New Tropical Pyraustinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

1960 ◽  
Vol 92 (3) ◽  
pp. 164-173 ◽  
Eugene Munroe

Wings, legs and antenna unmodified; frons flat and oblique, yellowish buff dorsally, fuscous on sides; labial palpus fuscous laterally with some orange scaling, yellowish buff dorsally, whitish buff at base beneath; maxillary palpus prominent, fuscous tipped with orange; proboscis orange-scaled at base; eye fuscous brown; antenna light brown; vertex rough-scaled, light yellowish brown; thorax above light yellowish brown abdomen ahove light buff, with some yellowish scaling; body beneath whitish buff, darker posteriorly; legs yellowish buff above, whitish buff beneath. Forewing above translucent dull yellow; an oblique fuscoits dash at base; an orange, inwardly and outwardly fuscous-bordered, outwardly oblique sub-basal band, beginning at R, indistinct in cell; an antemedial band, parallel to the sub-basal band, beginning at R, orange, bordered inwardly and outwardly with fuscous; a fuscous dot in anterior parr of cell beyond antemedial line; an oiange, inwardly and outwardly fuscous-bordered band on each side of discocellular, beginning at R, briefly fusing behind angle of cell, then diverging in an oval loop, converging to fuse with postmedial band near posterior margin; some specimens with an oval fuscous spot in the loop; postmedial band arising at R4, well bevond cell; orange, bordered inwardly and outwardly with fuscous, broad and erect anteriorly, narrower and somewhat bowed outwards between M2, and Cu2, weakly retracted and broadened at junction with the two medial lines; subterminal line broad, orange, diffusely bordered inwardly and, except anterior to M1, outwardly with fuscous, parallkl to outer margin, a wedge-shaped excision of inner border in cell R4; a prominent, blackish-fuscous terminal line; fringe yellowish brown, with a darker line in basal half. Hind wing ahove translucent dull yellow; an orange, fuscous-bordered discocellular bar; an orange, inwardly and outwardly fuscous-bordered postmedial band, beginning at Rs,, retracted on Cu2, nearly to angle of cell, then sinuous to anal margin; a broad subterminal band, parallel to margin, orange, diffusely bordered on both sides with fuscous; terminal line and fringe as on forewing. Wing heneath translucent dull yellow, markings of upper surface very weakly repeated on hind wing and basal half of forewing, somewhat more strongly repeated on distal half of forewing. Expanse 21 to 24 mm.

1959 ◽  
Vol 91 (6) ◽  
pp. 359-371
Eugene Munroe

Frons and scape rosy pink; vertex yellowish buff; labial palpus on outer surface rosy pink, on inner surface yellowish buff; maxillary palpus yellowish buff; antenna of male very narrowly bipectinate, light buff; thorax and abdomen above rosy pink with some buff scales; body beneath whitish buff; legs light yellowish buff. Forewing above light yellowish buff; costa broadly pink in basal third; sparse fuscous dusting in basal angle; traces of a fuscous discocellular bar; a fuscous postmedial line, concave outward opposite cell, convex and wavy from M2, to Cu2, then retracted nearly to base of Cu2, then wavy and oblique inward to inner margin; entire space beyond postmedial line deep rosy pink except for a narrow yellow crescent on outer margin in front of tornus; fringe yellow. Hind wing above yellowish buff; a small fuscous sub-basal patch; a fuscous postmedial line, excurved to Cu1, then broken, irregular and obsolescent; space beyond postmedial line rosy pink from apex to Cu1. Markings of under surface like those of upper surface, but pink areas replaced by violaceous grey. Expanse 19 mm.

