Confessing the Faith in the Intellectual Context

2007 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-152
Alan Sell

AbstractIn this paper an account is offered of a project concerning the prolegomena to Christian apologetics. Two historical soundings are discussed that, between them, raise the questions of the starting-point and content of Christian apologetics. The primary Christian confession and the identity of the confessors are considered, and the challenges to apologetics from within and without the church are noted. The presuppositions concerning transcendence, immanence, and history are discussed, as are the traditional starting-points of reason, faith, and experience. The conclusion is that Christian apologetics will take the form of a reasoned eclecticism that sets out from, and is compatible with, God's saving act in Christ.

2016 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 376-390
David Starling

This paper commences with an outline of the vision of the missio Dei that Paul offers to his readers in Rome, taking as a starting point the letter’s thesis statement in 1:16–17. The remainder of the paper traces the key pneumatological themes of the letter and orients them in relation to this overarching vision. The picture that emerges is one that highlights the close connectedness between the Spirit’s life-giving work and the saving righteousness manifested in Christ, proclaimed in the gospel, and at work within the church. Life without righteousness and righteousness without life are both, for Paul, equally unthinkable. 本文以保罗给他在罗马的读者提出的 missio Dei 异象的大纲为开始,用一章十六至十七节的论证作为起点,并在余下部分追溯此书信的关于圣灵论的课题,将其放在此书总括的异象之下。这样逐步出现的图画,即是赐生命的圣灵的工作与在耶稣基督里彰显的救赎的义之间紧密的联结,这救赎的义就是在福音里宣讲并在教会里运行工作的。对于保罗来说,没有义的生命和没有生命的义是同样不可思议的。 Este artículo comienza con un resumen de la visión de Missio Dei que Pablo ofrece a sus lectores en Roma, tomando como punto de partida la declaración de la tesis de Romanos 1: 16–17. El resto del artículo traza los temas pneumatológicos clave de la carta y los orienta en relación a esta visión global. La imagen que surge es una que pone de relieve la estrecha conexión entre el trabajo vivificante del Espíritu y la justicia salvífica manifestada en Cristo, proclamada en el Evangelio, y activa en la iglesia. Una vida sin rectitud y una justicia sin vida son, para Pablo, igualmente inconcenbibles. This article is in English.

1963 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-150
J. H. Gill

Anyone who enters the batter's box of contemporary theology carrying a bat labelled ‘apologetics’ finds that he has two strikes against him before he even begins. Gone are the days when Christian apologetics held a prominent position in theological endeavour. Today such issues as the nature and situation of man, Christian ethics, the unity of the church, and the task of missions dominate the centre of the theological stage. Undoubtedly this is as it should be and it is not the purpose of this article to belittle any of these concerns. There are, however, certain observations which do bear mentioning with regard to the importance of apologetics for contemporary theology. To begin with, it should be noted that the primary purpose of all theological endeavour is to come to a better understanding of the Christian message and effectively to relate it to man and his situation. Even the above-mentioned areas of contemporary concern all have as their ultimate aim to witness to the new life in Christ. The significance of this fact is appreciated when one realises that apologetics also has this witness as its ultimate purpose. It is clear that apologetics is not unrelated to the basic theological task of this or any age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-130
Hendi Hendi ◽  
Eka Nur Cahyani

The Concept of Renewal Nous in Christ Based on Romans 12: 1-2. This article discussing the renewal of nous in Christ through a syntactic and semantic approach to text analysis, namely the focus on the text itself, interactions with other texts and the writings of the Church Fathers. The renewal of nous is the starting point of the consequences of the journey of the believer after being baptized and becoming a Christian is to perfect the image of God in him which continues to be perfected until he becomes like Christ. There are two main points of discussion, namely the process of renewing Nous and the results of renewing Nous. The process of renewing nous is kenosis by offering the body and not becoming conformed to the world as a form of turning off the desires of the flesh so that it is no longer sold in sin. The result of renewal is having a front (the mind of Christ). Only Christians who renew their nous have the mind of Christ, guarding their souls with all vigilance to the likeness of His image. Abstrak Konsep Pembaruan Nous Di dalam Kristus Berdasarkan Surat Roma 12:1-2. Artikel ini membahas tentang pembaruan nous di dalam Kristus melalui pendekatan analisis teks secara sintaksis dan semantis yaitu fokus pada teks itu sendiri, interaksi dengan teks-teks lain dan tulisan para Bapa Gereja. Pembaruan nous adalah titik awal konsekuensi dari perjalanan orang percaya setelah dibaptis dan menjadi orang Kristen adalah menyempurnakan gambar Allah di dalam dirinya yang terus disempurnakan sampai menjadi serupa dengan Kristus. Ada 2 pokok pembahasan yaitu proses pembaruan nous dan hasil dari pembaruan nous. Proses pembaruan nous adalah kenosis dengan mempersembahkan tubuh dan tidak menjadi serupa dengan dunia sebagai wujud dari mematikan keinginan daging sehingga tidak lagi terjual di dalam dosa. Hasil dari pembaruan nous adalah memiliki fronew (pikiran Kristus). Hanya orang Kristen yang memperbarui nousnya yang memiliki pikiran Kristus, menjaga jiwanya dengan segala kewaspadaan hingga serupa gambar dan rupaNya.

