scholarly journals Ultra-slow throw rates of polygonal fault systems

Geology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (5) ◽  
pp. 473-477
James J. King ◽  
Joe A. Cartwright

Abstract Polygonal fault systems (PFSs) are an enigmatic class of small nontectonic extensional faults. PFSs are predominantly hosted in fine-grained sedimentary tiers and are prevalent along many continental margin basins. The genesis of PFSs is widely debated, and little is known about the time frame for polygonal fault growth. We present the first measurements of throw rates for polygonal faults by measuring the vertical offset of seven age-calibrated horizons mapped using three-dimensional seismic reflection data from the Norwegian Sea. Individual polygonal faults exhibit a range of throw rate profiles through time, ranging from near linear to singly or multiply stepped. The stepped profiles have short-term throw rates ranging from 0 to 18 m/m.y. Time-averaged throw rates of 180 polygonal faults over the entire 2.61–0 Ma interval are normally distributed and range between 1.4 and 10.9 m/m.y. We convert our PFS throw rates to displacement rates and compare these to published displacement rates for gravity-driven and tectonic normal faults. We find that the displacement rates of polygonal faults mark the lower limit of a continuous spectrum of extensional fault displacement rates; they are as much as two orders of magnitude slower than those of gravity-driven faults, and as much as three orders of magnitude slower than those of the fastest-growing tectonic faults. We attribute the ultra-slow kinematic behavior to the nontectonic nature of polygonal faults, where throw accumulates primarily through dewatering of the largely fine-grained sediments composing the host layers for the PFSs, and through differential volumetric strain between the fault footwalls and hanging walls.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 851-865
Sukonmeth Jitmahantakul ◽  
Piyaphong Chenrai ◽  
Pitsanupong Kanjanapayont ◽  
Waruntorn Kanitpanyacharoen

AbstractA well-developed multi-tier polygonal fault system is located in the Great South Basin offshore New Zealand’s South Island. The system has been characterised using a high-quality three-dimensional seismic survey tied to available exploration boreholes using regional two-dimensional seismic data. In this study area, two polygonal fault intervals are identified and analysed, Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 coincides with the Tucker Cove Formation (Late Eocene) with small polygonal faults. Tier 2 is restricted to the Paleocene-to-Late Eocene interval with a great number of large faults. In map view, polygonal fault cells are outlined by a series of conjugate pairs of normal faults. The polygonal faults are demonstrated to be controlled by depositional facies, specifically offshore bathyal deposits characterised by fine-grained clays, marls and muds. Fault throw analysis is used to understand the propagation history of the polygonal faults in this area. Tier 1 and Tier 2 initiate at about Late Eocene and Early Eocene, respectively, based on their maximum fault throws. A set of three-dimensional fault throw images within Tier 2 shows that maximum fault throws of the inner polygonal fault cell occurs at the same age, while the outer polygonal fault cell exhibits maximum fault throws at shallower levels of different ages. The polygonal fault systems are believed to be related to the dewatering of sedimentary formation during the diagenesis process. Interpretation of the polygonal fault in this area is useful in assessing the migration pathway and seal ability of the Eocene mudstone sequence in the Great South Basin.

Geology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Craig Magee ◽  
Christopher A.-L. Jackson

Many igneous dikes do not reach the surface, instead triggering normal faulting and graben formation in overlying rock. The surface expression of these dike-induced faults provides important records of active and ancient diking. For example, surface measurements of graben half-widths have been used to estimate dike upper-tip depths by projecting faults straight downdip, whereas extension measured at the surface across dike-induced fault pairs (i.e., their cumulative heave) is considered a proxy for dike thickness. We use three-dimensional seismic reflection data to test how the surface expression of two buried dike-induced faults relates to dike geometry. The dike-induced faults are nonplanar, suggesting fault dips should not be assumed constant when using graben half-widths to estimate dike depth. Multiple displacement maxima occur across the dike-induced faults, but rarely at their lower or upper tips, suggesting they formed through linkage of isolated faults that nucleated between the dike and free surface. Fault heave is greatest where these subsurface displacement maxima occur, meaning the cumulative heave of the dike-induced fault pair measured at the syn-faulting free surface underestimates their total extension and poorly reflects dike thickness. Our results imply that at-surface analyses of dike-induced fault geometry cannot be used to estimate key dike parameters without a priori knowledge of fault structure and kinematics or host rock lithological variations.

