Development of a Metaheuristic Programming Method for Synthesis of Nonlinear Models

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 349-359
O. G. Monakhov ◽  
E. A. Monakhova
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (04) ◽  

A study was undertaken in Bhagwanpur distributary of Vaishali Branch Canal in Gandak Canal Command Area, Bihar to optimally allocate land area under different crops (rice and maize in kharif, wheat, lentil, potato in rabi and green gram in summer) in such a manner that maximizes net return, maximizes crop production and minimizes labour requirement employing simplex linear programming method and Multi-Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming (MOFLP) method. Maximum net return, maximum agricultural production, and minimum labour required under defined constraints (including 10% affinity level of farmers to rice and wheat crops) as obtained employing Simplex method were ` 3.7 × 108, 5.06 × 107 Kg and 66,092 man-days, respectively, whereas Multi-Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming (MOFLP) method yielded compromised solution with net return, crop production and labour required as ` 2.4 × 108, 3.3 × 107Kg and 1,79,313 man-days, respectively. As the affinity level of farmers to rice and wheat crops increased from 10% to 40%, maximum net return and maximum production as obtained from simplex linear programming method and MOFLP followed a decreasing trend and minimum labour required followed an increasing trend. MOFLP may be considered as one of the best capable ways of providing a compromised solution, which can fulfill all the objectives at a time.

Andrew Gelman ◽  
Deborah Nolan

This chapter covers multiple regression and links statistical inference to general topics such as lurking variables that arose earlier. Many examples can be used to illustrate multiple regression, but we have found it useful to come to class prepared with a specific example, with computer output (since our students learn to run the regressions on the computer). We have found it is a good strategy to simply use a regression analysis from some published source (e.g., a social science journal) and go through the model and its interpretation with the class, asking students how the regression results would have to differ in order for the study’s conclusions to change. The chapter includes examples that revisit the simple linear model of height and income, involve the class in models of exam scores, and fit a nonlinear model (for more advanced classes) for golf putting.

2016 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 803-813 ◽  
Carine Jauberthie ◽  
Louise Travé-MassuyèEs ◽  
Nathalie Verdière

Abstract Identifiability guarantees that the mathematical model of a dynamic system is well defined in the sense that it maps unambiguously its parameters to the output trajectories. This paper casts identifiability in a set-membership (SM) framework and relates recently introduced properties, namely, SM-identifiability, μ-SM-identifiability, and ε-SM-identifiability, to the properties of parameter estimation problems. Soundness and ε-consistency are proposed to characterize these problems and the solution returned by the algorithm used to solve them. This paper also contributes by carefully motivating and comparing SM-identifiability, μ-SM-identifiability and ε-SM-identifiability with related properties found in the literature, and by providing a method based on differential algebra to check these properties.

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