem tells the story of Rabi'ah's love for his Lord, in this case he gave his whole life and death to Allah. (2) The Hermeneutic reading tells about the rabi'ah immense love for Allah, this is expressed in every verse that she expresses through her poetry. (3) The matrix in this poem is the praises conveyed by the Rabi'ah to the creator. (4) The hypogram in this poem is an intertextual hypogram, which is an explanation related to the poetry written by Rabi'ah which is closely related to the verses of the Qur'an an. After using the semiotic theory of the riffaterre, it can be concluded that according to Rabi'ah the only purpose of life that is very natural to be loved is Allah. The word love which is repeated every time by the rabi'ah implies the integrated meaning of all love only to Allah, because all forms of love and feelings grow because of the beauty and perfection of Allah

2022 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Yumin Chen

Abstract Given the evolving multimodal features in educational settings, modes other than language further enable the diversity in the realization of meanings and pedagogic goals. This paper explores modality in multimodal pedagogic materials for teaching English as a foreign language in China. Drawing upon the social semiotic approach to modality in visual media, this study provides a comparative analysis of modality markers in different elemental genres that constitute the macrogenre of a teaching unit, with a focus on explaining the underlying reasons for the different choices in terms of coding orientation. It is shown that different degrees of deviation from the accepted coding orientation are employed in different constituent genres of the macrogenre of a given text.

2022 ◽  
pp. 548-570
Hossam Mohamed Elhamy

The social semiotics approach examines the meaning-making process in order to demonstrate how meaning is constructed in social actions and contexts. The rising interest of researchers in social media and its widespread use in society have both highlighted new challenges for data analysis. Social semiotics can provide a deep understanding of the visual grammar of the social media meaning-making process by assuming that this process is considered a social practice. The main objective of this chapter is to guide researchers and enable them to use the social semiotic approach as a research tool for the analysis of visuals in the social media environment. The chapter introduces the key elements, principles, assumptions, and rules of using the social semiotics approach in the analysis, understanding, and interpretations of social media visuals and how to explore the role played by visual elements in the meaning-making process in a social media within a specific social context.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Monsurat Aramide Nurudeen ◽  
Ebenezer Oluseun Ogungbe ◽  
Moshood Zakariyah

Film posters are complex forms of visual communication basically employed to promote films so as to seek for patronage from prospective viewers. Nollywood film poster designers or marketers employ a complex system of modes of multimodal communication to achieve their intended objectives. This study therefore investigates how these semiotic resources reveal the intention of the film poster designers and how other contextual variables influence the ability of the viewers to comprehend the messages embedded in film posters. The objectives of the study are to uncover the visual and linguistic semiotic resources in the film advertisement posters and their interaction. The study adopts a qualitative approach to the analyses of six randomly selected Nollywood film advertisement posters of three genres, namely: drama, thriller and comedy. Yuen’s Generic Structure Potential and Royce’s Ideational Intersemiotic Complementarity serve as the basis for the analysis of the selected texts. The study reveals that visual modes are more salient and frequently employed in the advertisement posters than the linguistic modes. However, both the visual and the linguistic modes offer complementary relationship for effective meaning-making in the selected Nollywood advertisement posters. The meanings derived are often contextual which appeal to the audience reasoning and sustain their interests. The study concludes by emphasizing the importance of the synergy of both linguistic and visual multimodal resources or modes of signification in the successful meaning-making and meaning-comprehension in the study of visual communication.

Kateryna Golub

The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of the revival of ethnic self-identification by the Greeks of the Azov region by means of stage practices. Research methodology. The historical-cultural method was used (to study the historical period of formation and development of the Greek ethnos of the Azov region); theoretical method (to summarize the data of the material analyzed in the article in order to highlight the main trends of stage practices of the Greeks of the Azov region); structural-functional method (for analysis of the structure of ethnocultural self-identification); cultural-semiotic method (for the study of the method of constructing ethnocultural self-identification as a mental structure through symbolic forms), etc. Scientific novelty. The main constants of ethnocultural identity are studied; the possibility of constructing a positive ethnic identity in contemporary performing arts in general and the ethnic group of the Greeks of the Azov region, in particular, is considered; The peculiarities of the revival of ethnic self-identification by the Greeks of the Azov region by means of stage practices were revealed. Conclusions. Manifestation of ethnocultural self-identification of cultural and artistic practices has a complex semantic and expressive structure and manifests itself as a multilevel system. In accordance with the constructivism and cultural-semiotic approach, the stage practices of the Greek ethnos of the Azov region offer a way to construct ethnocultural self-identification as a mental structure through such symbolic forms as a worldview, ethnic worldview, and artistic worldview. They reflect the consciousness of man and society as a whole, as well as what is important for the Greek ethnic group, and have the greatest potential for building a positive image of the ethnic community. Keywords: Greek ethnos, Greeks of the Azov region, stage practices, ethnocultural self-identification.

