Agricultural science Euro-North-East
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Published By Farc Of The North-East Named N.V. Rudnitskogo

2500-1396, 2072-9081

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 928-934
E. V. Vinogradova ◽  
M. K. Chugreev ◽  
N. I. Kulmakova

The research was aimed at study of the potential and effectiveness of lactulose use in rabbit breeding. Lactulose is an isomer of milk sugar (disaccharide), it serves as a nutrient substrate for saccharolytic bacteria. The latter decompose it into short-chain fatty acids - lactic, acetic, propionic, butyric. At that time, the pH of the contents of the colon decreases. The microbiocenosis uses lactulose as a source of carbohydrates and energy. In this work, the optimal dosage and method of introducing lactulose into the diet of young rabbits of the California breed are calculated and determined experimentally. The experiment (2013-2016) involved male rabbits at the age of 45 days. The duration of the experiment was 60 days. The control group and two experimental groups of 20 heads each were formed by the method of analog pairs. The dry type of feeding was used using full-grain granular compound feed KK-92. Lactulose concentrate "Lactusan" was used, being added to drinking water. As the basic value of the norm for the introduction of lactulose into the diet of rabbits for further planned experiments, 0.06 g/kg of live weight per day was taken. As a result of the conducted studies, some responses of the rabbit body were revealed when they were raised using the lactulose prebiotic, which has bifidogenic properties. The influence of different dosages of lactulose on some morphological parameters and meat productivity of rabbits was established. The mass of the examined internal organs did not undergo critical changes. The introduction of lactulose into the diet of California rabbits for 60 days at a dosage of 0.06 g/kg of live weight per day increased the slaughter yield by 3.1 %, and at a dosage of 0.12 g/kg ‒by 0.5 %.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 896-906
N. R. Andreev ◽  
V. G. Goldstein ◽  
V. A. Kovalenok ◽  
L. P. Nosovskaya ◽  
L. V. Adikaeva ◽  

The article provides an overview of the current state of the application of solid-phase methods for separating the structure of grain and leguminous raw material into constituent components, as one of the most relevant areas of environmental protection and reducing the amount of wastewater from enterprises processing agricultural raw materials. The main direction of research on the production of protein concentrates from leguminous raw materials (peas, beans, chickpeas, lupine) by the method of air classification is noted. Among grain crops, rye stands out as having a more balanced amino acid composition compared to wheat and the largest starch grains up to 60 microns, which improves the aero-dynamic separation of grain flour into protein and starch fractions. Тherefore, rye flour was the object of research in this work. The research area included the development of a method for determining the starch content in the heavy fraction of rye flour from the yield of its light protein fraction and its starch content using an installation with variable parameters of a two-chamber disperser and a vortex classifier. The results of experiments on the separation of the mass of the initial rye flour into heavy starch and light protein fractions with a given ratio of starch and protein are theoretically justified and experimentally confirmed. The dependences of the starch content in the heavy fraction on the number of cycles of its recycling are established. With variable parameters of grinding rye flour, determined by the speed of the working bodies of the dispersant from 70 to 100 m/s, the time of grinding and recirculation of the heavy fraction of 30 s and the tangential speed of the classifier rotor of 15 m/s, stable results were obtained for the separation of starch and protein. Тhe yield of the heavy fraction of 72 % with a starch content of 85 % and the yield of the light fraction of 28 % with a mass fraction of protein of at least 26 %.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 935-947
P. V. Zayats ◽  
P. P. Kazakevich

