scholarly journals Gauss Symbol and Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetic Field in Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr-Newman Solution

2021 ◽  
Sangwha Yi

Solutions of unified theory equations of gravity and electromagnetism satisfy Einstein-Maxwellequation. Hence, solutions of the unified theory is Reissner-Nordstrom solution, Kerr-Newman solution invacuum. In this careful point, Einstein gravity field equation’s energy-momentum tensor has two sign.Therefore, according to the solution, the sign is treated. We found in revised Einstein gravity tensor equation,the condition is satisfied by 2-order contravariant metric tensor two times product and Gauss symbol..

2021 ◽  
Sangwha Yi

Solutions of unified theory equations of gravity and electromagnetism has to satisfy Einstein-Maxwellequation. Specially, solution of the unified theory is generally Kerr-Newman solution in vacuum. We finallyfound the revised Einstein gravity tensor equation with new term (2-order contravariant metric tensor two timesproduct and the constant matrix) is right in Kerr-Newman solution.

2021 ◽  
Sangwha Yi

Solutions of unified theory equations of gravity and electromagnetism satisfy Einstein-Maxwellequation. Hence, solutions of the unified theory is Reissner-Nordstrom solution in vacuum. We found inrevised Einstein gravity tensor equation, the condition is satisfied by 2-order contravariant metric tensor twotimes product, the constant matrix.

2021 ◽  
Sangwha Yi

Solutions of unified theory equations of gravity and electromagnetism satisfy Einstein-Maxwellequation. Hence, solutions of the unified theory is Reissner-Nordstrom solution in vacuum. We found inrevised Einstein gravity tensor equation, the condition is satisfied by 2-order contravariant metric tensor twotimes product and Gauss symbol.

2021 ◽  
Sangwha Yi

Solutions of unified theory equations of gravity and electromagnetism satisfy Einstein-Maxwellequation. Hence, solutions of the unified theory is Reissner-Nodstrom solution in vacuum. We found in revisedEinstein gravity tensor equation, the condition is satisfied by 2-order contravariant metric tensor two timesproduct.

2021 ◽  
Sangwha Yi

Solutions of unified theory equations of gravity and electromagnetism satisfy Einstein-Maxwellequation. Hence, solutions of the unified theory is Reissner-Nordstrom solution in vacuum. We found in revisedEinstein gravity tensor equation, the condition is satisfied by 2-order contravariant metric tensor two timesproduct. In theory, the problem that the special Ricci tensor have two value term is solved by two orientationof rotating (right hand and left hand).

D. W. Sciama

ABSTRACTIt is suggested, on heuristic grounds, that the energy-momentum tensor of a material field with non-zero spin and non-zero rest-mass should be non-symmetric. The usual relationship between energy-momentum tensor and gravitational potential then implies that the latter should also be a non-symmetric tensor. This suggestion has nothing to do with unified field theory; it is concerned with the pure gravitational field.A theory of gravitation based on a non-symmetric potential is developed. Field equations are derived, and a study is made of Rosenfeld identities, Bianchi identities, angular momentum and the equations of motion of test particles. These latter equations represent the geodesics of a Riemannian space whose contravariant metric tensor is gij–, in agreement with a result of Lichnerowicz(9) on the bicharacteristics of the Einstein–Schrödinger field equations.

1999 ◽  
Vol 08 (02) ◽  
pp. 141-151 ◽  

In the framework of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity, we study the dynamics of a gravitationally coupled electromagnetic field. It is shown that the electromagnetic field is able not only to couple to torsion, but also, through its energy–momentum tensor, produce torsion. Furthermore, it is shown that the coupling of the electromagnetic field with torsion preserves the local gauge invariance of Maxwell's theory.

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 2645-2657 ◽  

In this paper we discuss matter inheritance collineations by giving a complete classification of spherically symmetric static space–times by their matter inheritance symmetries. It is shown that when the energy–momentum tensor is degenerate, most of the cases yield infinite dimensional matter inheriting symmetries. It is worth mentioning here that two cases provide finite dimensional matter inheriting vectors even for the degenerate case. The nondegenerate case provides finite dimensional matter inheriting symmetries. We obtain different constraints on the energy–momentum tensor in each case. It is interesting to note that if the inheriting factor vanishes, matter inheriting collineations reduce to be matter collineations already available in the literature. This idea of matter inheritance collineations turn out to be the same as homotheties and conformal Killing vectors are for the metric tensor.

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