scholarly journals The frequency and particularities functional biomechanics disorders of the infantile cerebral paralysis inter children’s of native population (the Hakass), mestizo and european of the Republic Hakasiya

2008 ◽  
Vol 7 (5-1) ◽  
pp. 84-86
I. G. Galantyuk ◽  
S. A. Solomin ◽  
I. R. Schmidt

80 children’s were observed with infantile cerebral paralysis for searching frequency infantile cerebral paralysis and particularities functional biomehanic disordeved of children of native population (Hakass). The prevalence of the diagnosis ICP is in 6 time more in european group, as compared with hakas’s, and in 8 time more as compared with mestizo. On frequency of occurrence once forms ICP in all free groups on 1 place double hemiplegia; on 2 places hemiparesis form. Beside all children’s with ICP in 100 rate were discovered functional biomehanich damages, demanding corrections by methods manuall therepy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 ◽  
pp. 00012
Artem Poteshkin ◽  
Irina Talamova

In the article the authors give the example of own created methodology of coordinating abilities estimation and upbringing in children with spastic diplegia and hemiparetic forms of infantile cerebral paralysis at the age of 11-12 of the Ist level of functional abilities according to Gross Motor Function Classification Systems. The peculiarity of the methodology is its universal character: the created methodology of estimation helps to estimate within a short time period and in terms of free space deficiency estimate coordinating abilities development. According to the development results estimation of a girl with a hemiparetic form of infantile cerebral paralysis we see the best indices of coordinating abilities development in comparison with the girls with spastic diplegia and the boys of both forms. For coordinating abilities upbringing the authors offer the methodology. It includes two blocks: the 1st block- classical physical exercises; the second block- exercises at stable platform. The authors offer the algorithm of coordinating abilities estimation and upbringing in children with spastic diplegia and hemiparetic forms of infantile cerebral paralysis at the age of 11-12.


Изучен полиморфизм и определена частота встречаемости аллельных вариантов по генам пролактина (PRL) и соматотропина (GH) у коров в условиях двух племенных хозяйств Республики Татарстан. Объектом исследования были животные черно-пестрой породы первого (n=151) и третьего (n=168) отелов и холмогорской породы первого (n=160) и третьего (n=143) отелов. Проведено генотипирование коров по генам PRL и GH методом ДНК-диагностики. Установлено, что среди молочного скота преимущественно встречаются особи с генотипом PRL АА (70,0—77,5%), с частотой аллеля А гена пролактина — 0,83—0,87, аллеля В — 0,13—0,17. Встречаемость аллеля В была выше среди холмогорских коров (0,16—0,17). В стаде полновозрастных животных черно-пестрой породы имеется сдвиг генетического равновесия в сторону генотипов PRL AA и PRL BB (χ2=3,97; Р<0,05). В исследуемых стадах крупного рогатого скота выражено преимущество генотипа GH LL с частотой встречаемости 51,0—79,2%. Встречаемость генотипа GH VV у черно-пестрого скота составила 2,0—2,4%, у холмогорского — 5,6—7,0%. Аллель L гена соматотропина преобладает над аллелем V в обеих породах. При этом чаще встречаемость аллеля L GH среди коров холмогорской породы (0,28—0,29). У холмогорских коров больше представлены редкие и желательные аллели генов PRL и GH. Чтобы повысить встречаемость «предпочтительных» в хозяйственном отношении генотипов и аллелей ДНК-маркеров, необходимо в большей степени использовать быков-производителей с желательными аллелями PRL и GH, а именно В и V соответственно. The polymorphism was studied and the frequency of occurrence of allelic variants for the genes of prolactin (PRL) and somatotropin (GH) was determinedin cows in two bred livestock farms of the Republic of Tatarstan. The object of the study were animals of the black-and-white breed of the first (n=151) and third (n=168) calving and the Kholmogory breed of the first (n=160) and third (n=143) calving. Genotyping of cows for PRL and GH genes was carried out using method of DNA diagnostics. It was revealed that there were mainly individuals with the PRL AA genotype (70,0–77,5%)among dairy cattle, the frequency of the A allele of the prolactin gene was 0,83–0,87, the B allele was 0,13–0,17. The frequency of allele B was higher among Kholmogory cows (0,16–0,17). There was a shift in the genetic balance towards the PRL AA and PRL BB genotypes (χ2=3,97; Р<0,05) in the herd of full-age animals of the black-and-white breed. The advantage of the GH LL genotype was expressed with a frequency of occurrence 51,0–79,2% in the studied cattle herds. The occurence of the GH VV genotype was 2,0–2,4%in black-and-white cattle, 5,6–7,0% was in Kholmogorycattle. The L allele of the somatotropin gene predominated over the V allele in both breeds. Moreover, the occurrence of the L GH allele among cows of the Kholmogory breed (0,28–0,29) was more often. Rare and desirable alleles of the PRL and GH genes are more represented in Kholmogory cows. In order to increase the occurrence of economically “preferred” genotypes and alleles of DNA markers, it is necessary to use more stud bulls with the desired PRL and GH alleles, namely B and V, respectively.

Radiology ◽  
1974 ◽  
Vol 112 (2) ◽  
pp. 389-392 ◽  
Ivan R. Barrett ◽  
Fred S. Mishkin

1997 ◽  
Vol 150 ◽  
pp. S291
G.T. Sukhikh ◽  
N.V. Mironov ◽  
M.I. Jablonskaja ◽  
M.V. Eremejeva ◽  
S.O. Ushakov ◽  

2003 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 322-327 ◽  
A. B. Yavorskii ◽  
E. G. Sologubov ◽  
S. A. Nemkova

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