scholarly journals Medical Rehabilitation Carried out by the social Insurance Institution as part of Disability to work prevention

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-229
Piotr Winciunas ◽  
Dariusz Lachman

The Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) has been implementing a medical rehabilitation program as part of disability prevention since 1996. The purpose of medical rehabilitation is to improve the health condition of the insured in terms of regaining or maintaining the ability to work. Medical rehabilitation is carried out in those diseases that most often cause inability to work, and thus generate the greatest costs for the social insurance system. Currently, ZUS is referring to medical rehabilitation in: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular diseases, respiratory system diseases, psychosomatic diseases, people after treatment of breast cancer, voice organ diseases, people who, during an accident, in particular an accident at work, suffered an injury to the musculoskeletal system , diseases of the central nervous system. Its role is limited to supplementing the therapeutic process with medical measures aimed at improving the body’s efficiency, enabling the insured person or pensioner to return to employment. Hence, the subjective scope of its activities covers the insured at risk of total or partial incapacity for work and who are promising to start gainful employment as a result of its completion. The concept of incapacity for work means that a person who has lost the ability to work completely or partially due to a violation of the body’s efficiency is incapable of work and does not expect to regain the ability to work after retraining. A person who has lost the ability to perform any work is completely incapable of work. A person partially incapable of work is a person who has largely lost the ability to work in accordance with the level of their qualifications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (XX) ◽  
pp. 339-345
Anna Napiórkowska

In the commented judgment the Supreme Court held that if the conditions of the recovery of undue benefits are fulfiled by the person who received a benefit unduly (art. 84 [1], [2] of the Act of 13 October 1998 on the social insurance system) as well as by the contribution payer or the other person due to the fact that some false data affecting entitlement to benefits or their amount have been passed by the contribution payer or by the other person (art. 84 [6] of the Act on the social insurance system), then the Polish Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) has the choice of who will charge the obligation to return the benefit. The opinion of the Supreme Court expressed in the commented judgment raises doubts

2021 ◽  
Vol specjalny (XXI) ◽  
pp. 655-664
Daniel Eryk Lach

The subject of the article is to discuss the evolution of legal regulations regarding the appointment of the President of the Social Insurance Institution included in the Act of 13 October 1998 on the social insurance system and an assessment whether an employment relationship is established between ZUS and its President on the basis of the appointment.

Virittäjä ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 124 (3) ◽  
Anu Rouhikoski

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan nollapersoonaisen modaaliverbirakenteen käyttöä direktiivinä (esim. tämä hakemus pitäs vielä täyttää). Aineistona on 11,5 tuntia Kansaneläkelaitoksen eli Kelan toimistoissa videolle tallennettuja aitoja asiakaspalvelutilanteita, 131 yksittäistä tilannetta. Aineistossa esiintyvät neljä virkailijaa ovat noin 30-vuotiaita; asiakkaiden ikä vaihtelee noin 18 ja 80 vuoden välillä. Analyysi osoittaa, että nollapersoonan referenssi on ainakin muodollisesti avoin ja Kelan tilanteissa se usein kattaa sekä paikalla olevan asiakkaan että muut samassa tilanteessa olevat ihmiset. Siten nollapersoonalla ilmaistaan eksplisiittisesti, että kaikkia kohdellaan samoin säännöin eikä asiakkaalta vaadita mitään poikkeuksellista. Se ikään kuin perustelee itse itsensä. Modaaliverbi (esim. kannattaa, pitää, täytyä, voida) puolestaan tuo lausumaan jonkin keskustelun ulkoisen velvoitteen. Aineistossa nollapersoonaisia modaaliverbidirektiivejä käytetään usein silloin, kun virkailija ei käsittele itsestään selvänä, että asiakas tulee noudattamaan saamaansa direktiiviä, vaan direktiiviin liittyy epävarmuustekijöitä. Näitä ovat arkaluonteisuus, erilinjaisuus, toiminnon aiheuttama vaiva tai toiminnon uutuus vuorovaikutustilanteessa. Nollapersoonainen modaaliverbidirektiivi ottaa hienovaraisesti huomioon toimintoon liittyvät epävarmuustekijät mutta osoittaa silti toiminnon olevan tilanteessa tarpeellinen. Nollapersoonalausumia verrataan artikkelissa toiseen direktiivityyppiin, 2. persoonan modaaliverbilausumiin (esim. tää sun pitäs kuitenki täyttää vielä). Niissäkin modaaliverbi välittää tilanteen ulkopuolelta tulevan käskyn, mutta lausuma rajataan koskemaan ainoastaan yhtä asiakasta ja hänen velvollisuutensa tehdään näkyviksi. 2. persoonan modaaliverbidirektiiveillä annetaan yleensä lisäohjeita jo meneillään olevassa prosessissa tai toistetaan jokin jo annettu direktiivi. Lisäksi niitä käytetään yleensä vain silloin, kun asiakas on virkailijaa nuorempi, kun taas nollapersoonadirektiivejä esitetään kaikenikäisille asiakkaille.   Zero-person subjects and modal verbs in directives: a study of employees at the Social Insurance Institution of Finland  The article analyses the directive use of a Finnish zero person + modal verb construction, e.g. tämä hakemus pitäs vielä täyttää (‘one should fill in this application form’). The data comprises 11.5 hours of service encounters videotaped at the offices of the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (in Finnish: Kansaneläkelaitos = Kela), 131 encounters in total. The four employees in these encounters are all in their thirties, while their clients are between 18–80 years of age. The referent of a zero-person construction is formally open, and in the service encounters analysed here its referent is often not only the client but anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation. Therefore, the zero person explicitly expresses the notion that all clients are treated in an equal manner. The modal verb (e.g. pitää, täytyä ‘must, have to, should’; voida ‘be able to’; kannattaa ‘be worthwhile’) denotes an obligation that comes from outside the situation at hand. The analysis of the data indicates that a zero person + modal verb construction is often used when the directive involves contingencies, such as delicacy, disalignment, imposition, or a previously undiscussed action. The zero person + modal verb construction displays the speaker’s orientation towards contingencies but also indicates the necessity of the action in question. The zero-person construction stands in contrast to another directive construction, that of the 2nd-person subject + modal verb (e.g. tää sun pitäs kuitenki täyttää vielä ‘you should still fill in this one’). The modal verb conveys an external obligation, but the 2nd-person pronoun refers to one sole person and makes explicit his/her responsibilities. This construction is mainly used when reformulating a previous directive or giving additional advice. Moreover, it is usually only used when addressing younger clients, whereas the zero-person construction is suitable to clients of all ages.

