scholarly journals Quantum Entanglement of Free Particles

Roumen Tsekov

In this paper, the Schrödinger equation is solved for many free particles and their quantum entanglement is studied via correlation analysis. Converting the Schrödinger equation in the Madelung hydrodynamic-like form, the quantum mechanics is extended to open quantum systems by adding Ohmic friction forces. The dissipative evolution confirms the correlation decay over time, but a new integral of motion is discovered, being appropriate for storing everlasting quantum information.

2003 ◽  
Vol 13 (01) ◽  
pp. 59-73 ◽  

We prove that, for a smooth two-body potential, the quantum mean-field approximation to the nonlinear Schrödinger equation of the Hartree type is stable at the classical limit h → 0, yielding the classical Vlasov equation.

Respuestas ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Cristian Andrés Aguirre-Téllez ◽  
José Barba-Ortega

El problema general en mecánica cuántica está basado en la solución de una ecuación en valores propios de un operador dado (en una representación adecuada), generalmente  dicho operador es el Hamiltoniano que da cuenta de la interacción energética (salvo que dependa del tiempo) del sistema en cuestión. La solución de la ecuación de Schrödinger permite escribir el comportamiento dinámico del sistema sometido a ciertas restricciones. Sin embargo, la solución analítica de esta ecuación es viable solo en sistemas simples, cuando el sistema se describe desde la interacción de muchas partículas (problema electrónico-base de la construcción de sistemas cuánticos complejos aplicable a la descripción de moléculas, sólidos y sistemas cuánticos interactuantes en general.) la solución de la ecuación de Schrödinger del sistema no se puede realizar vía método analítico; con lo cual existe una forma más global de enfrentar dicho problema, el método auto consistente; mediante el cual se puede solucionar sistemas complejos de muchos cuerpos. Es así que en el presente paper presentamos una comparación entre el sistema auto consistente y algunas variantes que existen, con el método analítico en sistemas demuchos cuerpos y como opera dicho método, esto aplicado a un problema de dos cuerpos con interacción Coulombiana, ya que este problema presenta solución analítica y ha sido extensamente estudiado; esto con la finalidad de que los estudiantes interesados en la materia comprendan como se abordan problemas vía métodos auto consistentes y como opera este método, ya que en la literatura pocas veces se presenta el algoritmo de solución mediante este método.Palabras clave: Mecánica Cuántica, Método Auto-Consistente, problema de dos cuerpos.AbstractThe general problem in quantum mechanics is based on the solution of an equation in eigenvalues of a given operator (in a suitable representation), generally said operator is the Hamiltonian that accounts for the energy interaction (unless it depends on the time) of the system in question. The solution of the Schrodinger equation allows writing the dynamic behavior of the system subject to certain restrictions. however, the analytical solution of this equation is feasible only in simple systems, when the system is described from the interaction of many particles (electronic problem- basis of the construction of complex quantum systems applicable to the description of molecules, solids and interacting quantum systems in general.), the solution of the Schrödinger equation of the system can´t be performed via analytical method; with which there is a more global way of facing this problem, the self-consistent method; through which complex systems of many bodies can be solved. thus, in the present paper we present a comparison between the self-consistent system and some variants that exist, with the analytical method in systems of many bodies and how this method operates, this applied to a problem of two bodies with Coulombian interaction, since this problem presents an analytical solution and has been extensively studied; this in order that students interested in the subject understand how problems are addressed through self-consistent methods and how this method operates, since in the literature rarely the solution algorithm is presented by this method.Keywords: Quantum mechanics, Self Consistent Field, Two body problem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 85 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-67
Fatma El-Ghenbazia Bouzenna ◽  
Zineb Korichi ◽  
Mohammed Tayeb Meftah

Open Physics ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Axel Schulze-Halberg

AbstractWe study the time-dependent Schrödinger equation (TDSE) with an effective (position-dependent) mass, relevant in the context of transport phenomena in semiconductors. The most general form-preserving transformation between two TDSEs with different effective masses is derived. A condition guaranteeing the reality of the potential in the transformed TDSE is obtained. To ensure maximal generality, the mass in the TDSE is allowed to depend on time also.

2010 ◽  
Vol 24 (16) ◽  
pp. 1799-1813

The properties of microscopic particles are studied using the linear Schrödinger equation in quantum mechanics and nonlinear Schrödinger equation, respectively. The results obtained show that the microscopic particles have only a wave nature in quantum mechanics, but a wave-corpuscle duality in nonlinear systems depicted by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, no matter the form of external potentials. Thus we know that the kinetic energy term in dynamic equations determines the wave feature of the particles; the nonlinear interaction term determines the corpuscle feature; their combination makes the microscopic particles have a wave-corpuscle duality. However the external potential term can change the phase and group velocities of motion, phase, amplitude, frequency and form of wave for the particles in both quantum mechanics and the nonlinear quantum systems, although it cannot change these fundamental natures of particles, no matter the forms. Meanwhile, we find that the changes of positions of the microscopic particles by increasing the time under action of an external potential satisfy the Newton-type equation of motion in nonlinear quantum systems. Thus the investigations make us not only see the limits and approximations of quantum mechanics but also know the necessity and importance of developing nonlinear quantum mechanics on the basis of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation.

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