sediment cores
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2022 ◽  
Vol 194 (2) ◽  
D’Souza Nishitha ◽  
Vadakkeveedu Narayan Amrish ◽  
Kumar Arun ◽  
Anish Kumar Warrier ◽  
Harikripa Narayana Udayashankar ◽  

AbstractThe present study aims to assess the extent of trace metal pollution in the sediments of Sita-Swarna estuary, west coast of India, and investigate their possible ecological risk on the aquatic environment. The sediment cores were analyzed for sand, silt, clay, organic carbon, and trace metals (Al, Fe, Mn, As, Cd, Co, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cr, and Cu) at 2-cm intervals. The study revealed that sediments have deposited in relatively violent to very violent hydrodynamic energy conditions. Factor analysis indicated that the metal distribution is mainly controlled by Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides and organic carbon. Further, the geochemical approach, pollution indices, and statistical evaluation revealed moderate pollution in the catchment. From an ecotoxicological perspective, the estimated risk index (RI) value was found to less than 150, indicating low risk for aquatic life. Thus, this baseline study would help to adopt strategies in pollution control and protect the fragile marine environment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Wei Yu ◽  
Haiquan Yang ◽  
Jingan Chen ◽  
Peng Liao ◽  
Quan Chen ◽  

Macrophyte-dominated eutrophication (MDE) lakes have attracted wide attention due to the high phosphorus (P) loading in sediments that poses a wide spread risk for P release and pollution management. However, because of the superior productivity characteristics, the role of organic P mineralization in sediments in the internal P loading of MDE lake is still under debate. This study investigated the release dynamic of P in the sediments of Lake Caohai, a MDE lake in southwest of China, using a combination of the modified Huffer sequential extraction method, 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), and composite diffusive gradient in thin films (DGT) technology. Results showed that the apparent P diffusion flux at the sediment-water interface was remarkably high, with a mean value of 0.37 mg m−2 d−1. The phosphate ester organophosphorus components (i.e., Mono-P and Diester-P) continuously deposited and degraded in the sediments maintained the high productivity of the lake, and the mineralization process plays a critical role in the release of internal P. Although the content of inorganic P in sediment is relatively high (accounting for approximately 60% of total P), the reductive mechanism based on P-containing iron oxide/hydroxide has a low contribution to the internal P loading, as was indicated by the low release rate of P-combination iron-manganese (Fe-Mn)/iron-aluminum (Fe-Al) (BD-P and NaOH-P) and the insignificant positive correlations between DGT-labile P and DGT-labile Fe in the sediment cores. Additionally, organic P in sediments could transfer to P-combination Fe-Al/Fe-Mn. However, in severely expropriated environments, the enrichment of P-combination Fe-Al/Fe-Mn in surface sediments inhibited the mineralization of monophosphate to some degree. Taken together, this study emphasized the impact of sediment organic P loading on the release of internal P in lake, highlighting that organic P is also the valuable objects for avoiding eutrophication of MDE lakes.

Elena Yu Novenko ◽  
Dmitry A. Kupryanov ◽  
Natalia G. Mazei ◽  
Anatoly Prokushkin ◽  
Leanne N. Phelps ◽  

Abstract Recent climate change in Siberia is increasing the probability of dangerous forest fires. The development of effective measures to mitigate and prevent fires is impossible without an understanding of long-term fire dynamics. This paper presents the first multi-site palaeo-fire reconstruction based on macroscopic charcoal data from peat and lake sediment cores located in different landscapes across the permafrost area of Central Siberia. The obtained results show similar temporal patterns of charcoal accumulation rates in the cores under study, and near synchronous changes in fire regimes. The paleo-fire record revealed moderate biomass burning between 3.4 and 2.6 ka BP, followed by the period of lower burning occurring from 2.6 to 1.7 ka BP that coincided with regional climate cooling and moistening. Minimal fire activity was also observed during the Little Ice Age (0.7 – 0.25 ka BP). Fire frequencies increased during the interval from 1.7 to 0.7 ka BP and appears to be partly synchronous with climate warming during the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Regional reconstructions of long-term fire history show that recent fires are unprecedented during the late Holocene, with modern high biomass burning lying outside millennial and centennial variability of the last 3400 years.

Forests ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Jianxiong Hu ◽  
Pei Sun Loh ◽  
Siriporn Pradit ◽  
Thi Phuong Quynh Le ◽  
Chantha Oeurng ◽  

Mangroves are highly productive blue carbon ecosystems that preserve high organic carbon concentrations in soils. In this study, particle size, bulk elemental composition and stable carbon isotope were determined for the sediment cores collected from the landward and seaward sides of two mangrove forests of different ages (M1, ca. 60; M2, ca. 4 years old) to determine the effects of geomorphic setting and age (L1 = old mangrove and S1 = salt marsh stand in M1; L2 = young mangrove and S2 = bare mudflat in M2) on sediments and organic carbon accumulation. The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of the northernmost human-planted mangroves in China to accumulate sediment and carbon. Our results showed that fine-grained materials were preserved well in the interior part of the mangroves, and the capacity to capture fine-grained materials increased as the forest aged. The biogeochemical properties (C/N: 5.9 to 10.8; δ13C: −21.60‰ to −26.07‰) indicated that the local organic carbon pool was composed of a mixture of autochthonous and allochthonous sources. Moreover, the accumulation of organic carbon increased with the forest age. The interior part of the old mangrove had the highest organic carbon stock (81.93 Mg Corg ha−1). These findings revealed that mangrove reforestation had positive effects on sediments and organic carbon accretion.

