scholarly journals Perbanyakan tanaman kina Cinchona ledgeriana Moens. dan C. succirubra Pavon melalui penggandaan tunas aksiler Propagation of cinchona plant Cinchona ledgeriana Moens. and C. succirubra Pavon through axillary buds multiplication

2016 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  

SummaryCinchona ledgeriana (Ledger) and C. succirubra (Succi) were industrial commodities which their barks of the trunk  contain alkaloid   used as raw materials in pharmaceutical, food, drug and beverages and chemical industries. The problem  faced in conventional plant propagation are. incompatibilities, high numbers of death caused by transportation, limited numbers and time consume in  plant materials  production. These problems may be  overcome by axillary buds multiplication.  The aim of the experiment were to find out propagation technology of Ledger and Succi by  tissue culture technique.  Experiments were conducted in three consecutive steps, viz the effect of (i) BAP on multiplication and growth of axillary’s bud of Ledger and Succi in vitro culture, (ii) IBA on root initiation and growth, (iii)  growth medium on the growth of plantlets in  acclimatization.The design of the experiments were Complete Randomized Design with 15 (i & ii) and four (iii) replications. The treatments were (i) 0,1,2,3,4, dan 5 mg/L BAP, (ii) 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; dan 2.5 mg/L IBA, and (iii) mixture of soil and rice husk charcoal (1:1), mixture of soil and compost (1:1),  mixture of soil, rice husk charcoal, and  compost  (1:1:1).  Parameters measured in the experiments were (i) the initiation of buds multiplication rate twice at axillary buds at subculture.  (ii) initiation  and  roots vigor. (iii) numbers of survived  plants and plants vigor. The explant source used derived from two-month old axillary buds cultured in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium without growth regulator. Results of the experiment showed  that the best shoot multiplication of Ledger  and Succi  was obtained from the application of 3 mg/L BAP, with buds multipli-cation rate 7 buds/explant/month for Ledger, and 3-4 buds/explants/month for succi. The best root initation and root growth were found from the application of 2 mg/L IBA. The highest percentage of survived plantlets (100%) in acclimatization was obtained from mixture of soil and rice husk charcoal (1:1) medium.  Therefore it is  concluded that tissue culture technique could be used for planlet  mass propagation    of  elite C. Ledgeriana and C. Succirubra through axillary bud multiplication.Ringkasan Tanaman kina Cinchona ledgeriana (Ledger) dan C. succirubra (Succi)  merupakan tanaman industri yang mengandung alkaloid di dalam kulit batangnya dan berguna dalam bidang industri farmasi, makanan, minuman dan kimia. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam perbanyakan tanaman kina secara konvensional dengan sistem sambung  adalah inkompatibilitas,    kematian akibat pengangkutan cukup tinggi, jumlah bahan tanam yang diproduksi sangat terbatas dan waktu penyediaan yang cukup lama. Masalah tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan teknik kultur jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk men-dapatkan teknologi perbanyakan tanaman kina Ledger dan Succi dengan teknik kultur jaringan. Penelitian terdiri atas (i) pengaruh BAP terhadap inisiasi dan penggandaan  tunas aksilar, (ii) pengaruh IBA terhadap inisiasi serta pertum-buhan akar planlet,   dan (iii) pengaruh beberapa medium terhadap pertumbuhan planlet dalam aklimatisasi. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap, masing-masing diulang 15 (i & ii)  dan (iii) empat kali. Peubah yang diukur untuk percobaan (i) adalah waktu inisiasi tunas dan laju penggandaan tunas aksiler pada dua  kali  subkulur. (ii)  Waktu  inisiasi  dan vigor akar. (iii) Jumlah tanaman yang bertahan hidup setelah aklimatisasi, serta vigor tanaman. Sumber eksplan yang digunakan adalah tunas aksilar dari kecambah terpilih berumur dua bulan yang dikulturkan dalam medium Murashige dan Skoog tanpa zat pengatur tumbuh. Perlakuan untuk percobaan (i) adalah 0,0; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 4,0 dan  5,0 mg/L BAP, (ii) adalah 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; dan 2,5 mg/L IBA, sedang (iii) adalah medium tanam tanah, tanah : arang sekam (1:1),  tanah : kompos (1:1), tanah : arang sekam : kompos (1:1:1). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi BAP terbaik untuk inisiasi dan penggandaan tunas tanaman kina Ledger dan Succi adalah 3 mg/L BAP, dengan laju penggandaan tujuh tunas/eksplan/bulan untuk Ledger dan 3-4 tunas/eksplan/bulan untuk Succi. Sedang untuk perakaran diperoleh dari medium MS dengan penambahan 2 mg/L IBA. Persentase tertinggi planlet (100%) yang mampu bertahan hidup pada aklimatisasi diperoleh dari medium campuran tanah : arang sekam (1:1). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbanyakan tanaman kina secara in vitro untuk menghasilkan bibit bermutu dapat dilakukan melalui teknik penggandaan tunas aksiler

