scholarly journals Ricci and Bianchi identities forh-normalΓ-linear connections onJ1(T,M)

2003 ◽  
Vol 2003 (34) ◽  
pp. 2177-2191 ◽  
Mircea Neagu

The aim of this paper is to describe the local Ricci and Bianchi identities of anh-normalΓ-linear connection on the first-order jet fibre bundleJ1(T,M). We present the physical and geometrical motives that determined our study and introduce theh-normalΓ-linear connections onJ1(T,M), emphasizing their particular local features. We describe the expressions of the local components of torsion and curvatured-tensors produced by anh-normalΓ-linear connection∇Γ, and analyze the local Ricci identities induced by∇Γ, together with their derived local deflectiond-tensors identities. Finally, we expose the local expressions of Bianchi identities which geometrically connect the local torsion and curvatured-tensors of connection∇Γ.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (8) ◽  
Fernando Marchesano ◽  
Eran Palti ◽  
Joan Quirant ◽  
Alessandro Tomasiello

Abstract In this work we study ten-dimensional solutions to type IIA string theory of the form AdS4 × X6 which contain orientifold planes and preserve $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 1 supersymmetry. In particular, we consider solutions which exhibit some key features of the four-dimensional DGKT proposal for compactifications on Calabi-Yau manifolds with fluxes, and in this sense may be considered their ten-dimensional uplifts. We focus on the supersymmetry equations and Bianchi identities, and find solutions to these that are valid at the two-derivative level and at first order in an expansion parameter which is related to the AdS cosmological constant. This family of solutions is such that the background metric is deformed from the Ricci-flat one to one exhibiting SU(3) × SU(3)-structure, and dilaton gradients and warp factors are induced.

1988 ◽  
Vol 03 (04) ◽  
pp. 953-1021 ◽  

Using a theorem by Bonora-Pasti and Tonin on the existence of a solution for D=10N=1 Bianchi identities in the presence of a Lorentz Chern Simons term, we find an explicit parametrization of the superspace curvatures. Our solution depends only on one free parameter which can be reabsorbed in a field redefinition of the dilaton and of the gravitello. We emphasize that the essential point which enables us to obtain a closed form for the curvature parametrizations and hence for the supersymmetry transformation rules is the use of first order formalism. The spin connection is known once the torsion is known. This latter, rather than being identified with Hµνρ as it is usually done in the literature, is related to it by a differential equation which reduces to the algebraic relation Hµνρ = - 3Tµνρ e4/3σ only at γ1=0 (γ1 being proportional to κ/g2). The solution of the Bianchi identities exhibited in this paper corresponds to a D=10 anomaly free supergravity (AFS). This theory is unique in first order formalism but corresponds to various theories in second order formalism. Indeed the torsion equation is a differential equation which, in order to be solved must be supplemented with boundary conditions. One wonders whether supplemented with a judicious choice of boundary conditions for the torsion equation, AFS yields all the interaction terms found in the effective theory of the heterotic string (ETHS). In this respect two remarks are in order. Firstly it appears that solving the torsion equation iteratively with Tµνρ = -1/3Hµνρ e-4/3σ as starting point all the terms of ETHS except those with a ζ(3) coefficient show up. (Whether the coefficient agree is still to be checked.) Secondly, as shown in this paper the rheonomic solution of the super Poincaré Bianchi identities is unique. Hence additional interaction terms can be added to the Lagrangian only by modifying the rheonomic parametrization of the [Formula: see text]-curvature. The only assumption made in our paper is that [Formula: see text] has at most ψ∧ψ∧V components (sector (1,2)). Correspondingly the only room left for a modification of the present theory is the addition of a (0, 3) part in the rheonomic parametrization of [Formula: see text]. When this work was already finished a conjecture was published by Lechner Pasti and Tonin that such a generalization of AFS might exist and be responsible for the ζ(3) missing term. Indeed if we were able to solve the [Formula: see text]-Bianchi with this new (0, 3)-part then the torsion equation would be modified via new terms which, in second order formalism, lead to additional gravitational interactions. The equation of motion of Anomaly Free Supergravity can be worked out from the Bianchi identities: we indicate through which steps. The corresponding Lagrangian could be constructed with the standard procedures of the rheonomy approach. In this paper we limit ourselves to the bosonic sector of such a Lagrangian and we show that it can indeed be constructed in such a way as to produce the relation between Hµνρ and Tµνρ as a variational equation.