2014 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
Jan Kurowiak

AbstractAs a work of propaganda, graphics Austroseraphicum Coelum Paulus Pontius should create a new reality, make appearances. The main impression while seeing the graphics is the admiration for the power of Habsburgs, which interacts with the power of the Mother of God. She, in turn, refers the viewer to God, as well as Franciscans placed on the graphic, they become a symbol of the Church. This is a starting point for further interpretation of the drawing. By the presence of certain characters, allegories, symbols, we can see references to a particular political situation in the Netherlands - the war with the northern provinces of Spain. The message of the graphic is: the Spanish Habsburgs, commissioned by the mission of God, they are able to fight all of the enemies, especially Protestants, with the help of Immaculate and the Franciscans. The main aim of the graphic is to convince the viewer that this will happen and to create in his mind a vision of the new reality. But Spain was in the seventeenth century nothing but a shadow of former itself (in the time of Philip IV the general condition of Spain get worse). That was the reason why they wanted to hold the belief that the empire continues unwavering. The form of this work (graphics), also allowed to export them around the world, and the ambiguity of the symbolic system, its contents relate to different contexts, and as a result, the Habsburgs, not only Spanish, they could promote their strength everywhere. Therefore it was used very well as a single work of propaganda, as well as a part of a broader campaign

Emma Mason

This chapter locates Rossetti in the context of the book’s ecotheological argument, which traces an ecological love command in her writing through her engagement with Tractarianism, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, the Church Fathers, and Francis of Assisi. It establishes her Anglo-Catholic imagining of the cosmos as a fabric of participation and communal experience embodied in Christ. The first section reads Rossetti in the context of current Victorian ecocriticism, which underplays the role of Christianity in the development of nineteenth-century environmentalism. The next sections question critical readings of Rossetti as a reclusive thinker and argue instead for an educated and politicized Christian for whom indifference to the spiritual is complicit with an environmental crisis in which the weak and vulnerable suffer most. This introduction also refers to the wider field of Rossetti studies and introduces her reading of grace and apocalypse as a major contribution to the intradiscipline of Christianity and ecology.

John West

For Dryden, enthusiasm often signalled transcendence from the earthly and glimpsing the divine. The chapter examines the fate of this idea by tracing his late thinking about the relationship between providence and human action. The Hind and the Panther (1687) presents providence as mysteriously distant from humanity and inspiration as mediated through the Church. After the 1688 Revolution, such a view stood in contradistinction to the rhetoric of special providential intervention commonly used by Williamites. Dryden sometimes condemns this rhetoric as enthusiasm. His recurrent preoccupation in the 1690s is not militant Jacobitism, however, but learning to live in exile and suffering. The chapter argues that mystical Catholicism linked with Jansenism provides an intellectual context for this turn in Dryden’s thought. It reads this mysticism in Dryden’s late translations of Juvenal, Persius, Virgil, and Ovid which reflect on how contemplative reflection of God’s mysterious providence could help navigate a corrupt world.

1982 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-37 ◽  
Joseph Connors

S. Andrea al Quirinale was Bernini's architectural masterpiece. A detailed account in the Jesuit Archives now allows a more exact chronology and shows how the design evolved over a fourteen-year period, 1658-1672. The church, which is often compared to a jewelbox, is used as the starting point for a discussion of various attitudes to wealth on the part of baroque architects and patrons. The issue of Bernini's classicism as an architect is discussed with reference to his use of geometry and his development as a designer of church façades. The famous rivalry between Bernini and Borromini is seen as a result of fundamental differences of principle, though some examples are presented from the late 17th and early 18th centuries which show attempts to reconcile the styles and approaches of the two unfriendly geniuses.

2008 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-76
Andy Stirrup

This paper considers an implicit trend in youth ministry to present Jesus as the archetypal superhero and asks if this is a valid and a helpful approach. The paper examines the relationship between the biblical category of hero and the contemporary notion of superhero and a broader appreciation of the use of myth for communicating Christian apologetics as seen in Lewis and Tolkien. The starting point for the paper is that an arguable starting point for the creation of Superman is in the epic character of Hercules and the biblical hero Samson. Through an examination of biblical and other Near East material the paper calls for a deeper and more nuanced appreciation of the relevance of modern western myth in the task of communicating theological narratives and concepts.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 207
Alexandra Bergholm

Some of the earliest references to ritual lamentation or keening in the early Irish sources are found in the penitential handbooks dated to around the seventh and eighth centuries. In previous scholarship, these passages have commonly been interpreted as evidence of the continuous attempts of the Church to curb pagan practices among the ‘nominally Christian’ populace, thus assuming that such regulations were primarily used as a means of social control. This article examines the wider theological and intellectual context of these texts, by focusing in particular on the influence of the Old Testament on early Irish ecclesiastical writing. It will be argued that the demonstrable preoccupation of these sources with issues such as ritual purity and proper religious observance suggests that the stipulations pertaining to lamentation were not solely intended to regulate lay behavior.

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