Solid Earth ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 2097-2117
Vladimir Shipilin ◽  
David C. Tanner ◽  
Hartwig von Hartmann ◽  
Inga Moeck

Abstract. We use three-dimensional seismic reflection data from the southern German Molasse Basin to investigate the structural style and evolution of a geometrically decoupled fault network in close proximity to the Alpine deformation front. We recognise two fault arrays that are vertically separated by a clay-rich layer – lower normal faults and upper normal and reverse faults. A frontal thrust fault partially overprints the upper fault array. Analysis of seismic stratigraphy, syn-kinematic strata, throw distribution, and spatial relationships between faults suggest a multiphase fault evolution: (1) initiation of the lower normal faults in the Upper Jurassic carbonate platform during the early Oligocene, (2) development of the upper normal faults in the Cenozoic sediments during the late Oligocene, and (3) reverse reactivation of the upper normal faults and thrusting during the mid-Miocene. These distinct phases document the evolution of the stress field as the Alpine orogen propagated across the foreland. We postulate that interplay between the horizontal compression and vertical stresses due to the syn-sedimentary loading resulted in the intermittent normal faulting. The vertical stress gradients within the flexed foredeep defined the independent development of the upper faults above the lower faults, whereas mechanical behaviour of the clay-rich layer precluded the subsequent linkage of the fault arrays. The thrust fault must have been facilitated by the reverse reactivation of the upper normal faults, as its maximum displacement and extent correlate with the occurrence of these faults. We conclude that the evolving tectonic stresses were the primary mechanism of fault activation, whereas the mechanical stratigraphy and pre-existing structures locally governed the structural style.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Jin-Oh Park ◽  
Naoto Takahata ◽  
Ehsan Jamali Hondori ◽  
Asuka Yamaguchi ◽  
Takanori Kagoshima ◽  

AbstractPlate bending-related normal faults (i.e. bend-faults) develop at the outer trench-slope of the oceanic plate incoming into the subduction zone. Numerous geophysical studies and numerical simulations suggest that bend-faults play a key role by providing pathways for seawater to flow into the oceanic crust and the upper mantle, thereby promoting hydration of the oceanic plate. However, deep penetration of seawater along bend-faults remains controversial because fluids that have percolated down into the mantle are difficult to detect. This report presents anomalously high helium isotope (3He/4He) ratios in sediment pore water and seismic reflection data which suggest fluid infiltration into the upper mantle and subsequent outflow through bend-faults across the outer slope of the Japan trench. The 3He/4He and 4He/20Ne ratios at sites near-trench bend-faults, which are close to the isotopic ratios of bottom seawater, are almost constant with depth, supporting local seawater inflow. Our findings provide the first reported evidence for a potentially large-scale active hydrothermal circulation system through bend-faults across the Moho (crust-mantle boundary) in and out of the oceanic lithospheric mantle.

2021 ◽  
Eric Roots ◽  
Graham Hill ◽  
Ben M. Frieman ◽  
James A. Craven ◽  
Richard S. Smith ◽  

