scholarly journals “Hooked on Celebri[ɾ]y”

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-31
Brandon Papineau

T-glottaling in Scotland has been studied as a salient linguistic variable, which has been found to index (in)formality, socio-economic class, and region, among other speaker and situational characteristics. Realisations of /t/ have also been studied in a musical context, where they have been found to be linked to genre and identity. This study examines Scottish singer-songwriter Nina Nesbitt, and her realisations of the intervocalic /t/ variable in both speech and song. She shows high rates of t-glottaling in speech, but within song, her realisations vary; the only significant predictor of /t/ realisations is song genre, where pop and pop folk songs favour [ɾ] realisations and acoustic songs favour the [t] realisation. T-glottaling is uncommon in all genres of her music. I argue that this variability is a strategy employed to create coherent musical identities that situate Nesbitt within the musical marketplaces in which she performs.

Alex Lubet

This chapter examines Wolf Krakowski's legendary CD Transmigrations, which was the first example of Yiddish worldbeat. Transmigrations comprises principally secular songs, although these are at times referenced, as is nearly unavoidable in chronicles of Jewish life. Two songs, ‘Shabes, shabes’ and ‘Zol shoyn kumen di geule’ (Let the Redemption Come), are traditionally devotional, if non-liturgical. The songs that address the Holocaust and other Jewish suffering pose basic spiritual questions that Jews must ask, though not in formal prayer. In determining any music's Jewishness, lessons from the sacred repertoire of Judaism may be applied. On utilitarian grounds, all settings of sacred Hebrew texts for use in Jewish worship are Jewish music. This principle extends to all Yiddish song, since Jewish languages are tools of Jewish community. This includes all twelve songs on Transmigrations. Ultimately, Transmigrations—an album of Yiddish folk songs and works by Yiddish theatre and literary artists, its melodies forthrightly Jewish—defies expectations of Yiddish song in broader aspects of style.

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 57-78
Hyejung Im ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 148 (4) ◽  
pp. 850-860
Uliana Handziy

Mahfouz R. Nath ◽  
C. Kanniammal

Malnutrition remains one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality among children throughout the world. Malnutrition has been responsible, directly or indirectly for 60% of the 10.9 million deaths annually among children under five. The research study was aimed to assess the knowledge and practice of mothers of preschool children regarding the prevention and management of malnutrition. The design used was descriptive cross sectional survey. The study was conducted in a coastal setting of Trivandrum district with a sample size of 115. Data collection was done by self administered structured questionnaire by conducting mothers meeting at selected Anganwadis. According to the results of the study 19.1% of mothers had good knowledge and 34.8 % of mothers had poor knowledge. Regarding practice only 24.3 % of mothers reported good practice while 36.6 % of mothers reported poor practice. There was a strong association between the knowledge and Practice of mothers and selected socio demographic variables such as educational status of mothers and socio economic class (p less than 0.01)). The study findings can be used for planning targeted nursing interventions in coastal areas for mothers of preschool children.

2019 ◽  
Siddharth Garg

Objective: The aim of this paper was to examine the relationship between income, subjective wellbeing, and culture among people from a higher socio-economic class across the world. Rationale: Ed Diener proposed the law of diminishing marginal utility as an explanation for differences in subjective wellbeing among different income groups across different countries (Diener, Ng, & Tov, Balance in life and declining marginal utility of diverse resources, 2009). Thus, people with higher incomes would experience less subjective wellbeing due to income, and culture should emerge as a significant predictor. Method: Data from this study came from another study ( I used an online survey to collect data on annual income in US dollars, subjective wellbeing (WHO-5), and country of residence (Indicator of Culture). 96 responses (Indians = 24, Foreigners = 72) were entered in IBM SPSS and a regression analysis was conducted. The raw dataset used in this study can be found at ANOVA showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) between Indians and foreigners on levels of subjective wellbeing. Linear regression shows the regression coefficient of culture to be significant (Beta = -.254, p = .014) but the regression coefficient of income was not found to be significant. The overall model was found to explain 8.2% of the variance in wellbeing.Conclusion: The sample of this study is too small to make any kind of generalization; it does lend a little bit of support to the idea of diminishing marginal utility of income on subjective wellbeing and provides a rationale for further research.