ional Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus The substantiation of the design and technological scheme of the machine for the mechanical collection of the Colorado potato beetle in the production of environmentally friendly potato is carried out. The parameters and modes of rotors with flexible-elastic blades and regulators of the amplitude of their oscillations, providing high-quality shaking and collection of Colorado potato beetle individuals from the tops with minimal damage, have been experimentally substantiated. A description of the laboratory installation, an experimental sample of a combined unit is presented, and a methodology for conducting experiments is described. Experimental studies were carried out in 2004-2008 in the experimental field of the Educational institution "Grodno State Agrarian University" (UO "GGAU") and in the fields of the Agricultural production cooperative (SEC) "Zanemansky" of the Mostovsky dis-trict of the Grodno region. It was found that in order to reduce the energy intensity of the process, the interaction of the rotor with the tops in its apical part, where the maximum con-centration of Colorado potato beetle individuals takes place, is expedient. The minimum amount of beetle on the tops and the absence of visible damage to it are achieved when the diameter of the nylon threads of the blade is 1.2-1.5 mm, and the rational position of the regulator from the rotor axis is 0.14-0.18 m according to the energy intensity condition. Under the condition of minimal energy consumption of the process and without visible damage to the leaves, the circumferential speed range of the rotor should be 3-4 m/s. A regression equation of the second degree is obtained, which determines the relationship of the residual number of beetle individuals on the tops after the passage of the machine with the circumferential speed of the rotor Voc, the position of the regulator on the radius of the rotor Rr and the cross section of the blade Sbl. The optimal values were determined by solving the equation: Voc = 3.7 m/s, Rr = 0.16 m, Sbl = 1800 mm2 .

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 907-917
L. K. Patsyuk ◽  
V. V. Kondratenko ◽  
M V. Lukyanenko

When developing food products with new properties using innovative technologies, it is important to obtain data on the physicochemical, thermal-physical and structural-mechanical properties of the processed food media. So, one of the key components in the selection of the mode of collapsing ultrasonic cavitation is the surface tension of vegetable purees. The paper presents research data (2020) on the effect of temperature on the surface tension coefficient of fruit puree of different viscosity. The objects of research are cherry plum, pear and apple puree, combined in a row by viscosity. The surface tension coefficient was determined by the stalagmometric method, for which the puree was preliminarily centrifuged. The measurements were carried out at temperatures of 25 and 35 °С. It was found that, under equal conditions of centrifugation of puree, the proportion of supernatant in pear puree is noticeably higher – 77.37 % to the weight of puree in comparison with cherry plum puree (67.20 %) and apple puree (52.75 %). This fact can be explained by the presence of stony cells in the former which form an incompressible sediment, which allows a greater separation of the dispersed phase (sediment) and the dispersion medium (supernatant). It was found that the coefficient of surface tension of fruit purees, despite the slight difference, decreases with increasing temperature. Analysis of the steepness of the slope of the curve characterizing the effect of temperature on the surface tension coefficient showed that temperature stabilization during technological processing is more required for pear puree.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 918-927
I. E. Sharapova

The productivity and biological activity of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (F-145) strain during the liquid-phase cultivation on various substrates for developing a biopesticide in its native form was analyzed (the research was carried out in 2019). For submerged cultivation, by-products from dairy and beer production (milk whey and brewing spent grain liquor) were used as components of the nutrient medium with addition of diesel fuel (DF) and Tween-80 as inducers of biological activity. It has been established, that the productivity of the strain on industrial by-product substrates was 1.5-2 times higher than on the Czapek medium. A high yield of a mycelial biomass with a titer of 108 -1010 CFU/ml was shown in a 5-day suspension based on a mixture of milk whey and brewing spent grain liquor. The biological activity of the culture suspension of the strain was determined. It was shown that the nematicidal activity of Beauveria bassiana strain with regard to nematodes of the Rhabditis sp. was largely manifested in a suspension obtained on a mixed medium with the addition of inducers. Ninety per cent death at mobile nematode stages was registered within one or two days of test-organism incubation. A complex nutrient medium composition containing by-products and inducers contributed to the preservation of the biological activity of the strain. The strain nematicidal activity was established at the level of 67-80 per cent with a titer of 106 -107 CFU/ml when the suspension was stored for 67 days.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 873-886
L. V. Bagmet ◽  
E. M. Chebotok ◽  
A. V. Shlyavas

