Species composition and abundance of earthworms in the tundra biocenoses of Denezhkin Kamen’ Mountain (Northern Urals)

2010 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-14 ◽  
A. I. Ermakov ◽  
E. V. Golovanova
2021 ◽  
pp. 3-13
N. Ilyina ◽  
V. A. Zharkov

The results of palynological study of the Synya Formation (Middle Triassic) in outcrops along the Kydz'rasyu River banks are presented. The published and archival results of previous palynological investigations of the Synya deposits were used as an additional record. It was shown that the species composition of the palynological assemblage (PA) of the Synya Formation on the Kydz'rasyu River fully corresponded to the PA Converrucosisporites conferteornatus — Florinites pseudostriatus and determined the Triassic, Ladinian, age of the enclosing deposits. The results of reconstruction of the growing vegetation testified to the existence of rich and diverse vegetation in the Ladinian Age on the studied territory, where the flora of highly moistened biotopes prevailed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
pp. 1279-1286
G.P. Kononenko ◽  
E.A. Piryazeva ◽  
E.V. Zotova ◽  
A.A. Burkin ◽  

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 53-68
I. V. Goncharenko ◽  
H. M. Holyk

Cenotic diversity and leading ecological factors of its floristic differentiation were studied on an example of two areas – Kyiv parks "Nivki" and "Teremki". It is shown that in megalopolis the Galeobdoloni-Carpinetum impatientosum parviflorae subassociation is formed under anthropogenic pressure on the typical ecotope of near-Dnieper hornbeam oak forests on fresh gray-forest soils. The degree of anthropogenic transformation of cenofloras can be estimated by the number of species of Robinietea and Galio-Urticetea classes, as well as neophytes and cultivars. Phytoindication for hemeroby index may be also used in calculation. We propose the modified index of biotic dispersion (normalized by alpha-diversity) for the estimation of ecophytocenotic range (beta-diversity) of releves series. We found that alpha-diversity initially increases (due to the invasion of antropophytes) at low level of antropogenic pressure, then it decreases (due to the loss of aboriginal species) secondarily with increasing of human impact. Also we found that beta-diversity (differential diversity) decreases, increasing homogeneity of plant cover, under the influence of anthropogenic factor. Vegetation classification was completed by a new original method of cluster analysis, designated as DRSA («distance-ranked sorting assembling»). The classification quality is suggested to be validated on the "seriation" diagram, which is а distance matrix between objects with gradient filling. Dark diagonal blocks confirm clusters’ density (intracluster compactness), uncolored off-diagonal blocks are evidence in favor of clusters’ isolation (intercluster distinctness). In addition, distinction of clusters (syntaxa) in ordination area suggests their independence. For phytoindication we propose to include only species with more than 10% constancy. Furthermore, for the description of syntaxonomic amplitude we suggest to use 25%-75% interquartile scope instead of mean and standard deviation. It is shown that comparative analysis of syntaxa for each ecofactor is convenient to carry out by using violin (bulb) plots. A new approach to the phytoindication of syntaxa, designated as R-phytoindication, was proposed for our study. In this case, the ecofactor values, calculated for individual releves, are not taken into account, however, the composition of cenoflora with species constancies is used that helps us to minimize for phytoindication the influence of non-typical species. We suggested a syntaxon’s amplitude to be described by more robust statistics: for the optimum of amplitude (central tendency) – by a median (instead of arithmetic mean), and for the range of tolerance – by an interquartile scope (instead of standard deviation). We assesses amplitudes of syntaxa by phytoindication method for moisture (Hd), acidity (Rc), soil nitrogen content (Nt), wetting variability (vHd), light regime (Lc), salt regime (Sl). We revealed no significant differences on these ecofactors among ecotopes of our syntaxa, that proved the variant syntaxonomic rank for all syntaxa. We found that the core of species composition of our phytocenoses consists of plants with moderate requirements for moisture, soil nitrogen, light and salt regime. We prove that the leading factor of syntaxonomic differentiation is hidden anthropogenic, which is not subject to direct measurement. But we detect that hidden factor of "human pressure" was correlated with phytoindication parameters (variables) that can be measured "directly" by species composition of plant communities. The most correlated factors were ecofactors of soil nitrogen, wetting variability, light regime and hemeroby. The last one is the most indicative empirically for the assessment of "human impact". We establish that there is a concept of «hemeroby of phytocenosis» (tolerance to human impact), which can be calculated approximately as the mean or the median of hemeroby scores of individual species which are present in it.

