Faculty Opinions recommendation of Cardiac death and reinfarction after 1 year in the Thrombus Aspiration during Percutaneous coronary intervention in Acute myocardial infarction Study (TAPAS): a 1-year follow-up study.

Juan-Carlos Kaski
2021 ◽  
Vol 162 (5) ◽  
pp. 177-184
András Jánosi ◽  
Tamás Ferenci ◽  
András Komócsi ◽  
Péter Andréka

Összefoglaló. Bevezetés: A szívinfarktust megelőző revascularisatiós beavatkozások prognosztikai jelentőségével kapcsolatban kevés elemzés ismeretes, hazai adatokat eddig nem közöltek. Célkitűzés: A szerzők a Nemzeti Szívinfarktus Regiszter adatait felhasználva elemezték a koszorúér-revascularisatiós szívműtétet (CABG) túlélt betegek prognózisát heveny szívinfarktusban. Módszer: Az adatbázisban 2014. 01. 01. és 2017. 12. 31. között 55 599 beteg klinikai és kezelési adatait rögzítették: 23 437 betegnél (42,2%) ST-elevációval járó infarktus (STEMI), 32 162 betegnél (57,8%) ST-elevációval nem járó infarktus (NSTEMI) miatt került sor a kórházi kezelésre. Vizsgáltuk a CABG után fellépő infarktus miatt kezelt betegek klinikai adatait és prognózisát, amelyeket azon betegek adataival hasonlítottunk össze, akiknél nem szerepelt szívműtét a kórelőzményben (kontrollcsoport). Eredmények: A betegek többsége mindkét infarktustípusban férfi volt (62%, illetve 59%). Az indexinfarktust megelőzően a betegek 5,33%-ánál (n = 2965) történt CABG, amely az NSTEMI-betegeknél volt gyakoribb (n = 2357; 7,3%). A CABG-csoportba tartozó betegek idősebbek voltak, esetükben több társbetegséget (magas vérnyomás, diabetes mellitus, perifériás érbetegség) rögzítettek. Az indexinfarktus esetén a katéteres koszorúér-intervenció a kontrollcsoport STEMI-betegeiben gyakoribb volt a CABG-csoporthoz viszonyítva (84% vs. 71%). Az utánkövetés 12 hónapja során a betegek 4,7–12,2%-ában újabb infarktus, 13,7–17,3%-ában újabb katéteres koszorúér-intervenció történt. Az utánkövetés alatt a CABG-csoportban magasabbnak találtuk a halálozást. A halálozást befolyásoló tényezők hatásának korrigálására Cox-féle regressziós analízist, illetve ’propensity score matching’ módszert alkalmaztunk. Mindkét módszerrel történt elemzés azt mutatta, hogy a kórelőzményben szereplő koszorúér-revascularisatiós műtét nem befolyásolta a túlélést. Amennyiben a beteg kórelőzményében szerepelt a koszorúérműtét, az indexinfarktus nagyobb eséllyel volt NSTEMI, mint STEMI (HR: 1,612; CI 1,464–1,774; p<0,001). Következtetés: A kórelőzményben szereplő koszorúér-revascularisatiós műtét nem befolyásolta a szívinfarktus miatt kezelt betegek életkilátásait. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(5): 177–184. Summary. Introduction: Little analysis is known about the prognostic significance of revascularization interventions before myocardial infarction; no domestic data have been reported so far. Method: The authors use data from the Hungarian Myocardial Infarction Registry to analyze the prognosis of patients with acute myocardial infarction who had previous coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Between 01. 01. 2014. and 31. 12. 2017, 55 599 patients were recorded in the Registry: 23 437 patients (42.2%) had ST-elevation infarction (STEMI) and 31 162 patients (57.8%) had non-ST-elevation infarction (NSTEMI). The clinical data and prognosis of patients treated for infarction after CABG were compared with those of patients without a CABG history. Results: The majority of patients were male (59% and 60%, respectively). Prior to index infarction, CABG occurred in 5.33% of patients (n = 2965), which was more common in NSTEMI (n = 2357; 7.3%). The CABG patients were older and had more comorbidities (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease). For index infarction, percutaneous coronary intervention was more common in STEMI patients in the control group compared to CABG (84% vs. 71%). At 12 months of follow-up, 4.7–12.2% of patients had reinfarction, and 13.7–17.3% had another percutaneous coronary intervention. During the full follow-up, the CABG group had higher mortality. Cox regression analysis and propensity score matching were used to correct for the effect of other factors influencing mortality. Both analyses showed CABG did not affect survival. In the CABG group, the index infarction was more likely to be NSTEMI than STEMI (HR: 1.612; CI 1.464–1.774; p<0.001). Conclusion: The history of CABG does not affect the life expectancy of patients treated for an acute myocardial infarction. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(5): 177–184.