2016 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  

SummaryCinchona ledgeriana (Ledger) and C. succirubra (Succi) were industrial commodities which their barks of the trunk  contain alkaloid   used as raw materials in pharmaceutical, food, drug and beverages and chemical industries. The problem  faced in conventional plant propagation are. incompatibilities, high numbers of death caused by transportation, limited numbers and time consume in  plant materials  production. These problems may be  overcome by axillary buds multiplication.  The aim of the experiment were to find out propagation technology of Ledger and Succi by  tissue culture technique.  Experiments were conducted in three consecutive steps, viz the effect of (i) BAP on multiplication and growth of axillary’s bud of Ledger and Succi in vitro culture, (ii) IBA on root initiation and growth, (iii)  growth medium on the growth of plantlets in  acclimatization.The design of the experiments were Complete Randomized Design with 15 (i & ii) and four (iii) replications. The treatments were (i) 0,1,2,3,4, dan 5 mg/L BAP, (ii) 0.0; 0.5; 1.0; 1.5; 2.0; dan 2.5 mg/L IBA, and (iii) mixture of soil and rice husk charcoal (1:1), mixture of soil and compost (1:1),  mixture of soil, rice husk charcoal, and  compost  (1:1:1).  Parameters measured in the experiments were (i) the initiation of buds multiplication rate twice at axillary buds at subculture.  (ii) initiation  and  roots vigor. (iii) numbers of survived  plants and plants vigor. The explant source used derived from two-month old axillary buds cultured in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium without growth regulator. Results of the experiment showed  that the best shoot multiplication of Ledger  and Succi  was obtained from the application of 3 mg/L BAP, with buds multipli-cation rate 7 buds/explant/month for Ledger, and 3-4 buds/explants/month for succi. The best root initation and root growth were found from the application of 2 mg/L IBA. The highest percentage of survived plantlets (100%) in acclimatization was obtained from mixture of soil and rice husk charcoal (1:1) medium.  Therefore it is  concluded that tissue culture technique could be used for planlet  mass propagation    of  elite C. Ledgeriana and C. Succirubra through axillary bud multiplication.Ringkasan Tanaman kina Cinchona ledgeriana (Ledger) dan C. succirubra (Succi)  merupakan tanaman industri yang mengandung alkaloid di dalam kulit batangnya dan berguna dalam bidang industri farmasi, makanan, minuman dan kimia. Kendala yang dihadapi dalam perbanyakan tanaman kina secara konvensional dengan sistem sambung  adalah inkompatibilitas,    kematian akibat pengangkutan cukup tinggi, jumlah bahan tanam yang diproduksi sangat terbatas dan waktu penyediaan yang cukup lama. Masalah tersebut dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan teknik kultur jaringan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk men-dapatkan teknologi perbanyakan tanaman kina Ledger dan Succi dengan teknik kultur jaringan. Penelitian terdiri atas (i) pengaruh BAP terhadap inisiasi dan penggandaan  tunas aksilar, (ii) pengaruh IBA terhadap inisiasi serta pertum-buhan akar planlet,   dan (iii) pengaruh beberapa medium terhadap pertumbuhan planlet dalam aklimatisasi. Percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap, masing-masing diulang 15 (i & ii)  dan (iii) empat kali. Peubah yang diukur untuk percobaan (i) adalah waktu inisiasi tunas dan laju penggandaan tunas aksiler pada dua  kali  subkulur. (ii)  Waktu  inisiasi  dan vigor akar. (iii) Jumlah tanaman yang bertahan hidup setelah aklimatisasi, serta vigor tanaman. Sumber eksplan yang digunakan adalah tunas aksilar dari kecambah terpilih berumur dua bulan yang dikulturkan dalam medium Murashige dan Skoog tanpa zat pengatur tumbuh. Perlakuan untuk percobaan (i) adalah 0,0; 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 4,0 dan  5,0 mg/L BAP, (ii) adalah 0,0; 0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0; dan 2,5 mg/L IBA, sedang (iii) adalah medium tanam tanah, tanah : arang sekam (1:1),  tanah : kompos (1:1), tanah : arang sekam : kompos (1:1:1). Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi BAP terbaik untuk inisiasi dan penggandaan tunas tanaman kina Ledger dan Succi adalah 3 mg/L BAP, dengan laju penggandaan tujuh tunas/eksplan/bulan untuk Ledger dan 3-4 tunas/eksplan/bulan untuk Succi. Sedang untuk perakaran diperoleh dari medium MS dengan penambahan 2 mg/L IBA. Persentase tertinggi planlet (100%) yang mampu bertahan hidup pada aklimatisasi diperoleh dari medium campuran tanah : arang sekam (1:1). Berdasarkan hasil tersebut di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa perbanyakan tanaman kina secara in vitro untuk menghasilkan bibit bermutu dapat dilakukan melalui teknik penggandaan tunas aksiler

