scholarly journals Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 and Influenza Virus Exit via Different Membrane Microdomains

2007 ◽  
Vol 81 (22) ◽  
pp. 12630-12640 ◽  
Sandhya Khurana ◽  
Dimitry N. Krementsov ◽  
Aymeric de Parseval ◽  
John H. Elder ◽  
Michelangelo Foti ◽  

ABSTRACT Directed release of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) into the cleft of the virological synapse that can form between infected and uninfected T cells, for example, in lymph nodes, is thought to contribute to the systemic spread of this virus. In contrast, influenza virus, which causes local infections, is shed into the airways of the respiratory tract from free surfaces of epithelial cells. We now demonstrate that such differential release of HIV-1 and influenza virus is paralleled, at the subcellular level, by viral assembly at different microsegments of the plasma membrane of HeLa cells. HIV-1, but not influenza virus, buds through microdomains containing the tetraspanins CD9 and CD63. Consequently, the anti-CD9 antibody K41, which redistributes its antigen and also other tetraspanins to cell-cell adhesion sites, interferes with HIV-1 but not with influenza virus release. Altogether, these data strongly suggest that the bimodal egress of these two pathogenic viruses, like their entry into target cells, is guided by specific sets of host cell proteins.

2005 ◽  
Vol 49 (12) ◽  
pp. 4911-4919 ◽  
Julie M. Strizki ◽  
Cecile Tremblay ◽  
Serena Xu ◽  
Lisa Wojcik ◽  
Nicole Wagner ◽  

ABSTRACT Inhibiting human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection by blocking the host cell coreceptors CCR5 and CXCR4 is an emerging strategy for antiretroviral therapy. Currently, several novel coreceptor inhibitors are being developed in the clinic, and early results have proven promising. In this report, we describe a novel CCR5 antagonist, vicriviroc (formerly SCH-D or SCH 417690), with improved antiviral activity and pharmacokinetic properties compared to those of SCH-C, a previously described CCR5 antagonist. Like SCH-C, vicriviroc binds specifically to the CCR5 receptor and prevents infection of target cells by CCR5-tropic HIV-1 isolates. In antiviral assays, vicriviroc showed potent, broad-spectrum activity against genetically diverse and drug-resistant HIV-1 isolates and was consistently more active than SCH-C in inhibiting viral replication. This compound demonstrated synergistic anti-HIV activity in combination with drugs from all other classes of approved antiretrovirals. Competition binding assays revealed that vicriviroc binds with higher affinity to CCR5 than SCH-C. Functional assays, including inhibition of calcium flux, guanosine 5′-[35S]triphosphate exchange, and chemotaxis, confirmed that vicriviroc acts as a receptor antagonist by inhibiting signaling of CCR5 by chemokines. Finally, vicriviroc demonstrated diminished affinity for the human ether a-go-go related gene transcript ion channel compared to SCH-C, suggesting a reduced potential for cardiac effects. Vicriviroc represents a promising new candidate for the treatment of HIV-1 infection.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 1324-1332 ◽  
Yoshiyuki Yokomaku ◽  
Hideka Miura ◽  
Hiroko Tomiyama ◽  
Ai Kawana-Tachikawa ◽  
Masafumi Takiguchi ◽  

ABSTRACT Investigating escape mechanisms of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) from cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is essential for understanding the pathogenesis of HIV-1 infection and developing effective vaccines. To study the processing and presentation of known CTL epitopes, we prepared Epstein-Barr virus-transformed B cells that endogenously express the gag gene of six field isolates by adopting an env/nef-deletion HIV-1 vector pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus G protein and then tested them for the recognition by Gag epitope-specific CTL lines or clones. We observed that two field variants, SLFNTVAVL and SVYNTVATL, of an A*0201-restricted Gag CTL epitope SLYNTVATL, and three field variants, KYRLKHLVW, QYRLKHIVW, and RYRLKHLVW, of an A24-restricted Gag CTL epitope KYKLKHIVW escaped from being killed by the CTL lines, despite the fact that they were recognized when the synthetic peptides corresponding to these variant sequences were exogenously loaded onto the target cells. Thus, their escape is likely due to the changes that occur during the processing and presentation of epitopes in the infected cells. Mutations responsible for this mode of escape were located within the epitope regions rather than the flanking regions, and such mutations did not influence the virus replication. The results suggest that the impaired antigen processing and presentation often occur in HIV-1 field isolates and thus are one of the major mechanisms that enable HIV-1 to escape from CTL recognition. We emphasize the importance of testing HIV-1 variants in an endogenous expression system.