1962 ◽  
Vol 94 (9) ◽  
pp. 922-923
Eugene Munroe

Head white; eye fuscons; labial palpus black, white at base beneath; antenna light wood brown, strongly bipectinate; body above white; abdomen with prominent black segmental bands above; bodv beneath white; legs white, with inner surface af front legs and distal parts of middle and hind tarsal segments infuscated. Fore wing above shining white, with narrow black contrasting markings; antemedial line nearly complete, the anterior element usualIy elongate and joining the remainder of the line, the rest of the line sigmoidal, acutely inflected on anal fold and near 3rd A; discocellular mark large and annular, complete or nearly so; postmedial line complete and of uniform width, excurved behind costa, then oblique to posterior margin; a narrow but distinct fuscous terminal line; fringe white. Hind wing above white; a postmedial row of more or less distinct black dots on veins in anterior part of wing; terminal line and fringe as on fore wing. Wings beneath white, markings of upper surface seen faintly by translucency; postmedial dots of hind wing well marked near costa; terminal line and fringe as above. Expanse 3 1-37 mm.

1962 ◽  
Vol 94 (12) ◽  
pp. 1272-1273 ◽  
T. N. Freeman

During his study of the ecology of red pine plantations, Mr. J. L. Martin, Forest Insect Laboratory, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, found a species of Laspeyresia feeding as larvae under the bark of living trees. This species is described here to enable him to report on the results of his investigation.Laspeyresia resinosae, new speciesAntenna, head, thorax, and abdomen powdery-grey. Basal half of forewing grey; outer half blackish, with cupreous reflections, the tips of the scales ochreous; outer three-fifths of costa with four pairs of silvery-white geminations; the basal pair of geminations fuse into a single, angular, transverse, shiny-leaden fascia, that extends to the trailing margin just beyond the middle; a similar fascia arises from the second costal geminations, and extends only to the fold; a third leaden fascia arises from the apical geminations, extends irregularly to the tornus, and is broken into three almost equal sections; the central portions of the second and third fasciae are narrowly margined with a few black scales, representing a very poorly defined ocelloid patch; outer margin with a very distinct black line basad to the shiny leaden fringe; the black line cut by three white dashes, two opposite the breaks in the outer, transverse fascia, and the third at the tornal end of that fascia. Hind wing powdery-grey; fringe dirty-white with darker basal line. Under-surface and legs silvery-grey. Tarsi black banded. Wingspread: 9.5-10.5 mm. Moth in late June and early July.

1960 ◽  
Vol 92 (3) ◽  
pp. 188-192
Eugene Munroe

Frons somewhat flattened and oblique; labial palpus upturned, second joint with a deep, compressed carina of scales anteroventrally, third joint short and blunt, concealed in scaling of second; body moderately robust; praecinctorium prominently bilobed; anal tuft of male prominent. Forewing rather narrow, outer margin sinuate, apex acute; R1, from hefore apex of cell; R3, from apex, closely approximated to R3 + 4; R3 and R4, stalked for about three-fifths of their length; R5, straight and well-separated from R3 + 4; M1 from behind anterior angle of cell; discocellular weakly angulate; M2, M3 and Cu1, arising fairly close together around posterior angle of cell; M3 and Cu1, weakly approximated basally; Cu2 from cell rather close to angle; anal loop large and complete. Hind wing with outer margin weakly sinuated; Sc and Rs, strongly anastomosed; Rs, hardly stalked with M1; cell short, discocellular weakly angled in middle; M2, M3 and Cu1 from posterior angle of cell, approximated basally; Cu2 from very close to angle of cell; three anal veins present.

1959 ◽  
Vol 91 (7) ◽  
pp. 406-411
Eugene Munroe

Female. Frons slightly produced, with a rudimentary median carina. Head, body and forewing above pale luteous, hind wing above and under side whitish. Abdomen above with narrow white basal band and with three or four obscure blackish-powdered mid-dorsal spots. Fore coxa, femur and tibia brown anteriorly. Forewing above with narrow, obscure, dark, irregularly dentate ante- and post-medial lines. Antemedial oblique outward to origin of Cu1, then sharply angled and oblique inward to inner margin. Postmedial nearly parallel to outer margin, weakly indented along submedian fold. An hourglass-shaped mark at the end of the cell. All these markings surrounded by faint fulvous clouding. Outer margin with minute black dots at ends of veins. Fringe concolorous. Hind wing with one or two dark dots in submedian fold and with black terminal dots at the veins. Under side of forewing with lunate discocellular mark and anterior half of postmedial line conspicuously dark.

