security policy
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Byron Marshall ◽  
Michael Curry ◽  
Robert E. Crossler ◽  
John Correia

Survey items developed in behavioral Information Security (InfoSec) research should be practically useful in identifying individuals who are likely to create risk by failing to comply with InfoSec guidance. The literature shows that attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions drive compliance behavior and has influenced the creation of a multitude of training programs focused on improving ones’ InfoSec behaviors. While automated controls and directly observable technical indicators are generally preferred by InfoSec practitioners, difficult-to-monitor user actions can still compromise the effectiveness of automatic controls. For example, despite prohibition, doubtful or skeptical employees often increase organizational risk by using the same password to authenticate corporate and external services. Analysis of network traffic or device configurations is unlikely to provide evidence of these vulnerabilities but responses to well-designed surveys might. Guided by the relatively new IPAM model, this study administered 96 survey items from the Behavioral InfoSec literature, across three separate points in time, to 217 respondents. Using systematic feature selection techniques, manageable subsets of 29, 20, and 15 items were identified and tested as predictors of non-compliance with security policy. The feature selection process validates IPAM's innovation in using nuanced self-efficacy and planning items across multiple time frames. Prediction models were trained using several ML algorithms. Practically useful levels of prediction accuracy were achieved with, for example, ensemble tree models identifying 69% of the riskiest individuals within the top 25% of the sample. The findings indicate the usefulness of psychometric items from the behavioral InfoSec in guiding training programs and other cybersecurity control activities and demonstrate that they are promising as additional inputs to AI models that monitor networks for security events.

2022 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 100603
Jessica L. Escobar-Alegria ◽  
Edward A. Frongillo ◽  
Christine E. Blake

Significance It will increase rainfall variability and extreme events such as droughts and floods, as well as raising temperatures. These effects may trigger cascading risks to economic, social and political stability. Impacts The EU could play a key role in moderating climate effects as it shapes migration and security policy in the Sahel. The likelihood and severity of climate impacts will depend on socio-economic and political conditions in the region. Small-scale irrigation, climate-adapted seeds and traditional soil conservation techniques can help increase resilience to climate change.

Tomasz Marcin Słapczyński

<p>W artykule podjęto próbę zbadania, w jaki sposób organizacje międzynarodowe i ich polityka wpływają na proces podejmowania decyzji dotyczących polskiej polityki bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego. Czy stanowią one bodziec dla podejmowanych decyzji, czy są one uzupełnieniem już istniejącej polityki rządu dotyczącej food security. Główne pytana badawcze dotyczy tego czy narodowa polityka food security jest na zadowalającym poziomie czy niezbędne jest jednak uzupełnienie jej poprzez ingerencję organizacji międzynarodowych. Artykuł podzielony jest na kilka akapitów: polska narodowa strategia żywnościowa, wpływ Unii Europejskiej na bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe Polski i działania organizacji na bezpieczeństwo żywnościowe w Polsce, stosowane metody badań polityki bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego w Polsce, analiza sektora rolnego w Polsce oraz ogólne analiza polityki bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego w Polsce. Zdefiniowano podstawowe pojęcia związane z polityką, porządkiem publicznym i bezpieczeństwem żywnościowym. Opisano również rolę różnych organizacji w rozwoju bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego. Scharakteryzowane zostaną także indywidualne działania podejmowane przez organizacje międzynarodowe i rząd w celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego.</p>

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Dao Mong Diep ◽  
Trinh Tuan Anh ◽  
Nguyen Dao Mai Khanh ◽  
Dao The Dong

Social insurance is the mainstay of the social security policy associated with employee. The right to have social insurance is the basic and specific right associated with female worker. This group right includes the right to enjoy  the sickness benefit, maternity benefit, Work Injury and Occupational Disease Benefit, Old-age Benefit, Survivor’s Benefit, Medical Benefit (Health Insurance). The state has promulgated the Labor Code, the Law on Social Insurance and other legal documents to create an implementation guide in oder to build an effective legal corridor to protect the rights of female employee tin enjoying social insurance. However in reality, the right to enjoy social insurance of female employee is violated, and there is a gap between legal provisions and practical applications. This scientific paper evaluates the current status of legal provisions on the right to enjoy social insurance of female employees and the practical application of the law. From there, this paper proposes some solutions to improve the law on the right to enjoy social insurance of female employees.

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