In the herbarium of cultivated plants of the world, their wild relatives and weeds (WIR) a collection of nomenclatural standards for cultivars of domestic breeding is being created. Nomenclatural standards are carriers of the authenticity of the genetic information of the breeding achievements and should be kept indefinitely in the scientific herbarium collection. A herbarium sample collected with the direct participation of an expert, which can be the author of the cultivar or official representative of the author's breeding organization, is designated as the nomenclature standard. The nomenclatural standard confirms the originality of the cultivar, protects the copyright of its creators. The article publishes the nomenclature standards of 10 black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) cultivars, bred at Sverdlovsk Horticultural Breeding Station from 1983 to 1997 and included into the State Register of Breeding Achievements: Akkord (WIR-54112), Vasilisa (WIR-54115), Vympel (WIR-54118), Globus (WIR-54119), Dobry Dzhinn (WIR-54121), Pilot (WIR-54127), Slavyanka (WIR-54129), Udalets (WIR-54132), Fortuna (WIR-54133), Shaman (WIR-54134). In addition to the description of the nomenclature standards, the distinctive taxonomic and economically valuable traits of each cultivar are given. Herbarium samples of nomenclature standards are made in accordance with the recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (ICNCP), registered in the database "VIR Herbarium" and included in the Herbarium of cultivated plants of the world, their wild relatives and weeds (WIR).

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 826-834
A. M. Lentochkin ◽  
T. A. Babaytseva

The aim of the research is to establish a possible change in the temperature regime of recent years (2016-2020) as compared to the long-term average annual values of the Izhevsk weather station and the assessment of the effect of this change on the specific features of crop production practices in the Middle Cis-Urals. Statistical method, comparison and analysis were used during the research. It has been established, that in the Middle Cis-Urals for the recent five years the warming has been recorded: the sum of temperatures higher than +10 оС has increased by 70 оС on the average and reached 2138 оС that provides growing the varieties of early-ripening and mid-season spring cereals. Every vegetation period is characterized by its own specific features, positive and negative deviations from the long-term average annual values both over the whole period and during some of its intervals. The rise in the sum of temperatures resulted in the 4 days earlier transition of the average daily temperature in spring over +5 оС , in autumn it led to 2 days later transition, that made the vegetation period by 6 days longer. It provides an earlier vegetative renewal in spring and a later stop in vegetation of winter crops as well as the possibility of an earlier start of field work with spring crops in spring. The calculations have proved that between the grain yield of spring wheat varieties and the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC) indicator there are different kinds of correlative relationships – neutral, average and strong positive ones. However, between the average yield of spring wheat grain on the farms of all categories in the Udmurt Republic and HTC, a strong positive correlative relationship (r = +0.73) has been established.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 835-843
D. A. Kuznetsov ◽  
G. N. Ibragimova