А. Кошбаев

Аннотация: Бул макалада санат-насыят ырларды жаштарга тарбия таалим берүүдө, адам болуп калыптануусуна өзгөчө орунга ээ. Акындык жанрда ыр түрүндө, комуздун коштоосунда же жөн гана ооз эки айтыш менен айтылган. Санат-насыят, терме мактоо ырлары менен жаштардан баштап улгайганга чейин акыл туюмун өстүрүп келген. Акындар эл аралап санат-насыят ырларын ырдашкан. Эл топтолгон тойлордо, жыйындарда тарбиялык мааниси бар ырларды көпчүлүккө жайылткан. Бул тарбиялык мааниси бар ырларды көпчүлүк өздөрүнүн балдарына тарбия берүүдө колдонушкан жана кулактарына сиңиришкен. Токтогулдун «Өмүр», «Карылык», «Насыят», «Санат», «Үлгү ырлар», «Нускалуу ырлар», «Терме», «Курдаштын көөнүн билип өт» деген философиялык ойлорго бай, педагогикалык маңызы терең ырлары жөнүндө автор баяндайт. Токтогулдун чыгармачылыгындагы эң негизги концепция-адам эң жогорку турган кымбат нерсе, улуу идеал. Акындын өзүнүн адамды асыл зат катары жогору баалашы, ага өтө гумандуулук менен мамиле кылгандыгы улуулугу болуп саналары жөнүндө сңз болот. Түйүндүү сөздөр: багыттоочу, гумандуулук, насыят, педагогикалык маңызы, санат, тарбиялоочу, терме, философиялык ойлор, элдик. Аннотация: Назидательные и нравоучительные народные песни занимают особое место в деле воспитания молодежи и становлении их как личности. Песни исполнялись акынами как в сопровождении комуза, так и без него. В данной статье показано воспитательное значение нравоучительных песен Т. Сатылганова. Т. Сатылганов через свои песни, которые несли воспитательные, созидательные функции, передавал гуманистические идеи, распространял передовые мысли среди народных масс. Автор говорит о том, что песни Токтогула «Өмүр», «Карылык», «Насыят», «Санат», «Үлгү ырлар», «Нускалуу ырлар», «Терме», «Курдаштын көөнүн билип өт» полны философских размышлений, педагогического содержания. Он раскрывает основную концепцию творчества Токтогула о том, что человек наивысшее, самое ценное существо, великий идеал. Так же автор подчеркивает, что слова песен Токтогула отличаются образностью, обладают эмоциональной силой и возвышенностью. Акын меткими и точными словами дает характеристику как человеку, так и явлениям жизни. Каждый слушатель или читатель получает для себя из песен Токтогула жизненный опыт и делает выводы. Ключевые слова: направляющий, гуманизм, назидание, педагогическое содержание, поучение, воспитательный, сборный, философские мысли, народный. Abstract: Edifying and moralizing folk songs occupy a special place in the education of young people and their formation as a person. The songs were performed by akyns both accompanied by komuz and without it. This article shows the educational value of the moralizing songs of T. Satylganov. T. Satylganov through his songs, which carried educational, creative functions, transmitted humanistic ideas, spread advanced thoughts among the masses. The author says that the songs of the Toktogul "Omur", "Karylyk", "Naziat", "Sanat", "Ulgu yrlar", "Nuscaluu, yrlar", "Terme", "Kurdashtyn konun bilip ot" complete philosophical reflection, and pedagogical content. He reveals the basic concept of creativity Toktogul that man is the highest, most valuable creature, the great ideal. The author also emphasizes that the words of the songs of Toktogul differ in imagery, have emotional power and sublimity. Akyn apt and precise words gives a description of both people and phenomena of life. Each listener or reader gets from the songs of Toktogul's life experiences and draws conclusions. Key words: guide, humanism edification, teaching content, teaching educational, general, philosophy, folk.

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