K. Chaira ◽  
B. Ennaffah ◽  
F. Z. Bouthir ◽  
H. Abdelouahab ◽  
H. Rhinane

Abstract. The Sidi Moussa lagoon, (32°52′0″ N / 8° 51′05″ W) is located on the Moroccan Atlantic coast between the cities of El Jadida and Safi about 15 km South of the Jorf Lasfar industrial complex, The climate of the lagoon is classified as hot temperate. It is characterised by an oceanic influence. This study of dinoflagellate cyst mapping is the first of its kind from the Sidi Moussa lagoon. the objectives of the present survey were (i) to evaluate to the spatial variation of dinoflagellate cyst assemblages in the sediment along the Sidi Moussa lagoon (ii) to assess the densities of its cysts (iii) to compare the cyst assemblages in this study with that of other sites. The data were collected in a scientific campaign by zodiac carried out from in April 2018 by core following a sampling network of 21 stations distributed randomly in the study area. The surface layer of the sediment cores (3 cm) was sliced and kept at 4° C until analysis. The highest total cyst abundance was 194 cysts. g−1 dry sediment. The Pearson statistical test revealed a positive and significant correlation between cyst abundance and water content, organic matter and of fine sediment. Our study showed the presence of morphotypes of potentially toxic species. The cysts of these species present in the sediment of the Sidi Moussa lagoon could germinate, when environmental conditions become favorable, and in turn could inoculate the water column with the subsequent bloom formation. This study confirms the usefulness of cyst analysis in the assessment of harmful bloom risk in this area important for oyster’s culture.

2022 ◽  
G R Brooks

The thicknesses of 384 rhythmic couplets were measured along a composite sequence of glacial Lake Ojibway glaciolacustrine deposits recovered in two sediment cores from Frederick House Lake, Ontario. The visual comparison of distinctive couplets in the CT-scan radiographs of the Frederick House core samples to photographs of core samples from Reid Lake show a match of ±1 varve number from v1656-v1902, and ±5 varve numbers between v1903-v2010, relative to the regional numbering of the Timiskaming varve series. There are two interpretations for the post-v2010 couplets that fall within the Connaught varve sequence of the regional series. In the first, the interpreted numbering spans from v2066-v2115, which produces a gap of 55 missing varves equivalent to v2011-v2065, and corresponds to the original interpretation of the Connaught varve numbering. The second spans v2011a-v2060a, and represents alternative (a) numbering for the same varves. Varve thickness data are listed in spreadsheet files (.xlsx and .csv formats), and CT-Scan radiograph images of core samples are laid out on a mosaic poster showing the interpreted varve numbering and between-core sample correlations of the varve couplets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-78
Ganapati Narayan Nayak

Estuaries are one of the major sub-environments of the coastal zone wherein freshwaters interact and mix with saline waters, and facilitate deposition of finer sediments, organic matter, and metals. Intertidal mudflat and mangrove sediment cores collected from estuaries along the central west coast of India were investigated for various sedimentological and geochemical parameters to understand the changes in the sedimentary depositional environments and various factors influencing the processes. Additionally, estuarine biota was examined to understand the bioaccumulation of metals with respect to bioavailability. The results indicated considerable changes in the depositional environments with time owing to sea-level changes; geomorphology of the estuaries; rainfall and river runoff; anthropogenic activities including construction of dams and bridges. The sediments in the estuaries are considerably polluted by metals and pose toxicity risks to the estuarine biota due to high metal bioavailability. Marine gastropods and mangrove plants act as prospective bio-indicators, and the bioremediation potential of mangroves for contaminated sediments was identified. Metal bioaccumulation in edible benthic biota can be harmful to the human health.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Alexei Konoplev ◽  
Gennady Laptev ◽  
Yasunori Igarashi ◽  
Hrigoryi Derkach ◽  
Valentin Protsak ◽  

Given the importance of understanding long-term dynamics of radionuclides in the environment in general, and major gaps in the knowledge of 137Cs particulate forms in Chernobyl exclusion zone water bodies, three heavily contaminated water bodies (Lakes Glubokoe, Azbuchin, and Chernobyl NPP Cooling Pond) were studied to reconstruct time changes in particulate concentrations of 137Cs and its apparent distribution coefficient Kd, based on 137Cs depth distributions in bottom sediments. Bottom sediment cores collected from deep-water sites of the above water bodies were sliced into 2 cm layers to obtain 137Cs vertical profile. Assuming negligible sediment mixing and allowing for 137Cs strong binding to sediment, each layer of the core was attributed to a specific year of profile formation. Using this method, temporal trends for particulate 137Cs concentrations in the studied water bodies were derived for the first time and they were generally consistent with the semiempirical diffusional model. Based on the back-calculated particulate 137Cs concentrations, and the available long-term monitoring data for dissolved 137Cs, the dynamics of 137Cs solid–liquid distribution were reconstructed. Importantly, just a single sediment core collected from a lake or pond many years after a nuclear accident seems to be sufficient to retrieve long-term dynamics of contamination.