2005 ◽  
Vol 79 (3) ◽  
pp. 1666-1677 ◽  
Terence D. Rhodes ◽  
Olga Nikolaitchik ◽  
Jianbo Chen ◽  
Douglas Powell ◽  
Wei-Shau Hu

ABSTRACT Recombination is a major mechanism that generates variation in populations of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Mutations that confer replication advantages, such as drug resistance, often cluster within regions of the HIV-1 genome. To explore how efficiently HIV-1 can assort markers separated by short distances, we developed a flow cytometry-based system to study recombination. Two HIV-1-based vectors were generated, one encoding the mouse heat-stable antigen gene and green fluorescent protein gene (GFP), and the other encoding the mouse Thy-1 gene and GFP. We generated derivatives of both vectors that contained nonfunctional GFP inactivated by different mutations. Recombination in the region between the two inactivating mutations during reverse transcription could yield a functional GFP. With this system, we determined that the recombination rates of markers separated by 588, 300, 288, and 103 bp in one round of viral replication are 56, 38, 31, and 12%, respectively, of the theoretical maximum measurable recombination rate. Statistical analyses revealed that at these intervals, recombination rates and marker distances have a near-linear relationship that is part of an overall quadratic fit. Additionally, we examined the segregation of three markers within 600 bp and concluded that HIV-1 crossover events do not exhibit high negative interference. We also examined the effects of target cells and viral accessory proteins on recombination rate. Similar recombination rates were observed when human primary CD4+ T cells and a human T-cell line were used as target cells. We also found equivalent recombination rates in the presence and absence of accessory genes vif, vpr, vpu, and nef. These results illustrate the power of recombination in generating viral population variation and predict the rapid assortment of mutations in the HIV-1 genome in infected individuals.

2005 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 869-875 ◽  
Brett M. Forshey ◽  
Jiong Shi ◽  
Christopher Aiken

ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection of simian cells is restricted at an early postentry step by host factors whose mechanism of action is unclear. These factors target the viral capsid protein (CA) and attenuate reverse transcription, suggesting that they bind to the HIV-1 core and interfere with its uncoating. To identify the relevant binding determinants in the capsid, we tested the capacity of viruses containing Gag cleavage site mutations and amino acid substitutions in CA to inhibit restriction of a wild type HIV-1 reporter virus in owl monkey cells. The results demonstrated that a stable, polymeric capsid and a correctly folded amino-terminal CA subunit interface are essential for saturation of host restriction in target cells by HIV-1 cores. We conclude that the owl monkey cellular restriction machinery recognizes a polymeric array of CA molecules, most likely via direct engagement of the HIV-1 capsid in target cells prior to uncoating.

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-259 ◽  
P. Durando ◽  
D. Fenoglio ◽  
A. Boschini ◽  
F. Ansaldi ◽  
G. Icardi ◽  

ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare both the safety and tolerability and the humoral and cell-mediated immune responses for two influenza virus subunit vaccines, one with MF59 adjuvant (Fluad) and one without an adjuvant (Agrippal), in healthy and in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected adult individuals. To achieve this aim, an open, randomized, comparative clinical trial was performed during the 2005-2006 season. A total of 256 subjects were enrolled to receive one dose of vaccine intramuscularly. Blood samples were taken at the time of vaccination and at 1 and 3 months postvaccination. A good humoral antibody response was detected for both vaccines, meeting all the criteria of the Committee for Medical Products for Human Use. After Beyer's correction for prevaccination status, Fluad exhibited better immunogenicity than Agrippal, as shown from the analysis of the geometric mean titers, with significant differences for some virus strains; however, no definitive conclusions on the clinical significance of such results can be drawn, because the method used to estimate antibody response is currently nonstandard for influenza virus vaccines. Significant induction of an antigen-specific CD4+ T-lymphocyte proliferative response was detected at all time points after immunization, for both the vaccines, among HIV-1-seronegative subjects. This was different from what was observed for HIV-1-infected individuals. In this group, significance was not reached at 30 days postvaccination (T30) for those immunized with Agrippal. Also when data were compared between treatment groups, a clear difference in the response at T30 was observed in favor of Fluad (P = 0.0002). The safety profiles of both vaccines were excellent. For HIV-1-infected individuals, no significant changes either in viremia or in the CD4+ cell count were observed at any time point. The results showed good safety and immunogenicity for both vaccines under study for both uninfected and HIV-1-infected adults, confirming current recommendations for immunization of this high-risk category.

2005 ◽  
Vol 79 (21) ◽  
pp. 13579-13586 ◽  
W. David Wick ◽  
Otto O. Yang ◽  
Lawrence Corey ◽  
Steven G. Self

ABSTRACT The antiviral role of CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is poorly understood. Specifically, the degree to which CTLs reduce viral replication by killing HIV-1-infected cells in vivo is not known. Here we employ mathematical models of the infection process and CTL action to estimate the rate that CTLs can kill HIV-1-infected cells from in vitro and in vivo data. Our estimates, which are surprisingly consistent considering the disparities between the two experimental systems, demonstrate that on average CTLs can kill from 0.7 to 3 infected target cells per day, with the variability in this figure due to epitope specificity or other factors. These results are compatible with the observed decline in viremia after primary infection being primarily a consequence of CTL activity and have interesting implications for vaccine design.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (20) ◽  
pp. 11405-11410 ◽  
Cecile Schiffer ◽  
Charles-Henri Lecellier ◽  
Abdelkrim Mannioui ◽  
Nathalie Felix ◽  
Elisabeth Nelson ◽  