Kuntoutus ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 6-20
Hanna Rinne ◽  
Jenni Blomgren

Tieto kuntoutuksen kentän kokonaisuudesta ja erilaisten kuntoutuspalveluiden käytöstä samoilla ihmisillä on varsin hajanaista ja puutteellista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää kuntoutukseen osallistumisen yleisyyttä ja päällekkäisyyttä eri osajärjestelmissä Oulun asukkailla vuonna 2018 laajalla rekisteriaineistolla (N = 192 844). Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan julkisen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujärjestelmän kuntoutusta, Kelan kuntoutusta, työeläkekuntoutusta, työterveyshuollon fysioterapiaa ja Kelan korvaamaa yksityistä fysioterapiaa. Vuonna 2018 oululaisista 18 prosenttia sai vähintään yhden tutkitun osajärjestelmän kuntoutusta (N = 34 061). Yleisintä oli julkisen sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujärjestelmän kuntoutus, harvinaisinta työeläkekuntoutus. Naiset osallistuivat kuntoutukseen miehiä yleisemmin. Kuntoutukseen osallistuminen oli miehillä yleisintä 65 vuotta täyttäneillä, naisilla 45–64-vuotiailla. Harvinaisinta se oli 16–24-vuotiailla miehillä ja alle 16-vuotiailla naisilla. Suurin osa (90 %) kuntoutukseen osallistuneista oli osallistunut vain yhden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen. Useamman osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuminen oli naisilla miehiä yleisempää. Ikäryhmistä se oli yleisintä 45–64-vuotiailla ja harvinaisinta alle 16-vuotiailla. Vähintään kahden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuneet olivat keskimäärin vanhempia kuin vain yhden osajärjestelmän kuntoutukseen osallistuneet ja myös naisten osuus oli heillä suurempi. Rekisteritietoja kuntoutuksesta on hankala koota kattavasti, sillä järjestelmä on hyvin hajanainen ja toimijoita ja rekisterinpitäjiä on lukuisia. Myös kuntoutuksen määrittely aineistoista osoittautui vaikeaksi. Yhtenäiset tietojärjestelmät kuntoutuksesta palvelisivat paitsi tutkijoita, myös kuntoutujia. Abstract Prevalence and overlap of participation in rehabilitation in different subsystems – a register-based study among residents of the city of Oulu, Finland, in 2018 Knowledge of the whole spectrum of rehabilitation and of the use of different rehabilitation services by the same individuals is quite fragmented and incomplete. The aim of this study is to examine the prevalence and overlap of participation in rehabilitation in different subsystems among residents of the city of Oulu, Finland, in 2018 using extensive register-based data (N=192,844). The study examines rehabilitation organized by the public social and health care system, by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, by the earnings-related pension system, as well as physiotherapy in occupational health care and private physiotherapy reimbursed by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. In 2018, 18 per cent of the residents of Oulu received rehabilitation of at least one of the examined subsystems (N=34,061). Receiving rehabilitation of public social and health care was the most common; the rarest was rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system. Women participated in rehabilitation more often than men. Using rehabilitation services was most common in men aged 65 and over, and in women aged 45–64. It was least common in men aged 16–24 years and in women under 16 years of age. The majority (90%) of those who participated in rehabilitation had participated in rehabilitation of only one subsystem. Participation in rehabilitation of several subsystems was more common in women than in men. It was most common in those aged 45–64 years and least common in those under 16 years of age. Those who received rehabilitation of at least two subsystems were, on average, older than those who received rehabilitation of only one subsystem, and more often women. It is difficult to compile comprehensive register data on rehabilitation, as the system is very fragmented and there are many organizers and registrars. Defining rehabilitation from the data also proved difficult. Unified information systems on rehabilitation would serve not only researchers but also rehabilitees. Keywords: rehabilitation, register-based research, Finland