<p>The role of melts and magmatic/metamorphic fluids in mineralization processes is well established. However, the role of crustal architecture in defining source and sink zones in the middle to lower crust remains enigmatic. Integration of three dimensional magnetotelluric (MT) modelling and seismic reflection data across the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt of the Superior Province, Canada, reveals a ‘whole-of-crust’ mineralizing system and highlights the controls by crustal architecture on metallogenetic processes. Electrically conductive conduits in an otherwise resistive upper crust are coincident with truncations and offsets of seismic reflections that are mostly interpreted as major brittle-ductile fault zones. The spatial association between these features and low resistivity zones imaged in the 3D models suggest that these zones acted as pathways through which fluids and melts ascended toward the surface. At mid-crustal levels, these ‘conduit’ zones connect to ~50 km long, north-south striking conductors, and are inferred to represent graphite and/or sulphide deposited from cooling fluids. At upper mantle to lower crustal depths, east-west trending conductive zones dominate and display shallow dips. The upper mantle features are broadly coincident with the surface traces of the major deformation zones with which a large proportion of the gold endowment is associated. We suggest that these deep conductors represent interconnected graphitic zones perhaps augmented by sulphides that are relicts from metamorphic fluid and melt emplacement associated primarily with the later stages of regional deformation.  Thus, from the combined MT and seismic data, we develop a crustal-scale architectural model that is consistent with existing geological and deformational models, providing constraints on the sources for and signatures of fluid and magma emplacement that resulted in widespread metallogenesis in the Abitibi Subprovince.</p>

2021 ◽  
Hongdan Deng ◽  
Ken McClay

<div>Basement fault reactivation, and the growth, interaction, and linkage with new fault segments are fundamentally three-dimensional and critical for understanding the evolution of fault network development in sedimentary basins. This paper analyses the evolution of a complex, basement-involved extensional fault network on the Enderby Terrace on the eastern margin of the Dampier sub-basin, NW Shelf of Australia. A high-resolution, depth-converted, 3D seismic reflection data volume is used to show that multiphase, oblique extensional reactivation of basement-involved faults controlled the development of the fault network in the overlying strata. Oblique reactivation of the pre-existing faults initially led to the formation of overlying, en échelon Late Triassic – Middle Jurassic fault segments that, as WNW–directed rifting progressed on the margin, linked by breaching of relay ramp to form two intersecting fault systems (F1 and F2-F4). Further reactivation in the Latest Jurassic – Early Cretaceous (NNW–SSE extension) produced an additional set of en échelon fault arrays in the cover strata. The final fault network consists of main or principal faults and subordinate or splay faults, together with branch lines that link the various components. Our study shows that breaching of relay ramps and/or vertical linkages produces vertical and horizontal branch lines giving complex final fault geometries. We find that repeated activity of the basement-involved faults tends to form continuous and planar fault architectures that favor displacement transfer between the main constituent segments along strike and with depth.</div>

2020 ◽  
Craig Magee ◽  
Christopher A.-L. Jackson

Abstract. Dyke swarms are common on Earth and other planetary bodies, comprising arrays of dykes that can extend for 10's to 1000's of kilometres. The vast extent of such dyke swarms, and their rapid emplacement, means they can significantly influence a variety of planetary processes, including continental break-up, crustal extension, resource accumulation, and volcanism. Determining the mechanisms driving dyke swarm emplacement is thus critical to a range of Earth Science disciplines. However, unravelling dyke swarm emplacement mechanics relies on constraining their 3D structure, which is extremely difficult given we typically cannot access their subsurface geometry at a sufficiently high enough resolution. Here we use high-quality seismic reflection data to identify and examine the 3D geometry of the newly discovered Exmouth Dyke Swarm, and associated structures (i.e. dyke-induced normal faults and pit craters), in unprecedented detail. The latest Jurassic dyke swarm is located on the Gascoyne Margin offshore NW Australia and contains numerous dykes that are > 170 km long, potentially > 500 km long. The mapped dykes are distributed radially across a 39° arc centred on the Cuvier Margin; we infer this focal area marks the source of the dyke swarm, which was likely a mantle plume. We demonstrate seismic reflection data provides unique opportunities to map and quantify dyke swarms in 3D in sedimentary basins, which can allow us to: (i) recognise dyke swarms across continental margins worldwide and incorporate them into models of basin evolution and fluid flow; (ii) test previous models and hypotheses concerning the 3D structure of dyke swarms; (iii) reveal how dyke-induced normal faults and pit craters relate to dyking; and (iv) unravel how dyking translates into surface deformation.

