energy momentum tensor
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Uday Chand De ◽  
Sameh Shenawy ◽  
H. M. Abu-Donia ◽  
Nasser Bin Turki ◽  
Suliman Alsaeed ◽  

The main object of this paper is to investigate spacetimes admitting concircular curvature tensor in f(R) gravity theory. At first, concircularly flat and concircularly flat perfect fluid spacetimes in fR gravity are studied. In this case, the forms of the isotropic pressure p and the energy density σ are obtained. Next, some energy conditions are considered. Finally, perfect fluid spacetimes with divergence free concircular curvature tensor in f(R) gravity are studied; amongst many results, it is proved that if the energy-momentum tensor of such spacetimes is recurrent or bi-recurrent, then the Ricci tensor is semi-symmetric and hence these spacetimes either represent inflation or their isotropic pressure and energy density are constants.

Universe ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Yu-Mei Wu ◽  
Yan-Gang Miao

Following the interpretation of matter source that the energy-momentum tensor of anisotropic fluid can be dealt with effectively as the energy-momentum tensor of perfect fluid plus linear (Maxwell) electromagnetic field, we obtain the regular higher-dimensional Reissner–Nordström (Tangherlini–RN) solution by starting with the noncommutative geometry-inspired Schwarzschild solution. Using the boundary conditions that connect the noncommutative Schwarzschild solution in the interior of the charged perfect fluid sphere to the Tangherlini–RN solution in the exterior of the sphere, we find that the interior structure can be reflected by an exterior parameter, the charge-to-mass ratio. Moreover, we investigate the stability of the boundary under mass perturbation and indicate that the new interpretation imposes a rigid restriction upon the charge-to-mass ratio. This restriction, in turn, permits a stable noncommutative black hole only in the 4-dimensional spacetime.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 87
Júlio C. Fabris ◽  
Marcelo H. Alvarenga ◽  
Mahamadou Hamani Daouda ◽  
Hermano Velten

Unimodular gravity is characterized by an extra condition with respect to general relativity, i.e., the determinant of the metric is constant. This extra condition leads to a more restricted class of invariance by coordinate transformation: The symmetry properties of unimodular gravity are governed by the transverse diffeomorphisms. Nevertheless, if the conservation of the energy–momentum tensor is imposed in unimodular gravity, the general relativity theory is recovered with an additional integration constant which is associated to the cosmological term Λ. However, if the energy–momentum tensor is not conserved separately, a new geometric structure appears with potentially observational signatures. In this text, we consider the evolution of gravitational waves in a nonconservative unimodular gravity, showing how it differs from the usual signatures in the standard model. As our main result, we verify that gravitational waves in the nonconservative version of unimodular gravity are strongly amplified during the evolution of the universe.

Symmetry ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 70
Florio M. Ciaglia ◽  
Fabio Di Cosmo ◽  
Alberto Ibort ◽  
Giuseppe Marmo ◽  
Luca Schiavone ◽  

As the space of solutions of the first-order Hamiltonian field theory has a presymplectic structure, we describe a class of conserved charges associated with the momentum map, determined by a symmetry group of transformations. A gauge theory is dealt with by using a symplectic regularization based on an application of Gotay’s coisotropic embedding theorem. An analysis of electrodynamics and of the Klein–Gordon theory illustrate the main results of the theory as well as the emergence of the energy–momentum tensor algebra of conserved currents.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (01) ◽  
pp. 010
S. Bellucci ◽  
W. Oliveira dos Santos ◽  
E.R. Bezerra de Mello ◽  
A.A. Saharian

Abstract We investigate topological effects of a cosmic string and compactification of a spatial dimension on the vacuum expectation value (VEV) of the energy-momentum tensor for a fermionic field in (4+1)-dimensional locally AdS spacetime. The contribution induced by the compactification is explicitly extracted by using the Abel-Plana summation formula. The mean energy-momentum tensor is diagonal and the vacuum stresses along the direction perpendicular to the AdS boundary and along the cosmic string are equal to the energy density. All the components are even periodic functions of the magnetic fluxes inside the string core and enclosed by compact dimension, with the period equal to the flux quantum. The vacuum energy density can be either positive or negative, depending on the values of the parameters and the distance from the string. The topological contributions in the VEV of the energy-momentum tensor vanish on the AdS boundary. Near the string the effects of compactification and gravitational field are weak and the leading term in the asymptotic expansion coincides with the corresponding VEV in (4+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. At large distances, the decay of the cosmic string induced contribution in the vacuum energy-momentum tensor, as a function of the proper distance from the string, follows a power law. For a cosmic string in the Minkowski bulk and for massive fields the corresponding fall off is exponential. Within the framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence, the geometry for conformal field theory on the AdS boundary corresponds to the standard cosmic string in (3+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime compactified along its axis.

2021 ◽  
Sangwha Yi

Solutions of unified theory equations of gravity and electromagnetism satisfy Einstein-Maxwellequation. Hence, solutions of the unified theory is Reissner-Nordstrom solution, Kerr-Newman solution invacuum. In this careful point, Einstein gravity field equation’s energy-momentum tensor has two sign.Therefore, according to the solution, the sign is treated. We found in revised Einstein gravity tensor equation,the condition is satisfied by 2-order contravariant metric tensor two times product and Gauss symbol..

2021 ◽  
Sangwha Yi

We find the energy-momentum density of electromagnetic field by energy-momentum tensor ofelectromagnetic field in Rindler space-time. We find the energy-momentum density’s conservation law of electromagnetic field in Rindler spacetime

Jean-François Mathiot

Within the framework of the recently proposed Taylor–Lagrange regularization scheme which leads to finite elementary amplitudes in four-dimensional space–time with no additional dimensionful scales — we show that the trace of the energy–momentum tensor does not show any anomalous contribution even though quantum corrections are considered. Moreover, since the only renormalization we can think of within this scheme is a finite renormalization of the bare parameters to give the physical ones, the canonical dimension of quantum fields is also preserved by the use of this regularization scheme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (1 Jan-Feb) ◽  
Sergio Giardino

From a previous paper where we proposed a description of general relativity within the gravito-electromagnetic limit, we propose an alternative modified gravitational theory. As in the former version, we analyze the vector and tensor equations of motion, the gravitational continuity equation, the conservation of the energy, the energy-momentum tensor, the field tensor, and the constraints concerning these fields. The Lagrangian formulation is also exhibited as an unified and simple formulation that will be useful for future investigation.

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