Participatory Action Research With Children in Education: The Learning Process as Political Praxis

2017 ◽  
Mónica Peña
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
Nicolien Kromme ◽  
Kees Ahaus ◽  
Rijk Gans ◽  
Harry van de Wiel

Changing together is learning together. A participatory action research project on the role of the internist in promoting a healthy lifestyle This article describes the first three stages of an action research project. Following eight methodological principles of participatory action research, this article aims to give insight in the nature of the challenges and dilemmas involving internists, patients and patient representatives in the research process mention. Dilemmas included giving space versus limiting participation together with operating efficiently versus being flexible and honoring the input of all participants equally. It was a challenge to reflect not only on the content and procedures but also on everybody’s role in the learning process. In conclusion, action research offers a critical base for a participative and reflective method but it is also a challenge for busy healthcare practices that focus on content and concrete action and less on the learning process. Because reflection on the learning process is important for scientific standards, we suggest to give monitoring and reflection a central place in the action research cycle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-26
Fitratul Uyun

AbstractProgram UIN MENGABDI 2019 secara praktis dilaksanakan di 12 Kelurahan di wilayah KecamatanLowokwaru Kota Malang salah satunya adalah pada Kelurahan Sumbersari yang dijadikan lokasi pengabdian olehkelompok pengabdi. Kekhasan program ini adalah melaksanakan pengabdian dan pemberdayaan kepada masyarakatyang dimulai dari masyarakat di sekitar kampus. Penelitian pengabdian pada kluster pembinaan mental spiritualmasyarakat kelompok tahsin Kelurahan sumbersari Kecamatan lowokwaru Kota Malang melalui kajian kritik analitikterhadap kitab al-targhib wa al-tarhib dengan pendekatan komparatif kontekstual memberikan sebuah solusi darikesenjangan yang terjadi antara kondisi ideal dan real yang dihadapi masyarakat kelompok tahsin. Jenis Penelitianyang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Participatory Action Research. Berdasarkan hasil riset, prosespembelajaran pada masyarakat dan program-program yang telah didesain dan dijalankan sudah terlaksana dengan baikdan memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat.UIN Program SERVING 2019 is practically implemented in 12 villages in the area of Lowokwaru Subdistrict of Malang, one of which is in Kelurahan Sumbersari which is used as the location of the devotion by thegroup. The specificity of this program is to implement devotion and empowerment to the community that startedfrom the community around the campus. Research dedication to the cluster of mental spiritual coaching communityof Tahsin Village Coffee subdistrict Lowokwaru Malang through analytical criticism study of al-Targhib wa al-Tarhibwith contextual comparative approach Provide a solution of gaps that occur between the ideal and real conditionsfacing the community of Tahsin Group. The type of research used in this study is research Participatory ActionResearch. Based on the results of the research, the learning process in the community and the programs that havebeen designed and executedKata Kunci :PAR, Kelurahan Sumbersari Malang, Penagbdian

Ginda Ginda

AbstrakKajian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman, persepsi dan skill santri, melalui kegiatan pemberdayaan dengan pendidikan khatil qur’an. PAR (participatory Action Research)  digunakan sebagai basis metode kegiatan, yakni memanfaatkan tehnik-tehnik PAR yang mengacu pada langkah-langkah dari model PAR University of Cambridge. Hasil yang diperoleh, terdapat perubahan, pemahaman dan persepsi positif  santri terhadap khatil qur’an, dan kondisi seperti menjadi dasar bagi penguatan karakater dan pengembangan skill santri dalam khatil qur’an melalui proses pembelajaran. Kata Kunci : Pemberdayaan,Karakter, skill, khatil qur’an.  Abstrac This study aims to improve students' understanding, perceptions and skills, through empowerment activities by  Qur’anic khatil  education. Participatory Action Research (PAR) is used as the basis for the activity method, which utilizes PAR techniques that refer to the steps of the University of Cambridge PAR model.The results obtained, there are changes, understanding and positive perceptions of students of the Qur'anic Khatil, and conditions such as being the basis for strengthening character and the development of students' skills in the Quranic Khatil through the learning process.               Keywords  : Empowerment, Character, skill, qur’anic khatil

Anas Rohman

AbstrakPsikologi belajar memahami aspek psikis bagaimana peserta didik madrasah ibtidaiyahmelakukan aktifitas belajar secara nyaman, diminati dan termotivasi dalam prosespembelajaran aktif. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang mempunyaikontribusi besar dalam mempersiapkan generasi yang unggul dan berkarakter, anak usiatersebut merupakan masa keemasan dalam pembentukan kepribadiannya. Kajian inimenggunakan Metode Participatory Action Research (PAR) melibatkan Guru, peserta didikdan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Hasil Kajian 1. Pembelajaran aktif merupakan upaya penting untukditerapkan di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah.2. Ada kaitan bagaimana proses pembelajaran di kelastidak hanya menekankan aspek koknitif, afektif dan psikomotorik namun juga melibatkanaspek psikologi belajar sehingga proses pembelajaran menjadi menyenangkan,menggairahkan dan memberdayakan peserta didik.3 Pembelajaran aktif di MadrasahIbtidaiyah memberikan dampak psikologi belajar yang sangat baik.Kata Kunci :Psikologi Belajar, Pembelajaran AktifAbstractLearning psychology understand that every students in actualize their whole learningactivities there are relations with their motive, interest and seriousness will push someonesuccess in study. MI is an educational institution which has big contribution in preparingexellent generation and good character. Children in that age is in their golden period inshaping their personality. This study use Parcipatory Action Research (PAK) Method,involving teachers, students, and MI. The results of this study: 1) Active Learning isimportant effort to be applied in MI. 2) There are relation on how the learning process inclass not only emphasize on cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects but also involvinglearning psychology aspect so that learning process become fun, exciting and empoweringstudents. Active learning in MI give good psychological effect.Keywords: psychological aspects, active learning

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