High Efficiency Tool Path Generation for Freeform Surface Machining Based on NURBS Subdivision

2014 ◽  
Vol 625 ◽  
pp. 372-377 ◽  
Jiang Zhu ◽  
Akimitsu Hozumi ◽  
Tomohisa Tanaka ◽  
Yoshio Saito

Along with the rapid development of CAD/CAM system, the smooth surfaces are widely used in industry design. Especially NURBS surface attracts rising attentions because NURBS can describe flat surface, freeform surface and so on. Currently a lot of tool path generation patterns are proposed for milling process of freeform surface. Nevertheless there are still some problems on generating efficient tool path for freeform surface under the requested surface finish roughness. In this research, in order to resolve these problems, NURBS surface is divided into some patches and the tool path is generated on each patch. This paper proposes a surface divide method and makes a comparison between this method and undivided method. As a result, it is found that dividing the surface is helpful for the making shorter tool path and increase the machining efficiency.

2010 ◽  
Vol 447-448 ◽  
pp. 321-325
Jiang Zhu ◽  
Keisuke Nomura ◽  
Tomohisa Tanaka ◽  
Yoshio Saito

With the rapid development of CG technology and 3D scanning technology, it is easy to design the freeform surface more complexly, but it also makes it difficult to machine such complex freeform surface rapidly and accurately. In this paper, a tool path planning assist system for freeform surface machining is presented. Differing from general CAM systems, in this developed tool path planning assist system, the tool path is generated based on the features of the CAD model, and focus on the applicability of material removal process. New machining strategies for both rough cutting process and finish cutting process are presented. With the assisting of this developed system, freeform surface could be machined efficiently and accurately.

Bin Zhang ◽  
Bin-Bin Huang ◽  
Ya-Qin Song ◽  
Chen Tang

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