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 135

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Tanaman temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) merupakansalah satu tanaman obat potensial unggulan yang memiliki khasiatmultifungsi. Rimpangnya yang berkhasiat obat mampu mengobati ber-bagai penyakit seperti kelainan pada hati/lever, kantong empedu, danpankreas. Adanya kecenderungan masyarakat ingin menggunakan pengo-batan dengan bahan alami, menjadikan permintaan benih temulawaksebagai bahan baku obat maupun industri jamu di Indonesia meningkatdengan pesat. Kondisi ini memberi peluang kepada petani sebagaipenyedia bahan tanaman. Upaya penyediaan bahan tanaman secara massaldalam waktu singkat serta bebas hama dan penyakit dapat dilakukanmelalui teknik kultur jaringan. Teknik ini dibatasi oleh tingginya biayaperbanyakan, di antaranya penggunaan bahan kimia. Oleh karena itu perludikaji penggunaan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) yang berasal dari bahanalami (salah satunya adalah air kelapa) sebagai substitusi ZPT sintetik.Penelitian penggunaan air kelapa sebagai ZPT dilakukan di LaboratoriumKultur Jaringan Plasma Nutfah Pemuliaan dan Perbenihan, BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik Bogor, dari bulan Mei sampaidengan bulan Desember 2009. Eksplan berasal dari tunas temulawak sterilhasil perbanyakan sebelumnya. Media yang digunakan adalah mediaMurashige and Skoog (MS) yang dikombinasikan dengan beberapa tarafkonsentrasi air kelapa (0, 5, 10, 15, dan 20%) sebagai substitusi ZPT danair kelapa dengan memakai millipore. Media dibuat padat, sebagaipembanding pada media MS + ZPT kimia yaitu BA1,5 mg/l. Percobaanmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 10 ulangan. Parameteryang diuji adalah jumlah tunas, jumlah daun dan jumlah akar. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan, tanpa komponen kimia, dengan penambah airkelapa pada berbagai konsentrasi pada media dasar MS, berhasilmembentuk tunas, daun dan akar. Jumlah tunas terbanyak didapat padakombinasi media dengan penambahan air kelapa 15% sebanyak 3,4 tunas,jumlah daun 2,2 daun serta jumlah akar terbanyak yaitu sebanyak 13,2akar pada umur 2 minggu. Pada kombinasi media dengan memakaimillipore, tunas terbanyak hanya 2,6 tunas, tetapi tidak berbeda nyatadengan perlakuan kontrol MS + BA 1,5 mg/l, yaitu sama-sama memiliki2,6 tunas, 3,6 daun, dan 15,4 akar.</p><p>Kata kunci : Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., in vitro, air kelapa, zatpengatur tumbuh, multiplikasi in vitro</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>The use of Coconut Water as Growth Regulator onMultiplication of Java Turmeric Buds (Curcumaxanthorrhiza Roxb. ) in vitro</p><p>Java turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is a potentialmedicinal plant which has many uses. Its rhizome has efficacy to curevarious diseases such as disorder on lever, gall bladder and pancreas.There is a tendency that people want to use therapy by natural materials,increases demand of turmeric seed as raw material of medicine industry inIndonesia. This condition provides a chance to farmers as supplier of plantmaterials. However, up to now, the high need of plant materials causes thelimitation of supply so that their alternatives are needed for providing plantmaterials in maximum number. The part of plant material provision in highnumber and in a short time and free from pests and diseases can beconducted through tissue culture technique. However, this technique islimited by the high cost of multiplication, among others the use ofchemical materials. Therefore, the use of growth regulator originated fromnatural material as substitution of synthetic growth regulator need to beassessed, one of them is coconut water. The experiment was carried out atthe laboratory of Tissue Culture, Germ Plasm, and Plant Breeding,Indonesia for Medicinal and Aromatic Crop Research Institute, Bogorfrom May to December 2009. Explants originated from sterile turmericshoots, product of previous multiplication. Media used was Murashige andSkoog (MS) combined with several concentration levels of coconut water( 0; 5; 10; 15, and 20%) as substitution of growth regulator and coconutwater by using millipore. Solid media was used, as comparison on mediaof chemical MS + was BA1.5 mg/l. The experiment was arranged incompletely randomized design with 10 replications. Parameters observedwere the numbers of shoots, leaves and roots. Results showed that withoutchemical component, by addition of coconut water on variousconcentrations on based media of MS, produced shoots, leaves and roots.The highest shoot number obtained on combination of media and additionof coconut water 15% as many as 3.4 shoots, with the number of leaves2.2 leaves at the age of 2 weeks and the highest roots formed on 15 %coconut water as many as 13.2 roots. Whereas on combination of mediawith millipore, the highest shoots were only 2.6 shoots, however it was notsignificantly different from treatment of control MS + BA 1.5 mg/l, itproduced 2.6 shoots,3.6 leaves and 15.4 roots.</p><p>Key words : Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., in vitro, coconut water,growth regulator, multiplication in vitro</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
Masna Maya SINTA

AbstractStevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) is a natural zero-calorie sweetener plant grown in a high population density.Tissue culture technique is useful for rapid mass propagationof plants to provide superior planting materials. Experimentswere conducted to increase growth and multiplication ofshoots and vigor of plantlets of stevia. Explants used wereapical and axillary buds from plantlets grown on MS mediumwithout plant growth regulators. Combinations of BA andIAA at different concentrations were used for shoot growthand multiplication, whereas plant growth retardants(ancymidol and paclobutrazol) and light intensity were usedfor plantlet vigor. The results showed that stevia explantscultured on MS medium without plant growth regulatorsproduced the highest shoots (4.5 cm) with two shoots perexplant. The best multiplication rate of shoots were found onMS medium added with 1.13 mg/L BA combined with0.35 mg/L IAA which produced on average 4.5 shoots and11.9 nodes per initial explant. Ancymidol and paclobutrazolconcentrations affected significantly growth and vigor ofstevia plantlets. Increasing the concentration of ancymidoland paclobutrazol decreased plantlet height and biomassfresh weight, but increased stem diameter. Paclobutrazol at0.1 mg/L was the best treatment to increase the vigor ofstevia plantlets. Light intensity at 20 µmol/m 2 /s gave betterplantlet vigor than other light intensities. It can be concludedthat multiplication of stevia shoots should be grown on MSmedium supplemented with 1.13 mg/L BA + 0.35 mg/L IAAand the vigor of the shoots can be increased by culturing onMS medium containing 0.1 mg/L paclobutrazol underfluorescence lamps with 20 µmol/m 2 /s light intensity.AbstrakStevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) adalah tanamanpemanis alami nir-kalori yang ditanam dengan kerapatanpopulasi yang sangat tinggi. Teknik kultur jaringan dapatdigunakan untuk perbanyakan tanaman secara massal dancepat untuk menyediakan bahan tanam unggul. Penelitiantelah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan danmultiplikasi tunas dan keragaan planlet stevia. Eksplan yangdigunakan adalah tunas pucuk dan tunas samping dari planletyang ditumbuhkan pada medium MS tanpa zat pengaturtumbuh. Kombinasi BA dan IAA dengan konsentrasi yangberbeda digunakan untuk pertumbuhan dan multiplikasitunas, sedangkan zat penghambat tumbuh (ansimidol danpaklobutrazol) serta intensitas cahaya digunakan untukkeragaan planlet. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaeksplan stevia yang ditumbuhkan pada medium MS tanpa zatpengatur tumbuh menghasilkan tunas paling tinggi (4,5 cm)dengan dua tunas per eksplan. Multiplikasi tunas terbaikdiperoleh pada medium dengan BA 1,13 mg/L yangdikombinasikan dengan IAA 0,35 mg/L yang menghasilkan4,5 tunas dan 11,9 ruas per eksplan awal. Konsentrasiansimidol dan paklobutrazol berpengaruh nyata terhadappertumbuhan dan keragaan planlet stevia. Meningkatnyakonsentrasi ansimidol dan paklobutrazol menurunkan tinggiplanlet dan bobot basah biomassa, tetapi meningkatkandiameter batang. Paklobutrazol pada konsentrasi 0,1 mg/Lmerupakan perlakuan terbaik untuk meningkatkan keragaanplanlet stevia. Intensitas cahaya pada 20 µmol/m 2 /detikmemberikan keragaan planlet yang lebih baik dibandingkanintensitas cahaya yang lain. Dapat disimpulkan bahwamultiplikasi tunas stevia sebaiknya dilakukan pada mediumMS ditambah BA 1,13 mg/L + IAA 0,35 mg/L dan keragaanplanlet dapat ditingkatkan dengan menanam planlet padamedium MS ditambah paklobutrazol 0,1 mg/L di bawahlampu fluoresen dengan intensitas cahaya 20 µmol/m 2 /detik.