2021 ◽  
Joanne S. Johnson ◽  
Ryan A. Venturelli ◽  
Greg Balco ◽  
Claire S. Allen ◽  
Scott Braddock ◽  

Abstract. Widespread existing geological records from above the modern ice-sheet surface and outboard of the current ice margin show that the Antarctic Ice Sheet (AIS) was much more extensive at the Last Glacial Maximum (~20 ka) than at present. However, whether it was ever smaller than present during the last few millennia, and (if so) by how much, is known only for a few locations because direct evidence lies within or beneath the ice sheet, which is challenging to access. Here, we describe how retreat and readvance (henceforth “readvance”) of AIS grounding lines during the Holocene could be detected and quantified using subglacial bedrock, subglacial sediments, marine sediment cores, relative sea-level (RSL) records, radar data, and ice cores. Of these, only subglacial bedrock and subglacial sediments can provide direct evidence for readvance. Marine archives are of limited utility because readvance commonly covers evidence of earlier retreat. Nevertheless, stratigraphic transitions documenting change in environment may provide support for direct evidence from subglacial records, as can the presence of transgressions in RSL records. With independent age control, past changes in ice structure and flow patterns revealed by radar can be used to infer ice volume changes commensurate with readvance. Since ice cores capture changes in surface mass balance, elevation, and changes in atmospheric and oceanic circulation that are known to drive grounding-line migration, they also have potential for identifying readvance. A multidisciplinary approach is likely to provide the strongest evidence for or against a smaller-than-present AIS in the Holocene.

Kyle Hardage ◽  
Joseph Street ◽  
Jorge A. Herrera-Silveira ◽  
Ferdinand K. J. Oberle ◽  
Adina Paytan

AbstractEpikarst estuary response to hydroclimate change remains poorly understood, despite the well-studied link between climate and karst groundwater aquifers. The influence of sea-level rise and coastal geomorphic change on these estuaries obscures climate signals, thus requiring careful development of paleoenvironmental histories to interpret the paleoclimate archives. We used foraminifera assemblages, carbon stable isotope ratios (δ13C) and carbon:nitrogen (C:N) mass ratios of organic matter in sediment cores to infer environmental changes over the past 5300 years in Celestun Lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico. Specimens (> 125 µm) from modern core top sediments revealed three assemblages: (1) a brackish mangrove assemblage of agglutinated Miliammina and Ammotium taxa and hyaline Haynesina (2) an inner-shelf marine assemblage of Bolivina, Hanzawaia, and Rosalina, and (3) a brackish assemblage dominated by Ammonia and Elphidium. Assemblages changed along the lagoon channel in response to changes in salinity and vegetation, i.e. seagrass and mangrove. In addition to these three foraminifera assemblages, lagoon sediments deposited since 5300 cal yr BP are comprised of two more assemblages, defined by Archaias and Laevipeneroplis, which indicate marine Thalassia seagrasses, and Trichohyalus, which indicates restricted inland mangrove ponds. Our data suggest that Celestun Lagoon displayed four phases of development: (1) an inland mangrove pond (5300 BP) (2) a shallow unprotected coastline with marine seagrass and barrier island initiation (4900 BP) (3) a protected brackish lagoon (3000 BP), and (4) a protected lagoon surrounded by mangroves (1700 BP). Stratigraphic (temporal) changes in core assemblages resemble spatial differences in communities across the modern lagoon, from the southern marine sector to the northern brackish region. Similar temporal patterns have been reported from other Yucatan Peninsula lagoons and from cenotes (Nichupte, Aktun Ha), suggesting a regional coastal response to sea level rise and climate change, including geomorphic controls (longshore drift) on lagoon salinity, as observed today. Holocene barrier island development progressively protected the northwest Yucatan Peninsula coastline, reducing mixing between seawater and rain-fed submarine groundwater discharge. Superimposed on this geomorphic signal, assemblage changes that are observed reflect the most severe regional wet and dry climate episodes, which coincide with paleoclimate records from lowland lake archives (Chichancanab, Salpeten). Our results emphasize the need to consider coastal geomorphic evolution when using epikarst estuary and lagoon sediment archives for paleoclimate reconstruction and provide evidence of hydroclimate changes on the Yucatan Peninsula.

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