2007 ◽  
Vol 04 (03) ◽  
pp. 457-469 ◽  

In this paper, we introduce 2-ρ-derivations on a ρ-algebra A, and define 2-linear connections on a ρ-bimodule M over A using these 2-derivations. Then we introduce and study the curvature of a linear connection. Our results are applied to the particular case of the quaternionic algebra ℍ.

1983 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 367-381
Luis A. Cordero ◽  
Manuel de Leon

In this paper we construct the prolongation of a linear connection Γ on a manifold Μ to the bundle space of its frame bundle, and show that such prolongated connection coincides with the so-called complete lift of Γ to .

1956 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 97-100 ◽  
Jun-Ichi Hano ◽  
Hideki Ozeki

In this note we show in § 1, as the main result, that any connected Lie subgroup of the general linear group GL(n, R) can be realized as the holonomy group of a linear connection, i.e. the homogeneous holonomy group of the associeted affine connection, defined on an affine space of dimension n (n ≧ 2).

M. Crampin

A linear connection on a differentiable manifold M defines a horizontal distribution on the tangent bundle T(M). Horizontal distributions on tangent bundles are of some interest even when they are not generated by connections. Much of linear connection theory generalizes to arbitrary horizontal distributions. In particular, there are generalized versions of Bianchi's two identities for the torsion T and curvature Rwhere C denotes the cyclic sum with respect to X, Y and Z. These identities are derived below by associating with a horizontal distribution a graded derivation of degree 1 in a graded Lie algebra of vertical forms on M. This approach reveals the fundamentally algebraic origin of the Bianchi identities.

2015 ◽  
Vol 97 (111) ◽  
pp. 149-160
Włodzimierz Mikulski

Let Y ? M be a fibred manifold with m-dimensional base and n-dimensional fibres. If m ? 2 and n ? 3, we classify all linear connections A(?, ?, ?) : TY ? J1(TY ? Y) in TY ? Y (i.e., classical linear connections on Y) depending canonically on a system (?, ?, ?) consisting of a general connection ? : Y ? J1Y in Y ? M, a torsion free classical linear connection ? : TM ? J1(TM ? M) on M and a linear connection ? : V Y ? J1(VY ? Y ) in the vertical bundle VY ? Y.

1964 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 67-108 ◽  
Yung-Chow Wong

Let M be an n-dimensional (n≥2) connected C∞-manifold with a linear connection. For simplicity, tensor fields on M will simply be called tensors on M. A tensor S on M is said to be parallel if its covariant derivative is everywhere zero in M, i.e., if ▽S = 0. S is said to be recurrent if its covariant derivative is equal to the tensor product of a covector and S itself, i.e., if ▽S = W⊗S, where W is called the recurrence covector.

Kentaro Yano

SynopsisTensor fields and linear connections in an n-dimensional differentiable manifold M can be extended, in a natural way, to the tangent bundle T(M) of M to give tensor fields of the same type and linear connections in T(M) respectively. We call such extensions complete lifts to T(M) of tensor fields and linear connections in M.On the other hand, when a vector field V is given in M, V determines a cross-section which is an n-dimensional submanifold in the 2n-dimensional tangent bundle T(M).We study first the behaviour of complete lifts of tensor fields on such a cross-section. The complete lift of an almost complex structure being again an almost complex structure, we study especially properties of the cross-section as a submanifold in an almost complex manifold.We also study properties of cross-sections with respect to the linear connection which is the complete lift of a linear connection in M and with respect to the linear connection induced by the latter on the cross-section. To quote a typical result: A necessary and sufficient condition for a cross-section to be totally geodesic is that the vector field V in M defining the cross-section in T(M) be an affine Killing vector field in M.

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