HortScience ◽  
1994 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 563b-563 ◽  
Kh. A. Okasha ◽  
M. E. Ragab

The aim of this study was to establish an effective method of micropropagation of globe artichoke from shoot-hp. This study involved establishment of an aseptic culture. multiplication of proliferated shook, rooting of these shook in vitro and adaptation of plantlets for free living Highest survival percentage with no contamination was achieved after sterilizing the explants with 70% ethanol (5 Sec.) + 1.5 % sodium hypochlorite for 20 min. The bast results of preventing browning of explants were obtained with 100 mg/1 ascorbic acid. The highest proliferated shook were obtained when shoot tip with 4 mm length (taken in mid March) were cultured on MS medium with 10mg/1 Kin. + 0.5 mg/l IAA. The highest multiplication rate was obtained when recultured on MS medium supplemented with 5 mg/1 Kin. + 0.5 mg/1 IAA. Multiplication rate gradually increased with increasing number of subculturing till Me third subculture but subsequent subculture (4th subculture) had a low rate.

Mamta Sharma ◽  
Amita Kumari ◽  
Eshita Mahant

Objectives : Plantago ovata is an important medicinal plant of Himalayan region greatly used in herbal dugs manufacturing. The plant is multipurpose and strictly present in the Himalaya. Plantago has many medicinal properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hematopoiesis effects and protects the liver and is used for the treatment of cancer. The plant being medicinal possesses complex phytochemicals. The investigation of various Plantago organ (leaves, stem etc) revealed their high potential to produce a wide array of bioactive secondary metabolites. In present study the a new method of micropropagation through tissue culture  was developed for Plantago so as to meet the future demand of plant. Futher a morphological and physiochemical comparison of tissue culture grown plant was done with in vivo grown plants.Methods:  Plantago ovata was grown in -vitro through tissue culture technique using MS media and in-vivo in the nursery area of Shoolini University. In vitro culture of  Plantago ovata forsk. were managed to restrict the ecological factors and to control the culture conditions. Experimental culture parameter including germination and phytochemical constituents of Plantago ovata in vivo and in vitro conditions were observed.Results: The result revealed changes in the concentration of phytochemical constituent’s in tissue culture grown Plantago. Phytochemicals constituents (carbohydrate, tannin, chlorophyll, saponin) was reduced in tissue culture grown plant where as some phytochemicals (phenol, alkaloid, flavanoid, protein, phytosterol) increased in tissue culture grown plant than in vivo plant.  A reduction in morphological trait was found in tissue cultured plant.Conclusion: The developed tissue culture method for the micropropagation of  Plantago ovata can be used as milestone to meet the industrial need in near future.Keywords: Plantago, Tissue Culture Technique, germination, phytochemicals.

