A Tribute to Georges Schehadé on Receiving the First Francophone Literature Prize of the Académie Française

1989 ◽  
Vol 63 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Mona Takieddine Amyuni
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-239
Clarissa Prado Marini

Dany Laferrière, nascido em 1953 na capital haitiana Porto Príncipe, imigrou para Montreal na década de 1970 e em solo canadense nasceu como escritor. Hoje, célebre e premiado autor de mais de vinte títulos, teve sua obra traduzida para mais de uma dezena de línguas, incluindo o português e em 2013 foi eleito para integrar a Académie Française.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-122
Dorota Czerkies

The Category of Reticence and a Return to the Story in Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s Writing. An Introduction The article presents the function of reticence in Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s writing in the context of the return to the story in francophone literature, initiated in the 80s of the 20th c. Jean-Philippe Toussaint is a contemporary Belgian writer, photographer and film-maker. He has written twelve novels and short stories, as well as authored films and installations. Belonging to the generation of minimalist writers, Toussaint sets his use of reticence in the context of the tendency to return to Genette’s category of story (récit). Since the publication of his novel La Réticence (1991) reticence has become the key category of his écriture. In his books, it shapes the form, the narration and the plot, the construction of characters, temporality, and space. Thus, its function in Toussaint’s writing enables us to observe idiosyncratic aspects of his “infinitesimalist” texts which play with the canonical, realistic model of the novel. Kategoria „powściągliwości” (réticence) i powrót do opowieści w pisarstwie Jeana-Philippe’a Toussainta. Wprowadzenie Artykuł stanowi próbę omówienia kategorii powściągliwości (fr. réticence) w prozie Jeana-Philippe’a Toussainta w kontekście powrotu do opowieści w literaturze frankofońskiej, zapoczątkowanego w latach 80. XX wieku. Jean-Philippe Toussaint to współczesny belgijski pisarz, fotograf i filmowiec. Napisał m.in. dwanaście powieści i kilka zbiorów krótkich form, jest także autorem filmów i instalacji. Jako przedstawiciel pokolenia pisarzy minimalistycznych Toussaint osadza wykorzystanie powściągliwości w kontekście zjawiska powrotu do genette’owskiej kategorii opowiadania (fr. récit). Od czasu publikacji powieści La Réticence (1991) powściągliwość stała się kluczową kategorią Toussaintowskiego pisarstwa. W jego utworach kształtuje formę, narrację i fabułę, ale także konstrukcję postaci, czasowość i przestrzeń. W ten sposób status omawianej kategorii w twórczości Toussainta umożliwia analizę poszczególnych, a zarazem charakterystycznych dla tego twórcy aspektów textes infinitésimalistes, które podejmują grę z modelem balzakowskiej powieści realistycznej.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 202-209
Nina D. Lyakhovskaya

The article examines the attitude of contemporary African writers to the traditional zoomorphic and anthropomorphic masks. In the 1960s–70s, for the supporters of the theory of negritude, the sacred mask embodied the spirit of ancestors and an inextricable connection with tradition. In a transitional era (the 1990s – the early 21st century), the process of desacralisation of the mask has been observed and such works appear in which the idea of the death of tradition is carried out. The article consistently examines the history of the emergence and strengthening of interest in the image of the African mask as the most striking symbol of African traditions on the part of cultural, art and scientific workers and the reflection of this symbol in the works of representatives of Francophone literature in West and Central Africa in different periods of time. The article concludes about the transformation of the views of the studied writers on the future of African traditions from an enthusiastic and romantic (as, for example, in the lyrics of Léopold Sédar Senghor or Samuel-Martin Eno Belinga) attitude to the images of the African past and tradition – masks, ancestor cult – to despair and bitterness from the awareness of the desacralisation of traditional objects and images and the profanation of tradition under the pressure of the realities of the present day (drama by Koffi Kwahulé). The attitude of African writers to the image of the mask, which is directly related to the themes of preserving traditions and the search of their identity by African literary heroes, is gradually changing, demonstrating the pessimistic view of Francophone African writers on the future of African traditions.

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