The introduced trees and shrubs cultivated by the Tradescants at South Lambeth, 1629-1679

1996 ◽  
Vol 23 (5) ◽  
pp. 605 ◽  
KA Wood

A total of 8262 birds of 57 species was counted in a degraded public reserve and adjacent residential area during 61 paired transects in 1990. Most of the reserve was remnant wet sclerophyll forest (5 ha) and subtropical rainforest (0.4 ha), whereas a variety of mature native and introduced trees and shrubs were present in the 55-year-old suburb. Species evenness was similar in the habitats of the reserve and residental area but not species richness, number of individuals or composition of the avifauna. In all seasons, the reserve was richer in species but poorer in absolute numbers of birds. Thirteen native species were reserve specialists, six species (five introduced) were suburb specialists and 17 species showed only slight habitat preference. Excluding silvereyes, which showed little preference for either habitat, there were twice as many regularly occurring species that preferred to use the reserve rather than the residential area but only half the number of individuals. Nine specialist species are at risk of local extinction because their populations in the reserve are critically small [range: 80 (brown gerygone, Gerygone mouki) to 5 birds (eastern whipbird, Psophodes olivaceus)]. Seventeen species have become locally extinct since Europeans arrived in 1816. Conservation of the avifauna is discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 51-55
S. A. Abiev ◽  
S. A. Aipeisova ◽  
N. A. Utarbaeva

<p>The purpose of our work is to assess the health state of woody plants growing in different habitats of the city of Aktobe. We have studied the health state of arboreal and shrubby plants growing in various urban habitats; the survey was conducted during 2016-2017 by route-visual method. We performed the analysis of species diversity, abundance and density in urban area. The assessment of health state of the trees was made according to V.A. Alekseev. From your data and literature review we established that such species as Ulmus pinnato-ramosa, Acer negundo, Populus tremula, Populus nigra, and Syringa vulgaris have strong winter resistnce in the territory of Aktobe; we registered that only their apex buds and emds of the shoots were frozen in severe winters. The medium-resistant speices include Ulmus laevis and Acer platonoides. They are less plastic and suffer from late spring and early autumn frosts. The Amorpha fruticosa, Vitis vinifera, and Parthenocissus guinguefolia could be considered as the non-resistant species, since they usually freeze up to the snow cover line. The analysis of the vital state made it possible to assess the resistance to urban conditions of the majority of trees and shrubs registered in urban habitats of Aktobe. According to the preliminary data, the origin of the plant and its winter resistance are of main importance when introducing new species to urban area.</p>

2019 ◽  
pp. 105-115
А.Ш. Хужахметова

Показана актуальность изучения экологической пластичности древесных растений в связи с необходимостью подбора адаптированного видового состава деревьев и кустарников для защитных лесных насаждений в условиях климатических изменений. Установлено, что экологическая пластичность и пределы толерантности растений связаны со свойством организмов адаптироваться к тому или иному диапазону факторов среды. В статье представлен таксономический состав орехоплодных культур коллекций ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН. Это шесть видов рода Juglans: J. regia, J. mandshurica, J. cinerea, J. rupestris, J. ailanthifolia, J. nigra и три вида рода Corylus: С. avellana L., С. аmericana W., сорта С. pontica C. Koch Президент, Футкурами, Черкесский2. Приведены сведения о положительном опыте культивирования Corylus avellana L. в плантационных насаждениях (1,6 га, посадка рядовая, схема размещения 55 м) в условиях южных черноземов. Цель исследований изучить экологическую пластичность орехоплодных кустарников коллекций ФНЦ агроэкологии РАН. На примере родового комплекса Corylus получены материалы по экологической пластичности орехоплодных кустарников в условиях каштановых (кадастр. 34:36:0000:14:0178), светлокаштановых почв (34:34:000000:122 34:34:060061:10). Установлены уровни изменчивости морфологических признаков ассимиляционного аппарата и плодов С. avellana L., сортов С. pontica C. Koch., которые согласуются с зимо и засухоустойчивостью. Кластерный анализ позволил выявить корреляцию признаков при 5 уровне значимости. Для целей защитного лесоразведения и озеленения засушливых районов рекомендованы Corylus avellana и Черкесский2 с выраженной вариабельностью морфологических признаков, которая указывает на их широкую экологическую валентность и адаптационные возможности в рассматриваемых условиях. The urgency of studying the ecological plasticity of woody plants in connection with the need to select an adapted species composition of trees and shrubs for protective forest plantations in the context of climate change is shown. It is established that the ecological plasticity and tolerance range of plants is associated with the ability of organisms to adapt to a particular range of environmental factors. The article presents the taxonomic composition of nut crops in the collections of FSC Agroecology RAS. Six species of Juglans: J. regia, J. mandshurica, J. cinerea, J. rupestris, J. ailanthifolia, J. nigra and three species of the genus Corylus: С. avellana L., С. аmericana W., varieties of C. pontica C. Koch the President, Futkurami, Circassian2. Data on positive experience of cultivation of Corylus avellana L. in plantation plantings (1,6 hectares, landing ordinary, the scheme of placement of 55 m) in the conditions of southern chernozems are given. The purpose of the research is to study the ecological plasticity of nutbearing shrubs of the collections of the Federal scientific center for Agroecology Russian Academy of Sciences. For example, a generic complex Corylus submissions received on the environmental plasticity of nut bushes in the conditions of brown (the cadaster nubmer 34:36:0000:14:0178), light chestnut soils (34:34:000000:122 34:34:060061:10). The levels of variability of morphological features of the assimilation apparatus and fruits of Corylus avellana L., С. pontica C. Koch varieties were established., which are consistent with winter and drought resistance. Cluster analysis revealed the correlation of features at 5 significance level. Corylus avellana and Circassian2 with a pronounced variability of morphological features, which indicates their broad ecological valence and adaptation capabilities in the conditions under consideration, are recommended for the purposes of protective afforestation and greening of dry areas.