2016 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
Imron RIYADI ◽  

AbstractThe use of the appropriate source of nodalbud explants in culture can increase theeffectiveness and efficiency of shootmultiplication. An experiment was conducted todetermine and compare the rate of in vitro shootmultiplication from apical and axillary budsin cinchona (Cinchona ledgeriana Moens) andtheir subsequent growth and development. Theplant material used was Cinchona ledgerianaoriginating from the Indonesian Tea andCinchona Research Institute, Gambung, WestJava. Explants were taken from apical andaxillary nodes from in vitro germinated seedlings.The cultures were incubated at 26 0 C and 60%relative humidity under a 14-h photoperiod withlight intensity of 30 µmol photon/m 2 /sec.provided by cool-white fluorescent tubes (TL40 W) for 4 - 8 weeks. The parameters observedwere shoot multiplication rate, shoot growth anddevelopment such as shoot length, leaf numberand rooting frequency. Apical and axillary nodesproduced shoots at different multiplication rateson Murashige-Skoog (MS) standard mediumcontaining 30 g/L sucrose and supplemented with1 – 5 mg/L BA in combination with 0.1 mg/L IBA.Furthermore, shoots or plantlets of cinchonagrew and developed on the same mediacontaining 5 – 10 mg/L IAA combined with0.5 mg/L IBA. The results showed that shootmultiplication rate was higher in axillary than inapical nodes. The highest multiplication rate inaxillary nodes was 24.6 shootlets with 3 mg/LBA treatment, whereas in apical nodes it was17.2 shootlets with 5 mg/L BA treatment for eightweeks. The highest rooting frequency ofcinchona plantlet was 90%, achieved with 5 mg/LIAA in combination with 0.5 mg/L IBA. Theplantlets were successfully acclimatized andtransplanted to the fieldAbstrakSumber eksplan berupa nodus/tunas padakultur in vitro umum digunakan untuk multi-plikasi tunas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmembandingkan tingkat multiplikasi antara tunasapikal dengan tunas aksiler tanaman kina Ledgersecara in vitro. Bahan tanaman yang digunakanadalah kina Ledger (Cinchona ledgeriana Moens)yang berasal dari Pusat Penelitian Teh dan Kina,Gambung, Jawa Barat. Eksplan berupa nodus/tunas apikal dan aksiler asal biji yang dikecam-bahkan secara in vitro. Kultur tersebut diinku-basikan dalam ruang terang pada intensitascahaya 30 μmol foton/m 2 /detik dengan periodepenyinaran 14 jam pada suhu 260 C dankelembaban relatif + 60% selama 4 – 8 minggu.Parameter yang diamati adalah perbandinganmultiplikasi tunas dan pertumbuhan tunas yangmeliputi rata-rata tinggi tunas, jumlah daun danfrekuensi pengakaran. Nodus apikal maupunaksiler menghasilkan tunas dengan tingkatMurashige-Skoog (MS) standar yang me-ngandung sukrosa30 g/L dan ditambahkan BA1 – 5 mg/L dikombinasikan IBA 0,1 mg/L.Selanjutnya tunas/planlet kina tersebut berhasiltumbuhdan berkembang pada medium sama yangdiberi IAA 5 – 10 mg/L dikombinasikan denganIBA 0,5 mg/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa tingkat multiplikasi tunas aksiler lebihtinggi dari pada tunas apikal. Multiplikasi tunasaksiler menghasilkan jumlah tunas rata-ratatertinggi sebesar 24,6 tunas per eksplan padaperlakuan BA 3 mg/L sedangkan multiplikasitunas apikal tertinggi sebesar 17,2 tunas pereksplan pada perlakuan BA 5 mg/L pada umurdelapan minggu. Frekuensi pengakaran planletkina tertinggi mencapai 90% pada perlakuan IAA10 mg/L yang dikombinasikan dengan IBA 0,5mg/L. Planlet yang dihasilkan telah berhasildiaklimatisasi dan dipindahkan ke tempatpersemaian lapang.

