scholarly journals Functional characterization of genes associated with Arabidopsis defence against the two-spotted spider mite feeding

2019 ◽  
Ana Arnaiz Alonso
HortScience ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 25 (9) ◽  
pp. 1166d-1166 ◽  
J. Scott Cameron ◽  
Carol A. Hartley ◽  
Carl H. Shanks ◽  
Jeannie K. L. Garth

At two-week intervals from 17 June to 15 July, three groups of `Meeker' red raspberry plants were infested with two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) in a greenhouse. While populations on individual plants were allowed to develop freely, control plants were kept free of mites with a chemical miticide. Gas exchange measurements were made on 27 July prior to visible mite damage, and on 7 October after injury was apparent. The relationships between mite populations and leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll characteristics were described using a logarithmic function.Physiological responses to mite feeding were observed prior to visible leaf injury. On both dates, CO2 assimilation rates decreased (p ≤ 0.001) with increasing mite numbers per leaflet. On 27 June, a significant relationship (R2 = 0.61***) was found between mite number and mesophyll conductance (gm). On 7 October, significant relationships (p ≤ 0.001) were also observed with gm, stomatal conductance (gs), and transpiration (E). Total chlorophyll content of leaves decreased with increasing mite populations, but chlorophyll a/b ratio and dry weight per leaf unit area were unchanged.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (01) ◽  
pp. 117-124
Nomindalai D ◽  
Undarmaa D

Amblyseius swirskii is commonly used to control whitefly and thrips, twospotted spider mite(T.urticae) in greenhouse vegetables and some ornamental crops. This study in each of three different types(two spotted spider mite feeding , pollen feeding, thrips feeding) of feeding pray, 1 females were observed to die at relative humidity 35-60% and at temperatures of 25-300С, laboratory light:dark(16:8) and characteristics of the pray were studied in the development of fertility. We studied mite’s nutritional features, and hunting activities. Amblysieus swirskii’s egg development good establish 2.18±0.17 days in environment which is pollen feeding, 2.48±0.04 days in thrips feeding environment, 2.014±0.098 in two spotted spider mite feeding environment, Growth is until Larvae turned to Nymph there is a hole day in three environments, until Nymph turned to adult tick there are 3.13±0.23 days in pollen feeding environment, 3.25±0.29 days in thrips feeding environment, 2.014±0.098 two spotted spider mite prey environment. A Generation 6.3±0.3 day’s pollen feeding environment, 6.72±0.25 days in thrips feeding environment, 6.55±0.32 days in two spotted spider mite prey environment. Therefore conclusion is feeding environment doesn’t influence their life cycle. Research shows that adult antelope feeds with 15.2 two spotted spider mite, 5.1 thrips daily, decreasing it`s population. Having observed the females egg development in three different types of feeding environment it showed highest result, 14 days, at a temperature of 29.7 1.47C and 30 3.33% moisture environment. In contrast it showed its lowest result, 6 days, in dusty feeding environment whereas in environment with thrips it lay it`s eggs in 12 days for an average. Observing Amblysieus swirskii’s laying egg and lifespan, found out that they able to lay 13±2.6 eggs in two spotted spider mite provision environment, 13.6±2.08 days survive. In thrips feeding environment laying 6.3±0.5 eggs and survive 12.3±2.08 days, in pollen feeding environment laying 4±1 eggs, 7.6±0.5 days surviving. Ангуучин амблисейус (аmblysieus swirskii) хачгийн идэш тэжээлийн онцлог, үржил хөгжил, ангуучлах идэвхийг судалсан дүн Хураангуй: Ангуучин хачиг амблисейус (Аmblysieus swirskii)ийн үржил хөгжлийг лабораторийн гэрэл:  харанхуй (16:8), 25-300С дулаантай, 35-60% чийгшилтэй орчинд ургамлын тоос, шүлхий  хачиг, трипс гэсэн гурван идэш тэжээлийн хувилбартайгаар үржил хөгжил, ангуучлах  идэвхийг судлав.Ангуучин хачиг амблисейус (Аmblysieus swirskii)-ийн өндөгний хөгжил  ургамлын тоос идэштэй орчинд 2.18±0.17 хоног, трипс идэштэй орчинд 2.48±0.04 хоног,  шүлхий хачиг идэштэй орчинд 2.014±0.098 хоног авгалдайнаас нимф болох шатанд гурван  орчинд бүгд 1 хоног, нимфээс бие гүйцсэн ангуучин хачиг болох шатанд тоос идэштэй орчинд  3.13±0.23 хоног, трипс идэштэй орчинд 3.25±0.29 хоног, энгийн шүлхий хачиг идэштэй орчинд  2.014±0.098 хоног тус тус бойжсон бол 1 үе удам нь тоосоор хооллосон орчинд 6.3±0.3 хоног,  трипсээр хооллосон орчинд 6.72±0.25 хоног, энгийн шүлхий хачгаар хооллосон орчинд  6.55±0.32 хоног тус тус үргэлжлэв. Ангуучин бие гүйцсэн амблисейус (Аmblysieus swirskii)  хачгийн ангуучлах идэвхийг судлахад өдөрт 15.2 шүлхий хачиг, 5.1 трипс дунджаар идэж  тоо, толгойг бууруулж байна. Эмэгчин хачгийн төлөрхөг чанарыг дээр дурьдсан гурван идэш  тэжээлийн орчинд судлахад шүлхий хачиг идэш тэжээлийн орчинд хамгийн олон хоног  өндөглөсөн буюу дунджаар 14 хоног, хамгийн цөөн хоног өндөглөсөн буюу тоостой идэш  тэжээлийн орчинд дунджаар 6 хоног өндөглөсөн бол трипстэй идэш тэжээлийн орчинд  дунджаар 12 хоногийн турш өндөглөлт үргэжилж байна. Ангуучин хачгийн өндөглөлт ба  амьдрах хугацааг тогтооход энгийн шүлхий хачиг идэш тэжээлийн орчинд 13±2.6 өндөг  төрүүлж, 13.6±2.08 хоног амьдарч, трипс идэш тэжээлийн орчинд 6.3±0.5 өндөг гаргаж  12.3±2.08 хоног амьдаржилж басан бол тоостой идэш тэжээлийн орчинд 4±1 өндөг гаргаж  7.6±0.5 хоног тус тус амьдарч байгааг тогтоов. Түлхүүр үг: Биологийн хамгаалал, ангуучлах идэвх, идэш тэжээлийн онцлог