V. A Vershyna ◽  
O. V Mykhailiuk

Purpose. The article is aimed to substantiate the view on the phenomenon of laughter as a subject of semiotic analysis, which leads to the following tasks: to reveal the possibilities of semiotics application in the study of laughter nature; to analyze the phenomenon of laughter as a cultural and natural phenomenon, as a sign and as an attribute; to consider the place of laughter in culture, which is understood as a sign system. Theoretical basis. The semiotic approach proceeds from the fact that human lives in the world of signs, all the surrounding reality can be interpreted as a sign system. The basic concept of semiotics is the concept of a sign. The theoretical basis of the article is understanding the culture as a sign-symbolic system. Laughter is considered as a phenomenon ontologically rooted in human culture. At the same time, laughter is on the edge of culture. The research is based on the work of semiotic authors, cultural researchers, and the researchers of laughter. Originality. The originality lies in the application of the semiotic method to the research of laughter phenomenon, consideration of the dialectics of natural and cultural, signedness and non-signedness, manifested in the phenomenon of laughter. Conclusions. Laughter is considered as a psychophysiological phenomenon (attribute) and as a cultural phenomenon (sign). Laughter acts as an emotional manifestation, a physiological reaction, but socially and culturally mediated. In any case, laughter indicates an emotional or cognitive state of a human. Laughter acts as a process and result of the interpretation of a sign, a reaction to a sign. Laughter is a form and a means of communication. Being a natural phenomenon, in the process of social evolution, laughter acquires signedness, is integrated by culture as a sign system, and, at the same time, maintains a connection with nature. Thus, laughter occupies an ambivalent position between nature and culture. In the phenomenon of laughter, the dual state of human is revealed. In laughter, boundaries are blurred, the unity and opposition of natural and cultural, biological and social, soul and body, thought and feeling, sign and attribute are manifested.

Alexandr Romensky ◽  

Introduction. The article discusses the motive of a “miracle in a fiery furnace”, based on the story of the Three Holy Children in the Book of Daniel. Methods. The study provides a comparative analysis of the Biblical topos about the trial by fire in Byzantine, Western European and Eastern sources. A semiotic approach of textual study is used. Analysis. In Byzantine hagiography and hymnography, the plot of the “Three Holy Children” was interpreted as a prototype of the Incarnation, so, the sacred situation was reproduced in new historical conditions. In the Lives of Bishops of Cherson, the plot about miracle in the furnace is used for construction the local sacred history. Similar motives are found in the narratives about the baptism of Rus, such as Vita Basilii (the fifth book of Theophanes Continuatus), Vita beati Romualdi by Petrus Damiani, Historia de predicatione episcopi Brunonis. In narrative about conversion of Özbeg Khan to Islam, literary plot was connected with shamanistic representations about the holy fire. Results. The Biblical topos of the “fiery furnace” underwent a semantic transformation within the framework of various discourses. It was used in Byzantine texts for constructing the Christian Identity, while was enhanced by Turkic mythology in Muslim tradition.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
María Burgos ◽  
Carmen Batanero ◽  
Juan D. Godino

The paper aims to analyze how the different degrees of mathematical formalization can be worked in the study of probability at non-university educational levels. The model of algebraization levels for mathematical practices based on the onto-semiotic approach is applied to identify the different objects and processes involved in the resolution of a selection of probabilistic problems. As a result, we describe the possible progression from arithmetic and proto-algebraic levels of mathematical activity to higher levels of algebraization and formalization in the study of probability. The method of analysis developed can help to establish connections between intuitive/informal and progressively more formal approaches in the study of mathematics.

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