An Economical Efficiency Analysis of De-painting Process for Fighter Jets using CVP Analysis

Chang Young Lee ◽  
Jong Hun Park
Helwik Mananggel ◽  
Kawilarang W.A. Masengi ◽  
Mariana Kayadoe

Purse seine is well are better known in North Sulawesi as "soma pajeko". Soma pajeko is an effective fishing gear to catch schooling pelagic fishes. The purpose of this study is to analyze the technical efficiency and economical efficiency of purse seine 15-30 GT, 31-45 GT, and 46-60 GT, and to know which ship size is good to develop. Data collection was done by observation directly in the field, interview with fisherman and business owner, visited PPP Tumumpa office. The data samples are of production, cost and income data for 5 years (2013-2017). The number of ship samples for each group size was five ships. The results of the three groups showed that the average production per trip per vessel per year is 5,546 kg, the average production per GT per vessel per year is 11,323 kg, the average production per worker per vessel per year is 13,444 kg, and the average production per width of net per ship per year is 28 kg. Catch to break event shows the smallest percentage of profit on KM. Galilea-02 is 1.55% and the highest in KM. Betlehem-02 is 16.44%. From the three groups that the average revenue per trip per vessel per year is Rp. 105,802,947, the average profit per trip per vessel per year is Rp. 41,990,226, the largest average RC-Ratio these three groups for 5 years is 6.25%, the average variable cost per production per vessel per year is the largest Rp. 8,380 average fixed costs per production per vessel per year is Rp. 2,188, and the largest average total cost per vessel per vessel per year is Rp. 10,568. A technical efficiency analysis result, from 2013-2017 GT 15-30 groups has the largest production per trip per ship per year with 5,546 kg. In group GT 15-30 KM. Bethlehem-02 has an average production value of 1,032,479 Kg with a value of 62,787 CTBE. Economic efficiency analysis results, from 2013-2017 GT group 15-30 has the average value per trip per vessel per year is the largest of Rp. 41,990,226. KM. Betlehem-02 with a payback of 6.41% per annum.Keywords: technical efficiency, economical efficiencyABSTRAKPukat cincin yang lebih dikenal di Sulawesi Utara dengan nama “soma pajeko”. Soma pajeko adalah alat tangkap yang efektif untuk menangkap ikan-ikan pelagis yang sifatnya bergerombol  (schooling) dan hidup di permukaan laut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis efisiensi teknis dan efsiensi ekonomis  pada kapal pukat cincin berukuran 15-30 GT, 31-45 GT, dan 46-60 GT dan untuk mengetahui ukuran kapal manakah yang baik untuk dikembangkan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara pengamatan secara langsung di lapangan, wawancara dengan nelayan dan pemilik usaha, mengunjungi kantor PPP Tumumpa. Data yang di perlukan yaitu data produksi, biaya dan pendapatan selama kurun waktu 5 tahun (2013-2017). Jumlah kapal yang akan dijadikan sampel menurut ukuran yaitu ukuran 15-30 GT sebanyak 5 unit, ukuran 31-45 GT sebanyak 5 unit, dan ukuran kapal 46-60 sebanyak 5 unit. Hasil penelitian dari ketiga kelompok bahwa rata-rata produksi per trip per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu 5.546 kg, rata-rata produksi per GT per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu 11.323 kg, rata-rata produksi per tenaga kerja per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu 13.444 kg, rata-rata produksi per luas jaring per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu 28 kg. Cath to break even menunjukan presentase keuntungan terkecil pada KM. Galilea-02 yaitu 1,55% dan paling tinggi pada KM. Betlehem-02 sebesar 16,44%. Dari ketiga kelompok bahwa rata-rata pendapatan per trip per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu Rp. 105.802.947, rata-rata keuntungan per trip per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu Rp. 41.990.226, hasil analisa rata-rata RC-Ratio terbesar dari ketiga kelompok ini selama 5 tahun yaitu 6,25%, rata-rata biaya variable per produksi per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu Rp. 8.380 rata-rata biaya tetap per produksi per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu Rp. 2.188 dan rata-rata biaya total per produksi per kapal per tahun terbesar yaitu Rp. 10.568. Hasil analisis efisiensi teknis, dari Tahun 2013-2017 kelompok GT 15-30 memiliki jumlah produksi per trip per kapal per tahun  paling besar dengan jumlah 5.546 kg. Pada kelompok GT 15-30 KM. Betlehem-02 memiliki nilai rata-rata produksi sebesar 1.032.479 Kg dengan nilai CTBE 62.787. Hasil analisis efisiensi ekonomis, dari Tahun 2013-2017 kelompok GT 15-30 memiliki nilai rata-rata keuntungan per trip per kapal per tahun yang terbesar  yaitu Rp. 41.990.226. KM. Betlehem-02 dengan pengembalian modal sebesar 6,41 % per tahun.Kata-kata kunci : efisiensi teknis, efisiensi ekonomis

Vishnu Sharma ◽  
Vijay Singh Rathore

In these days most of the software development uses preexisting software components. This approach provides plenty of benefits over the traditional development. Most of the software industries uses their own domain based software libraries where components resides in the form of modules, codes, executable file, documentations, test plans which may be used as it is or with minor changes. Due to shrinking time and high demand of software development it is necessary to use pre tested software components to ensure high functionality in software developed. Software components can be used very easily and without having the worries of errors and bugs because these are developed under expert supervision and well tested. What we have to do is just embed these components in our project. In this paper a survey got conducted over 112 software developer,testers and freelancers. In survey several issues in CBSD were identified. An efficient repository along with a component search engine is developed. All the component retrieval techniques were evaluated and compared with precise and recall method.

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