ABSTRACT We report that human T cells persistently infected with primate foamy virus type 1 (PFV-1) display an increased capacity to bind human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), resulting in increased cell permissiveness to HIV-1 infection and enhanced cell-to-cell virus transmission. This phenomenon is independent of HIV-1 receptor, CD4, and it is not related to PFV-1 Bet protein expression. Increased virus attachment is specifically inhibited by heparin, indicating that it should be mediated by interactions with heparan sulfate glycosaminoglycans expressed on the target cells. Given that both viruses infect similar animal species, the issue of whether coinfection with primate foamy viruses interferes with the natural course of lentivirus infections in nonhuman primates should be considered.

2008 ◽  
Vol 82 (14) ◽  
pp. 7189-7200 ◽  
Biswanath Majumder ◽  
Narasimhan J. Venkatachari ◽  
Shaylee O'Leary ◽  
Velpandi Ayyavoo

ABSTRACT Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection has been implicated in impairing various aspects of NK cell function in viremic condition, and several viral factors contribute to these defects. Here, we evaluated the effect of HIV-1 Vpr on NK cell cytolytic function and cytokine (gamma interferon [IFN-γ]) production in the context of infection and exposure. Our data indicate that NK cells derived from a peripheral blood mononuclear cell culture infected in vitro with HIV-1 vpr(+) virus or exposed to recombinant Vpr protein exhibited reduced target cell killing in conjunction with diminished expression of CD107a and reduced IFN-γ production compared to their Vpr-negative counterparts. This Vpr-induced NK cell defect is in part through differential regulation of interleukin-12 and transforming growth factor β production by the infected target cells and concomitant activation of Smad3 signaling pathway. Collectively, these results illustrate the ability of Vpr to impair NK cell-mediated innate immune functions indirectly by dysregulating multiple cytokines in the infected target cells, thus increasing disease severity and affecting the final outcome in HIV-1 infection.

2004 ◽  
Vol 78 (2) ◽  
pp. 1020-1025 ◽  
Bruno Garulli ◽  
Yoshihiro Kawaoka ◽  
Maria R. Castrucci

ABSTRACT The humoral and cellular immune responses in the genital mucosa likely play an important role in the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, including infection with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Here we show that vaginal infection of progesterone-treated BALB/c mice with a recombinant influenza virus bearing the immunodominant P18IIIB cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitope of the gp160 envelope protein from an HIV-1 IIIB isolate (P18IIIB; RIQRGPGRAFVTIGK) can induce a specific immune response in regional mucosal lymph nodes, as well as in a systemic site (the spleen). A single inoculation of mice with the recombinant influenza virus induced long-lasting (at least 5 months) antigen-specific CTL memory detectable as a rapid recall of effector CTLs upon vaginal infection with recombinant vaccinia virus expressing HIV-1 IIIB envelope gene products. Long-term antigen-specific CTL memory was also induced and maintained in distant mucosal tissues when mice were intranasally immunized with the recombinant influenza virus. These results indicate that mucosal immunization and, in particular, local vaginal immunization with recombinant influenza virus can provide strong, durable immune responses in the female genital tract of mice.

2007 ◽  
Vol 81 (24) ◽  
pp. 13723-13734 ◽  
Juan Sabatté ◽  
Ana Ceballos ◽  
Silvina Raiden ◽  
Mónica Vermeulen ◽  
Karen Nahmod ◽  

ABSTRACT Dendritic cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule 3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) is expressed by dendritic cells (DCs) at mucosal surfaces and appears to play an important role in the dissemination of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. DC-SIGN binds HIV-1 gp120 and efficiently transmits the virus to T CD4+ cells, which become the center of viral replication. Semen represents the main vector for HIV-1 dissemination worldwide. In the present study we show that human seminal plasma (SP), even when used at very high dilutions (1:104 to 1:105), markedly inhibits the capture and transmission of HIV-1 to T CD4+ cells mediated by both DCs and B-THP-1-DC-SIGN cells. In contrast, SP does not inhibit the capture of HIV-1 by DC-SIGN-negative target cells, such as the T-cell line SupT-1, monocytes, and activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The SP inhibitor has a high molecular mass (>100 kDa) and directly interacts with DC-SIGN-positive target cells but not with HIV-1. Moreover, the inhibitor binds to concanavalin A, suggesting that it contains high-mannose N-linked carbohydrates. Of note, using biotin-labeled SP we found that the binding of SP components to DCs was abrogated by mannan, while their interaction with B-THP-1 cells was almost completely dependent on the expression of DC-SIGN. Since epithelium integrity is often compromised after vaginal or anal intercourse, as well as in the presence of ulcerative-sexually transmitted diseases, our results support the notion that components of the SP might be able to access to the subepithelium, inhibiting the recognition of HIV-1 gp120 by DC-SIGN-positive DCs.

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