scholarly journals Application of geostatistical methods in the development of landscape-adaptive land use

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 351-367
D. A. Ivanov

The article describes the ways of using statistical methods in agricultural geography. The use of analysis of variance in determining the influence of geocomplexes of various ranks on the yield of plants and other parameters of farms is shown. It was found that yield variability, soil acidity, the proportion of pastures and fallow lands are less than 30% determined by the characteristics of the natural environment of geosystems and the variability of plant nutrients, stony and marshy soil, and the share of haymaking by 30-50%. Other elements of the structural organization of enterprises are more than half determined by the peculiarities of the territories of different levels. The process of determining a set of crops should be based on knowledge of the variability of their yields within the types of agricultural landscapes, and, if possible, at lower taxonomic levels. The degree of development of agricultural landscapes and the average size of the contour of the land is determined even when analyzing the conditions of the macroenvironment. The use of track analysis allows to identify the factors of direct impact on the crops which are divided into "active" and "potential". It has been established that all types of agricultural landscapes of the Upper Volga region can be divided into two groups according to the number of active and potential factors: geocomplexes with a homogeneous lithogenic basis and landscapes on two-membered sediments. The latter are distinguished by a large number of active factors and a wide range of affected crops. The design of crop rotations should take into account an individual set of factors affecting the production process. The methodology for assessing the productivity of agricultural landscapes can be based on the use of its integral indicators. The systems of measures that increase the degree of realization of the potential productivity of agricultural landscapes for cereal grass stands have been determined. They are combined into three groups: 1. Adaptive placement of grass stands depending on the granulometric composition and the geological structure of the soil. 2. Adaptive placement of grass stands and drainage irrigation amelioration. 3. Adaptive placement of grass stands, water melioration and land management activities. Identified areas of distribution of these groups of activities in the Upper Volga region.

Spring wheat is the main grain crop. Stable production of high-quality wheat grain is the key to the country's food independence. Therefore, the study of the elements of growing spring wheat technology, aimed at increasing the productivity of crops, is important. The study of the interaction of plants and microorganisms depending on the level of mineral nutrition in crop planning is currently ofparticular relevance. The use of biological products, growth regulators improves the mineral nutrition of plants, increases productivity and its quality, and also provides savings in mineral fertilizers. In the upper Volga region, the main spring crops are wheat, barley and oats. To further increase them in the region, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the formation of yields and determine the most productive crops depending on the level of nutrition, biological products and growth regulators. The scientific article presents the results of the study of these drugs on the productivity of spring wheat. In field experiments, it was planned to get 30, 40 and 50 tons of grain per hectare. Fertilizers for the planned harvest were made taking into account the agrochemical properties of the soil. From biological products used Flavobacterin, which has a protective effect against diseases and improves product quality, from growth regulators used agrochemicals HUMATE + 7 (10 % liquid concentrate), which is characterized by high biological activity. The yield level was determined taking into account the average long-term moisture supply and qualitative assessment of arable land. The indicators of photosynthetic activity of crops, crop and its structure, quality characteristics of grain and economic efficiency of growing spring wheat in the upper Volga region are presented. As a result of researches the optimum level of mineral nutrition for wheat, the efficacy of agrochemical diazotroph and programming yields of spring wheat, determined the photosynthetic activity of crops and grain yield, calculated economic efficiency of the studied techniques and established the qualitative characteristics of the crop. The program for obtaining the planned wheat yields in the years of the experiments was completed by 68-91 %. Close to the planned the program was implemented using a biological product and growth regulator-74-91 %.

N. V. Shmeleva ◽  

The article presents the results of field studies aimed at expanding the species composition of herbs and the search for adaptive cereals with a high sugar content in the Upper Volga region in 2015-2020.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-62
Sabir Esedullaev

Представлены результаты многолетних исследований по изучению характера годовых изменений структуры поливидовых посевов кормовых культур, их густоты, ботанического состава и продуктивное долголетие на потенциально бедных дерново-подзолистых почвах. Установлены годовые изменения плотности травостоя поливидовых посевов клевера и люцерны со злаковыми травами, в том числе и такой нетрадиционной для области как фестулолиум. Выявлено, что наивысшая плотность травостоя клевера наблюдается на второй год хозяйственного использования — 490 шт. стеблей на 1 м2 на контроле и 536 шт. на фоне минерального питания, с годами она резко снижается, а у люцерны изменчивой она остается высокой, значительно не меняясь. В смешанных посевах с клевером его доля снижается от первого года пользования к четвертому от 63,1–75,1% до 15–26%, а у люцерны изменчивой, напротив, увеличивается с 35,2–43,0% до 80,5–85,5%. Максимальные показатели продуктивности массы, сбалансированной по питательным веществам, обеспечивают смеси клевера и люцерны с фестулолиумом — соответственно 6,49 и 9,29 т/га сухого вещества, 5,83 и 7,65 тыс./га кормовых единиц, 654 и 1103 кг/га переваримого протеина на контроле и соответственно 7,6, 6,94, 690 и 9,89, 8,73, 1160 на фоне минерального питания. Сахаропротеиновое отношение по мере старения посевов снижалось, близким к норме оно было на контроле у клевера с фестулолиумом — 0,75, на фоне минерального питания — у клевера с фестулолиумом и райграсом — 0,82 и 0,88 соответственно.

A. A. Soloviev

The article is devoted to the history of origin and development of underexplored libraries of theological seminaries in the Upper Volga region. There is analyzed the qualitative and quantitative structure of library stocks. There is determined the need of fundamental and student's libraries and their influence on pupils and teachers of theological schools on the example of Kostroma and Yaroslavl provinces.

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