2018 ◽  
pp. 19-21
I. M. Mustafaev ◽  
M. M. Iminova ◽  
J. P. Sherkulova ◽  
T. N. Xolmurodova ◽  
S. A. Teshaboeva

Maria Ntinou

Wood charcoal analysis at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia, Poros aims to provide information on the vegetation of the area and its management and on the range of plants used in the activities taking place at the sanctuary. During the excavations of 2003–2005 in Areas D and C, systematic samples from fills and features from all the excavated strata were recovered and water flotation was used for the separation of wood charcoal from the sediment. Wood charcoal was found in two pits dated to the Early Iron Age, near the supposed altar of the Archaic period (Feature 05), in a deposit of the Hellenistic period (the “dining deposit”), in floor deposits (Early Iron Age and Late Classical/Early Hellenistic periods), and fills of different chrono-cultural periods (Archaic–Early Roman). All the taxa identified in the wood charcoal assemblages are thermophilous Mediterranean elements, most of them evergreen broad-leaved. The assemblages show that the most frequent taxon is the olive, followed by the prickly oak, the Fabaceae, and the heather. In most assemblages mock privet/buckthorn, strawberry tree, the pear and Prunus family species are present, while Aleppo pine, lentisc, the fig, and the carob trees are less frequent. Olive cultivation was an important economic activity during the whole life of the sanctuary and probably olive pruning constantly provided the sanctuary with fuel. The woodland would be the additional source of firewood for the sanctuary’s needs for fuel for mundane activities such as heating and cooking, for more formal ones, such as sacrifice, but also for industrial activities such as tile firing. Activities related to the reorganization of space and the expansion of the sanctuary may be reflected in charcoal of carpentry by-products as the fir, cypress, and maybe pine remains.

2020 ◽  
Vol 324 (3) ◽  
pp. 364-370
B.S. Tuniyev ◽  
L.M. Shagarov ◽  
O.J. Arribas

Podarcis siculus (Rafinesque-Schmaltz, 1810) or Italian wall lizard is one of the most invasive reptile-species. Recently, this lacertid lizard has been introduced to Mediterranean areas of southern Europe, South-West Asia (Turkey) and North America (USA). An abundant population of P. siculus was discovered on one of the sites of the Natural Ornithological Park in the Imeretinskaya Lowland, on an area of over 0.22 km2 (Sochi, Russia). The data were collected in the May of 2020 in a strip survey method in the Imeretinskaya Lowland. To identify the colonization area of the invader, we examined all 8 sections of the Natural Ornithological Park in the Imeretinskaya Lowland and adjacent urbanized areas. More than 150 animals were observed. These Italian wall lizards, undoubtedly, belong to the northern-central Italian morphotype (presumably P. s. campestris). This is the first record of this species in the former USSR area and, also, this is the species’ north-easternmost locality. The population inhabits secondary natural biotopes and urban area. Among them are the banks of artificial water bodies, areas with cultivated trees and shrubs, as well as parks, and house lawns in the urban area. Population density was estimated from eight to 40 specimens per 100 m of the transect. A moderate proportion of young specimens (more than a 40%) would indicate a healthy and continued growth of the emerging population. To determine the possible period of the species introduction, space images of the Imeretinskaya Lowland were analyzed beginning from the transformation of its landscape for the Winter Olympic Games of Sochi 2014 until the May of 2020. The introduction of the species presumably occurred with the delivery of large-sized ornamental trees and shrubs from Italy in 2012–2013. Podarcis siculus should be included in the list of herpetofauna of Russia and particularly of the Caucasus. This is an alien species with a proven ability to become an invasive species, what will lead to a greater undesirable and unavoidable contact with native small lizards of the genus Darevskia Arribas, 1997. On the other hand, as it is often observed with new invaders, a sudden rise in population abundance could be followed by a sharp decline. A continuous monitoring of the area in question and of the number of local Italian wall lizards is necessary to confirm or refute the assumed scenarios of further invasion of P. siculus on the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus. Further action plans for this population should be developed depending on supposed future trends.

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