1989 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 305-321 ◽  
François Marillier ◽  
Charlotte E. Keen ◽  
Glen S. Stockmal ◽  
Garry Quinlan ◽  
Harold Williams ◽  

In 1986, 1181 km of marine seismic reflection data was collected to 18–20 s of two-way traveltime in the Gulf of St. Lawrence area. The seismic profiles sample all major surface tectono-stratigraphic zones of the Canadian Appalachians. They complement the 1984 deep reflection survey northeast of Newfoundland. Together, the seismic profiles reveal the regional three-dimensional geometry of the orogen.Three lower crustal blocks are distinguished on the seismic data. They are referred to as the Grenville, Central, and Avalon blocks, from west to east. The Grenville block is wedge shaped in section, and its subsurface edge follows the form of the Appalachian structural front. The Grenville block abuts the Central block at mid-crustal to mantle depths. The Avalon block meets the Central block at a steep junction that penetrates the entire crust.Consistent differences in the seismic character of the Moho help identify boundaries of the deep crustal blocks. The Moho signature varies from uniform over extended distances to irregular with abrupt depth changes. In places the Moho is offset by steep reflections that cut the lower crust and upper mantle. In other places, the change in Moho elevation is gradual, with lower crustal reflections following its form. In all three blocks the crust is generally highly reflective, with no distinction between a transparent upper crust and reflective lower crust.In general, Carboniferous and Mesozoic basins crossed by the seismic profiles overlie thinner crust. However, a deep Moho is found at some places beneath the Carboniferous Magdalen Basin.The Grenville block belongs to the Grenville Craton; the Humber Zone is thrust over its dipping southwestern edge. The Dunnage Zone is allochthonous above the opposing Grenville and Central blocks. The Gander Zone may be the surface expression of the Central block or may be allochthonous itself. There is a spatial analogy between the Avalon block and the Avalon Zone. Our profile across the Meguma Zone is too short to seismically distinguish this zone from the Avalon Zone.

Solid Earth ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 579-606 ◽  
Craig Magee ◽  
Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson

Abstract. Dyke swarms are common on Earth and other planetary bodies, comprising arrays of dykes that can extend laterally for tens to thousands of kilometres. The vast extent of such dyke swarms, and their presumed rapid emplacement, means they can significantly influence a variety of planetary processes, including continental break-up, crustal extension, resource accumulation, and volcanism. Determining the mechanisms driving dyke swarm emplacement is thus critical to a range of Earth Science disciplines. However, unravelling dyke swarm emplacement mechanics relies on constraining their 3D structure, which is difficult given we typically cannot access their subsurface geometry at a sufficiently high enough resolution. Here we use high-quality seismic reflection data to identify and examine the 3D geometry of the newly discovered Exmouth Dyke Swarm, and associated structures (i.e. dyke-induced normal faults and pit craters). Dykes are expressed in our seismic reflection data as ∼335–68 m wide, vertical zones of disruption (VZD), in which stratal reflections are dimmed and/or deflected from sub-horizontal. Borehole data reveal one ∼130 m wide VZD corresponds to an ∼18 m thick, mafic dyke, highlighting that the true geometry of the inferred dykes may not be fully captured by their seismic expression. The Late Jurassic dyke swarm is located on the Gascoyne Margin, offshore NW Australia, and contains numerous dykes that extend laterally for > 170 km, potentially up to > 500 km, with spacings typically < 10 km. Although limitations in data quality and resolution restrict mapping of the dykes at depth, our data show that they likely have heights of at least 3.5 km. The mapped dykes are distributed radially across a ∼39∘ wide arc centred on the Cuvier Margin; we infer that this focal area marks the source of the dyke swarm. We demonstrate that seismic reflection data provide unique opportunities to map and quantify dyke swarms in 3D. Because of this, we can now (i) recognise dyke swarms across continental margins worldwide and incorporate them into models of basin evolution and fluid flow, (ii) test previous models and hypotheses concerning the 3D structure of dyke swarms, (iii) reveal how dyke-induced normal faults and pit craters relate to dyking, and (iv) unravel how dyking translates into surface deformation.

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