Tracking Recent DDT Contamination in a Northern New England Watershed

Amanda May ◽  
Lisa Doner ◽  
Jeremiah Duncan ◽  
Stephen Hill

Abstract Research on declines in loon populations at Squam Lake, New Hampshire, U.S.A., point to multiple potential causes since 2005, including dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). This study narrows down sources of DDT in a small sub-watershed by focusing mainly on collecting and analyzing soil and sediment samples, achieving rapid source area determination of DDT. We find presence of p,p’ isomers of DDT and DDE in the Bennett Brook sub-watershed arising from long-term soil and sediment storage of applications 60 years ago, plus a concentrated and current source area at a former barn. Highest concentrations, 723 μg/kg p,p’-DDT and 721 μg/kg p,p’-DDE, occur in the soils adjacent to the barn’s foundation remnants. DDT exceeds that of the metabolite, DDE, in many soils around Bennett Brook, including but not limited to the barn site. In soils where DDT>DDE, we infer mechanisms that delayed breakdown of DDT over the last 60 years. A Pb-210 dated lake sediment core, collected near the outlet of Bennet Brook, shows continuous accumulation of p,p’-DDE and p,p-DDD after 1951. These residuals likely derived from multiple sources within the sub-watershed, including orchard soils, the barn site, and from mobilized sediment deposits following extreme floods in the watershed. Although the DDT residues fall below mandatory soil remediation levels for the State of New Hampshire, Bennett Brook sediments exceed sediment quality guidelines for protection of aquatic life. Crayfish collected in Bennett Brook have significantly higher concentrations of p,p’-DDE than crayfish collected elsewhere in Squam Lake.

2021 ◽  
Amanda May ◽  
Lisa Doner ◽  
Jeremiah Duncan ◽  
Stephen Hill

Abstract Ecological research since 2005 into potential causes of declines in loon population at Squam Lake, New Hampshire, U.S.A., revealed multiple potential causes, but no particular source of contaminants. In 2017, tributary sediment analyses revealed specific sub-watersheds transporting contaminants to the lake (Vogel, 2019). For this study, from 2018 to 2020, we used an approach to this problem that allowed for rapid source area determination of DDT using soil and sediment analyses. We find modern presence of p,p’ isomers of DDT and DDE within the Bennett Brook sub-watershed, arising from 60-year-old orchard applications and a former barn. Highest concentrations, 723 μg/kg p,p’ DDT and 721 μg/kg p,p’ DDE, occur near the barn’s foundation rubble. DDT exceeds that of the daughter product, DDE, in some of the sub-watershed’s soils, including but not limited to the barn site. In the soils where DDT>DDE, we infer delayed breakdown of DDT. DDT<DDE occurs in the streambed and lake deposits, as well as some soils. A Pb-210 dated sediment core, collected near the outlet of Bennet Brook, shows continuous accumulation of the daughter products, DDE and DDD, from 1951 to the present. Residuals are derived from multiple sources within the sub-watershed, including orchard soils, the barn site, and sediment accumulations in the stream. These DDT residues fall below mandatory soil remediation levels for the State of New Hampshire, but exceed some sediment quality guidelines for protection of aquatic life. Bioaccumulation of p,p’ DDE is evident in crayfish that reside in Bennett Brook.

2021 ◽  
Amanda May ◽  
Lisa Doner ◽  
Jeremiah Duncan ◽  
Stephen Hill

Abstract The p,p’ isomers of DDT, DDE, and DDD were analyzed in soils, sediments, and crayfish in the Squam Lake watershed in central New Hampshire (NH), U.S.A. Bennett Brook sources elevated levels of DDT residues to Squam Lake through sediment transport, likely due to legacy contamination from applications to an apple orchard surrounding the stream in the mid 1900s. Results reveal a point source located at a barn used during the orchard operation, which was burned down around 1967, with up to 723 µg/kg p,p’ DDT and 721 µg/kg p,p’ DDE in the soils. Higher DDT than DDE in soil samples, but not in sediment samples, suggests persistence of the contaminant in watershed soils, and faster degradation once mobilized into Bennett Brook and Squam Lake. DDT residues in the lake sediments from 1951 to the present, reveal DDT has consistently been entering Squam Lake since usage began in the U.S. There are likely multiple sources that have contributed to the constant supply, including the orchard soils treated with DDT serving as a nonpoint source, the barn site, and DDT-laden soils vulnerable to erosion, including stream banks and logged or steeply sloped land. Detections of residues in the stream and lake sediments exceed certain sediment quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life. Higher p,p’ DDE levels in crayfish collected in the mouth of Bennett Brook versus crayfish collected in Squam Lake, distant from Bennett Brook, suggests that residues sourcing from this sub-watershed are entering the aquatic food chain at levels higher than other parts of the lake.