Shun Nishino ◽  
Nozomi Watanabe ◽  
Toshihiro Gi ◽  
Nehiro Kuriyama ◽  
Yoshisato Shibata ◽  

Background: Recent animal studies have suggested that mitral valve (MV) leaflet remodeling can occur even without significant tethering force and that the postinfarct biological reaction would contribute to the histopathologic changes of the leaflet. We serially evaluated the MV remodeling in patients with anterior and inferior acute myocardial infarction (MI), by using 2- and 3-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography. Additional histopathologic examinations were performed to assess the leaflet pathology. Methods: Sixty consecutive first-onset acute MI (anterior MI, n=30; inferior MI, n=30) patients who underwent successful primary percutaneous coronary intervention were examined (1) before primary percutaneous coronary intervention, (2) at 6-month follow-up, and (3) at follow-up 1 year or later after onset. MV complex geometry including MV leaflet area and thickness was analyzed using dedicated software. Additional histopathologic study compared 18 valves harvested during surgery for ischemic mitral regurgitation (MR). Results: MV area and thickness incrementally increased during the follow-up period. MV leaflet area significantly increased (anterior MI: 5.59 [5.28–5.98] to 6.54 [6.20–7.26] cm 2 /m 2 , P <0.001; inferior MI: 5.60 [4.76–6.08] to 6.32 [5.90–6.90] cm 2 /m 2 , P <0.001), and leaflet thickness also increased (anterior MI: 1.09 [0.92–1.24] to 1.45 [1.28–1.60] mm/m 2 , P <0.001; inferior MI: 1.15 [1.03–1.25] to 1.44 [1.27–1.59] mm/m 2 , P <0.001); data represent onset versus ≥1 year. Larger annuls, larger tenting, and a reduced leaflet area/annular ratio with smaller coaptation index were observed in patients with persistent ischemic MR compared with those without significant ischemic MR. Histopathologic examinations revealed that MV thickness was significantly greater in chronic ischemic MR compared with acute ischemic MR (1432.6±490.5 versus 628.7±278.7 μm; P =0.001), with increased smooth muscle cells and fibrotic materials. Conclusions: MV leaflet remodeling progressed both in area and thickness after MI. This is the first clinical study to record the longitudinal course of MV leaflet remodeling by serial echocardiography.

Sobia Masood ◽  
Kanwal Fatima Aamir ◽  
Khalid Naseeb ◽  
Quratulain Shaikh ◽  
Tahir Saghir ◽  

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the angiographic profile and outcome of primary percutaneous coronary intervention in female patients with acute myocardial infarction. Method: The cross-sectional study was conducted at the National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Karachi, from July 1, 2017, to March 31, 2018, and comprised female patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention and got enrolled in the National Cardiovascular Data Registry. Follow-up calls were made 1 year post-intervention and outcomes were noted. Data was analysed using SPSS 21. Results: Of the 522 female patients with a mean age of 57.41±11.14 years, 334(64%) were hypertensive, 202(38.7%) diabetic, 16(3.1%) had a family history of coronary artery disease, and 9(1.7%) were smokers. Single-vessel disease was observed in 183(35.1%) patients, and three-vessel disease in 144(27.6%). Post-procedure thrombolysis in myocardial infarction flow (0-II) was observed in 29(5.6%) patients, bleeding in 2(0.4%), and in-hospital mortality was in 22(4.2%). Telephonic follow-up was successfully conducted in 436(87.5%) of the discharged patients, and, of them 15(3.4%) had expired and recurrence was reported by 10(2.3%) patients and 8(80%) of them underwent re-intervention. Conclusion: More than half the female patients had multi-vessel disease and bifurcation lesion was observed in more than three-fourth of the sample. Key Words: Coronary artery disease, Women, Percutaneous coronary intervention, Acute myocardial infarction, Angiography, Pakistan. Continuous...

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