2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 343-361 ◽  
Catherine Martel ◽  
Vladimir Zhurov ◽  
Marie Navarro ◽  
Manuel Martinez ◽  
Marc Cazaux ◽  

The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae is one of the most significant mite pests in agriculture, feeding on more than 1,100 plant hosts, including model plants Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato, Solanum lycopersicum. Here, we describe timecourse tomato transcriptional responses to spider mite feeding and compare them with Arabidopsis in order to determine conserved and divergent defense responses to this pest. To refine the involvement of jasmonic acid (JA) in mite-induced responses and to improve tomato Gene Ontology annotations, we analyzed transcriptional changes in the tomato JA-signaling mutant defenseless1 (def-1) upon JA treatment and spider mite herbivory. Overlay of differentially expressed genes (DEG) identified in def-1 onto those from the timecourse experiment established that JA controls expression of the majority of genes differentially regulated by herbivory. Comparison of defense responses between tomato and Arabidopsis highlighted 96 orthologous genes (of 2,133 DEG) that were recruited for defense against spider mites in both species. These genes, involved in biosynthesis of JA, phenylpropanoids, flavonoids, and terpenoids, represent the conserved core of induced defenses. The remaining tomato DEG support the establishment of tomato-specific defenses, indicating profound divergence of spider mite–induced responses between tomato and Arabidopsis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e1009075
Andrea Becchimanzi ◽  
Rosarita Tatè ◽  
Ewan M. Campbell ◽  
Silvia Gigliotti ◽  
Alan S. Bowman ◽  

Varroa destructor is an ectoparasite of honey bees and an active disease vector, which represents one of the most severe threats for the beekeeping industry. This parasitic mite feeds on the host’s body fluids through a wound in the cuticle, which allows food uptake by the mother mite and its progeny, offering a potential route of entrance for infecting microorganisms. Mite feeding is associated with saliva injection, whose role is still largely unknown. Here we try to fill this gap by identifying putative host regulation factors present in the saliva of V. destructor and performing a functional analysis for one of them, a chitinase (Vd-CHIsal) phylogenetically related to chitinases present in parasitic and predatory arthropods, which shows a specific and very high level of expression in the mite’s salivary glands. Vd-CHIsal is essential for effective mite feeding and survival, since it is apparently involved both in maintaining the feeding wound open and in preventing host infection by opportunistic pathogens. Our results show the important role in the modulation of mite-honey bee interactions exerted by a host regulation factor shared by different evolutionary lineages of parasitic arthropods. We predict that the functional characterization of Varroa sialome will provide new background knowledge on parasitism evolution in arthropods and the opportunity to develop new bioinspired strategies for mite control based on the disruption of their complex interactions with a living food source.

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