Male-skewed adult sex ratio, survival, mating opportunity and annual productivity in the Snowy Plover Charadrius alexandrinus

Ibis ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 153 (2) ◽  
pp. 312-322 ◽  
The Auk ◽  
1987 ◽  
Vol 104 (2) ◽  
pp. 234-241 ◽  
John R. Probst ◽  
Jack P. Hayes

Abstract We compared pairing success of male Kirtland's Warblers (Dendroica kirtlandii) in different habitats to test the hypothesis that a lower proportion of males in marginal habitat are mated. Fewer than 60% of the males in marginal habitat were paired, but 95% of the males in suitable habitat were paired. We estimated the overall pairing success of the known breeding population at 85%. We could not estimate the number of females because the adult sex ratio is unknown, and an unknown proportion of Kirtland's Warblers are polygynous. The Kirtland's Warbler population was fairly constant from 1971 to 1983, despite markedly improved nest success resulting from cowbird control measures. If there are more males than females, or if many females fail to breed or must accept mated males or marginal habitat, population growth could be impeded. We combined reduced pairing success with an estimate of fledgling mortality, and revised the estimated number of fall immatures to between 369 and 471 birds-about 36% lower than the uncorrected estimate. Lower annual productivity of a static population implies higher annual survivorship of adults, yearlings, or both.

1991 ◽  
Vol 69 (1) ◽  
pp. 208-212 ◽  
Dan L. Johnson ◽  
Heather C. Proctor

The effect of predator presence on the adult sex ratio of a spider mite (Panonychus ulmi) was examined in a field experiment. Phytoseiid predators (chiefly Typhlodromus occidentalis) were removed from 32 trees harboring P. ulmi populations, and allowed to remain at natural levels on 32 other trees. Both total population density and proportion of males in the prey population were significantly higher in predator-free trees. Mechanisms that could explain the increase in the proportion of males are examined. The most probable is that greater male activity results in a higher encounter rate between predator and prey, and that subsequent higher male mortality when predators are present exaggerates the female-biased sex ratio. The theoretical effects of sex-biased predation on diplo-diploid and haplo-diploid organisms are discussed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 140402 ◽  
Ryan Schacht ◽  
Monique Borgerhoff Mulder

Characterizations of coy females and ardent males are rooted in models of sexual selection that are increasingly outdated. Evolutionary feedbacks can strongly influence the sex roles and subsequent patterns of sex differentiated investment in mating effort, with a key component being the adult sex ratio (ASR). Using data from eight Makushi communities of southern Guyana, characterized by varying ASRs contingent on migration, we show that even within a single ethnic group, male mating effort varies in predictable ways with the ASR. At male-biased sex ratios, men's and women's investment in mating effort are indistinguishable; only when men are in the minority are they more inclined towards short-term, low investment relationships than women. Our results support the behavioural ecological tenet that reproductive strategies are predictable and contingent on varying situational factors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 285 (1891) ◽  
pp. 20181251 ◽  
Andrea E. Wishart ◽  
Cory T. Williams ◽  
Andrew G. McAdam ◽  
Stan Boutin ◽  
Ben Dantzer ◽  

Fisher's principle explains that population sex ratio in sexually reproducing organisms is maintained at 1 : 1 owing to negative frequency-dependent selection, such that individuals of the rare sex realize greater reproductive opportunity than individuals of the more common sex until equilibrium is reached. If biasing offspring sex ratio towards the rare sex is adaptive, individuals that do so should have more grandoffspring. In a wild population of North American red squirrels ( Tamiasciurus hudsonicus ) that experiences fluctuations in resource abundance and population density, we show that overall across 26 years, the secondary sex ratio was 1 : 1; however, stretches of years during which adult sex ratio was biased did not yield offspring sex ratios biased towards the rare sex. Females that had litters biased towards the rare sex did not have more grandoffspring. Critically, the adult sex ratio was not temporally autocorrelated across years, thus the population sex ratio experienced by parents was independent of the population sex ratio experienced by their offspring at their primiparity. Expected fitness benefits of biasing offspring sex ratio may be masked or negated by fluctuating environments across years, which limit the predictive value of the current sex ratio.