The article presents the results of field studies conducted in 2018-2020 on the leached chernozem of the Volga foreststeppe. The objects of the research are the varieties of spring wheat Tulaykovskaya 10 (control), Yoldyz and Tulaykovskaya 108. At seeding rates of 5.0 and 5.5 million viable seeds per 1 ha the effect of mineral fertilizers was studied. The fertilizers were represented by a complete NPK mineral fertilizer of 16 kg a.i. and by top-dressing with mineral nitrogen fertilizer in the tillering phase at the doses of 30, 60 and 90 kg a.i./ha against this background. An increase in the seeding rate of seeds from 5.0 to 5.5 million seeds per 1 ha led to a significant increase in the yield of spring wheat in all years of study (by 0.11-0.26 t/ha), the weight of 1000 seeds – by 1.44 g (LSD05 = 1.14), the nature of grain - by 8 g/l (LSD05 = 5). The effect of top-dressing with nitrogen fertilizers has been proved – the increase in yield ranged from 0.15 to 0.28 t/ha over three years on the average, the maximum from a dose of 60 kg a.i. A statistically significant increase in the weight of 1000 seeds was provided by nitrogen fertilization in doses of 60 and 90 kg a.i./ha – by 2.79 and 1.87 g, respectively (LSD05 = 1.47), grain nature increased at doses of 30, 60 and 90 kg a.i./ha by 34, 23 and 16 g/l, respectively (LSD05 = 2). The average yield of spring wheat varieties with the selected combination of factors (5.5 million seeds/ha, N60) was in the range of 2.64-2.70 t/ha with a mass of 1000 grains 44.03-44.56 g, the nature of grain 765-783 g/l. The studied varieties differed in responsiveness to nitrogen fertilization (N60 against the NPK background): Tulaykovskaya 10 (+0.43 t/ha), Tulaykovskaya 108 (+0.39 t/ha), Yoldyz (+0.24 t/ha). Increases in yield from an increase in the seeding rate were 0.20 (Yoldyz), 0.25 (Tulaykovskaya 108) and 0.26 t/ha (Tulaykovskaya 10). In general, according to the experiment relative to the control variety Tulaykovskaya 10, the variety Yoldyz stood out with a stable increase in yield over the years of research (+0.08 t/ha), statistically significant in years with insufficient moisture. The Yoldyz variety was distinguished by an increased profitability of cultivation – up to 59.4 % at a seeding rate of 5.5 million viable seeds/ha against the background of applying mineral fertilizers N16P16K16 for pre-sowing soil cultivation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 887-895
E. A. Artemieva ◽  
M. N. Zakharova ◽  
L. V. Rozhkova

In the formation of the winter wheat yield, the protection of the crop from pests, stress, pesticides and adverse abiotic factors is one of the important elements of the technology. To increase yield and reduce the impact of adverse factors in winter wheat protection systems, plant growth regulators are used. In the conditions of the Ryazan region in 2019-2020, the effectiveness of the use of tank mixtures of pesticides with the growth regulator Energia-M (0.01 kg/ha) in the protection systems of winter wheat of the Danaya variety was studied. In the variant with the use of a tank mixture of pesticides with a growth regulator, a statistically significant excess of yield was noted in comparison with the control (without treatment) by 1.4 t/ha (31 %) and with the variant with treatment using a tank mixture without the use of a growth regulator - by 0.9 t/ha (18 %). Under the influence of the plant growth regulator, a decrease in the negative impact of pesticides on growth processes, an increase in crop yield by 18 % due to the formation of an additional number of productive stems (80 pcs / m2 ) were noted and a higher net operating profit was obtained compared to the protection system without a plant growth regulator.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (6) ◽  
pp. 795-803
A. Yu. Sharikov ◽  
M. V. Amelyakina

Extrusion can be considered not only as an effective technology for processing agricultural raw materials into feed and food products, but also as a thermo-mechanical method for modification of the chemical properties of biopolymers. Carbohydrates are the most represented class of organic compounds in raw materials processed by the agro-industrial complex. The assessment of the influence of the processing factor on the final physicochemical and technological properties of various types of carbohydrates included in the chemical composition of raw materials or used as mono-ingredients is an actual task for the food industry. The review considers the issues of extrusion modification of starch in terms of the difference in the properties of amylose and amylopectin as well as the presence of lipids and organic acids in the reaction system. Processes of macromolecular degradation, gelatinization, esterification and the formation of new chemical bonds in dependence on the conditions of extrusion and the composition of mixtures are discussed. The results of studies of the influence of extrusion cooking on the changes in the physicochemical properties of non-starchy polysaccharides, cellulose, araboxylans, inulin, pectin, chitosan, and gums of various origins are presented. It has been shown that extrusion and varying of its operating regimes can significantly affect the nutritional value of extrudates including changing the glycemic index, inactivating antinutritional factors, or increasing their content in extrudates.

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