1890 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 44-47 ◽  
G. H. French

Cossus Brucei, nov. spec.Expanse, male 2.50, female 3.00 inches.Ground color, very pale gray, almost white, no dusky shading over the wing. Fore wings crossed by a great number of fine black lines. In the male none of these form reticulations except a few along the basal half of the internal vein and near the outer margin. The female has a few more of the reticulations in the outer third of the wing. On the male one line more prominent than the rest crosses the wing through the middle from the costa to the posterior margin at the origin of the fourth median vein, forming a straight line.

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3268 (1) ◽  
pp. 40 ◽  

A new species of Haploglenius Burmeister, 1839 from Colombia (H. abdominevittatus Ardila & Jones sp. nov.) is described.This species is unique among members of Haploglenius—which are newly diagnosed here under a slightly revised definitionby the presence of three rows of anal cells in the hind wing—in having both a well-developed axillary angle and a highly exca-vated posterior margin at the base of the forewing, characters normally distinctive of other Neotropical genera of Haploglenii-nae. This species also exhibits unique color patterning on the abdomen. The male genitalia are illustrated, a first for species in the genus.

1933 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-26
Derrill M. Daniel

Female.—Length 7 mm. Head very little wider than thorax, cheeks, viewed from the side, broader than the temples; face much broader than long, shallowly sparsely punctate; eyes large, prominent; malar space about as long as basal width of mandible; clypeus convex, much less than twice as broad as long, the anterior margin truncate; distance from clypeal foveae to eyes about equal to length of clypeus; lateral ocelli not distinctly larger than median ocellus; longest segment of maxillary palpus distinctly shorter than second segment of antennal flagellum; apical segment of labial palpus much longer than preceding segment; antennae of the type broken, seven segments of flagellum present; first flagellar segment about as long as height of eyes.

1997 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 445-470
Marianne Horak

AbstractDue to confusion about the type species the Australian genus Ctenomeristis Meyrick has been misinterpreted. The genus is revised, comprising the type species Ctenomeristis almella (Meyrick), and Ctenorneristis subfuscella (Hampson), Ctenomeristis paucicornuti sp. n., Ctenomeristis albata sp. n. (present also in Papua New Guinea), Ctenomeristis shafferi sp. n. and Ctenomeristis sebasmia (Meyrick) comb. n. The genus Eremographa Meyrick syn. n. is synonymised with Ctenomeristis. A cladistic analysis and comprehensive illustrations draw attention to the remarkably homoplasious antenna and labial palpus in a clearly monophyletic group with uniquely derived male genitalia. Lectotypes are designated for Ceroprepes almella Meyrick and Odontarthria subfuscella Hampson.

1931 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-82 ◽  
D. S. Wilkinson

Rhaconotus mahensis, sp. n.♀♂. Black ; scape and all legs red testaceous ; ovipositor bright red ; flagellum red-brown, possibly rather darker at apex ; wings hyaline, the setae with a distinctly fulvous tinge, and the stigma hyaline (at least not darkened).♀♂. The integument is not coriaceous throughout, and is only sparsely clothed with setae (except on the flagellum and possibly the legs). Head smooth and highly shining, not coriaceous, impunctate, the vertex and occiput almost entirely devoid of setae ; antennae longer than head, thorax, and abdomen together ; flagellar joints in ♀ 29–33, in ♂ 26–28. Thorax : mesonotum dully shining, coriaceous ; the notauli well marked, joining slightly before reaching the posterior margin of the mesonotum ; propodeon with five longitudinal carinae, one in the middle and two on each side, these latter rather more closely placed to each other than to the median carina ; this median carina is discernible as such only in the basal half of the propodeon, thereafter becoming lost amongst the reticulate wrinkles with which the apical half of the propodeon abounds ; the lateral carinae, on the other hand, are discernible more or less throughout their length, particularly the inner pair which can generally be traced to the median apex of the propodeon where they join each other ; the integument of the basal half of the propodeon coriaceous on each side of the median carina as far as the first lateral carina, thereafter wrinkled as in the apical half.

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