2016 ◽  
Vol 77 (1) ◽  
Imron RIYADI ◽  

AbstractThe use of the appropriate source of nodalbud explants in culture can increase theeffectiveness and efficiency of shootmultiplication. An experiment was conducted todetermine and compare the rate of in vitro shootmultiplication from apical and axillary budsin cinchona (Cinchona ledgeriana Moens) andtheir subsequent growth and development. Theplant material used was Cinchona ledgerianaoriginating from the Indonesian Tea andCinchona Research Institute, Gambung, WestJava. Explants were taken from apical andaxillary nodes from in vitro germinated seedlings.The cultures were incubated at 26 0 C and 60%relative humidity under a 14-h photoperiod withlight intensity of 30 µmol photon/m 2 /sec.provided by cool-white fluorescent tubes (TL40 W) for 4 - 8 weeks. The parameters observedwere shoot multiplication rate, shoot growth anddevelopment such as shoot length, leaf numberand rooting frequency. Apical and axillary nodesproduced shoots at different multiplication rateson Murashige-Skoog (MS) standard mediumcontaining 30 g/L sucrose and supplemented with1 – 5 mg/L BA in combination with 0.1 mg/L IBA.Furthermore, shoots or plantlets of cinchonagrew and developed on the same mediacontaining 5 – 10 mg/L IAA combined with0.5 mg/L IBA. The results showed that shootmultiplication rate was higher in axillary than inapical nodes. The highest multiplication rate inaxillary nodes was 24.6 shootlets with 3 mg/LBA treatment, whereas in apical nodes it was17.2 shootlets with 5 mg/L BA treatment for eightweeks. The highest rooting frequency ofcinchona plantlet was 90%, achieved with 5 mg/LIAA in combination with 0.5 mg/L IBA. Theplantlets were successfully acclimatized andtransplanted to the fieldAbstrakSumber eksplan berupa nodus/tunas padakultur in vitro umum digunakan untuk multi-plikasi tunas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmembandingkan tingkat multiplikasi antara tunasapikal dengan tunas aksiler tanaman kina Ledgersecara in vitro. Bahan tanaman yang digunakanadalah kina Ledger (Cinchona ledgeriana Moens)yang berasal dari Pusat Penelitian Teh dan Kina,Gambung, Jawa Barat. Eksplan berupa nodus/tunas apikal dan aksiler asal biji yang dikecam-bahkan secara in vitro. Kultur tersebut diinku-basikan dalam ruang terang pada intensitascahaya 30 μmol foton/m 2 /detik dengan periodepenyinaran 14 jam pada suhu 260 C dankelembaban relatif + 60% selama 4 – 8 minggu.Parameter yang diamati adalah perbandinganmultiplikasi tunas dan pertumbuhan tunas yangmeliputi rata-rata tinggi tunas, jumlah daun danfrekuensi pengakaran. Nodus apikal maupunaksiler menghasilkan tunas dengan tingkatMurashige-Skoog (MS) standar yang me-ngandung sukrosa30 g/L dan ditambahkan BA1 – 5 mg/L dikombinasikan IBA 0,1 mg/L.Selanjutnya tunas/planlet kina tersebut berhasiltumbuhdan berkembang pada medium sama yangdiberi IAA 5 – 10 mg/L dikombinasikan denganIBA 0,5 mg/L. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa tingkat multiplikasi tunas aksiler lebihtinggi dari pada tunas apikal. Multiplikasi tunasaksiler menghasilkan jumlah tunas rata-ratatertinggi sebesar 24,6 tunas per eksplan padaperlakuan BA 3 mg/L sedangkan multiplikasitunas apikal tertinggi sebesar 17,2 tunas pereksplan pada perlakuan BA 5 mg/L pada umurdelapan minggu. Frekuensi pengakaran planletkina tertinggi mencapai 90% pada perlakuan IAA10 mg/L yang dikombinasikan dengan IBA 0,5mg/L. Planlet yang dihasilkan telah berhasildiaklimatisasi dan dipindahkan ke tempatpersemaian lapang.

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