2013 ◽  
Vol 25 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 136-148
I. V. Gryb

The concept of an explosion in freshwater ecosystems as a result of the release of accumulated energy, accompanied by the destruction of the steady climax successions of hydrocenoses is presented. The typification of local explosions as well as methods for assessing their risk during the development of river basins are shown. The change in atmospheric circulation, impaired phases of the hydrological regime of rivers, increasing the average temperature of the planet, including in Polesie to 0,6 ºC, deforestation leads to concentration and release of huge amounts of unmanaged terrestrial energy, which manifests itself in the form of disasters and emergencies. Hydroecological explosion is formed as a result of multifactorial external influence (natural and anthropogenic) on the water body in a certain period of time. Moreover, its level at wastewater discharge depends on the mass of recycled impurities and behaved processing capacity of the reservoir, and the mass of dumped on biocides and the possibility of the water flow to their dilution and to the utilization of non-toxic concentrations. In all these cases the preservation of "centers of life" in the tributaries of the first order – local fish reproduction areas contributed to ecosystem recovery, and the entire ecosystem has evolved from equilibrium to non-equilibrium with further restructuring after the explosion and environmental transition to a new trophic level. It means that hydroecological explosion can be researched as the logical course of development of living matter in abiotic environmental conditions, ending abruptly with the formation of new species composition cenoses and new bio-productivity. The buffer capacity of the water environment is reduced due to re-development and anthropic transformation of geobiocenoses of river basins, which leads to a weakening of life resistance. This applies particularly to the southern industrial regions of Ukraine, located in the arid zone that is even more relevant in the context of increased average temperature due to the greenhouse effect, as well as to Polesie (Western, Central and Chernihiv), had been exposed to large-scale drainage of 60-80th years, which contributed to the degradation of peatlands and fitostroma. Imposing the western trace of emissions from the Chernobyl accident to these areas had created the conditions of prolonged hydroecological explosion in an intense process of aging water bodies, especially lakes, change in species composition of fish fauna and the occurrence of neoplasms at the organismal level. Under these conditions, for the existence of man and the environment the vitaukta should be strengthened, i.e. buffer resistance and capacitance the aquatic environment, bioefficiency on the one hand and balanced using the energy deposited - on the other. This will restore the functioning of ecosystems "channel-floodplain", "riverbed-lake", reducing the energy load on the aquatic environment. Hydroecological explosions of natural origin can not be considered a pathology – it is a jump process of natural selection of species of biota. Another thing, if they are of anthropogenic origin and if the magnitude of such an impact is on the power of geological factors. Hydroecological explosions can be regarded as a manifestation of environmental wars that consciously or unconsciously, human society is waging against themselves and their kind in the river basins, so prevention of entropy increase in the aquatic environment and the prevention of hydroecological explosions is a matter of human survival. While the man - is not the final link in the development of living matter, it can develop without him, as matter is eternal, and the forms of its existence are different.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 348-353
E. A. Kuchina ◽  
N. D. Ovcharenko ◽  
L. D. Vasileva

<p>Anthropogenic impact on the population of ground beetles leads to a change in their numbers, structure of dominance, density, species composition, spectrum of life forms. This makes the beetles Carabidae a convenient and informative bioindicator of the ecological state of biocenoses. The material for this work was the Carabidae collections conducted in June-August 2016-2017 in the park zone of different regions of Barnaul, differing in location, area, hydrological regime, vegetation cover, purpose and anthropogenic load. When processing the material, the quantitative, species and generic composition of the carabidae was determined, calculations were made for such indicators as the Berger-Parker dominance index, the Shannon species diversity index (Hs), and the Jacquard species similarity index. The fauna (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the park zone of Barnaul is represented by 55 species belonging to 20 genera. The dominant group is represented by species belonging to steppe, forest and polyzonal groups. Forest-steppe species of ground beetles as dominants have not been identified in any of the investigated territories. The greatest variety of ecological groups was noted on the territory of the Yubileyny рark, which is explained by the presence of zones with various microclimatic conditions, the presence of a birch grove that flows through the park with the Pivovarka River, and a wide log in the park. Registered species belong to eight groups of life forms belonging to two classes - zoophagous and myxophytophagous. On the numerical and species abundance, zoophages predominate. The spectrum of life forms corresponds to the zonal spectrum characteristic of the forest-steppe zone.</p><p> </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-24
O.S. Shevchenko

New data was added to the oribatid species composition of the Rivnensky Nature Reserve. Overall, 62 mite species were recorded for the territory of research in this study. The species Acrogalumna longipluma, Micreremus brevipes, Licneremaeus licnophorus, Oribatella reticulata, and Porobelba spinosa were not previously listed for the Western Polissia. Of the 60 species of Lower Oribatida mites that have been recorded by other authors in that area, only 18 are found again in the Rivnensky Nature Reserve, indicating that our results are intermediate. A representative of the genus Mainothrus Choi, 1996 (Mainothrus badius (Berlese, 1905)) is found in Ukraine for the first time.