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 835-842
Roman Garbiec

AbstractSocial risks are an unusual type of risks occurring in insurance. Their specific feature is the implementation of risk in the sphere of social life of a person with special regard to the work environment. Social risks are an element of research in economics and law and in social policy. The author of the paper shows that the structure of the Polish social insurance system is not optimal and requires radical reform. This paper contains, among others, characteristics of the scope of protection of social risks identified in Poland by Social Security Administration and the basis for financing benefits from this system. The summary of the paper presents opinions on improving the financial efficiency of this system.

2021 ◽  
Yihao Tian ◽  
Yuxiao Chen ◽  
Mei Zhou ◽  
Shaoyang Zhao

Abstract Background: Rural-to-urban migration has increased rapidly in China since the early 1980s, with the number of migrants reaching 376 million in 2020 (National Bureau of Statistics [NBS], 2020). Despite this sharp trend and the significant contributions that the migrants have made to urban development, migrant workers have had very limited access to the social insurance that the majority of urban workers have enjoyed. Methods: Based on the background of the social insurance system adjustment in Chengdu in 2011, we establish a difference-in-differences (DID) model to empirically test the impacts of change in social insurance policy contribution rates on migrant workers' social insurance participation rates, using the China Migrants Dynamic Survey (CMDS) data from 2009-2016.Results: The social insurance participation rate of migrant workers was significantly reduced after they are incorporated into the urban worker insurance system. Meanwhile, there is no significant change in the wages of migrant workers, but the working hours became longer and the consumption level turned lower. That is to say, simply changing the social insurance model of migrant workers from "comprehensive social insurance" to "urban employee insurance" reduces the incentives for migrant workers to participate in the insurance and harm the overall welfares of migrant workers.Conclusion: The design of the social security policy is an important reason for lower participation rate of migrants. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of insufficient incentives through targeted social security policies. Specifically, the first is to formulate a social security policy contribution rate suitable for the migrants. The second is to establish a comprehensive social security policy and gradually integrate the social security system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Yihao Tian ◽  
Yuxiao Chen ◽  
Mei Zhou ◽  
Shaoyang Zhao

Rural-to-urban migration has increased rapidly in China since the early 1980s, with the number of migrants has reached 376 million by 2020. Despite this sharp trend and the significant contributions that migrants have made to urban development, the migrant workers have had very limited access to the social insurance that the majority of urban workers enjoy. Against the background of the social insurance system adjustment in Chengdu in 2011, this study uses a difference-in-differences (DID) model to empirically test the impacts of changes in the social insurance policy contribution rates on the social insurance participation rates of migrant workers, using the China Migrants Dynamic Survey (CMDS) data for 2009–2016. We find that the social insurance participation rate of migrant workers was significantly reduced after they were incorporated into the urban worker insurance system. There was no significant change in the wages of migrant workers, but the working hours were increased and their consumption level decreased. In other words, simply changing the social insurance model of migrant workers from “comprehensive social insurance” to “urban employee insurance” reduces the incentives for migrant workers to participate in insurance and harms the overall welfare of migrant workers. Our study indicates that the design of the social security policy is an important reason for the lower participation rate of migrants. It is necessary to solve the problem of insufficient incentives through the targeted social security policies; primarily, the formulation of a social security policy contribution rate suitable for the migrants, and the establishment of a comprehensive social security policy and the gradual integration of the social security system.

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