Jurnal Ecolab ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-144
Rita Mukhtar ◽  
Ernawita Nazir ◽  
Bambang Hindratmo ◽  
Ricky Nelson ◽  

Pusat Standardisasi Instrumen Kualitas Lingkungan Hidup (PSIKLH) merupakan salah satu instansi yang berada di kawasan Puspiptek dengan kegiatan laboratorium pengujian dan laboratorium kalibrasi. Asesmen kualitas lingkungan di PSIKLH dilakukan mencakup kualitas udara ambien, udara emisi, air, tanah, dan sedimen periode 2018-2020. Pengambilan contoh uji dan analisis parameter mengacu pada metode Standar Nasional Indonesia dan metode lainnya yang sudah baku. Hasil asesmen dibandingkan dengan baku mutu masing-masing parameter sesuai peraturan yang ada. Konsentrasi TSP, PM10, PM2,5, SO2, NO2, dan O3 di PSIKLH hampir semua berada di bawah baku mutu berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No.41/1999 tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran Udara, namun ada 8 dari 28 data PM2,5 berada di atas baku mutu. Konsentrasi H2S dan NH3 berada di bawah baku mutu sesuai Keputusan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup No. 50/1996 tentang Baku Tingkat Kebauan. Pada asesmen tahun 2018, konsentrasi partikulat, SO2, NOx, dan CO pada generator berada di bawah baku mutu berdasarkan PermenLH No. 21/2008. Setelah peraturan baru PP No.15/2019 dikeluarkan, konsentrasi CO dan NOx telah melebihi baku mutu tersebut. PSIKLH mengirimkan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3) ke pihak eksternal untuk dapat diolah, sedangkan limbah cair domestik dilakukan pengolahan dan pengujian sebelum dibuang ke lingkungan. Kualitas limbah domestik parameter pH, BOD, COD, minyak lemak, TSS dan amoniak berada di bawah baku mutu berdasarkan Permen LHK No.68/2016 tentang Baku Mutu Air Limbah Domestik. Konsentrasi tanah di PSIKLH dan sedimen sungai di sekitar Kawasan Puspiptek berada di bawah baku mutu berdasarkan Canadian Soil Quality Guidelines for the Protection Of Environmental and Human Health dan juga Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life in Freshwater. Pemantauan rutin dan komprehensif lingkungan kawasan perlu dilakukan untuk mengetahui sumber pencemar yang potensial mencemari kawasan Puspiptek sehingga dampak pencemaran dapat diatasi.

2012 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 19-32
Mariuxi Mero ◽  
Víctor Arcos ◽  
Fidel Egas ◽  
Rubén Siavichay ◽  
Gino Lindao

La presencia de metales pesados en concentraciones que exceden los límites permitidos por las legislaciones ambientales nacionales e internacionales, alteran el equilibrio de un ecosistema y aunque hay una liberación de los metales pesados por medios naturales, la mayor parte es causada por acciones antropogénicas. Esta investigación determinó las concentraciones de cadmio y plomo en dos especies de moluscos de importancia comercial: concha prieta (Anadara tuberculosa) y pata de mula (A. grandis) y en muestras de agua y sedimento del hábitat circundante de estos organismos. Los resultados revelaron que a concentración de cadmio y plomo en agua en las estaciones 4, 5 y 6 exceden los valores descritos en a legislación ambiental ecuatoriana y en sedimento la presencia de cadmio es más notable debido a que exceden los valores de la Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life cuyo valor es de 0.676 ppm y el valor promedio cuantificado en esta investigación fue de 6.92 ppm. En Ecuador no existen normas sanitarias que establezcan límites de contenido de metales en moluscos bivalvos, sin embargo en un estudio de la USAID (2009) se encontraron concentraciones inferiores a 0.1 ppm para cadmio y 0.9 ppm para plomo, mientras que en el presente trabajo se encontraron en promedio 4.24 y 4.01 ppm de cadmio y 3.3 7 y 2.62 ppm de plomo para A. tuberculosa y A. grandis respectivamente, lo que evidencia una alta concentración de estos elementos tóxicos en los organismos objetos de estudio.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. p16
Patrick Vualu Ibula Mambenga

Seven sediment cores were collected from De Montigny Lake in order to determine concentrations, and contamination assessment of heavy metals such as Cr, Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu, Co and Cd. The mean concentrations of heavy metals are as follows: 48.3 mg/kg for Cr, 36.4 mg/kg for Zn, 20.6 mg/kg for Ni, 14.7 mg/kg for Pb, 10.2 mg/kg for Cu, 6.7 mg/kg for Co and 0.1 mg/kg for Cd. Based on the sediment quality guidelines, the mean concentration metals such as Cr, Cu and Ni exceeded the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guideline. However, the concentration of Cr was more than the Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for Protection of Aquatic Life (CCME), and Threshold Effect Level (TEL) guidelines. The metal contamination in the sediments was also evaluated using Enrichment Factor (EF) and geoaccumulation index (Igeo) to assess natural and anthropogenic factors. The results of enrichment factor methods demonstrated that sediments from De Montigny Lake were moderately to high enriched, mainly controlled by through anthropogenic activities. According to Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs), the concentrations metals from the core sediment of De Montigny Lake are classified as having moderate impacts with potential adverse biotoxic effects.

Richard Archer

Except in parts of Rhode Island and Connecticut, slavery was a peripheral institution, and throughout New England during and after the Revolution there was widespread support to emancipate slaves. Some of the states enacted emancipation laws that theoretically allowed slavery to continue almost indefinitely, and slavery remained on the books as late as 1857 in New Hampshire. Although the laws gradually abolished slavery and although the pace was painfully slow for those still enslaved, the predominant dynamic for New England society was the sudden emergence of a substantial, free African American population. What developed was an even more virulent racism and a Jim Crow environment. The last part of the chapter is an analysis of where African Americans lived as of 1830 and the connection between racism and concentrations of people of African descent.

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