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-294
István Harmati

Erősen karbonátos, humuszban és káliumban gazdag, de foszforban szegény réti talajú legelőn feltörés után létesített telepített gyepen 10 éven át vizsgáltuk a P- (0, 40, 80, 120 kg P2O5·ha–1),ill. a N-műtrágyázás (0, 120, 200, 280, 360 kg N·ha–1) hatását önmagukban és kombinációikkal a gyep fajösszetételére és termésére. Az előbbiek fajonkénti tömeg %-át becsültük, míg az utóbbit szénaként mértük. A kísérletet esőztetve öntöztük. Főbb megállapításaink: – A gyep fajösszetétele. Telepítéskor a kísérlet egész területét egységes NP-trágyázásban részesítettük azonos fajösszetételű, jól beállt és fejlett gyepállomány kialakítása céljából. Így még a kontrollparcellákon is 2–3 évig megfelelő gyepborítás mutatkozott. Azonban az évek során a fokozódó P-hiány miatt a gyep egyre jobban kiritkult. Az önmagában alkalmazott N-trágyázás a kialakult nagy N-bőség miatt negatív hatást eredményezett. A szóló P-trágyázás nagymértékben fokozta mind a füvek, mind a pillangósok fejlődését és produktivitását. A P-adagok és 10 év átlagában a fű:pillangós:gyom tömegarány 50:44:6%. E kezelésben a füvek közül legnagyobb mennyiségben a réti perje fordult elő, jelentős tömegű réti csenkesz társaságában. Az NP kombinált kezelésekben – 10 év átlagában – a fű:pillangós: gyom tömegarány 82:11:7%-ot tett ki. A kísérlet első évében a réti csenkesz vált uralkodóvá, melyet a 3. évben a csomós ebír váltott fel. A 4. évtől kezdve fokozatosan a réti perje vette át a vezető szerepet, melyet a kísérlet utolsó éveiben megosztott az ismét megerősödött réti csenkesszel. A pillangósok közül az NP-kezelésű parcellákban csak a szarvaskerep maradt meg a műtrágyaadagok növeléséhez igazodó arányban. – A gyep szénatermése. A talaj nagyfokú P-szegénysége miatt a kontroll- és az önmagában N-trágyázott parcellákon elfogadható mennyiségű termés nem alakult ki. A P-trágya az adagjaitól függően nagymértékben növelte a termést, 10 év átlagában 177, 256 és 285%-kal, vagyis 1 kg P2O5-tel az adagok sorrendjében 85, 62 és 45 kg széna többlettermést kaptunk. Még a 120 kg P2O5·ha–1 adag is megbízhatóan növelte a hozamot, annak ellenére, hogy a talajban az évek során jelentős mennyiségű foszfor akkumulálódott. A legnagyobb terméseket az NP együttes alkalmazásával értük el. A N-trágyázás növekedő adagjaival – a P-kezelések és 10 év átlagában – 1,12, 2,11, 2,86 és 3,36 t széna·ha–1 terméstöbbletet eredményezett. A P-trágya termésnövelő hatása ennél jóval nagyobb volt. Az adagok sorrendjében – 10 év és a N-adagok átlagában – 4,80, 6,95 és 7,73 t széna·ha–1 terméstöbbletet idézett elő. Tehát a 120 kg P2O5·ha–1 adag még az NP kombinációban is megbízhatóan növelte a termést. A kísérlet legnagyobb termését 10 év átlagában az N360P120-kezeléssel értük el: 12,89 a kontroll 2,24 t·ha–1 termésével szemben. Az évenkénti szénatermések az idő előrehaladtával, főként az 5. évtől kezdődően jelentősen csökkentek. A kísérlet eredményei is rávilágítanak arra, hogy karbonátos réti talajú legelő helyén telepített gyepen P- és NP-trágyázással nagy és jó minőségű termést adó gyep alakítható ki, nagyon jó műtrágya-hatékonysággal.

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