2001 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 543 ◽  
Gary C. White ◽  
David J. Freddy ◽  
R. Bruce Gill ◽  
John H. Ellenberger

2003 ◽  
Vol 81 (8) ◽  
pp. 1306-1311 ◽  
Monica L Bond ◽  
Jerry O Wolff ◽  
Sven Krackow

We tested predictions associated with three widely used hypotheses for facultative sex-ratio adjustment of vertebrates using eight enclosed populations of gray-tailed voles, Microtus canicaudus. These were (i) the population sex ratio hypothesis, which predicts that recruitment sex ratios should oppose adult sex-ratio skews, (ii) the local resource competition hypothesis, which predicts female-biased recruitment at low adult population density and male-biased recruitment at high population density, and (iii) the first cohort advantage hypothesis, which predicts that recruitment sex ratios should be female biased in the spring and male biased in the autumn. We monitored naturally increasing population densities with approximately equal adult sex ratios through the spring and summer and manipulated adult sex ratios in the autumn and measured subsequent sex ratios of recruits. We did not observe any significant sex-ratio adjustment in response to adult sex ratio or high population density; we did detect an influence of time within the breeding season, with more female offspring observed in the spring and more male offspring observed in the autumn. Significant seasonal increases in recruitment sex ratios indicate the capacity of female gray-tailed voles to manipulate their offspring sex ratios and suggest seasonal variation in the relative reproductive value of male and female offspring to be a regular phenomenon.

2006 ◽  
Vol 274 (1609) ◽  
pp. 521-525 ◽  
Charlotta Kvarnemo ◽  
Glenn I Moore ◽  
Adam G Jones

Studies of sexual selection in monogamous species have hitherto focused on sexual selection among males. Here, we provide empirical documentation that sexual selection can also act strongly on females in a natural population with a monogamous mating system. In our field-based genetic study of the monogamous Western Australian seahorse, Hippocampus subelongatus , sexual selection differentials and gradients show that females are under stronger sexual selection than males: mated females are larger than unmated ones, whereas mated and unmated males do not differ in size. In addition, the opportunity for sexual selection (variance in mating success divided by its mean squared) for females is almost three times that for males. These results, which seem to be generated by a combination of a male preference for larger females and a female-biased adult sex ratio, indicate that substantial sexual selection on females is a potentially important but under-appreciated evolutionary phenomenon in monogamous species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 479-492
J Crast ◽  
MA Bloomsmith ◽  
CM Remillard ◽  
T Meeker

Maintaining stable breeding groups of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) can be challenging due to the complex social dynamics and despotic nature of the species. Trauma from aggression is a common problem in rhesus colonies and can cause social disruption, strain veterinary and animal management resources, and potentially affect reproduction. Previous research has shown that increasing the number of non-natal adult males in a breeding group can improve group stability, reduce trauma, and increase reproduction. Here, we used mixed-effects regression models to examine the effects of sex ratio and other factors on trauma and reproduction at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center using a historical dataset made up of four large rhesus groups over an eleven-year period (2003–2013). As expected, sex ratio was a significant predictor for both trauma and reproduction. However, group age since formation was a stronger predictor of trauma frequency and the amount of space available was a slightly better predictor of reproduction than sex ratio or trauma. These results indicate that improving sex ratios can be a viable management strategy to reduce trauma and improve reproduction, particularly when it is difficult to manipulate the group compositions and/or their housing situations. Reducing trauma is a primary goal for rhesus breeding colonies, as it directly impacts the monkeys' health and psychological well-being. Such improvements are necessary for the ethical treatment and care of the animals themselves, but also to reduce financial burdens and maintain a healthy colony for research purposes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 89 (12) ◽  
pp. 2909-2921
Charlotte E. Regan ◽  
Sarah A. Medill ◽  
Jocelyn Poissant ◽  
Philip D. McLoughlin

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